After many hours of studying theory, driving with an instructor and advice from friends and relatives, you come to MREO. Until the theory test is passed, you will not be allowed to drive. But if you were able to answer questions about the rules correctly, then an inspector will check your driving skill in practice, first on a site with an artificially created obstacle course, and then, and this is the most difficult, in urban conditions. Many offensive failures occurred at this stage. Let's figure out how to avoid bad luck when driving around the city.

What is checked

It would seem that the site should be enough. Snake, overpass, parking - what else do you need to evaluate your skill? In fact, of course, everything is not so clear-cut. Just because you can pass a theory test and steer on refined obstacles doesn't mean you'll be confident and safe on city roads clogged with cars. Of course, this will not happen even after passing city driving if your instructor from a driving school is negligent in his work, and the exam is designed to test your skill, not teach. Confidence will come with experience, but after driving school you should know what is required of you in practice, be able to read the signs and follow. No matter how good you were in your studies, your car will still be equipped with a "student" sticker, because other drivers have to be very careful on the road near you.

Of course, we do not mean that you can learn carelessly. Our "don't care" concerns other road users, not you. For you, after driving school, it should be obvious that the road does not forgive mistakes. When driving a vehicle weighing more than a ton, you should never lose focus and always know exactly what you are doing.

In fact, the city driving test area is the most difficult part of the driving test. Passing city driving is like passing an exam in an exam. Although the inspector takes the exam on a car equipped with an additional set of pedals, he cannot prevent some situations on the road, only you can do this. At the same time, he will not so much evaluate your ability to drive a car, because you have already shown it on the site, but the ability to assess the situation and make the right decisions. This is exactly what is required in everyday driving around the city, if you think about it. Other drivers expect you to follow the rules because then and only then will they know what to expect from you; the reverse is also true. The key to confidence on the road is to be able to predict the traffic situation at least one step ahead.

What is good and what is bad

From all of the above, a very simple conclusion follows: do not surprise the inspector. And to achieve this is quite easy. Do not exceed speed limits, carefully look at the road, look at the signs. Do not try to start too quickly after stops, overtake and squeeze into another lane. All this will not make a favorable impression on the examiner, and it will not be a positive experience for you either. Other participants in the movement, we repeat, must understand what to expect from you. Do not forget to signal to them what maneuver you are going to perform in the near future. We mean, of course, turn signals, something that even experienced drivers regrettably rarely use. We don’t know why they are afraid of them, but we assure you that there is nothing wrong with turn signals and when driving around the city they are extremely useful and simply necessary. Pass driving around the city, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, without their use is impossible.

In order for the driver to correctly assess the traffic situation, he needs information. He can get it with. Therefore, sitting in the car and buckled up, adjust the mirrors. It may seem like a small thing, but without seeing the car, you can provoke an accident by changing lanes. The exam will definitely not count. Well, direction indicators are not the only optical device needed when driving around the city. Be sure to turn on your parking lights so that other drivers can judge your size and distance from your car.


The algorithm is simple. You sit in the car in the driver's seat, buckle up. You should adjust your mirrors so that you can see exactly what is happening on the sides and back of your car without tilting your head. After that, turning on the "neutral",. Don't forget to turn on your parking lights, otherwise your exam will end sooner than you expect. After making sure that everything is in order, turn on the first gear, turn signal, remove the handbrake and move off. Of course, you should not have obstacles for movement. And then - as written in the rules. Do not exceed the speed, go where the inspector says. That, in fact, is all.

As they complete their training at a driving school, all cadets are more and more concerned about the question of how they will be organized and how tests will be carried out in the traffic police. The procedure for passing exams in the traffic police has not been changed since Soviet times. It consists of theoretical and practical parts. The driving theory exam is in most cases computer-based testing, while driving practice tests are carried out while driving a car on the autodrome and on the city route.

In order to get admission to pass the exam in the traffic police, the cadet must successfully pass the final exams at the driving school, which are organized by teachers in such a way as to bring them as close as possible to the state exams. The main difference between internal exams is the absence of traffic police officers providing psychological impact on the test subjects.

The procedure for passing exams in the traffic police

Tests for the possession of the rights of category "B" divided into three separate exams:

  1. computer testing on driving theory;
  2. practical driving on the test site (autodrome);
  3. practical driving on a city route (city).

With a successful scenario, all stages can be completed within a day and receive a certificate. also takes one day. In most cases, the tests take 2 days. Package required documents for passing exams in the traffic police is prepared by the administration of the driving school. All three stages of the tests are evaluated as "passed" or "failed".

