Generic programs can be both useful and destructive. If your ancestors built churches, took care of the orphans and the poor, did good deeds for the sake of the community, homeland, humanity, then all programs of this kind will be associated with the development and increase of the energy of goodness. In this case, the descendants get the corresponding fruits: success, luck and prosperity in all its manifestations.

If the descendants get other "bonuses" - illnesses and failures, then negative scenarios predominate in this kind. What leads to the emergence of destructive programs? " Horror stories» in the genus. These include dispossession, poverty, epidemics, murders, suicides, accidents, etc. Special attention must be paid to suicide and murder. Events like this are very debilitating.

But, as a rule, the family prefers to hide such stories. No one is told about this and the descendants do not know anything about it. In turn, the souls of such "forgotten" relatives hang out in the family, creating negative ties. These negative connections must be fed by something. If a child is born in the family who is predisposed to give energy, this energy begins to go from him to maintain the ties of unreleased souls with the family. In this case, it is very useful to know all the negative stories, relive them and let go.

In this way, you release negative connections and purify souls - they leave, and you live on. Distortions related to childbearing and sex. Any negative behavior in the sexual sphere has a very strong effect on the family. This includes promiscuity, violence, abandonment of children, abortions and all kinds of life for pleasure with a total waste of energy. Wrong behavior with the shrines of the family, which means with relationships, with respect in the family. Love, as a source of interaction in relationships, honoring parents, love for one's children are the shrines of the family. Family curse. It exists when it falls on a negative scenario. Those. there is nothing to catch a bright person. But when there is already a negative scenario in it, the curse works.

Of course, if someone sent a curse, it means, most likely, "there was a reason." Consequently, at the time of the curse, the family had already "turned the wrong way." A strong emotional desire falls on the existing "marriage", strengthens the program - degeneration is underway. The law of development of the genus If we consider the genus as a kind of biosocial system, we can observe certain principles and laws of development that are universal for all genera. Here is the law of development of the genus: Prescription is a development trend, an internal motive. For example, everyone in our family loves to build houses. The prescription is to love to build. Not to build, but to love to build. This is what to strive for. Generic programs are exactly how to fulfill the prescription. Algorithm.

What exactly are you doing to satisfy your needs and the needs of the family. Most often, they diverge, since initially nature laid a conflict between the prescription and the algorithm for satisfying an individual need. The resolution of the conflict leads to the development of the family. For example, there is a woman with a normal need to start a family. The family has a prescription for her - to create joy in the family. Now let's imagine that there is a generic program - some kind of pain or illness that limits the implementation of the prescription. This program appeared as a result of the hard experience in this area of ​​one of the ancestors. And now a woman is fighting for her happiness, but he is still gone and gone. You can come up with various algorithms for achieving happiness, but without having worked out the generic program, you will not be able to fulfill the prescription.

Thus, by creating in a person an internal need for something, the genus puts the person in front of the need to solve generic tasks. Therefore, in order to change the situation and embody everything you want, you need to deal with generic programs, since there is a high probability that it is in their solution that the key to your happiness lies. Generic programs change through awareness, immersion in them and correction. In addition to the laws described above, the clan has several more important principles: The first child in the family bears the greatest load of the clan - he takes off what is on top.

If there are negative tendencies by gender, then the first-born bears heavy karma. The second child gets less; he, as it were, cleans up what the first did not take. It happens that this principle works in a different way. The first child is born strong, and the second weaker. This means that the family had a supply of good karma, but it was only enough for the firstborn. “Nature rests on the children of smart parents.” That is, as a rule, the main trends are transmitted through the generation. Therefore, children often have more generic birth programs with their grandparents than with their parents. Hence the following position: The first daughter in the family most often reflects the fate of the maternal grandmother. The first son is paternal grandfather.

The next children born in the family are more free to choose programs from two kinds. General social cataclysms remain an imprint in the family and are passed on to descendants. The karma of the clan fits into the karma or egregor of the state. These are wars, famines, repressions, epidemics, natural disasters and other tragedies. A special and not always favorable burden is given to fate by naming children in honor of relatives. Sometimes children are named after their grandparents. But they still convey negative programs, and the repetition of the name further strengthens the program. Therefore, if a person was sick, there was a lot of negativity on him, you can harm your child by calling him by the same name.

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Generic scenarios, what are they and what are they?

Today I open a series of articles on the topic of generic scripts, and I invite you to work on this topic yourself.

Generic scenarios, what are they and what are they? (part 1) You are on this article.
(part 2)
(part 3)

Surely you have seen people in your circle of acquaintances who find themselves in similar situations over and over again.

It's like a woman marrying an alcoholic for the third time. No, no, she is getting married, carefully choosing a non-drinking man for herself, but next to her, even determined teetotalers for some reason suddenly start drinking, you see, the marriage has already broken up, and the reason is announced “He turned out to be an alcoholic.”

