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Generic scenarios, what are they and what are they?

Today I open a series of articles on the topic of generic scripts, and I invite you to work on this topic yourself.

Generic scenarios, what are they and what are they? (part 1) You are on this article.
(part 2)
(part 3)

Surely you have seen people in your circle of acquaintances who find themselves in similar situations over and over again.

It's like a woman marrying an alcoholic for the third time. No, no, she is getting married, carefully choosing a non-drinking man for herself, but next to her, even determined teetotalers for some reason suddenly start drinking, you see, the marriage has already broken up, and the reason is announced “He turned out to be an alcoholic.”

It also happens that a man is in the prime of his life and possibilities, but still cannot manifest himself in any way, all efforts lead most often to failures. He seems to be unable to manifest himself in any way, and he is “lucky” with women: as a rule, active, decisive, overwhelming women appear next to him. Exactly the same as his grandmother and mother.

Or a young woman who life path there are only married men. As if all singles died out like mammoths.

Or here's another. A person works, earns, it seems that this is it, and success! But no, it doesn’t last long, some event immediately happens and everything acquired over the years and mined by labor collapses like a house of cards, and there remains no understanding of “For what ?!” Or everything disappears without a trace, as if slipping through your fingers. It seems like it just happened, and it doesn't. So much invested time, labor, life, and all down the drain.

There are women who endlessly help their neighbors, then stumble upon “ungratefulness”, but after a while they again strive to help the next person who wants to. Or they get involved in another project, with great desire, enthusiasm, overflowing, drawing bright prospects, but... After a while, everything quietly fades out, interest disappears, causing a burning desire to realize it. And everything started all over again...

This is all the bright indicators of life scenarios.

What are scripts, when and who writes them, and what are they like?

We write scripts ourselves. Whether we like the idea or not, that's the way it is.

When do we start writing our script? Yes, since birth. Still quite babies we choose our setting, what kind of world around us, starting from how exactly the mother's pregnancy proceeded, how the birth took place, how our mother treated us in the early years. It is then that the foundations of each scenario are laid.

Scenarios can be of three types.
1. Winning - winning scenario. Here the goals are achieved and bring a lot of joy, everything turns out and succeeds.
2. A loser is a loser scenario. Goals are not achieved, or achieved, but with great difficulty, they do not bring satisfaction or joy.
3.Normal - average. Didn't win, didn't lose, just participated. No special success is achieved, in life they choose to simply exist.

There are rarely pure win or lose scenarios.

Most of the time the scenarios are mixed. For example, they win in work, there is a career, well-being, they lose in relationships - they are unlucky in love, as they say. And my health is so-so, I don’t seem to get sick, but I can’t call it healthy either.

Or everything is fine in the family, but health is bad, but in work and money, so, or rather, not even in any way. And especially the soul does not warm, and does not bring money. Yes, work for the sake of work. She is there and fine.

Scenario processes are lived unconsciously. They rule in your life only because you do not see them. If you want change, watch yourself, in your own words, beliefs, actions. What do you most often say to yourself when you fail, and what do you say to yourself when you succeed? How do you deal with sudden difficulties? How do you solve life problems? What do you believe? What is she?

Your task is not just to read, but to try on for yourself how this can manifest itself in you. After all, having recognized these processes in oneself, it is much easier to influence them, to change them. By choosing in return what you choose for yourself with soul and heart.

All scenarios of losers and middle peasants are divided into several various kinds. Let's take them in order.

1. I can't be happy until... (I can't have what I want until I pay a high price for it.) Or until I get another higher education and academic degree. Until I make my next million. Until my child grows up and becomes happy. Until my mother or grandmother recovers. Until not - this is just a script, and most often it is generic.

How to fix? Do not take responsibility for others, you cannot make others happy, this time. The only person you can make happy is yourself, and only you.

Two - to understand that the race for it is like a puppy playing with its tail. And not another education, nor a million, nor the happiness of a child or mother can make you happy. And you could change, because you have your power, strength, freedom.

You have all the options, but they choose their "Not yet ...". Why?…

2. Never. This is also a scenario that is based on the belief that I will never get what I really want. Women with this belief never marry. Or they go out, but they will never be happy in marriage. Never get rich. They will never be completely healthy.