Passing the exam in the traffic police

Passing the exam in the traffic police begins with computer testing which is held in a special class. Before the exams, the data of each subject is entered into computers. All test participants are photographed. Examination tickets for driving theory are standard and uniform throughout Russia. They contain 20 questions, under each of which there are several answers. The subject must choose the correct answer by entering its number into the computer as the correct answer or by ticking it off on the checklist.

Of all the answers to the question, only one of them is correct, so making two marks for one question is prohibited. This is rated as an incorrect answer. It is not necessary to answer the questions in the order suggested by the computer or the control ticket. You can answer the easy questions first and then the harder ones. In this regard, blank testing is preferable, since all questions are visible and testing can be completed faster.

Testing time is limited to 30 minutes. To successfully pass the test, no more than 2 erroneous answers are allowed for 20 questions. Attempts to guess or memorize the numbers of correct answers do not work, as 20 questions are selected and placed on the ticket in a random order from 800 available control questions.

To eliminate the impact on the assessment of accidental keystrokes, the answer is received by the computer when the keys are pressed twice.

Since September 1, 2016, when passing the exam in the traffic police, innovations have appeared. This applies to all three stages (theory, sites and cities). In the theoretical exam, for each mistake made, 5 additional questions from the same thematic block will be added. If a mistake is made in answering at least one question, then the exam has not been passed. These innovations have been planned for a long time, moreover, many driving schools already accept internal exams according to this system.

The Ministry of the Interior has approved a new procedure for taking driving license exams. The administrative regulations for conducting exams in the traffic police and issuing driver's licenses were registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 21, 2016. The regulations are very detailed, with diagrams, the rules for conducting exams in the traffic police and issuing driver's licenses. The administrative regulation comes into force on September 1, 2016. You can get acquainted with the regulations.

Note: The rules for passing the exam in the traffic police established that the results of testing in driving theory are valid for 6 months, during which the test subject must confirm the result by successfully passing the exam in driving practice. Otherwise, the results of all exams will be canceled, the cadet will have to retake all exams from scratch. A cadet is not allowed to take the driving practice test until he has obtained a positive result on the theory test.

At the exams in the traffic police it is prohibited:

  • use various reference materials, cheat sheets, cell phones and other electronic prompting tools during testing;
  • chat with neighbors and look into a nearby computer.

Video: How to pass on the right the first time?

Tactics of the correct actions in the exam:

  • Do not rush to answer the first question, it is wiser to skim through all the questions in order to gain psychological confidence that they are all familiar and you can successfully answer them. Questions can be viewed by pressing the space bar on the keyboard. At the same time, excessive excitement passes and the optimal order of answering 20 questions is determined for oneself.
  • Questions with a picture are perceived faster, so it is logical to answer them first. However, you should carefully read the wording of the question, since different questions can be attached to the same figures. If you feel that you find it difficult to answer correctly the first time, feel free to move on to the next question. The computer at the end will automatically return to the missed question.
  • Questions without drawings relate to the topics of the duties and responsibilities of drivers, permission to operate vehicles, medical support and safety measures. These questions require the memorization of certain provisions, rules, articles and quantitative normative values, so you need to carefully read the questions themselves, as well as carefully read the proposed answers in order to remember the correct answer. Answers must be exactly to the point of the question.
  • Do not ask neighbors questions and do not try to help them with answers, as this is fraught with removal from the exam. Remember that this can be a provocation on the part of poorly trained fellow students in order to get a partner for re-examination. The probability of removing talkative comrades is one hundred percent.

The basis for successfully passing the exam in the traffic police on the first attempt is good preliminary preparation during classes at a driving school and additional self-training to memorize certain provisions and standards. Do not memorize the correct answers to test questions, it is much better to solve more practical problems that explain the actions of road signs and markings. Then an understanding of their purpose will come, which will make it possible to find the right decision for any practical question.

Practice shows that after the end of the internal exams in the courses, many cadets stop studying on their own and, in the period before the start of the tests in the traffic police, lose their psychological attitude to successfully pass. In this regard, paradoxically, but in a more advantageous position are those cadets who could not successfully pass the final exams at the driving school the first time and are forced to study additionally in order to have time to pass them again before the start of the tests at the traffic police. They are more prepared for state tests.

Note: In case of failure with the first attempt, according to the established rules, retaking the test is possible only after a week.

The order of the exam on the site or circuit


After successfully passing the first stage, the exam in the traffic police continues: the cadet is allowed to the second stage - practical driving a car at a race track or test site. From September 1, 2016, according to the new regulations, four exercises for categories "B", "C" and "D" are given at the autodrome.

1) The exercise "Flyover" remained unchanged


2) Since September 2016, a new exercise "maneuvering in a confined space" has appeared. This exercise, in turn, consists of three separate elements:

The first element is "90 degree rotations"

The second element is "turn in a limited space"

The third element is the "snake"

All three elements are very difficult to make, as they are set with minimal tolerances. In the examination, the inspector must choose two elements to perform of their choice.