It also happens that a man is in the prime of his powers and abilities, but still cannot manifest himself in any way, all efforts lead most often to failures. He seems to be unable to manifest himself in any way, and he is “lucky” with women: as a rule, active, decisive, overwhelming women appear next to him. Exactly the same as his grandmother and mother.

Or a young woman who life path there are only married men. As if all singles died out like mammoths.

Or here's another. A person works, earns, it seems that this is it, and success! But no, it doesn’t last long, some event immediately happens and everything acquired over the years and mined by labor collapses like a house of cards, and there remains no understanding of “For what ?!” Or everything disappears without a trace, as if slipping through your fingers. It seems like it just happened, and it doesn't. So much invested time, labor, life, and all down the drain.

There are women who endlessly help their neighbors, then stumble upon “ungratefulness”, but after a while they again strive to help the next person who wants to. Or they get involved in another project, with great desire, enthusiasm, overflowing, drawing bright prospects, but... After a while, everything quietly fades out, interest disappears, causing a burning desire to realize it. And everything started all over again...

This is all the bright indicators of life scenarios.

What are scripts, when and who writes them, and what are they like?

We write scripts ourselves. Whether we like the idea or not, that's the way it is.

When do we start writing our script? Yes, since birth. Still quite babies we choose our setting, what kind of world around us, starting from how exactly the mother’s pregnancy proceeded, how the birth took place, how our mother treated us in the early years. It is then that the foundations of each scenario are laid.

Scenarios can be of three types.
1. Winning - winning scenario. Here the goals are achieved and bring a lot of joy, everything turns out and succeeds.
2. A loser is a loser scenario. Goals are not achieved, or achieved, but with great difficulty, they do not bring satisfaction or joy.
3.Normal - average. Didn't win, didn't lose, just participated. No special success is achieved, in life they choose to simply exist.

There are rarely pure win or lose scenarios.

Most of the time the scenarios are mixed. For example, they win in work, there is a career, well-being, they lose in relationships - they are unlucky in love, as they say. And my health is so-so, I don’t seem to get sick, but I can’t call it healthy either.

Or everything is fine in the family, but health is bad, but in work and money, so, or rather, not even in any way. And especially the soul does not warm, and does not bring money. Yes, work for the sake of work. She is there and fine.

Scenario processes are lived unconsciously. They rule in your life only because you do not see them. If you want change, watch yourself, in your own words, beliefs, actions. What do you most often say to yourself when you fail, and what do you say to yourself when you succeed? How do you deal with sudden difficulties? How do you solve life problems? What do you believe? What is she?

Your task is not just to read, but to try on for yourself how this can manifest itself in you. After all, having recognized these processes in oneself, it is much easier to influence them, to change them. By choosing in return what you choose for yourself with soul and heart.

All scenarios of losers and middle peasants are divided into several various kinds. Let's take them in order.

1. I can't be happy until... (I can't have what I want until I pay a high price for it.) Or until I get another higher education and academic degree. Until I make my next million. Until my child grows up and becomes happy. Until my mother or grandmother recovers. Until not - this is just a script, and most often it is generic.

How to fix? Do not take responsibility for others, you cannot make others happy, this time. The only person you can make happy is yourself, and only you.

Two - to understand that the race for it is like a puppy playing with its tail. And not another education, nor a million, nor the happiness of a child or mother can make you happy. And you could change, because you have your power, strength, freedom.

You have all the options, but they choose their "Not yet ...". Why?…

2. Never. This is also a scenario that is based on the belief that I will never get what I really want. Women with this belief never marry. Or they go out, but they will never be happy in marriage. Never get rich. They will never be completely healthy.

Because for them it is in their reality impossible. Ask them a question: why? There will be no clear answer. It's just the way it is in their world. And point.

3. After. This scenario is based on the "doomed belief" - I can live and enjoy life, but then I will have to pay dearly for it. And they pay. Health. Relations. Self-realization. What is expensive is what they pay for. They put the most precious thing on the altar of their lives in exchange for first pleasing their parents, then their husband, children, boss, anyone.

Just not yourself.

4. Almost. People with this scenario are always half a step away from success, happiness, good luck. But. In a second, in a millimeter to happiness, they choose to stop. They never run the risk of achieving what seems to be the desired success. Your dad almost became an astronaut. Your mom almost became a ballerina/artist/stewardess.

Look at yourself. Are you almost successful?

5. As always. I will always remain in this situation. As in a parable.
“A person goes through life and suffers. He is asked, why are you suffering?
He replies - I suffer in order to make my children happy. And your ancestors, were they happy? No, they also suffered so that their descendants would be happy. We always suffer for the happiness of our descendants.”

Here is such a whirlwind of patrimonial suffering. I will suffer as always...

6. There is another scenario, the loss of Role. This is when at first everything seems to be great. Then some significant event occurs, such as divorce, retirement, or the separation of children into their own families, and that's it. End. The woman really does not know what to do now. She, along with the role of mother, wife or colleague, loses the meaning of her life. This is also common in men.

