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Methods of psychological correction

What is meant by psychocorrection?

Psychological correction (psycho-correction) - one of the types psychological help, activities aimed at correcting the features of psychological development that do not correspond to the optimal model, with the help of special means of psychological influence; and also - activities aimed at forming in a person the necessary psychological qualities to increase his socialization and adaptation to changing living conditions.

History of psychocorrection.

The first period is descriptive, associated with the description of medical sciences and pedagogical issues of correction of abnormal development. E. Seguin proposed an integrated approach to the upbringing of mentally retarded children and described original methods for correcting and diagnosing the perceptual and mental development of children (the Segen Board method).

The second period is the stage of emergence of the theory and practice of psycho-correction. Psychocorrection at this stage is closely related to the introduction of experimental psychological methods into the system psychological research; methods of corrective work appear. This stage is associated with the name of M. Montessori. She developed correctional materials aimed at developing the cognitive (sensory-motor) processes of the child.

The third period is associated with the name of L.S. Vygotsky, who created a unified concept of abnormal development, outlined the main directions of correction and laid down the methodological concepts of psychocorrection as an independent direction. Psychodiagnostic and corrective procedures were also developed for other categories of children (children with impaired speech, vision, hearing).

The fourth period is associated with the intensive formation of practical psychology. At this time, systems of psychological assistance are being created for specific groups of children with specific defects; position is introduced practical psychologist in special and educational institutions.

Psychocorrective influences can be of the following types

1. Persuasion

2. Suggestion

3. Imitation

4. Reinforcements

Distinguish between individual and group psychocorrection. In the group - work occurs immediately with a group of clients with similar problems, the effect is achieved through the interaction and mutual influence of people on each other.

Methods of psychocorrection

The activity paradigm connects psycho-correction with the formation of a system of actions and a clear structuring of activities. In this regard, two groups of methods are distinguished:

1. Methods of strengthening the regulatory functions of the psyche, the development of emotional self-control, improvement of mental self-regulation;

2. Methods of normative-value correction, the objects of which are normative complexes that determine the refusal to obey joint principles, goals, and tasks of activity.

Methods of psychocorrection are aimed at developing norms of personal behavior, interpersonal interaction, developing the ability to respond flexibly to the situation, quickly reorganize in various conditions, groups, that is, on methods of social adaptation.

1. The dynamic content of the period of age development can be varied, and hence the effectiveness of the same impact is not the same.

2. The effectiveness of psycho-correction is determined by the quality of the content, timeliness and adequacy.

3. Efficiency of work depends on the degree of compliance of psycho-correctional work with individual characteristics mental development person.

Symptomatic methods of psychocorrection:

Autogenic training;

· Method of conditioned reflexes;

· Operant learning;

· The system of pathogenetic psychotherapy (Myasishchev V.I. and others).

The main types of psychological correction

For corrective tasks:

· Family correction;

· Game correction;

Neuropsychological correction; (Neurocorrection is a complex of motor, finger, breathing exercises, cat. raise the general tone of the baby, develop speech, understanding of the body, expand the field of vision through oculomotor exercises, etc. Neurocorrection classes for a child are the development of higher mental functions - memory, attention, thinking, perception, necessary for successful learning.);

· Correction of personal growth.

By the nature of the direction:

· Symptomatic correction (correction of symptoms) - a type of psychocorrection, which, as a rule, involves a short-term effect in order to relieve acute symptoms of developmental deviations that prevent the transition to a causal type correction;

· Causal (causal) correction - a type of psycho-correction aimed at the sources and causes of mental deviations.

By the method of corrective actions:

Directive types; (Includes all forms of psychotherapy, which are characterized by the adoption by the psychotherapist of the role of the organizer and leader of the therapeutic process, the imposition of responsibility for achieving psychotherapeutic goals and didactics. Methods of behavioral psychotherapy, most of the techniques of hypnosis and positive psychotherapy. Directive forms of psychotherapy are the preferred method of working with regressive, disoriented patients (with psychotic pathology) and children.);

Non-directive types. (The non-directive approach involves the rejection of special corrective techniques and diagnostic tests. However, this method allows the psychologist to be free and creative in the process. Learning occurs through interaction in "free space").

By form of organization:

General psychocorrection (measures of a general pedagogical order that normalize the child's social environment; normalization and regulation of the child's psychophysical and emotional stress, work on psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, pedagogical ethics, medical and recreational activities, organization of special classes in swimming, enhanced nutrition of children);

· Private psycho-correction (a set of psychological and pedagogical influences, that is, a system of specially designed psycho-correctional measures used in the general system of educational processes. Game, music, drama therapy);

Special psycho-correction (a set of techniques, measures, methods, techniques, work with a specific child or group of children to solve psychological problems).

Scope of application of psychocorrection

1. Correction of the emotional development of the child;

2. Correction of sensory-perceptual and intellectual activity;

3. Psychocorrection of the behavior of children and adolescents;

4. Correction of personality development.

With regard to the problems of children at school:

1. Correction of deficiencies in cognitive activity;

2. Correction of shortcomings of the emotional-volitional sphere;

3. Correction of behavior.

All the identified types of psycho-correction as a whole give a systematic idea of ​​the organizational and content principles of the psycho-correction process.

psychological correction mental


1. Karayani A.G., Syromyatnikov I.V. Psychotherapy and psychocorrection as methods of psychological assistance// Applied military psychology.--St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.- Ch. 6.3.2.-- S.153-164.-- 480s.--ISBN 5-469-01122-4.

