In ancient times, dishes were not considered something commonplace. High-quality containers for water, milk or cooking were not very common, as were utensils associated with eating. In addition, plates and saucers were sacred symbolic utensils. These are objects that meant a warm hearth and a strong family. What can a sign tell us about - broken plates or dishes: the utensils from which we eat our food. What to prepare for when a household item breaks?

Is it fortunate?

In most cases, after dropping a saucer and accidentally turning it into a pile of shards, you can hear a soothing: “Fortunately!” Is this really so and if not, what should a person whose plate has broken fear, according to the sign? To more accurately explain such an unpleasant situation, let us remember what breaking dishes means in a particular situation.

Israeli wedding ceremony

Do you remember the sign: if a plate or other utensils broke at a wedding (newlyweds) - to their happy future? It was (and is still relevant to this day) popular not only among our people. For example, the Israeli bride and groom must break a plate during the celebration. This is how the newlyweds remind their guests and remember themselves about the destruction of Jerusalem. The custom is aimed at reviving hope for better times in the hearts of believers. This is a kind of sign that says: everything will be fine for the young.

European omen

The plate broke into small pieces - this sign also comes from ancient times. English and German newlyweds, counting the fragments, wonder how much happiness heaven has allocated for them. The more shards there are, the stronger and richer the family will be.

The roots of this superstition are found in the distant Middle Ages. European newlyweds in some countries treated beggars in a very specific way. They threw a huge dish of pastries out of the window. All the poor people immediately took food to their huts. It was believed that by blessing the young and giving thanks, the beggars invited good luck into their lives. Over time, the ritual changed slightly and instead of throwing dishes with food out of the window, the newlyweds simply split the empty dish on the floor so that, according to legend, the plate breaks into many pieces.

To the good

A dish made of ceramics or porcelain, breaking on the floor, promises good times for all the inhabitants of the home.

An unmarried young lady, accidentally letting go of the plate and breaking it, can expect a marriage proposal. If a girl does not yet have a beloved young man, a sign: a plate fell and broke - hints at the imminent appearance of this man in the lady’s life.

The birthday girl (or birthday boy) accidentally breaks the dish - she (he) will be very happy in exactly one year.

A young man dropped a saucer and broke it - a circumstance that promises financial profit for him.

Bad Moment Warning

The explanation when the plate broke on its own does not only lead to good things; there is also a more unfavorable interpretation. Sometimes the dish seems to turn into shards on its own even with a light touch on the table surface. Such a sign is considered unfavorable. A lot of negative energy has accumulated around the creator of the shards (instead of a beautiful plate). The wisest Universe hints to a person to carefully look at his own surroundings and certainly remove envious and deceitful subjects from it. It is these people who attract trouble to him and are very happy when a person receives a slap on the wrist from the Universe.

Guests and plates

At a party, unpleasant incidents involving breaking dishes also happen. It is especially inconvenient for the guest when the action turned out to be unplanned. But there are signs here too:

  • A plate was broken into two by a guest at a wedding feast; someone present will soon receive the other half. It is possible that people will meet at this wedding and decide to unite their destinies by marriage.
  • If you came to visit (no longer for a wedding) and you managed to spoil the owner’s property in the form of a dish, cup or plate, this is a bad sign, superstitious people have always believed. By breaking the dishes, the guest takes upon himself some part of all the negativity directed at the hosts’ home or at themselves.
  • However, everything is not so simple. And this same sign is easily interpreted by the hosts of the feast as follows: the guest will bring trouble to this house in the future. The fact that at the moment you have an excellent, warm relationship with him does not at all justify the unfortunate visitor to the feast.

Week of Broken Plates

  1. On Monday, the lucky ones break the dish. Even if you are not considered a very lucky person, but managed to break a vessel on the first day of the week, luck will accompany you for all seven days.
  2. Tuesday speaks in two ways: a sign of good news or benefits in trading matters.
  3. Your boss or colleagues will be dissatisfied with you - the dishes hint. The sign: a plate fell and did not break on Wednesday is not terrible, but it cannot be called pleasant either.
  4. Damage to household utensils on Thursday will result in minor unpleasant matters. But in general, nothing serious will happen.
  5. Friday breaking of dishes - your home is hospitable and cozy.
  6. A plate breaks on Saturday - a sign that promises an invasion of visitors to your home and noisy feasts.
  7. On Sunday, clumsiness foreshadows peace and harmony.