The meaning of your life is determined by you. If someone decides that there is no point, well, it will be so ... in his life.

Everything that is cyclically repeated in your life is your personal script, and everything that is repeated in the life of your family, from generation to generation, is your family script, your family programs that you have to unwittingly live through.

it not your conscious choice because you would never have chosen that. These are yours subconscious programs.

And what to do? How to fix something? It is quite possible to break out of the vicious circle and stop coming to the same result. And with information on how to do this, I will definitely share with you later in a separate article.

Now I would like to notice a couple of interesting features.

Here you read the article. You may have seen that in some areas you, alas, are not the winner, and not even the average, but are clearly losing.

And much of this has been handed down to you by your dearly beloved parents. Is it time to pout your lips and be offended? Or say, well, here, and here it was not lucky, as always? Or start complaining about life and lament: well, why was I born in this particular family, why am I such a punishment ....

No-no-no! In no case!

Firstly. It is not by chance that we come to this or that genus, if there are tasks, it means that you are able to solve them. Perhaps even it was you yourself in past incarnations who set this vector for the development of a kind. So you came to fix everything. Sami. Having rolled up sleeves, resolutely and with skill.

Secondly. We receive and transmit scenario processes at an unconscious level.

Thirdly. Our parents(by the way, just like you to your children) always give us the best from what they received from their parents. Carefully and lovingly choosing the best. Do you do the same with your children? As far as you can at the moment.

Fourth. Change is scary. Changing your life, changing yourself, changing the script is really scary. This fear may have been passed down from generation to generation. Perhaps you made this choice in a past life to leave everything as it is. You are alive - this is the main thing, and this was achieved by the scenario that you lived through. This experience, which may have been passed down from generation to generation, may not be happy, but it is viable, proven and understandable.

Are you ready for change? Can you leave your well-worn rut of life and? Or is it easier, safer and more comfortable to stay in your old, familiar, cozy way of life?

Write if the article was useful to you? If yes, please share with your friends.

In what areas and scenarios have you discovered in your life and what would you like to change them for?

Sincerely, Gulfia

1) Find them. Find beliefs that are accepted in your family (for example, “money is never enough” or “all men are goats”).
2) Understand what infuriates you the most in the behavior of your parents, and why. If this is not done, you will automatically repeat it with your children.
3) If possible, talk openly about your feelings, fears. This is necessary in any relationship: with a husband, children. Let them understand why you are doing what you do. The problem is not in the husband, father, sister or child, but our reaction to the situation. If you "reveal all the cards", then the problem is easier to solve.
4) We blame our parents for our troubles, because we once completely depended on them. And now they are unlikely to perceive us as equals. Just as they expect some action from us, we expect their understanding and support. But people tend to fall short of expectations. This is fine. We need to take responsibility for our own problems and begin to educate ourselves on our own, to give ourselves what we need.
5) Don't take anything to heart. To understand that our nature is divine, that there is a lot of really bright and good in us, and “pig”, “clumsy”, “selfish” are just labels, stickers.

But stubborn labeling sooner or later will make them conform, at least only for those who hang these labels. It's better to write something good on pieces of paper!
As a rule, all people (and our parents) express only their view of the world. They identify the behavior of the child with himself, but do not see the motives - the desire to help and bring joy. It is necessary to make it clear to the child that he did something wrong, but this is just a mistake, and not he himself is “wrong”. After all, all children are inherently “good”. Only the parents misunderstood their actions and created a problem for themselves instead of a new opportunity.

You need to believe that children (husband ... parents!?) are always good and find the slightest confirmation of this!
That is why it is important to analyze all the situations and understand that most likely a negative assessment is just a certain idea of ​​​​the parents about the world. Comfort and praise yourself if it is required and you wanted to receive it from your parents, but could not. Don't tell yourself "I'm the best", but just calmly admit your strengths- the manifested spark of the Divine in oneself.

Parents are the hardest to forgive, but necessary. Otherwise, it will be difficult to build relationships with your children. How to forgive your parents? No one can say this, except for maternal intuition, female being Here and Now.
How to forgive your parents?
1) Understand that they also change. And today they are not the same as they were yesterday. Just like you.
2) To understand that it was also difficult for parents, and they could not find another way to solve the situation.
3) Understand what this negative situation gave you? Maybe you have learned to listen to yourself and go your own way despite the opinions of others?
I want to always understand that children from birth are also people, and their paths may differ from mine. But I understand that strictness, restrictions are needed somewhere... That on the one hand we are equal - as people, as Souls; but on the other hand, the elders take care, and the younger ones obey. While I imagine all this is purely theoretical. What to do in some situation? Restrict or allow? No one can say this, except for maternal intuition, the feminine feeling of "Here and Now."