2. Psychological science and education 2005.-- №2. Special issue "Psychological rehabilitation and correction" (materials in the public domain)

3. Lich D. Applied behavior analysis. Methods of inclusion of students with ASD - M.: Operant, 2015.-- P.153-164.-- 176p.--ISBN 978-5-9906841-1-9.

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Psychological correction (Psychocorrection)- one of the types of psychological assistance (among others - psychological counseling, psychological training, psychotherapy); activities aimed at correcting the features of psychological development that do not correspond to the optimal model, with the help of special means of psychological influence; as well as - activities aimed at developing the necessary psychological qualities in a person to increase his socialization and adaptation to changing living conditions.

Psychocorrective influences can be of the following types: persuasion, suggestion, imitation, reinforcement. Distinguish between individual and group psychocorrection. AT individual the psychologist works with the client one on one in the absence of unauthorized persons. AT group- work takes place immediately with a group of clients with similar problems, the effect is achieved through the interaction and mutual influence of people on each other.

General provisions

Psychocorrection is defined as a directed psychological impact on certain structures of the psyche in order to ensure the full development and functioning of the personality. From the standpoint of this approach, differences in the means and methods of psycho-correction are dictated. For example, in the psychoanalytic approach, psycho corrective work is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of internal conflict interaction between the “I” and “It” through overcoming inadequate psychological defenses. In the humanistic approach, psycho-correction is understood as creating conditions for positive personal changes: personal growth, self-actualization, and so on. At the same time, the task of the psychologist is to focus on the unique capabilities and potential of the individual.

Methods of psychocorrection

The activity paradigm connects psycho-correction with the formation of a system of actions and a clear structuring of activities. In this regard, two groups of methods are distinguished:

  1. Methods of strengthening the regulating functions of the psyche, the development of emotional self-control, improvement of mental self-regulation;
  2. Methods of normative-value correction, the objects of which are normative complexes, causing the refusal to obey joint principles, goals, and tasks of activity.

Methods of psychocorrection are aimed at developing norms of personal behavior, interpersonal interaction, developing the ability to respond flexibly to the situation, quickly reorganize in various conditions, groups, that is, on methods of social adaptation.

The effectiveness of psycho-correctional work is associated with the following points:

  1. The dynamic content of the period of age development can be varied, which means that the effectiveness of the same impact is not the same.
  2. The effectiveness of psycho-correction is determined by the quality of the content, timeliness and adequacy.
  3. The effectiveness of the work depends on the degree of compliance of psycho-correctional work with the individual characteristics of a person's mental development.

History of psychocorrection

Psychocorrection arose within the framework of the specialization of psychology and defectology. The first period is descriptive, associated with the description of medical sciences and pedagogical issues of correction of abnormal development. E. Seguin proposed an integrated approach to the upbringing of mentally retarded children and described original methods for correcting and diagnosing the perceptual and mental development of children (the Segen Board method). Pyotr Troshin proposed original methods of diagnostics and psycho-correctional influences aimed at studying perceptual, mnemonic, and cognitive processes.

The second period is the stage of emergence of the theory and practice of psycho-correction. Psychocorrection at this stage is closely connected with the introduction of experimental psychological methods into the system of psychological research; methods of corrective work appear. This stage is associated with the name of M. Montesori. She developed correctional materials aimed at developing the cognitive (sensory-motor) processes of the child. The central element of her theory is the "concept of sensitive periods in the development of the child."

A. N. Graborov developed a system of remedial classes for the development of memory, voluntary movement. V. P. Kashchenko - methods of pedagogical correction aimed at correcting difficult behavior of children.

The third period is associated with the name of L. S. Vygotsky, who created a unified concept of abnormal development, outlined the main directions of correction and laid down the methodological concepts of psycho-correction as an independent direction. Psychodiagnostic and corrective procedures were also developed for other categories of children (children with impaired speech, vision, hearing).

The fourth period is associated with the intensive formation of practical psychology. At this time, systems of psychological assistance are being created for specific groups of children with specific defects; the position of a practical psychologist is introduced in special and educational institutions.

The main types of psychological correction

  • For corrective tasks:

Family correction;
- game correction;
- neuropsychological correction;
- correction of personal growth.

  • According to the direction:

- causal.

  • According to the method of corrective actions:

Directive views;
- non-directive types.

  • Organization form:

General psychocorrection (measures of a general pedagogical order, normalizing the social environment of the child; normalization and regulation of the psychophysical and emotional stress of the child, work on psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, pedagogical ethics, medical and recreational activities, organization of special classes in swimming, enhanced nutrition of children);
- private psycho-correction (a set of psychological and pedagogical influences, that is, a system of specially designed psycho-correctional measures used in the general system of educational processes. Game, music, drama therapy);
- special psycho-correction (a set of techniques, measures, methods, techniques, work with a specific child or a group of children to solve psychological problems).

Scope of application of psychocorrection

a) correction emotional development child;
b) correction of sensory-perceptual and intellectual activity;
c) psychological correction of the behavior of children and adolescents;
d) correction of personality development.