Other interpretations

Frequently breaking dishes, including cups, can indicate a bored brownie. This is exactly how the grandmother’s sign was interpreted in distant and ancient villages. The owner of the house - the brownie wants to have fun or pay attention to something in your home. Perhaps families should treat their home with more respect and not leave dirty dishes lying in piles on the surfaces of the sink, table or bedside table. Moreover, a saucer breaking in the bedroom is a sign of upcoming problems in the marriage and various ailments.

Glass plates, breaking, are also harbingers of sorrows not only for the one who did it, but also for all household members. To ensure that bad omens do not have a chance in your apartment, do not eat food in bed unless there are compelling reasons for doing so. Have frequent family dinners to socialize and create a positive atmosphere in your home. Do not leave dishes unwashed (especially overnight). Most likely, if you do the above, you will soon notice that beautiful weather has reigned in the house and such actions as unplanned breaking of dishes will leave your apartment.

Neutralization of bad energy

It is known that every broken thing transmits negativity into the Universe and it, having increased several times, returns to the object from which it was once sent. To prevent returns from being too destructive for you in terms of family, health, finances and everything else, remove broken dishes from your everyday life. All plates and cups, even with unnoticeable chips, will not do any good during their use. It is believed that negativity splashes out of these cracks.

And if the dishes left behind only fragments, then you urgently need to collect them with a broom and dustpan, pack them in a whole bag (or sack) and send them away from your place of residence.

By the way, sighing and lamenting about broken plates is strictly prohibited. Even if it was your favorite plate from a very expensive set, the survivor is all alone. Don't be upset. The time has come for this sweet little thing to leave you. It is believed that the saucer absorbed as much negativity as it could. Everything else is beyond her capabilities. But the plate saved you as best it could.

Dishes crack, split, shatter into pieces, and for each case there is its own belief. Broken plates, cups, vases, glasses, wine glasses can
talk about what was, is and will be. Popular wisdom takes everything into account -
what object was broken, when, by whom and how. For better or for worse, it's up to us to decide.
ourselves. At the same time, Jews know exactly why dishes break in the house. The sign states that it is always fortunate! According to the ancient people, a person has a reserve of luck. If it is not wasted on such trifles as a broken glass, then it will be useful for really important things.

If the dishes break accidentally

Sometimes dishes are broken on purpose, but much more often it is because of an accident that cups and plates turn into a mountain of unnecessary fragments.


If the plate breaks into:

Cups, glasses, wine glasses

A variety of signs are associated with them. Broken glassware from which people drink becomes a symbol of happiness if it shatters into pieces under the owner’s hand. If your cup is broken by a stranger, then there may be immediate troubles or someone will be jealous of you. A broken handle or bottom, unfortunately, indicates impending problems.

Here are a few more signs with broken cups or glasses:


Almost always beats to happiness. A vase that accidentally slips out of your hands promises a lot of luck! You will always be lucky in everything for 5 years. It is believed that the lighter the broken glass, the more luck it will bring. But if the vase has already been put in its place and suddenly falls, then the couple may have a child, and the lonely may find their love.

And only fragments from a very cheap vase indicate trouble - something very dear to the heart will soon be lost.

Specially broken dishes

It is believed that bad omens are associated with this. Dishes broken in a state of anger will only bring trouble and money problems. However, there is also a good belief! To attract good luck and financial well-being, you need to chop the most beautiful and expensive plate in the house into small pieces.

Oh, this wedding!!!

When such fun happens, you definitely won’t be able to do without a pile of fragments. It might be worth taking a closer look at who is throwing what at a wedding:

  • The dishes are broken by a guest - the more fragments, the more happiness the newlyweds will have
  • The bride accidentally dropped a plate - the marriage may not last long due to the infidelity of the spouse
  • The groom dropped the glass - there is a danger that he will become addicted to alcohol
  • The wine glass splits in the hands of the mother-in-law or mother-in-law - the young couple will have very difficult relationships with their relatives

But that is not all! After all, there are many beliefs when newlyweds at a wedding need to break dishes on purpose:

The dishes break on their own

This is a rare case, but there is also a sign for it, why dishes break in the house without human intervention. This indicates accumulated negativity in the family, that is, a bad emotional situation. If the plate or cup is just cracked, then a close relative may fall ill or financial difficulties are just around the corner.