If you go to another city, move away from your parents - this does not stop the generic scenario. You can't just pick it up and run away. You can change it by looking at other people and doing deep inner work.
What is the "Power of the Family"? In mother's belief that her children are good, and her husband is the best for her. In Love and integrity, knowing your place in the world and feeling supported. The strength of the clan is when generations of bright and loving people who took place in life, loved children and grandchildren, prayed for them, honored their parents, thereby maintaining a connection with the past and future. Family is one of those true values ​​that are forgotten or ridiculed today.
Why is there no peace in families? Because someone acts contrary to their nature, the laws of the universe. If parents do not go their own way, do not fulfill their dreams and destiny, then they will have a conflict relationship with themselves and their children. But children, most likely, will repeat their path along the knurled one, if they do not understand that it is possible to live differently. Understanding and accepting parents is very difficult, but necessary, otherwise we will step on the same rake.
Someone has to break the vicious circle, and, fortunately, this can be done at any point, by anyone. But, except for ourselves, no one will begin to correct mistakes, because everything in the world begins with Himself. It is very important to see the Divine in ourselves, to bring it to the surface and shake off the dust. Then we will be able to see the Light in our children (and other people), nourish it with our Love, like a flower. Helping a person to reveal himself, to believe in him is the best thing that can be done for him. And the best education is a positive example of parents!

(Yulia Poltavtseva)

Is it true that our destinies are predetermined by karma and we cannot go beyond generic programs? What to do if you feel the “burden of the past” and understand that you are living within the framework of a script that was not written by you? Today we are discussing the topic of parental settings and programs.

Usually people think deeply about life when some serious problem or shock overtakes them. Then we intensively look for answers to the questions “Why did this happen?”, analyze our behavior and try to change something in the course of our lives. I confess that for me such a test was a long loneliness - I studied, built a career, explored the world, but I lacked a reliable shoulder next to me. And that's when I started to seriously think about why this is happening. In this search, I seriously revised my own and got to the parent programs. Parental programs are not so easy to see, especially when you implement them yourself. You need to look at yourself as if from the outside - as an outsider, see repeated phrases, actions, and then connect it all with the actions of your relatives of previous generations. And then it may turn out that the problem of loneliness is not your personal one, but stretches in the family for more than one generation. Well, and, of course, the following questions - why is this happening? what leads to this? and how to stop this pattern? However, I wrote in detail about female loneliness in previous articles (and) - now let's talk in more detail about how to discover existing parental programs in yourself.

Parent programs

Parental programs are, in fact, not always bad. Conventionally, parental programs can be divided into positive and negative.

In families with negative programs - a lot of problems that are passed down from generation to generation. These problems are sometimes called “karma”, “evil fate”, “bad fate” - I call them negative programs that actively operate within the framework of one kind or another, live and are fueled by negative energy. What is the difference between the names if they mean the same phenomenon? And the difference is that when a person says “this is fate”, “this is my cross”, “this is my karma”, and so on in that spirit, he sort of resigns himself to this state of affairs in advance, deliberately lowers his hands and does not even try change something, reconsider your behavior or discover the roots of your problems. Such an attitude to "one's bad fate" only strengthens the effect of negative and destructive programs, makes a person a weak-willed puppet, adds new problems to the existing ones and spins in a whirlwind of negative events. In such families, loneliness, celibacy, lack of money, failures, meanness, cunning, deceit, fears and resentments live for generations. Instead of support, members of such families criticize, blame, suppress, humiliate, intentionally or not causing each other suffering. Even good, at first glance, intentions are carried out with harsh methods and have devastating consequences (for example, to protect children from “mistakes”). Women in such families often turn out to be childless and the clan simply degenerates - this is a consequence and result of the action of negative parental programs: when there is too much evil in the family, it simply self-destructs.

Positive Parenting Programs - these are creative programs aimed at the prosperity of the clan: prosperity, well-being, development, expansion of the clan, wealth. Such families are cheerful, optimistic, cheerful. A pleasant atmosphere reigns in their homes, they are hospitable and responsive to other people. People in such families are aimed at development, training, career growth. Everything seems to work out for them by itself - they are positively minded and do not get hung up on problems and obstacles. And if they have already met on their way, then positive-minded people focus on solving problems, and do not turn them into an insurmountable obstacle and a reason for inaction. Failures are perceived as a life lesson, food for thought, from which important conclusions can be drawn for further movement. In such families, people support each other, help each other to reveal their potential and move towards goals - without pressure and unnecessary edification.

So why do we repeat the fate of our mothers?

This question worries more than one generation - it really is: why do daughters so often repeat the fate of their mothers and live such similar lives without husbands, or with husbands, but alcoholics / cheaters / tyrants? One could say - it's all about men: the "normal" ones have disappeared! But no, there are other examples: when women live prosperous and happy lives and, like their mothers, choose worthy men as husbands. So, probably, after all, the point is not in men, but in who a woman attracts into her life and how she reacts to actions and behavior?! The fact that a bottom woman is ready to forgive and endure all her life, another will immediately dismiss as unworthy, unnecessary, not suitable for her. And again, the matter is in the attitudes: what a man can be; and what - no, what he should do and what he should not; what is permissible, and what is “already completely beyond”.