  • With regard to the problems of children at school:

a) correction of deficiencies in cognitive activity;
b) correction of shortcomings of the emotional-volitional sphere;
c) behavior modification.

All the identified types of psycho-correction as a whole give a systematic idea of ​​the organizational and content principles of the psycho-correction process.

Psychocorrective technologies

"Psycho-correctional technology is a body of knowledge about the ways, means of carrying out the psycho-correctional process." (Mamaychuk). Psycho-corrective technology is a complex system of corrective influence, which contains three interrelated and interdependent components:

  1. methodological component (ideas, target characteristics, tasks, initial theoretical positions are formulated - psychological, pedagogical, philosophical, legal, economic, and so on).
  2. content component (stages of work, tasks of each stage and the content of the stage).
  3. technological (methods, forms, means of use).
  • Properties of psycho-corrective technologies:
  1. psycho-corrective technologies and complex systems that solve strategic and tactical tasks. The strategic tasks are the development of psychocorrectional programs and psychocorrectional complexes. The tactical tasks include the development of methods, techniques, psycho-corrective techniques, forms of work, selection and staffing of groups, duration of the lesson and mode.
  2. it is impossible to create a universal psycho-corrective program, especially for children with developmental problems, this is due to the fact that when drawing up a program, one has to take into account various factors: the structure of the defect and its severity; psychological problem and its causes; the time of occurrence of the defect and psychological problem; the level of development of interfunctional relations; typological individual psychological characteristics of the child; the previous social situation of the child's development.
  3. psycho-correctional work with a specific child should be built as a holistic meaningful activity to change individual psychological formations, to change living conditions for raising a child.
  4. it is important that the psychological correction has a leading, anticipatory character. It should strive to actively shape what the child should achieve in the short term in accordance with the requirements of age and personality formation, that is, taking into account the orientation towards the development perspective.
  5. the specific tasks of the psycho-correctional program depend on the type of children's institution, class or group. It is important that this program be coordinated with the programs of other professionals working with the child (doctors, speech therapists, teachers, educators and social workers).

see also

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Psychological correction (psycho-correction) of a child is a specially developed system of psychological influences aimed at reducing emotional discomfort, increasing activity and independence. By attending special classes, the child gets rid of negative personal reactions resulting from emotional disturbances, becomes less aggressive, excitable and suspicious.

The purpose of the correction

The main task of psychological correction is to help the child change some patterns of thinking and behavior that make life difficult for him and those around him. Psychocorrection helps to instill positive thinking, create conditions for the full development of the personality, self-actualization. At the same time, individual abilities and personal potential are revealed.

Indications for appointment

These or other methods of psychocorrection are used if the following violations begin to be observed in the behavior of the child:

  • hyperactivity, impulsivity;
  • uncontrolled aggression;
  • anxiety, suspiciousness;
  • excessive shyness, timidity;
  • unjustified fears;
  • memory difficulties;
  • restlessness;
  • thinking disorders;
  • difficulties in the learning process.

Stages of psychological correction

Psychological correction usually involves the following steps:

  • collection of information;
  • creation of a program for psycho-correction;
  • installation stage;
  • the process of psychological correction;
  • final stage.

Collection of information occurs at the first meeting with a specialist who will draw up a program for subsequent classes. Usually it passes without a child. The main task of the preliminary meeting is to provide the psychologist with detailed information about the development of the child, the special features of his behavior. It may be useful to study his individual medical record.

Program creation takes into account the individual characteristics of the child. It includes determining the schedule of classes attended, as well as changes that must occur in the home environment and the behavior of parents in order to implement the psycho-corrective process.

Installation stage is the process of forming a positive mindset for conducting classes. At this stage, all actions will be aimed at reducing emotional stress, activation of self psychological work, increasing faith in achieving positive results, forming a trusting contact between a specialist and a child and his parents.

The process of psychological correction implies the exact implementation of all recommendations within the framework of the psycho-correction program. Fulfillment of instructions aimed at solving specific problems: overcoming the crisis within the family, changing parental positions and attitudes, eliminating maladjustment in the child's behavior, expanding the scope of social interaction, forming an adequate attitude towards oneself and others.

Final stage is an assessment of the results achieved. At the same time, parents' reports on the child's behavior at the initial and final stages of classes are usually viewed. There is also an analysis and analysis of the behavioral and emotional reactions of the child using the method of observation. Analysis of the work done may reveal the need for additional training.

Basic Methods

The specialist makes a program of psychological correction individually for each patient, choosing the most appropriate methods.

The most popular methods of psycho-correction of children are games. Game methods are directional and non-directional. Directed play therapy is built on the active participation of a psychologist in the child's game. Non-directional play therapy takes place in a free form. While playing, the child learns to express himself, to achieve emotional balance. The methods of directive game correction include role-playing games and psychodramas.

Role-playing games help the child develop sufficient self-esteem and positive relationships with others. At the beginning of the game, the psychologist sets the plot, selects the game material, and plans certain situations. This method is effective in dealing with interpersonal conflicts and behavioral disorders.

Dramatization games well suited for children with limited social experience. Such a game helps to consider the character interpersonal relationships and lived situations based on the plots of familiar fairy tales. At the same time, the child transfers his emotions and personal qualities to the game image, giving them to the characters.