3) Exercise "moving and maneuvering in reverse." This exercise also includes entering the pits in reverse.

"Movement and maneuvering rear"

4) Exercise "parking the vehicle and leaving the parking space"

Since 2015, there have been some innovations in passing the exam at the circuit for various categories. These innovations include the following items:

  • performing various maneuvers on a small platform of limited size;
  • maneuvering the car while moving backward (not included in the list of examination exercises for transport categories "M", "A / A1");
  • correct production of emergency braking and stopping from various speeds when passing an exam in driving equipment of categories "M", "A / A1";
  • exercise on the production of car parking and exit from the parking lot;
  • installation of transport on a platform or overpass for loading and unloading operations (examination exercise for drivers of trucks of categories "C / C1", "CE / C1E");
  • proper execution of a stop for the purpose of boarding / disembarking people;
  • an examination exercise on performing the correct coupling and uncoupling of a trailer for testing the driving of vehicles with trailers belonging to the categories "BE", "CE / C1E", "DE / D1E";
  • driving into a garage or a box in reverse gear (except for categories "M", "A / A1");
  • an exercise on the correct passage of an intersection with a traffic light or a traffic controller (if the exams are held on an equipped circuit).

Errors on the circuit are not allowed. Tasks must be completed no later than 30 seconds after receiving the command. If the tasks begin to be completed later, then the exam is considered failed. When performing control exercises, the main obstacle for a cadet is excitement. It is important to calm down and do everything as in training sessions. Try not to rush and be careful not to stall the car.

The entire process of passing tests on the site is filmed on camera. It is important that during the exercises the car does not touch or knock down any of the restrictive posts. Otherwise, the score “failed” is immediately put.

Video: Exam traffic police site

Exam procedure on the city route

When performing control races along the city route, the front seat next to the test driver is occupied by the examiner - the traffic police inspector, and other subjects are located in the back seats. After that, the inspector brings the exact route through the city to the examinees. A list of all test routes is usually approved in advance and posted for general viewing on the information board in the traffic police department.

Just like on the site, while driving along the route, the inspector evaluates the quality of the exercise, fixing each violation of the rules and accruing penalty points. For example, for an unfastened seat belt, they will be punished with three penalty points, if the car stalls at the start, then this is 1 penalty point. If before the end of the route the test driver scored less than five penalty points, then the tests are considered successful and the inspector announces this to him, inviting the next candidate to drive. If more than 5 penalty points are scored, the test for the loser ends before reaching the end of the route, and the next test driver gets behind the wheel.

What you need to pass your driving test

The guarantee of successful passing of practical driving tests is a properly developed driving skill. The skill can only be acquired while driving a real car, winding up kilometers of practical driving. It is necessary to achieve such a state when the eyes and the brain only perceive road signs and the situation, without thinking about their meaning, and the hands and feet automatically perform the prescribed actions.

For this, each person requires a different amount of time spent, depending on his individual abilities. It has been found that for the average person, this requires approximately 32 hours of independent driving. Driving schools are usually limited to 20 hours of practical driving per cadet. Therefore, in most cases, candidates for a driver's license require additional hours, which he can order by paying extra to the instructor.

Algorithm of actions when passing a driving test in the city

The experience of passing exams in the traffic police on driving practice shows that it is best to pass the test among the first. By the end of the test, either from fatigue or from the need to comply with a certain target, the inspectors begin to notice more bugs and more often "fill up" cadets. It is possible that the subjects also get tired from waiting for their turn for a long time and make more mistakes.

In any case, while the head and body are fresh, it is easier to control your actions.

  • When landing behind the wheel, do not rush to start and start moving. It is important to install a chair under you, twist the mirrors;
  • fasten the seat belt, turn on the ignition and low beam;
  • turn on the left turn signal;
  • After that, depress the clutch, put the first speed;
  • remove the handbrake, turn the steering wheel to the left;
  • after looking in the rear-view mirror, move off;
  • After driving on, turn off the "turn signal".

Video: Typical mistakes when passing the exam in the traffic police

When stopping the car at the request of the examiner, follow the reverse procedure:

  • turn on the right turn signal;
  • choose a place allowed for stopping and, having taken to the right, stop at the curb;
  • put the gear selector in neutral position;
  • install a hand brake;
  • turn off the low beam and ignition;
  • remove the seat belt.

When driving in a lane, pay attention to traffic lights, road signs and markings. Always give way to pedestrians, especially when turning at intersections. Keep your distance and speed limit, not exceeding 60 km/h. Emphasize all your correct actions with clear movements so that the inspector can notice and evaluate them. For example, at the beginning of the movement, turn your head to the left. You need to constantly look at the side mirrors and the rear-view mirror while driving. This way you control the situation on the road.