We follow the paths trodden by our mothers and repeat their path, stepping on the same "rake" for generations - until one of the women of the same kind thinks of changing their behavior and inventing a new way of interacting with men.

We repeat the fate of our mothers, because we simply do not know how to behave differently.

We were not taught to behave differently, and if they did, we did not listen, but only watched living examples before our eyes. It is not enough to know theoretically that “you need to choose a good husband”, “you need to live happily ever after”, “you need to have a head on your shoulders”, etc. - these are all general phrases and empty advice that are devoid of specific content and practical benefits. After all, everyone knows that, for example, “you need to behave properly with men” - but when “it comes down to it”, we do not know how it is done, what it means “correctly” in each specific case and how to behave. But a person can repeat the action he saw before, copy someone else's behavior in a similar situation - and this is where parental programs work on autopilot. These are a kind of stereotypical behavioral algorithms that help a person exist without actively turning on the brain - and many of them are very useful. After all, those elementary programs that we adopted in childhood from our parents help us to be independent individuals, establish social connections, maintain relationships, behave in a certain way with different people - in a word, live in society. If the parents somewhere had a “program failure” and they lost these skills, then the child, accordingly, will not be able to adopt those programs that are not in the parent's basic set. He will have to develop and pump them on his own, but first, he needs to realize the lack of certain skills, and not shift the responsibility for his failures to other people and “major circumstances”.

I have a wonderful friend - smart, beautiful, wealthy, independent, but completely unhappy in her personal life. Years go by, and she is still alone. But if you look at her mother, we will see the same story: she could not build relationships with anyone, over and over again letting unworthy candidates close to her, closer to 40 she gave birth to a daughter for herself - and so they lived together. And in vain the mother hoped that her daughter would become happier than she is - it is impossible to convey the positive experience of creating a family if it is not there. There are many such examples - the daughter of a divorced woman divorces her husband, the daughter of the victim certainly sacrifices herself and endures all the antics of the unfortunate husband, and the daughter of a “strong woman” gets married and begins to “pull on herself” the whole family ... Moreover, many women completely they deny the similarity of their fate with their mother’s, exclaiming “I will never be like that!”, and if they realize it, they simply don’t know what to do with problems that are so clearly drawn from past generations, turn a blind eye to them, live on the knurled and pass on such a scenario as a legacy to their daughters. This is the paradox - we seem to be free people, we do not live in closed castes, but often continue to act within the same family scenarios repeating the same mistakes, doing amazingly the same things through the generations.

So does this mean that our destinies are predetermined and we cannot go beyond generic scenarios? What to do if you realize that you are living within a script that was not written by you? Is it possible to overcome dependence on these generic scenarios?

How to detect parent programs?

Sometimes it is difficult to detect negative programs in the family - but this is possible if you carefully study your family, especially its dark pages and forgotten stories. Women should pay special attention to the female destinies of their kind - both from the side of the mother and the father. Women tend to repeat exactly women's fates - very often in families they can be traced generic scenarios: if a woman raised children herself or endured a despot husband all her life, her daughter will repeat the same fate; if there were divorces in the family, then they are more likely to repeat in the next generations than in families where parents have lived together all their lives. And this is far from mysticism - it’s all about the manner of behaving in a certain way, building relationships with others in accordance with the attitudes learned in childhood: what “can” be done and what “can’t”; how to do it right and how to do it wrong; how to behave “beautifully”, and how it is unacceptable. These ideas, of course, are determined not only by parental programs - a person adopts many norms of behavior himself, borrows from others (friends, acquaintances) or copies the most common views in society. Parental programs determine the basic level of a person, his foundation and starting positions - that's why some need to study all their lives in order to reach the level that others are definitely given literally "with mother's milk". In any case, each person has his own challenges and tasks to work out, and the search for parental programs is one of the ways to see them firsthand.

In order to discover parental programs, you need to carefully study your family, analyze repeating scenarios and see patterns in different, at first glance, destinies.

Here are examples of questions that will help you see what is hidden in the depths of family history:

Installations about models of female behavior and fate:

What race do I belong to? With whom do I feel more related - with my father's or with my mother's family? what were the women in this family like?

Were the women in my family happy? (write down the names of those who were happy and those who were not) how was it determined and how did it manifest itself?

- Are there similar stories, recurring scenarios in the fate of women of my kind?

- Are there any family stories, legends in my family that have a great influence on the ideas of family members about themselves?

- Are there stable self-determinations in our family? (for example, we are optimists, we are businessmen, we are athletes)? what shade do these stable self-determinations have - positive or negative? (for example, negative self-definitions: “we are unlucky, we are always unlucky, we never succeed, there have never been happy / rich / healthy people in our family”; positive self-definitions: “there have always been beautiful women in our family”, “in our family they always knew how to make money”, “in our family there is someone to be born strong and healthy”, “in our family there have always been educated and smart people" etc.)