Art therapy This is a specialized method of psychotherapy based on the visual arts, the task of which is to develop the child's self-expression and self-knowledge. Children's drawings reflect their level of mental development and individual personality traits. This is a kind of personality projection. Analyzing children's drawing approval must be given. Praise will cause pride in the child for the completed task. In the process of psycho-correction by the art therapy method, the child may be offered to make a mask, a plasticine figurine, a construction from improvised materials. 4.7 out of 5 (9 votes)

Psychocorrection is a directed psychological impact on certain mental structures in order to optimize the development and functioning of an individual in specific conditions of life.

The term "correction" literally means "correction". Thus, this is a system of measures aimed at correcting the shortcomings of the psyche or human behavior with the help of special means of psychological influence. Psychocorrection is subject to shortcomings that do not have an organic basis and do not represent such stable qualities that are formed quite early and practically do not change in the future.

Table 1.9

Psychotherapy (from the Greek psyche - soul and therapeia - treatment) is a system of therapeutic effects by psychological means (verbal and non-verbal) on the psyche, and through it on the entire body and behavior of the client. Psychotherapy is an activity aimed at ensuring the personal growth of military personnel, recreating harmonious relations with the environment, weakening the effect of psycho-traumatic factors, forming and developing the qualities necessary for their professional activity, as well as optimization of the socio-psychological climate in the military team.

The term "psychotherapy" was first introduced at the end of the 19th century. D. N. Tucom. In his 1878 book, Illustrations of the Influence of the Mind on the Body, one of the chapters is titled "Psychotherapy." The term “psychotherapy” became commonly used only in the 1990s. 19th century in connection with the development of hypnosis.

Psychotherapy differs from other treatments in at least three ways:

1) during its implementation, psychological means of personality change are used, associated with the use of the basics of psychology;

2) these means and methods are used professionally, i.e. by trained specialists and personnel acting consciously and purposefully, able to scientifically substantiate their actions, reproduce them in the course of psychotherapy with various patients and evaluate them;

3) with the help of psychotherapy, people suffering from mental disorders are treated.

In psychotherapy as a form of psychological assistance, a distinction is made between its medical direction, which covers the treatment of neuropsychiatric, psychosomatic diseases and human disorders by psychological means, and non-medical, focused on a healthy person and dealing with overcoming his psychological difficulties, assisting in his personal development. The ratio of medical and psychological models of psychotherapy, presented in the book " Psychological psychotherapy in the conditions of military activity ", shown in Table. 1.10.

Table 1.10

The issue of separating the two areas of psychological assistance - psychological correction and psychotherapy - is currently quite debatable. Both in psychocorrection and in psychotherapy, similar requirements are imposed on the personality of the client and the specialist providing assistance; to the level of his professional training, qualifications and professional skills; the same procedures and methods are used; the same requirements apply. help is provided as a result of a specific interaction between the client and the specialist.

According to Yu. E. Aleshina, the difference between the terms "psycho-correction" and "psychotherapy" arose not in connection with the peculiarities of the work, but with the ingrained opinion that people with a special medical education can engage in psychotherapy. According to R. S. Nemov, the difference between the concepts of "psychotherapy" and "psychocorrection" is as follows: psychotherapy is a system of medical and psychological means used by a doctor to treat various diseases, and psychocorrection is a set of psychological techniques used by a psychologist to correct deficiencies behavior of a mentally healthy person.

The following specific features of the psycho-corrective process are distinguished, which distinguish it from psychotherapy (medical model):

Psychocorrection is focused on a clinically healthy personality of people who have psychological difficulties, problems, complaints of a neurotic nature in everyday life, as well as people who feel good, but want to change their lives or set themselves the goal of personal development;

Correction focuses on the healthy aspects of the personality, regardless of the degree of violation;

In psychocorrection, they are more likely to focus on the present and future of clients;

Psychocorrection usually focuses on medium-term assistance (in contrast to short-term - up to 15 meetings - assistance in counseling and long-term - up to several years - assistance in psychotherapy);

In psychocorrection, the value contribution of the psychologist is emphasized, although the imposition of certain values ​​on the client is rejected;

Psychocorrectional influences are aimed at changing the behavior and development of the client's personality.

The main difference between psychocorrection and influences aimed at psychological development of a person, lies in the fact that psycho-correction deals with already formed personality traits or types of behavior and is aimed at altering them, while the main task of development is to form the necessary psychological qualities in a person in the absence or insufficient development.

The difference between psychotherapy and psychocorrection lies in the fact that psychotherapy deals with various kinds of disorders in people suffering from various types somatic or mental illnesses (disorders).

Mental illnesses are behavioral disorders that result in higher levels of morbidity and mortality. Many anomalies of the psyche and behavior of people that manifest themselves in diseases are similar to those that a psychologist dealing with psychocorrection deals with. However, people who seek the help of a psychotherapist are usually called patients or patients, and those who need only corrective help are called clients.

Thus, it is necessary to differentiate the correction of normal and abnormal development. The first is carried out by a psychologist, and the second - by a pathopsychologist, defectologist, psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist. The psychologist carries out a correction of normal development in cases of its temporary delay, socio-pedagogical neglect and other deviations caused by socio-psychological and pedagogical reasons. At the same time, the psychologist involved in the correction works according to the scheme: what is; what should be; what needs to be done to make it right.

To determine the need for psychological assistance, it is very important both the subjective feeling of psychological distress by the person himself, and generalized ideas about the norm of mental health, which make it possible with a certain degree of probability to determine the presence of deviations from it in a particular person.