It is also necessary during training to develop a habit: before turning the steering wheel in one direction or another, you must definitely look in the corresponding side mirror. Take my word for it that in the future this simple habit will save you from many troubles on the road.
It is very important not to skip the examiner's commands, but to follow them thoughtfully and in accordance with the requirements of road signs and markings. Remember that the instructor does not require you to execute the command immediately in violation of traffic rules, but offers to carry out the necessary maneuver according to the established rules. If the inspector tells you: “Find a place to turn around” or “Find a place to stop”, this does not mean that you need to immediately stop or turn around. You have the right to choose a place and there is no need to rush.

First of all, you need to look around, your attentiveness will come in handy here when you need to remember those prohibition signs that were installed at the crossroads passed. Usually, when surrendering a city, inspectors catch at stops under, a stop in front of a pedestrian crossing, at an intersection, a bridge, at stops of fixed-route vehicles or taxis, under an overpass, or in an area with poor visibility. Be careful, if the inspector asked you to do this, calmly tell him that stopping, parking or turning is prohibited here and find another place.

A failed practical exam can be retaken in a week without retaking the theory. However, it must be remembered that a positive result of a theoretical exam without confirmed practice is valid only for 6 months.

The driving license exam consists of three parts: theory, site driving and city driving. For many driver candidates, it is the last stage that seems to be the most difficult, since it is not easy for beginners to navigate the road. Let's look at the sequence of actions and some secrets that will help you become the owner of the coveted certificate.

Pay attention to driving preparation. Dress as comfortably as possible so that things do not restrict your movements. Shoes choose the one in which you have ridden more than once and feel the pedals well. If possible, do not take handbags, umbrellas, and other accessories that cannot be placed in pockets. Otherwise, thoughts about how not to forget something in someone else's car can prevent you from concentrating on the main thing. Be one of the first to take the exam. At this time, you are not yet exhausted by a long wait, worries, and what is important - the inspector is also fresh. He will not find fault with trifles or grumble because of fatigue. In addition, there is an opinion that the examiner has a specific plan for the number of passers, so by the end of the day he may not count a completely good result. Finally, you are in the driver's seat. The test begins right now, even before you hit the pedals. Be calm and confident. Do the following in this order:
  1. Adjust the chair.
  2. Adjust the mirrors (side and rear view).
  3. Fasten your seat belt.
  4. Turn on daytime running lights or low beam.
  5. Remove the handbrake if you are on level ground. When you suspect that the car may roll backwards, start with the handbrake.
  6. Start the engine.
  7. Turn on the corresponding rotation.
  8. Use your side mirror to make sure you don't obstruct other vehicles and move into the lane.
Take the rightmost lane and drive at an average speed of at least 40 km/h. For the mark on the speedometer "30" you will not be praised. Show the inspector how good you are with the gearbox and clutch. If a shuttle vehicle is moving ahead and it is about to stop to disembark passengers, in no case stop behind it. You must overtake the bus, while turning on the left turn signal. In general, the examination distance is designed in such a way as to test the most important driving skills. Surely there will be a U-turn (turn), traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, tram tracks, complex markings and an abundance of road signs. All this needs to be noticed and responded to in a timely manner. Give way to other vehicles when necessary, do not exceed the speed limit, be careful. And if you found information about the routes for the exam in the traffic police, thoroughly study all the options so that you can overcome them without problems. At the “stop” command, analyze the situation: is it really allowed to stop here? If not, drive on, despite the objections of the inspector. This may be a trick for another test of knowledge of traffic rules. As you understand, the examiner's provocations are possible at any time, and not just when stopping. You may be asked to turn in the wrong place, add gas at a speed of 60 km / h, overtake in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “no overtaking” sign, and so on. That is why it is necessary to learn the rules, and not the wording of the answers to the tickets.

How to pass the exam in the traffic police on the first try? It's no secret that learning at a driving school for many goes very quickly. And now an exciting visit to the traffic police is looming on the horizon. Obtaining a driver's license, first of all, depends on the successful passing of state exams in the traffic police for knowledge of the Rules of the Road and the driving skills of the applicant for "rights".

Checking the knowledge of traffic rules and the ability to drive a car becomes an integral procedure for a future driver. The state must be sure that the new road user will not pose a danger to society.

You can also watch the video at the end of this article about what NOT to do to pass the traffic police exam the first time.

The most important condition for the birth of a new motorist is the confident mastering of educational material. Only then will it be possible to pass the exams in the traffic police without any problems.