Success Attitudes:

- is there in my family successful people? in what way can my relatives be an example?

– Were there educated people in my family who achieved success in their careers and gained a position in society? what was the secret of their success? how did they behave? what rules were followed?

Attitudes about relationships with men:

- how did women of my kind behave with men? what model of female behavior prevailed? how successful was she?

- What was the relationship between the spouses in my family?

What were the husbands and wives like in my family? which of them can be a role model?

- Did women in my family have that very “female happiness”? if so, what was his pledge, foundation (behavior, attitudes, values)? if not, what prevented it?

Well, and, finally, the most important question: which of the family attitudes continue to live in me? What are my actions that lead to repetition of family scenarios?

Make a family tree to visually see the branches of your family and the history of individuals. Restore missing knowledge by asking and searching for missing family members in the family tree. Not only the old-timers of your family will come to your aid, but also archives, registry offices, local history museums.

How to rewrite parent programs

Firstly, you don’t need to be offended by your family and blame your loved ones for “ruining your life” and passing on a baggage of negative attitudes (if you find them). The first step to getting rid of parental programs is to take full responsibility for your life on yourself. No one can change your life except yourself: neither friends, nor relatives, neither mom nor dad. Your problems are just your problems. And only you can solve them. It is at the moment when you free yourself from the desire to blame someone for your problems that you will have a chance to overcome them. Otherwise, no way.

I repeat, parents cannot pass on to us the experience that they do not have, which, in turn, their parents did not pass on to them. But if you stop blaming your parents and grandparents, and feel sympathy and compassion for them, then you will see that these people themselves were deprived of what they did not give you. If a person is cruel to his child, then he himself knew cruelty in childhood; if he is cold and does not show love to his child, this is because he himself did not receive this and was not taught to love truly; if a person criticizes, humiliates, asserts himself at the expense of others, it means that this is how he was treated in childhood and now only in this way can he feel his value, putting himself in the place of a strong one ... There are reasons for everything - and even why a person is born in a certain family. If we are given this or that experience in life, then we need it. This means that the soul in this incarnation has chosen exactly those people and those relationships in which it can “gain” the missing experience.

The only way to get rid of resentment is forgiveness and reconciliation.

By the way, a great way to get rid of resentment (including resentment against parents) are therapy letters. Therapeutic letters are when you take a sheet of paper and write everything you would like to say to a certain person: questions, grievances, complaints. Write until you run out of words. Write - even if you are hurt and uncomfortable: this is a wonderful way to free yourself from what has been tormenting you for years. Of course, no one needs to send such letters. But to burn them along with their grievances is possible. Write to a certain person as many letters as necessary - until relief, reconciliation and acceptance. You will know when you can stop. Such letters are good because they are very environmentally friendly in relation to others - you can write everything that you do not tell your loved ones.

You can write such letters to anyone - mom, dad, women of their kind, teachers, colleagues, teachers, former - everyone who has ever made you experience strong feelings.

In the process of writing, you can understand the roots of a particular problem, look at it from the other side and, ideally, feel gratitude for the experience. And real relationships with loved ones will miraculously improve.

Secondly, in order to rewrite parental programs, you need to clearly see them and deeply realize their adverse effect on yourself. After all, even if a person knows and sees that he repeats negative scenarios, but does not intend to rewrite them, he will live for years within their framework and pass these attitudes on to his children. Only the realization that "I deserve a better life and I can live differently”, only the real determination to act to break the negative scenario and try to create a new one can motivate a person to start living differently.

And finally, thirdly. In order to go beyond the prescribed generic programs, you need to be as conscious as possible, observant towards yourself, patient and persistent on the chosen path. After all, it is one thing to "know" - quite another thing to "do". I will tell you right away that it is very difficult to change your behavior, attitude towards people (and towards yourself!) only from a speculative desire and theoretical knowledge. If only because we have a set of habits and standard reactions to this or that situation - we inherited from our parents even the habit of supposedly revealing cause-and-effect relationships and we believe that we know the explanations for certain phenomena - although in fact behind them there may be an elementary attitude (such as the attitude “Whoever works hard and works hard, lives well”, which, in fact, does not always correspond to reality). Ideally, in order to rewrite negative attitudes, you need to have another sample before your eyes: families with positive programs (but even here you need to be extremely careful and observant - after all, often extremely unattractive content can be hidden behind an outwardly attractive picture)

Practices for working with parental attitudes

Practice 1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. In one column write "My problems in life", in the second "The roots of these problems in the family", in the third - "Parental attitudes". In the first column, write down everything, everything that worries you - it can be the inability to earn money, build relationships, maintain relationships, problems with children, with work, with housing, with health, and so on. In the second column, write down all the problems related to yours that were present in your family. And in the third column, try to remember all the attitudes and statements regarding your problem - even the most ridiculous and ridiculous. To facilitate the task, write down problems and attitudes by areas - relationships, money, friends, work, leisure / leisure, attitude towards yourself, life values ​​​​and priorities, hobbies / hobbies, etc. You yourself may be surprised what attitudes live in your mind, and when you find them, you will get the opportunity to refute and overcome them.