Thus, the analysis of the differences between the two types of activity showed that the term "psychocorrection" in its content is close to the non-medical model of psychotherapy. In the future, the use of the concept of "psychotherapy" will mean exactly this - the Ie-medical model of psychotherapy (or psychocorrection).

Classification of psychotherapeutic approaches. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the understanding of the relationship between the terms "method of psychotherapy", "form of psychotherapy", "direction of psychotherapy".

The method of psychotherapy is understood as a specific way of implementing the general principle of treatment, arising from an understanding of the essence mental disorder within the framework of a certain concept of psychotherapy; a set of psychotechnical techniques.

The method of applying one or another method of psychotherapy is called a form of psychotherapeutic influence.

The form of psychotherapy is the organization and structure of interaction between the therapist and the patient in the process of implementing one or another method of psychotherapy.

For example, the method of rational psychotherapy can be applied in the form of an individual conversation with a patient, in the form of a conversation with a group, or in the form of a lecture. The method of suggestion can be used in the waking state or in hypnosis. Psychoanalysis is applied in the form of observing the flow of free associations, studying associations, analyzing dreams, in the form of an associative experiment, etc. The same form of psychological influence can serve various methodological guidelines. Thus, hypnosis can be used both for the purpose of suggestion and for the purpose of catharsis.

Complex various methods psychotherapy, united by a common principled approach to treatment, forms the direction of psychotherapy. Thus, in certain areas of psychotherapy, separate methods are distinguished, within each method - various techniques and tricks. A fairly broad name in terms of content is a type of psychotherapy (correction), commensurate with the concept of a model and being an eclectic association within its framework of various methods and forms of psychotherapy (psycho-correction) belonging to its various directions.

Currently, the following areas of psychotherapy are most widely used:

1) psychoanalytic (isychodynamic);

2) behavioral (behavioristic);

3) humanistic (existential-humanistic). In domestic psychotherapy in recent years, the following main areas have been distinguished:

Personally-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy;

suggestive psychotherapy;

behavioral psychotherapy;

Emotional stress psychotherapy.

Types of psychotherapy are systematized on the following grounds:

A) by the nature of the impact (direct - indirect);

B) according to the etiopathogenetic principle (causal - symptomatic);

C) according to the purpose of the impact (sedative, activating, amnestic);

D) according to the participation of the patient in it (mobilizing-volitional, passive);

E) according to the source of exposure (heterogeneous, autogenous);

G) by direction relative to pathogenic attitudes (synergistic experiences, antagonistic);

H) by tactics of influence (selective, combined or complex);

I) according to the number of persons with whom the doctor works (individual - group), directive - non-directive, etc.

Types of psychocorrection, based on certain criteria, are classified as follows.

1. According to the nature of the direction, symptomatic and causal correction is distinguished.

Symptomatic correction (correction of symptoms) is a type of psychocorrection, which, as a rule, involves a short-term effect in order to relieve acute symptoms of developmental deviations that prevent the transition to a causal type of correction.

Causal (causal) correction is a type of psycho-correction aimed at the sources and causes of mental deviations. This type of correction is longer in time, requires considerable effort, but is more effective than symptomatic correction, since the same symptoms of deviations can have a completely different nature, causes and psychological structure of disorders.

Correction of the cognitive sphere;

Personality correction;

Correction of the affective-volitional sphere;

Correction of behavioral aspects;

Correction of interpersonal relationships:

Correction of intra-group relationships (family, marital, collective) and parent-child relationships.

3. According to the form of work with the client, correction is distinguished: a) individual;

B) group: in a closed natural group (family, class, employees, etc.); in an open group for clients with similar problems; mixed form (individual-group).

4. According to the availability of programs: programmed and improvised.

5. By the nature of corrective action management: directive and non-directive.

6. By duration: ultra-short (lasts hours, minutes); short (fast, lasts several hours and days); long-term (lasts months); long-term (lasting for years).

7. According to the scale of the tasks to be solved, psycho-correction is distinguished: general, private, special.

The type of psychotherapy (psycho-correction) can be determined by the methods of work of a psychologist used to solve a particular problem.

Methods of psychotherapy (psychocorrection) can be the following:

A) according to biological homeostasis: for a normal or stressful state;

B) by the nature and direction of the impact: developing, sedative, activating, deactualizing, mobilizing;

C) according to the predominant effect on certain mental processes: mental training (thinking), imago training (imagination), emotional-volitional training (emotions, will);

D) according to the source of influence: autogenous (on oneself), heterogeneous (from others);

E) according to the means of influence used: verbal, bibliotherapy, music therapy, isotherapy, dance therapy.

There is a classification of principles for choosing a method of psychotherapy depending on the disease (Strotzka, 1986):

In acute hysterical symptoms, suggestion is used;

With vegetative disorders - autogenic training;

With life's difficulties - "conversational" therapy;

For phobias - behavioral therapy;

With characterological disorders - gestalt therapy, psychodrama;

For disorders associated with family problems - family psychotherapy;

With complex disorders with the presence of a previous predisposition - deep psychological methods.

Psychological situation. Despite the difference in theories, goals, procedures and forms of correctional work, the psychological impact comes down to the fact that one person (psychologist) tries to help another (client).