Theoretical exam of traffic rules in the traffic police

The first step to obtaining the coveted driver's license will be passing the exam in the traffic police on the rules of the road. Here, attention should be paid to two points.

  1. Knowledge of traffic rules. The basis for passing the theoretical test will be a good knowledge of the rules of the road. And here you will have to do some cramming, so as not to get confused later when formulating fundamental concepts such as "main road", "pedestrian", "overtaking", "vehicle", "crossroads", etc.
  2. Ability to use a computer. It is important here not to wave your arms, risking accidentally pressing a button on the keyboard. It is necessary to concentrate on work and not be distracted while answering questions. Therefore, it is best to buy a disk with a program for preparing for the delivery of traffic rules and rehearse the delivery procedure to automaticity.

When preparing for the theoretical exam at the traffic police, the practice of solving traffic rules exam tickets online has proven itself well - this will consolidate your knowledge of the Rules of the Road and hone your computer skills.

During the exam at the traffic police, you do not need to turn to the examiners for nothing, and you should not talk and behave defiantly. To combat anxiety, it is better to refrain from taking sedatives, as they will prevent you from responding quickly when you pass. practical exam(driving).

driving test

The practical exam begins with driving a car on a circuit. Then, together with the traffic police inspector, you will have to confirm your skills on the city streets. And if training is required for successful completion of exercises on the autodrome, then for error-free driving around the city it is useful to know at least the route of movement.

Basic exercises on the circuit

There are several standard exercises that state traffic inspectors check with applicants for a driver's license:

  • snake,
  • reversal,
  • parallel parking,
  • reversing (entry to the specified dimensions),
  • flyover.

From this set of exercises, the examiner chooses a set of 3 tasks at his own discretion, for example:

  • snake-parallel parking-overpass,
  • turn-overpass-parallel parking,
  • overpass-reversing-snake.

In any case, the future driver must be fluent in these elements of driving. Not always in a driving school enough time is given to practical exercises. Therefore, if there are any gaps in "figure driving", then it is very desirable to work out additionally even before the start of the exams in the traffic police.

Driving on city streets

The greatest difficulty in passing exams in the traffic police is driving around the city. And if the city is small, then you can thoroughly study all the features of the streets, learn about all the tricks that traffic police officers use to complicate tasks. But in a large metropolis, it is almost impossible to determine the future route.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to know the traffic rules well, but also to quickly put them into practice, responding to incoming input from the examiner. Then it will be possible to constructively explain any of your actions while driving. Many traffic police officers positively evaluate the convincing arguments of the applicant for obtaining a license, so if you are sure that you are right, politely explain this to the inspector.

There are cases when the examiner specifically asks to violate traffic rules during the driving test. Be vigilant and do not succumb to provocations!

When preparing for the passing of driving in urban conditions, special attention should be paid to the following sections of the Rules:

  • car stop in the city
  • rebuilding and overtaking rules,
  • intersection sequence,
  • turn left and turn,
  • passage of pedestrian crossings and public transport stops.

Some simple steps on the part of the applicant will also help to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police. It is important not only to learn educational material, but also to feel confident at different stages of the examination test.

  • Clothes and shoes should be comfortable and comfortable, especially in cold weather. It is advisable to conduct training trips in the same equipment.
  • You should take only the most necessary items and documents with you to the exam. Handbags, umbrellas and other accessories are best left at home. Not only will they interfere, but you can forget them somewhere, being in nervous tension.
  • Before you start driving a car, you need to adjust the seat. This point is very important, so do not be afraid of the inspector. If the legs do not reach the pedals, then the path will be very short and dangerous.
  • Be sure to fasten your seat belt BEFORE driving. By the way, you can demand the same from the traffic police officer.
  • Remember to use the handbrake when stopping on an incline. When starting the car, you should simultaneously release the hand brake and increase the engine speed with the “gas” pedal.
  • Before starting the car, you must turn on the left turn signal and look in the mirror. Movement starts only if there are no obstacles. Note the pronounced turn of the head, which will be proof of looking in the mirror for the inspector.

Passing exams in the traffic police is one of the many life tests. Even if the first attempt was unsuccessful, then do not despair and lose heart. It is necessary to once again pay attention to weak points and go on a second attempt with hope and optimism. It will certainly turn out much better than the first uncertain surrender.

What NOT to do to pass the exam in the traffic police on the first try

If you decide to soon get behind the wheel of a personal car, then you will have to undergo mandatory training at a driving school and then pass an exam for the rights to the traffic police. It is this exam that establishes the level of theoretical knowledge of a citizen who claims to obtain the right to drive a vehicle, and passing a driving test at the traffic police allows you to identify the practical skills of a future driver. Based on the results of the theoretical and practical parts of the exam, a driver's license is issued in case of successful passing.