For example:

My problems in life The roots of these problems are in the family Parental settings
I can't make money Poverty in the family, lack of money in two generations. Lack of skills to earn money, handle it and manage it properly. “Wanting to make money is dishonorable and humiliating” “Money is not the most important thing in life”, “You must always save”, “Wealth spoils a person”, “You won’t get rich honestly”, “He who wants to earn money is a mercenary person ”, “Businessmen are traders and merchants who only think about money”, “Money and wealth can cause envy, evil eye and damage”, etc.

By the way, not all problems in life can have roots in the family and be caused by parental attitudes. Negative attitudes can be learned not only from the family - but imposed by television, public opinion or an individual. In any case, write them out - what is important is not so much the source of the origin of negative attitudes as their presence and, accordingly, their rewriting and, if possible, elimination.

These stable phrases and statements that you managed to fish out of the subconscious, if you seriously approached the implementation of the previous practice, can and should be rewritten. How to do it? First you need to convince the brain of the opposite - even if offhand it seems obvious to you that this or that installation is not viable. In order for the brain to perceive a new setting, it is necessary to refute the old one - and this must be done in a way understandable to the mind: with the help of logical arguments and counterarguments.

For example:

Installation/program Its logical refutation How to rewrite in practice


Poverty mindset It is normal when a person evaluates in monetary terms his time, his efforts and the work done. To take money for their work is also normal as giving money in exchange for services products. The higher quality/unique product/service you provide, the higher your value in the market.

That is, you need to identify your strengths, improve as a professional, provide quality services, create interesting / in-demand products - and do not forget about your personal interests.

Making money is good, normal, necessary, after all. It's okay to charge for your services and evaluate the effort you put in (it's not okay not to work and not earn).

Wealth is good, wonderful, wonderful.

To be secure is the foundation of a decent life.

Rewriting negative attitudes is not a one-day affair. This is a conscious constant work, at the beginning of which you can already consider success if you begin to notice when you act and speak according to parental programs. In particularly acute situations, ask yourself the question - why am I experiencing this or that emotion? who said that I have to react in one way or another to a given situation? Is it possible to look at this situation from the other side and react to it in a different way? Is it necessary to spend energy and thoughts on this or that situation? why does this bother me? why am I behaving this way or that way? why do I need this?

Be attentive to yourself and your thoughts, analyze your words and actions, trust your inner voice and listen to your soul - and you will definitely be able to rid your mind of weeds and come to a harmonious and conscious existence!

Wishing you inner beauty,

Have you noticed that at some stage in your life, situations from the past seem to begin to return to you? You just live for yourself, and then once - it began.

In one week, all the exes “suddenly” begin to appear or life turns in such a way that you have to return to your parental home for some time in adulthood, or maybe it leaves you close person, and this is strongly reminiscent of the story of many years ago, when you left the one who loved you in the same way.

Heartache, serious domestic difficulties, conflicts at work, denial of help and many other situations - only now everything does not depend on you. Life seems to give you the opportunity to feel what other people felt when you caused their pain or other difficult conditions. Circumstances may be slightly different, but on the other hand, you understand very well what people from the past had to endure through your fault. Familiar stories?

It also happens that people suddenly start to appear from somewhere who want to give you something that is no longer needed, but all their past “orders” to the universe are immediately remembered. Here you are eighteen, and for some reason you dream of a cool biker with long hair to come and take away, but he didn’t come then, but he came now! True, you are already 30 or 40, a family and two children, but you arrived the same as ordered. And that classmate with whom you were in love for many years, but married someone else, and then one day you go to social networks, and taaam ... “hello, how are you, haven’t seen you for a long time!” - from her. Changed so, nope, "not it"! Or how you wanted to have a big motorcycle, saved up money for many years, and then got carried away with paragliders, then airplanes, learned to be a pilot, but it didn’t work out with motorcycles, and maybe not in vain?)

I think that everyone has such examples - the thoughts that we launched into space return one day in the form of people, objects or events. Some of them bring long-awaited joy, while others - “Ugh, it’s good that this desire didn’t come true then,” but one way or another, life returns to us everything unfinished so that we put an end to it.

At some point in your life, all unfulfilled “wishlists” begin to seem to fall on your head, and now you really begin to understand the meaning of the phrase “Beware of your desires, they tend to come true.”

Is this happening to you right now?

Congratulations, you have reached the stage of distributing debts, which is one of the mandatory stages on the path of spiritual growth. Now I will explain how everything works.