Corrective situation includes five main elements.

1. A person who suffers and seeks relief from his problem. A person who has a number of problems of various kinds and needs psychological help, psycho-correction, is a client.

2. A person who helps and who, through training or experience, is perceived as being able to help, is a psychologist.

3. Theory that is used to explain the client's problems.

4. A set of procedures (techniques, methods) used to solve client problems. These procedures are directly related to the theory.

5. A special social relationship between the client and the psychologist that helps alleviate the client's problems.

The psychologist should strive to create an atmosphere that allows the client to be optimistic about solving their problems. This special attitude is a factor characteristic of all forms of influence.

The overall goal of psychotherapy and psychocorrection is to help clients change their thinking and behavior so that they become happier and more productive. More specific goals are:

Formation of flexibility, the ability to find new, effective strategies of behavior;

Accumulation and rational use of energy resources;

Exploration, conservation and development resource states, providing activity, enthusiasm, optimism;

Preservation and development of mental health.

Thus, we can talk about the unity of the following goals of psychotherapy: treatment, prevention of disorders and development of the client's personality. Moreover, the achievement of these goals is associated with the ability and desire of the client to change himself (and not the world around him and other people).

In solving these problems, the psychologist resorts to three main methods.

First, providing psychological support. This means: first of all, sympathetically listen to the patient and give him balanced advice in a crisis situation. Support is also about helping the patient recognize and use their strengths and skills.

Secondly, the elimination of maladaptive behavior and the formation of new, adaptive ways to solve the problem.

Thirdly, promoting self-disclosure and insight (awareness), that is, a better understanding of one's motives, feelings, conflicts and values.

Goals and objectives of psycho-correctional work. Psychocorrective measures are aimed at correcting deviations in development. In this regard, the following topical questions arise. What is meant by developmental disabilities? What are the indications for psychological correction?

In the practice of correctional work, various models of explaining the causes of deviations and difficulties in human development are distinguished.

Biological model - explains the etiology of deviations in development by a decrease in the rate of organic maturation.

Medical model - brings problems, difficulties and deviations in development into the area of ​​abnormal development.

Interactionist model - emphasizes the importance of violations of the process of interaction between the individual and the environment.

Pedagogical model - sees the causes of deviations in the phenomena of social and pedagogical neglect.

Activity model - puts at the forefront the lack of formation of the leading type of activity and other types of activity typical for this age stage.

The definition of goals directly depends on the state of the correction object.

The objects of psychocorrection are separate spheres of the personality that are subject to change.

Yam, and the subject of correction is the psychic reality to which psychocorrection is directed.

Reactive impact (for example, the object is a violation of relationships with colleagues

At work, and the Subject - aggressiveness as a personal property of a person; object - school

Naya maladjustment, the subject is low motivation for learning).

You can determine the manifestation of personal or mental disorders by the following signs:

Violation of any sphere of the personality, psyche always has a negative effect on other spheres, as a result of which they degrade or slow down their development;

Violation is always manifested in behavior, that is, it can be identified by observation;

Mental disorders always lead to social maladaptation;

Mental disorders turn out to be a barrier to educational influences;

Mental and personality disorders often lead to psychosomatic illnesses.

All disorders of mental and personal development that are the object of psychocorrection can be classified on two grounds: the nature of the causes and the nature of the manifestation of violations.

The nature of the causes of violations. The reasons may be external or internal. Accordingly, violations - primary or secondary. External causes are negative influences and negative relationships with other people. The action of internal causes can be represented as the influence of a disturbed part of the psyche on a healthy one.

The nature of the violation. Violation can manifest itself as a deformation of already developed structures of the psyche (traumatic fear, etc.) or as their underdevelopment (weak will, low emotional-volitional stability, etc.).

When determining the goals of correction, the following rules should be followed.

1. Correction goals should be formulated in a positive, not negative form. The definition of correction goals should not begin with the word "not", should not be of a prohibitive nature, limiting the possibilities of personal development and the manifestation of the client's initiative.

The negative form of determining the goals of correction is a description of the behavior of an activity, personal characteristics that must be eliminated, a description of what should not be. A positive form of presentation of correctional goals includes a description of those forms of behavior, activities, personality structures and cognitive abilities that should be formed in the client. The positive form meaningfully sets the guidelines for the growth of the individual, opens the field for the productive self-expression of the individual and thereby creates the conditions for the individual to set the goals of self-development in the future.

2. The goals of psycho-correction should be realistic and correlated with the duration of correctional work and the possibilities for the client to transfer new positive experience and learned remedial classes methods of action in the real practice of life relationships.

3. When setting the general goals of psycho-correction, it is necessary to take into account the long-term and immediate prospects for the development of the personality and plan both specific indicators of the client’s personal and intellectual development by the end of the correctional program, and the possibility of reflecting these indicators in the characteristics of the client’s activity and communication at subsequent stages of his development.

4. Along with taking into account individual characteristics, it is necessary to focus on the content of generalized psychological-age requirements for the psychological status of a person of a certain age.

The psycho-correction program includes the psychological part itself (conducted by a psychologist) and organizational and pedagogical (carried out by leaders, members of the military team, relatives). This program is implemented using individual and group forms of work. The group form of work is aimed, first of all, at developing a person's reflexive skills for assessing himself and others, developing the ability to effectively interact.