For several years now, uniform rules have come into force in all Russian regions that determine the procedure for passing the exam for the right to drive a vehicle and the procedure for issuing a driver's license. These rules are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2014 N 1097 “On admission to driving vehicles” (together with the “Rules for conducting exams for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses”) and they are valid in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

What are the new rules for passing the exam in the traffic police in 2019?

Those wishing to become a full-fledged driver should carefully understand the important changes that have come into force in recent years, and there are enough of them. We have collected for you the changes in the rules for passing the exam in the traffic police, which are relevant for 2019:

  • If you permanently live in Russia and decide to pass on the rights, then this procedure can now be carried out in any examination unit of the traffic police in any region of the Russian Federation.
  • If a citizen already has a driving experience and a license, but he passed the exams for driving a vehicle with an automatic transmission, then he is forbidden to drive a car with a manual transmission. To make this possible, you should pass the appropriate exam and get the appropriate mark in the university.
  • The theoretical exam in the traffic police prescribes to solve 20 exam tickets from four thematic blocks of five questions in 20 minutes (clauses 92, 93 of the Administrative Regulations). If 1 mistake or 2 mistakes were made in different blocks, or you could not answer 1 question or 2 questions in different blocks, according to the new rules, you are given the opportunity to answer additional questions (clauses 98, 99 of the Administrative Regulations). So you need to answer correctly
    - to five questions of an additional thematic block within 5 minutes - if you made one mistake or did not answer one question;
    - for ten questions of an additional thematic block within 10 minutes - if you made two mistakes in different thematic blocks or did not answer two questions in different thematic blocks or made one mistake and did not answer one question in different thematic blocks. If, in the allotted extra time, you correctly answered the extra thematic issues, then you will be rated "PASSED".
  • If one of the three parts of the exam is passed, then the positive results remain valid for 6 months.
  • If one of the parts of the exam is not passed, then the first retake is possible only after 7 days (clauses 9, 11 of the Rules for conducting exams for the right to drive vehicles and issue driver's licenses)
  • If one of the parts of the exam is not passed on the third attempt, then a retake is scheduled no earlier than 30 days later. Thus, the first retake 7 days after the first unsuccessful attempt, the second retake not earlier than after 14 days, the third after 44 days, after 74 days, after 104 days, after 134 days, and the last retake after 164 days. After these attempts, the theory must be retaken!
  • New requirements began to be imposed on the examiners, and they became much tougher. Examinations are allowed for persons who have higher education who have reached the age of 25. They must have the rights of exactly the category for which exams are taken in driving practice. The driving experience for examiners has also become longer - it must be at least 5 years.
  • Self-training is no longer possible, and future drivers are required to take a course of specialized training at a driving school.
  • Passing the exam is allowed on cars with both manual and automatic transmissions.
  • Now you can apply for admission to the exam in in electronic format. This can be done through the Internet sites of the traffic police in your region or on the website of the Unified Portal of Public Services.
  • Concessions have been made for the disabled. In accordance with medical regulations, for citizens of this category, practical examinations will be carried out on vehicles with special equipment.
  • Younger persons can now apply for rights - the minimum age has decreased and is 16 years old. But if young people are not yet 18 years old, then in order to pass the exams and get rights, it is necessary that their legal representatives (trustees, parents, guardians) give their written consent.
  • To obtain the rights of categories "D", "Tm", "Tb" and subcategory "D1", a person must be over 21 years old.
  • To obtain the rights of categories "BE", "CE", "DE", persons who have the right to drive vehicles of categories "B", "C", "D" for at least 1 year are allowed.
  • One of the important updates to the procedure for passing exams at the traffic police was the opportunity for examinees to film the process of passing the driving test on video, which can help resolve controversial issues when they arise.

What documents do I need to collect to pass the exam for the rights to the traffic police?

To obtain a new type of driver's license, you must collect the following package of documents for submission to the traffic police (both for the first passing of the exam, and in the case of retaking the rights):

  1. The passport;
  2. Driving license (if any);
  3. Handwritten or electronically submitted application;
  4. The conclusion of the medical board;
  5. Certificate of completion of training in a driving school;
  6. If the applicant is under the age of 18, then permission must be obtained from parents or legal representatives. This does not apply to cases of emancipation for persons who have entered into marriage.

You do not need to take the receipt of payment of the state duty with you. The package of submitted documents will be reviewed, after which the date, time and place will be assigned where practical and theoretical exams will be held.

How is the theoretical exam on traffic rules (card solving)?