What to do with broken dishes?

It is unlikely that anyone will store the fragments, but dishes covered with a web of cracks, and even a favorite cup with a small chip, should be thrown away immediately. Signs say that cracks attract bad luck and accumulate negative energy.

Common sense states that using damaged dishes is dangerous to health - a cracked plate with hot soup will definitely break at the most inopportune moment.

Just don’t throw unnecessary utensils or broken pieces into the trash bin! Wrap everything in a rag and take it straight to the trash can.

What to do with bad omens?

For every poison there is an antidote. It’s the same with signs. If you believe in them, then be sure to remember that the effect of even the worst of them can be neutralized. When a sign does not bode well, immediately say loudly two magic words: “For good luck!” After this, nothing bad will happen to you.

Signs and superstitions associated with many things do not lose their relevance in the modern world. Use the wisdom of your ancestors so that misfortunes do not take you by surprise.

There are a great many signs about dishes. Some of them promise good luck and prosperity, while others warn of imminent changes in life, and not always positive ones. If your home is constantly experiencing situations where plates and mugs break or crack, you may need to reconsider your plans for life, change your mind about the decision you are making, or simply become more careful.

Eating from the same plate: what do the signs promise?

  • According to legend, eating from the same plate is imprudent. People thereby doom themselves to a quick quarrel.
  • Another interpretation says that eating from one plate can reveal your secret thoughts and intentions to a person.
  • Shared utensils for eating should not be used because of the possibility of energetic influence on each other.

Signs about washing dishes

  • Avoid washing dishes when visiting. Our ancestors believed that guests washing dishes washed happiness and prosperity out of the family, so they refused such help.
  • Washing someone else's dishes can provoke an influx of negative energy to the one who volunteered to help. An exception can be made for distant relatives if you want to see them visiting more often. In this case, you can trust them to wash the dishes.
  • You can also wash dishes in your parents’ house, thereby strengthening the bonds of kinship.
  • According to the sign, a young girl who washes someone else’s dishes at a party will soon get married, and if the guest washes his hands over the dirty dishes, then the owners should prepare for unpleasant news and scandals in the family.
  • If the guest does not offer to help you wash the dishes, then your home will be reliably protected from negative energy.
  • According to legend, housewives who wash dishes before dawn attract wealth and well-being to the house.
  • Washing dishes at night will relieve negative energy and bad thoughts.
  • According to legend, the dishes are not washed at night, so as not to attract quarrels and money problems into life.
  • Dishes washed early in the morning promise health for all family members.

Signs about broken dishes

  • If you broke a plate on your birthday, then a happy year awaits you, full of luck and good news.
  • A plate broken on a church holiday promises well-being for the whole family.
  • An unmarried girl who accidentally breaks a plate can expect an early invitation to a romantic date.
  • A young man who breaks a plate can expect rapid career growth.
  • Cracked dishes for no apparent reason will relieve you of the negativity that has accumulated in the house.
  • A married woman may consider a broken plate a warning about possible conflicts with her husband.
  • A married man who accidentally breaks a plate should be prepared to face trouble at work.
  • For older people, such a nuisance promises a lot of money.
  • A plate broken at a party does not foretell good luck in life, because along with it you take part of the negative energy of the owners of someone else’s house.
  • A broken plate on Monday promises happiness and luck in the next seven days. If you broke a plate on Tuesday, you can expect interesting news and profits in your own business. Broken dishes on Wednesday promise troubles and conflicts in the business environment. On Thursday, the clash of dishes provokes a series of minor troubles. On Friday, your careless handling of dishes and their “destruction” will indicate that you are running your household correctly. If trouble happens on Saturday, then expect a crowd of guests in the coming days. On Sunday, a broken plate promises peace and happiness in the family.
  • A cup accidentally broken on the floor portends good news for the family, and if you break it on a table or other furniture, then get ready to defend yourself from the attacks of envious people.
  • A broken saucer, according to omen, promises quick pleasant meetings with people whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • Transparent glassware promises pleasant chores and a quick celebration in a large company of guests.
  • A broken teapot indicates an imminent meeting with distant relatives who will unexpectedly come to visit you.
  • If a child’s dishes break, especially a cup, the mother should read a prayer over him against the evil eye and damage.
  • Broken dishes in the bedroom promise health problems.