When analyzing the effectiveness of psycho-correctional measures carried out by a psychologist of a military unit, we are talking about the following groups of variables that characterize the corrective impact:

Changes subjectively experienced by the client in the inner world;

Objectively recorded (by an expert, observer) parameters characterizing changes in various modalities inner world and human behavior;

Sustainability of changes in subsequent (after impact) human life.

The intensity of corrective measures is of great importance for achieving the planned psychotherapeutic effect. Psycho-correctional classes should be held at least 1 time per week for 1-1.5 hours. The success of the work is also affected by the prolongation of the corrective action. Even after the completion of the corrective work, contacts with the client are desirable in order to find out the peculiarities of his behavior, to preserve the old or the emergence of new problems in communication, behavior and development. It is desirable to control and monitor each case for at least 1-2 months after the completion of corrective measures. The effectiveness of correctional programs also significantly depends on the time of implementation of the impact. The earlier deviations and developmental disorders are detected, the earlier corrective work is started, the greater the likelihood of successful resolution of developmental difficulties.

The procedure for the psychotherapeutic work of a psychologist in a military unit is determined by the commander of the military unit, that is, the days, hours and place of admission are set. As a rule, the place for individual work is an office for psychological counseling or a psychologist's office. Activities related to group forms of work are held in a specially equipped room - a room for psychological relief, socio-psychological and psychophysical trainings.

The room should be decorated in such a way that its interior is radically different from office space. This requirement provides the necessary diversion of the attention of its visitors from everyday life. This can be facilitated, for example, by the non-rectangular, rounded shape of the room, the presence of a false ceiling and its slopes relative to the floor, the presence of natural decorative elements (boulders, plants, an aquarium, etc.) and soft, adjustable in brightness and color lighting. Reasonable originality of design, smooth lines, soft halftones, silence - all these are conditions that lead people away from current worries, subsequently forming a conditioned reflex signal to an involuntary setting for relaxation.

The created room should not be oversaturated with small details and objects. It is necessary to avoid the possibility of the emergence of a subjective feeling of the isolation of the surrounding space, tightness, which prevents a person from tuning in to relaxation. On the contrary, it is necessary to strive to provide the illusion of a large open space and the relative privacy of each person in it. This is explained by the fact that in closed spaces people have an increased level of excitation, which is unfavorable for psychological relaxation. The illusion of a large space can be provided by the presence of high ceilings and several windows in the room, as well as the thoughtful use of large-format photo wallpapers with a natural landscape and mirrors. The effect of privacy is achieved by arbitrary placement of chairs. When arranging chairs, visitors to the room should not be facing each other or at such an angle that the face is open to an outside observer.

The next recommendation concerns the equipment of the room so that it can be used multifunctionally. We describe some requirements for the premises and equipment. The room, first of all, should be isolated from noise, vibration and other distracting and unfavorable factors. The optimum air temperature is considered to be from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Soft chairs with armrests are installed in which you can take a semi-lying position. In addition, a multi-colored backlight is installed around the perimeter of the room, and a screen (preferably a concave shape to create the illusion of volume) is equipped in a convenient place for projecting slides or films. Of the technical means, the room is equipped with an aeronizer, it is advisable to install an air conditioner. A pacemaker, relaxation glasses, video systems with relaxation video cassettes can also be used. The color interior should be dominated by colors that calm the nervous system. The floor should be soft, in harmony in color with the color of the walls (a soft floor muffles sounds, the feeling of a soft coating with a foot calms a person).

When creating a color and light composition of a room, for the color and light effect on people during their entire stay, it is recommended to take into account the psychophyapological effect of colors. Red, orange, yellow are used to a limited extent - that is, shades that promote excitation, increase the activity of the central nervous system. For creating positive emotions the psychotherapeutic effect of demonstrating video images of nature is used. The time spent in the room is conditionally divided into three periods:

1. Distracting - 1/7 of the time.

2. Calming - 5/7 of the time.

3. Tonic - 1/7 of the time.

In accordance with the tasks of these periods, the content, volume and tempo of the music changes three times; light-color effect; illumination level; pose; breathing rhythm; verbal expressions.

The concept of "psychocorrection" is used to refer to a set of measures designed to correct shortcomings in behavior or psychology. Methods of psychocorrection are more often applied to mentally healthy people who are faced with psychological or behavioral problems.

Psychotherapy originated as a branch of medicine (today - clinical psychotherapy), today it deals with helping people who have psychological difficulties. Psychotherapy begins where there is a problem, the patient and the doctor, who purposefully treats conduct disorders using psychotherapeutic methods.

When is the correction applied?

Psychocorrection and psychotherapy are quite difficult to distinguish. Today there are 2 main opinions:

The question of the distinction between concepts remains open. They are very similar, both mean directed psychological impact. Modern psychology has increasingly begun to use complex measures: it is very difficult to determine the general ratio of psychotherapy and psychocorrection outside of a specific case.

In practice, the term "psychocorrection" is more often used in Russia, abroad - "psychological intervention".

Existing Methods

The choice of the method of psycho-correctional work, of which there are many, will depend on the patient. What is his age, level of education, intelligence, the presence of mental illness, social status, belonging to a particular religion, family relationships? Given all this, the specialist determines the most appropriate methods. For example, for children and adolescents, it is most often used:

  • play therapy;
  • art therapy;
  • behavioral;
  • social;
  • replacement ontogeny.