To get the desired rights, you need to go through 3 stages of testing: the theoretical part, confirmation of the initial skills in driving the vehicle, practical development of knowledge in real road conditions. Let's look at each part in detail. During the theoretical test, you must know:

  • Rules of the road established on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Legislative standards of the Russian Federation related to traffic safety on the roads.
  • A set of rules for providing first aid to people involved in an accident.
  • Basic provisions regarding the admission of the vehicle to operation.
  • Legislative base on all types of liability of drivers: civil, administrative and criminal.
  • Fundamentals of safe driving.

The above categories are presented in the form of ticketed questions. The latter, in turn, include 20 questions that must be answered in twenty minutes. You are allowed to answer questions in any order.

Keep in mind, if you make a mistake and click on an answer that you think is wrong by accident, then you are given the opportunity to correct your answer, but the answer to the “question card” selected during the correction cannot be corrected.

The theoretical part of the exams for rights is considered not passed if you:

  • in the allotted time, when answering the main questions, 3 mistakes were made;
  • in the allotted time, they made two mistakes in one thematic block or did not answer two questions in one thematic block;
  • in the allotted time, they made one mistake when answering questions from additional thematic blocks;
  • when answering ticket questions, they used cheat sheets, a phone / tablet (other technical means) or tips from other people;
  • left the exam (or refused to answer the exam ticket).

If you were among the lucky ones and successfully passed the theoretical part, you are allowed to pass the practical exam - driving on the autodrome.

How is the practical part of the exam at the circuit?

In order for a future driver to confirm the driving skills acquired during his studies, he needs to pass a practical exam, which takes place at closed-type sites and specially equipped autodromes. The instructor will offer you to perform a number of basic exercises that you know and practiced in a driving school. There is a rule here: the exercises begin at the line with the inscription "Start", without crossing the "Stop" mark. During the exam, there is a penalty system of points, and for each of your violations, the inspector awards a point. If you have completed the driving tasks and confirmed the acquired basic skills, you move on to the next stage and “go out” on the road to pass the driving test in real traffic conditions.

Under the new rules, the examiner may require the candidate to perform five exercises on the court. So, for example, to pass a practical exam for the right to drive vehicles of categories "B", "C" and "D" and subcategories "B1", "C1" and "D1" these are the following exercises: No. 4 "Stopping and starting to move on the rise" , No. 5 "Maneuvering in a confined space", No. 6 "Movement and maneuvering in reverse, entering the box in reverse", No. 7 "Parking the vehicle and leaving the parking space, parking for loading (unloading) on ​​the loading rack (platform) , stop for the safe boarding or disembarkation of passengers”, exercise No. 8 “Passing a controlled intersection” (for automated autodromes).

How to practice driving in the city

What happens to the examinee? Get behind the wheel and confidently drive along the road path of the city. Most often, the instructor chooses sections of the road located in the center of the settlement, and this is done in order to identify not only the knowledge of the rules of the road in the future driver, but also practical skills. During the examination route, the instructor thoroughly assesses the driver's ability to navigate in real city roads.

On the way, the driver will meet pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, road markings, intersections, stops, a large number of signs, so special care should be taken. The inspector who will examine you may create a provocative situation in order to assess your knowledge. For example, it will prompt you to perform an action that violates the rules of the road. If you do not assess the situation in time and do not understand that this request cannot be fulfilled in any case, then your action will be considered a gross mistake and you will have to retake the driving test.

If you behaved correctly during the exam route and successfully completed all sections of the city route, you will be issued a license corresponding to the category in which you passed the exams. The validity of a driver's license in Russia is ten years.

Retaking the exam for law

In the event of an unsuccessful attempt to pass a section of the city route, the future driver has the right to retake, but not earlier than a week after the failed attempt. Let us focus on the fact that the theoretical part of the exam will be valid for 6 months, and if during this period of time you do not have time to retake the practical skills of driving on the road, then the theoretical part will have to be retaken. If you belong to the "unlucky" group, and failed to pass any exam on the third or more attempts, then you will be given time to rest before the next "fight". This period will be thirty days.

The terms for retaking the exam in the traffic police are such that the first retake is scheduled 7 days after the first unsuccessful attempt, the second retake not earlier than 14 days, the third after 44 days, after 74 days, 104 days, 134 days, and the last retake can be scheduled after 164 days.

How to get international driving license

If you decide to get an international driver's license, then you will need to collect a small package of documents and take it to the traffic police. Here is the list:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Application for obtaining the rights of international standard;
  • Driving license of the Russian sample;
  • Photo in color or black and white on matte paper (size 35x45 mm).

To obtain an international driving license, you do not need to pass any exams - they are issued on the basis of the driver's Russian driver's license. The validity of international rights is three years, but they cannot be valid for more than the period specified in Russian rights.