Signs about dirty dishes

  • Dark spots on the plates appear if the owners are about to receive unpleasant news.
  • Strange marks you notice on your dishes could be a warning that you are being dishonest.
  • If a girl licks a plate, then she will get an elderly bald man as her husband.
  • For young men, such a sign promises an unattractive girl with a bad character as their chosen one.
  • If a child licks the plate, then expect good news.
  • A dirty cup in your home promises scandals with your lover, as well as unpleasant gossip about you.
  • According to the sign, a dirty plate promises the coming of an ill-wisher who will bring negativity into your life.
  • A large number of dirty dishes in the house - to imminent illnesses and outflow of material resources.
  • Leaving dirty dishes overnight means damage and the evil eye.
  • According to legend, dirty dishes left under the bed promise poor health and negative thoughts.

Signs about donating dishes

  • Superstitious people are afraid to give plates as gifts because they believe that such a gift will spell trouble for both the giver and those who accept the gift. In this case, it is worth giving dishes filled with fruit to prevent troubles.
  • A plate given for the New Year holidays promises a cloudless and financially stable year.
  • A set given as a housewarming gift guarantees wealth and prosperity to the family. It is not without reason that our ancestors tried to give the newlyweds a complete set of services so that they would quickly get on their feet and be able to run their household independently.
  • A porcelain saucer given for a birthday promises an increase in income. Choose painted things so that the birthday person blossoms and becomes more beautiful day by day.
  • If you are given a set of cups, your partner may soon cheat on you.
  • Pots and pans donated by guests promise problems in relationships with parents and imminent illness.
  • Giving knives, forks and spoons means big trouble.
  • Porcelain as a gift promises material well-being, and crystal indicates imminent changes for the better.

Signs about someone else's dishes in the house

  • Someone else's plate in your home is said to lead to financial problems, so it is important to return it to the owners as quickly as possible. However, do not forget that a dirty and empty plate will carry negativity for you. Return the clean dishes, filling them with sweets or fruits as desired.
  • If you steal someone else's plate, then there will soon be a theft in your home.
  • Someone else's cup promises a rival and suggests that your spouse has romantic relationships on the side.
  • Someone else's glass in the house indicates that one of your relatives has problems with alcohol.
  • If you break someone else's dishes in your home, then perform a ritual of cleansing from damage.

Signs about cracked dishes

  • A cup with a crack promises betrayal by one of the partners in personal relationships and betrayal in business.
  • A chipped cup foreshadows discord between spouses.
  • Crooked instruments indicate imminent quarrels with relatives.

Signs about new dishes

  • Washing new dishes means luck and prosperity. According to the sign, the donated dishes are washed to wash away all the negative energy.
  • Our ancestors sprinkled salt on new dishes. In this way good luck was brought into the house. The dishes were also sprinkled with sugar to attract a “well-fed” life.
  • New dishes are not placed on the table immediately, so as not to attract bad luck.
  • New dishes break, which means there is an evil eye on you.

Regardless of whether you believe in omens or not, try

It is believed that breaking dishes in the house is bad luck. However, this is not entirely true. If you believe folk signs and superstitions, then in many cases dishes beat for good luck.

It's a good sign if dishes break at a wedding. There is even a tradition when the bride and groom break their glasses. The louder the wedding, the stronger the marriage relationship will be.

If dishes break very often in the house, then this is not good. Esotericists claim that this is a sign, a warning that promises trouble, quarrels and illness. Dishes in the house are an indicator of the atmosphere of the space. It absorbs all the negative energy, which manifests itself in conflicts between household members, tears, swearing and bad mood. And if a plate breaks, it means that it was filled to capacity with negative energy and now this force needed an outlet.

It is better to take the broken dishes out of the house as soon as possible - along with them you will take away all the bad things that have been accumulating in your house for so long. In general, if you believe folk signs and superstitions, then broken and even chipped cups and plates pose an energy danger to the residents of the house. So it is recommended to get rid of old and cracked dishes.

If dishes break in the house, then this is a signal that it is time to cleanse the energy of the house. This can be done by simple wet cleaning with salt added to the water, or by fumigating all corners of the apartment with a church candle.

There are situations when you can deliberately break dishes to protect against damage and the evil eye. If you feel that something has gone wrong in life and you suspect that someone has cast a curse on you or simply wished harm, then take the oldest plate in your house that you use and break it in the center of the apartment with the words : “For luck.” And then luck will return to you.