Have you ever had such a stressful time at work or at home that there is “no time to get sick”? Emergency reports, guests arrive, repairs need to be completed, the nephew's wedding is on the nose, the children have gone to school, but you never know what can happen in life. On such days, the body does not even try to get sick, because it understands that now you can not count on attention and care, the maximum that you get is a dose of strong antibiotics so that it does not distract from important matters - and the body “decides” to wait. But then the day comes when you finally go on vacation to "peace and quiet" and ... on the second day you wake up with a temperature, a sore throat or other, not very pleasant signs of a spoiled vacation. Why is everything happening this way?

The fact is that the healing of any disease requires free energy, and in times of increased stress you simply don’t have it, so the body is waiting for you to free yourself, gain a little strength, and then you can notify about the existing problem - because you’ll definitely start deal with its solution.

We came to rest - it's great! Sun, heat, water, silence, peace, are you ready? Great, get a sore throat or a temperature, let's get rid of the accumulated low-frequency energy and heal. The algorithm, I think, is clear. If you carefully observe life, you will quickly notice the similarity of diseases with the lessons of fate. As soon as some knowledge (=energy) appears in your life, free time(=energy), the desire to understand the situation, so immediately there are many, many "simulators" around.

What was the point of giving you a test of family loyalty, honesty, nobility? When you live in sleep mode, you don’t see any lessons. And cheating, and parting, and deceit in business, and a rude attitude towards children and parents seems to be the norm. And as you begin to wake up, so "dear mother, what have I done." O! Excellent! Begins to understand.

"Actors on stage, we begin the final run!" - says the chief director.

And the fun started! Honest business decided? Wonderful! Do you think you can get away with what you did before? Nope ... It may be okay for someone - but not for you.

We swung at a high standard of living with a clear conscience, please repay the debts. How? Don't worry, life will figure it out. You just have to understand what is happening so that you do not jump out of the window from grief and depression. If you rolled down the mountain for a long, long time, now you have to work hard to climb to its top.

What else do you want? Faithful and strong family? Will you no longer be a “man in a skirt”, do you want to become a wonderful wife and mother? Oh, commendable, but be patient - first you must return all the emotions that you generously bestowed on your household for many years. They will return through children, through older relatives, through a husband, through neighbors, whatever.

What else? Do you want to marry, only to be faithful and good? Yes. Before that, what were you doing? Walked right and left? And the girls were hurt, what do you think? It hurts, right? So why should you send a good one, you will also make her unhappy, first let's fall in love with some bitch who will exhaust all your nerves, and then we'll see if you deserve a good wife or not. No, don't you want to? Better alone? Well, see for yourself, master-master.

You understand the principle, right? Do not be tempted by looking at the lives of other people and reasoning that they, they say, do not work on themselves, everything is fine with them, they also walked, and deceived, and did many other stupid things.

No need to worry about other people, everyone has their own lessons. If you can’t do it the way they do, then there are serious reasons for that. Get to grips with your life. A strong recommendation is to start with a detailed analysis of your family history and your parent-child relationship. It is not the parents who are to blame for the fact that something does not work out for the children, it is the children who ended up in exactly the environment that they corresponded to in terms of the level of development at the time of manifestation on our beautiful planet. Look at your relatives, especially at all their most impartial qualities, and just accept - it's you. You have it all, you just may not really want to see it, but it will manifest in full force if you continue to ignore these obvious signs. Negative manifestations of character in the family almost always show us those sides of ourselves that need to be overcome. And all the stupid stories that you got into in your life while in "sleep mode" are most often just related to these vices of yours that you don't want to discover in yourself. And as soon as you begin to more or less think about what's what and how everything on this planet is arranged, this very stage of distributing debts begins.

Distribute debts voluntarily, distribute with joy, help fate restore balance in your life Do not wait for it to come to you for retribution, start giving yourself from the bottom of your heart!

Ask for forgiveness from everyone who intentionally or not through malicious intent caused some kind of pain, ask for forgiveness in the way that you can at this stage of your development. Write a letter to a person, call, meet and talk, close your last stage of life with kindness and gratitude!

If you do not dare to do this, then at least mentally ask for forgiveness, wish happiness from the bottom of your heart, pray or somehow free yourself from this burden! Give a person a gift, help with a word or deed, try to humanly restore this energy imbalance. Sometimes debts are such that you will need several years of hard work to “release” it, so what can you do, if you want to live a normal life, fix what you have done! Forgive yourself, be reborn, change, understand your traumas, heal ancestral scripts, grow up, flourish and start moving on.

Our desires, too, are often associated with unhealed injuries, so life does not allow them to be realized - until we grow up a little. And as they matured, she sends us “three tons of sweets” that she wanted in childhood, because she understands that now we have enough sanity not to spoil our health with so many sweets. Yes, you yourself already understand that we do not need everything that seemed valuable.

I wish everyone happiness!

P.S. The stage of debt distribution can begin at any age, and its duration depends on your diligence in reflection and lifestyle changes.