Where is law training

Passing exams at the traffic police can be successful from the very first time, but for this, the future driver should be well prepared theoretically and work out basic driving skills in a driving school. In 2014, an innovation was introduced related to the training program for future drivers. Starting from August 11, 2014, on the basis of the order of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 N 1408 "On the Approval of Exemplary Vocational Training Programs for Drivers of Vehicles of the Relevant Categories and Subcategories", new training programs were approved for drivers wishing to obtain rights categories:

  • A - motorcycles;
  • A1 - light motorcycles with engine displacement from 50 to 125 cc. see and maximum power up to 11 kW;
  • B - cars, the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 3.5 tons and the number of seats, in addition to the driver's seat, does not exceed eight;
  • B1 - tricycles and quadricycles, in column 12, the mark "AS" (with an automotive control system) is additionally put - if category "A" is not open and "MS" (with a motorcycle control system) - if category "B" is not open;
  • BE - vehicles of category B with a trailer with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 750 kilograms;
  • C - cars with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 tons, including those with a trailer up to 750 kg;
  • C1 - includes cars with a maximum permitted weight of 3.5 to 7.5 tons;
  • CE - motor vehicles of category C with a trailer with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 750 kilograms;
  • C1E - cars of the CE category, the permissible maximum mass of which exceeds 3.5 tons but does not exceed 7.5 tons;
  • D - cars designed for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight seats, in addition to the driver's seat, including those with a trailer up to 750 kg;
  • D1 - cars equipped with 9-16 seats except for the driver;
  • DE - a motor vehicle of category D coupled to a trailer whose maximum authorized mass exceeds 750 kg but does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • D1E - cars of category DE, the permissible maximum mass of which exceeds 3.5 tons but does not exceed 7.5 tons;
  • M - mopeds, scooters, as well as light quadricycles with an engine capacity of up to 50 cubic meters. cm;
  • Tm - trams;
  • Tb - trolleybuses.

This document fixed rather stringent requirements for driving schools, training vehicles, areas for practicing basic driving skills, and equipping classes. Any driving school that trains future drivers to drive a car must now receive a special conclusion from the traffic police confirming its compliance with the curricula established by the state.

Photo: Maxim Blinov / RIA Novosti

What does driving school include?

  • The basic course of training in traffic rules is provided for those citizens who receive their first driver's license. This module contains a meaningful information part, consisting of 84 hours. During the training, you gain knowledge in the field of traffic legislation, learn the rules for providing first aid to victims of an accident. Various psychological situations occurring on city roads will also be considered. A separate topic will be devoted to cyclists, children, pedestrians, that is, those who are least protected on the road.
  • Special course - designed for drivers who already have a license, but who want to pass exams for obtaining rights of an additional category. For them, passing the basic course is not required, and this category of drivers is trained on the materials for the required category.

Due to the fact that new requirements have been introduced, all driving schools are required to conduct an internal exam in order to check how future drivers have mastered the theoretical knowledge gained during the training period. Basic driving skills will also be tested. After successfully completing the training, graduates receive a certificate of successful completion of a driving school, which is worth keeping in case you have to restore your rights in case of loss or theft.

Can you buy the rights? How much does a driver's license cost?

There are citizens who do not want to undergo long-term training in a driving school, they are too lazy to “steam” with passing exams, it is these irresponsible citizens who ask themselves: “Is it possible to buy rights?”. Obtaining rights in an illegal way, judging by the numerous offers on certain sites on the Internet, is possible. If you believe these scammers, then the purchase price of driving pleasure is from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles. Is it worth talking about the guarantees and security of such transactions? After all, this is a one hundred percent illegal scheme for obtaining rights, regardless of category, whether it is buying a license to drive a motorcycle, or trying to pass a category B exam for money. The question arises, do you need this risk? And then what will such a dubious and expensive purchase turn out to be without obtaining the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical driving skills?

What is involved in buying a driver's license?

  • Buying rights, bypassing the law, belongs to the category of crimes that are punishable by a criminal term.
  • In the conditions of modern megacities, driving is difficult even for an experienced driver, not to mention beginners.
  • If you illegally acquire a license and drive onto the road without completing a legal course, you are putting not only your life in mortal danger, but also the lives of passengers, pedestrians and other road users. You must clearly understand that if, through your fault, an accident occurs in which people suffer, then for you the situation can turn into a prison for several years! Is it worth the risk?

Of course, everyone chooses whether to enroll in a driving school, or call a promising ad on the Internet in order to immediately buy a license and bypass the legal procedure for passing the exam. But you should remember what responsibility falls on your shoulders when you are behind the wheel. Take care of your life and the lives of other road users - take the necessary training course at a driving school and pass the exams for the right honestly to feel calm and confident behind the wheel!