Pay attention to detail. After all, it is with their help that fate sometimes sends us signs. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.08.2014 09:02

Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular indoor plants. There are many superstitions about “Women’s Happiness” and...

Superstitious people interpret various events by referring to signs. This is especially true for incidents involving household items. Breaking a plate in a dream or in reality foreshadows a number of events. To interpret them, you need to pay attention to the circumstances, day of the week and a number of other phenomena.

Why is the plate beating?

Since ancient times, everyday objects have symbolized home comfort and strong family relationships, so there are many signs associated with a broken plate. There are different reasons why dishes break:

  • poor placement on the furniture: the dishes are on the edge and can easily get caught;
  • the habit of picking up glass objects with wet hands;
  • careless behavior with easily breakable things (especially if there are children at home).

There are different interpretations of the sign of a broken plate.

Break up at a wedding

There is a belief that newlyweds should break a plate together. The more fragments, the happier their life together.

But at almost every wedding, dishes are broken by accident. In this case, it is worth paying attention to who broke it and how it happened. If the culprit is the mother-in-law or mother-in-law, this is a bad omen: the young people will swear a lot, and they will not be able to build good relationships with their relatives.

If the bride breaks a plate, this indicates her husband's infidelity. To neutralize the sign, she must step on the largest fragment.

Smash houses

Most often, a plate breaks in the kitchen; such a sign promises happiness. Dropping a plate but not breaking it is good news.

Breaking a plate in a fit of anger means failure at work.

Breaking a lot of plates portends changes in life for family members, moving, or improvements in the financial sphere.

If the dishes burst or split in the hands of a girl, marriage awaits her. If someone breaks a plate on a holiday, the omen promises wealth.

The interpretation of the sign is positive if a plate breaks before an important event: this indicates that all endeavors will end successfully and its owners will receive significant profits.

Breaking dishes at work means moving up the career ladder. We must prepare for change, otherwise we may miss our luck.

Dropping a plate at a party means the birth of a child.

If the dishes crack

It happens that the plate cracks on its own. Dishes tend to accumulate bad energy in the house. It cracks if there is a lot of negativity in the family or a conflict is brewing. To prevent this, you need to do the following:

  • carry out wet cleaning of the entire house using salted water;
  • light a candle blessed in the church and walk through all the rooms, without going around the corners.

Cracked dishes should be especially alarming if there is an important event ahead. She can warn the owner about something bad, so it is better to postpone the plan for a while.

Dishes with chips or cracks should not be stored indoors. When the plate cracks on its own, it begins to absorb the positive energy of good luck. You should not save damaged dishes at home for several reasons:

  • attracts loneliness, therefore it is a particular danger for spouses;
  • scares away luck;
  • calls for poverty;
  • lures evil spirits into the house (according to ancient beliefs).

You can prevent failure on the night of the new moon. To do this, objects are wrapped in cloth and taken away. It is advisable that the release site be in a vacant lot. It’s worth saying the following words: “I’ll beat you, I’ll grind you into trouble, I’ll leave you in a vacant lot, I’ll send happiness into your home. As he said, so it will be. Amen!"

Seeing a broken plate in a dream

Seeing another person breaking a plate in a dream is a bad sign; it promises conflicts and troubles.

If you break a plate and the item falls on the floor, this portends financial difficulties.

If a lot of dishes break at once in a dream, a pleasant meeting and good news await the person.

Crying in a dream because of a broken plate is a surprise from loved ones.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

People noticed that the day on which the dishes broke was of great importance. There are many signs about this:

  • On Monday - it will attract good luck, we must expect good events in the coming days.
  • Broken dishes on Tuesday foreshadow a meeting with an influential person that will end positively.
  • The incident happened on Wednesday - joyful events await: a profitable deal or profit.
  • A plate cracked on Thursday - you should wait for the visit of guests.
  • On Friday - receiving attention from the opposite sex.
  • If something breaks on Saturday or Sunday, the person will experience great success in the future.


If dishes break, there are different interpretations for this action. They were formed according to centuries-old observations.

It’s easy to get rid of negativity by imagining while the thing is beating that all life’s misfortunes are falling into pieces. This will help you release yourself emotionally and let go of the situation. Accompanying an incident with a smile can evoke joy and happiness.