With adults, classical psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral methods, humanistic direction psychotherapy.

Art therapy

A form of psycho-correction based on art - primarily fine art, other creative activity. Personal harmony is achieved through self-expression through singing, dancing, storytelling, drama. So the person knows himself more deeply, the ability to perceive increases. Creativity allows you to release negative emotions without social consequences. The drawings made during the sessions provide the psychologist with material for diagnostics in psychotherapy and psychocorrection.

Different approaches to art therapy pursue different goals. Projective makes it possible to express feelings, attitudes that allows you to better understand the reason of his condition. An integral and creative approach enables a person to be creative. Hidden abilities awaken, personality develops. An active approach distracts a person from the pathological condition, removes the focus from the disease. The healthy part of the personality develops, the outlook grows, new interests appear.

A. Adler's concept

Classical psychotherapy based on the views of Z. Freud is not always the only option. A. Adler founded own theory of psychocorrection. He considered a person to be an integral being, which seeks to develop, independently determining its priorities. This largely predetermined the humanistic direction of the correction.

Adler considered external influence on personality less significant than subjective perception. He believed that main focus in psychology should be given not to interpersonal, but to the internal problems of the client. Although the social role of a person is important. According to Adler, a person is not self-sufficient, he must interact with other people, help them, be a member of society.

Behavioral correction

One of the leading directions, the essence of which is to form new behavioral skills, instead of the old, undesirable ones, which can cause deviations in behavior.

The simulation method consists in the fact that the client (child or adult) first observes, then repeats the desired behaviors. Both real people and imaginary images can be used.

Role training combines soft confrontation, desensitization (to reduce anxiety), positive feedback from a psychologist. This technique has been successfully used and in groups. The situation that causes concern is played out in safe environment, the patient can act in different roles. Most often he plays himself, but can also be an observer. A look from the outside allows you to better understand the problem, to see possible scenarios.

Systematic desensitization is also widely used. The technique helps to effectively cope with fears, phobias:

  • fear of flying;
  • fear of dogs;
  • children's night terrors;
  • travel in transport;
  • fear of public speaking.

If there are many phobias, work on the one that causes the most anxiety.

Methods of psychocorrection in childhood

Psychotherapy considers early diagnosis of deviations to be an important condition for successful correction. Organization of educational work with parents, comprehensive support for children with developmental problems should be available from the first months of life. After all, any violation (physical or mental) negatively affects the ability to think, speak, build communication.

A game for a child is a natural state that he uses to express his feelings, to respond to the world around him. In psychocorrection game methods apply for almost a century now. This direction arose when psychologists realized that children cannot explain in words what worries them. Children are not interested in their own past, they are unable to operate with abstract concepts. Therefore, psychotherapy had to adapt to children's perceptions. game form helps children better understand themselves and others, provides an opportunity to re-evaluate those events that were traumatic.

Response Therapy

The method was developed by D. Levy, the work is built from several stages. First, the child gets acquainted with the psychologist, gets used to the new environment, plays. Then with the help of toys the doctor simulates a situation that resembles a traumatic event. Only in this case the child takes not a passive, but an active role. The child continues to play under the supervision and guidance of an adult. Plan role play prepared in advance, taking into account the individual characteristics of the participants.

Widely known replacement ontogeny method(MLO), founded thanks to the work of L. Tsvetkova and A. Luria. It is a system consisting of 3 levels, each has a specific purpose and affects different parts of the brain. Indications for neurocorrection in children:

  • Stressful state.
  • Lability, impulsive behavior.
  • Conflict, deprivation, feeling of loneliness.
  • Anxiety, phobias, fears.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Difficulties in emotional development.

A large arsenal of methods should be applied in accordance with the age, individual characteristics of each child. To select the necessary exercises, the specialist must first diagnose. The strategy of psycho-correction is based on its results.

Group form of work

In psychology, the teacher's interaction with groups is considered more effective than with the whole class. Closer emotional contact sharply increases interest in classes.

The optimal number of children in a group is 2-5 people. If there are more participants, the efficiency of the work drops. Elected headman, who the teacher gives assignments, instructs management. Each participant, having completed the task, tells the headman the answer. The transition to the next problem occurs only if everyone answers correctly. If not, error parsing begins. The position of headman eventually passes from one member of the group to another. Everyone should be in the role of a leader in order to avoid the desire to shirk work.

This approach forms the ability to listen, evaluate the point of view of others. Psychology has proven that it is in this active form that knowledge is best absorbed by children. Group classes are recommended to be held twice a week for 40 minutes.

Individual sessions

This form of psycho-correction is indicated when the child has obvious problems with communication and learning. It allows you to keep up with the educational process. Special pace of work gives developmental opportunities to those children who have disabilities. It is better to set and solve tasks in the form of a dialogue in order to give an opportunity to speak out all the solutions. It is recommended to use examples more often, which makes it easier for the child to assimilate information and find the right answer.

Psychology is also known for some negative sides individual work. Taunts from classmates(you go to class alone - it means the most stupid) can cause negative emotions. Then the child may try to avoid classes. The group form of work for many is more effective, as children tend to keep up with their peers.

Directional impact methods of psychocorrection helps individuality develop correctly, thanks to which the psyche returns to normal, a person comes to a state of spiritual comfort.