Because for them it is in their reality impossible. Ask them a question: why? There will be no clear answer. It's just the way it is in their world. And point.

3. After. This scenario is based on the "doomed belief" - I can live and enjoy life, but then I will have to pay dearly for it. And they pay. Health. Relations. Self-realization. What is expensive is what they pay for. They put the most precious thing on the altar of their lives in exchange for first pleasing their parents, then their husband, children, boss, anyone.

Just not yourself.

4. Almost. People with this scenario are always half a step away from success, happiness, good luck. But. In a second, in a millimeter to happiness, they choose to stop. They never run the risk of achieving what seems to be the desired success. Your dad almost became an astronaut. Your mom almost became a ballerina/artist/stewardess.

Look at yourself. Are you almost successful?

5. As always. I will always remain in this situation. As in a parable.
“A person goes through life and suffers. He is asked, why are you suffering?
He replies - I suffer in order to make my children happy. And your ancestors, were they happy? No, they also suffered so that their descendants would be happy. We always suffer for the happiness of our descendants.”

Here is such a whirlwind of patrimonial suffering. I will suffer as always...

6. There is another scenario, the loss of Role. This is when at first everything seems to be great. Then some significant event occurs, such as divorce, retirement, or the separation of children into their own families, and that's it. End. The woman really does not know what to do now. She, along with the role of mother, wife or colleague, loses the meaning of her life. This is also common in men.

The meaning of your life is determined by you. If someone decides that there is no point, well, it will be so ... in his life.

Everything that is cyclically repeated in your life is your personal script, and everything that is repeated in the life of your family, from generation to generation, is your family script, your family programs that you have to unwittingly live through.

This is not your conscious choice because you would never have chosen that. These are yours subconscious programs.

And what to do? How to fix something? It is quite possible to break out of the vicious circle and stop coming to the same result. And with information on how to do this, I will definitely share with you later in a separate article.

Now I would like to notice a couple of interesting features.

Here you read the article. You may have seen that in some areas you, alas, are not the winner, and not even the average, but are clearly losing.

And much of this has been handed down to you by your dearly beloved parents. Is it time to pout your lips and be offended? Or say, well, here, and here it was not lucky, as always? Or start complaining about life and lament: well, why was I born in this particular family, why am I such a punishment ....

No-no-no! In no case!

First of all. It is not by chance that we come to this or that genus, if there are tasks, it means that you are able to solve them. Perhaps even it was you yourself in past incarnations who set this vector for the development of a kind. So you came to fix everything. Sami. Having rolled up sleeves, resolutely and with skill.

Secondly. We receive and transmit scenario processes at an unconscious level.

Thirdly. Our parents(by the way, just like you to your children) always give us the best from what they received from their parents. Carefully and lovingly choosing the best. Do you do the same with your children? As far as you can at the moment.

Fourth. Change is scary. Changing your life, changing yourself, changing the script is really scary. This fear may have been passed down from generation to generation. Perhaps you made this choice in a past life to leave everything as it is. You are alive - this is the main thing, and this was achieved by the scenario that you lived through. This experience, which may have been passed down from generation to generation, may not be happy, but it is viable, proven and understandable.

Are you ready for change? Can you leave your well-worn rut of life and? Or is it easier, safer and more comfortable to stay in your old, familiar, cozy way of life?

Write if the article was useful to you? If yes, please share with your friends.

In what areas and scenarios have you discovered in your life and what would you like to change them for?

Sincerely, Gulfia

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Look at your grandmother from your father's side.

As noted psychologist Eric Berne writes, our ancestral script is inherited through the generation. And on the branch of the parent of the opposite sex. That is, for a girl it will be a female branch from her father's side. Most often it is the mother of her father. But maybe his aunt, or, rarely, a cousin ... But - brightest of all - this is your grandmother on the paternal side.

AT Soviet time children were often named after the mother of the father of the child, if a girl, and in honor of the father of the mother of the child, if a boy.

Lena was no exception, she was named after her father's ardently and, as it seemed, unrequitedly beloved mother, Lena's woman. Little Lena never liked her name, as if the unconscious of the child resisted the imposed scenario: at the age of five she called herself Gavrosh, at 10 - Lyalya, at 13 Alice, at 15 Anfisa .... And during her childhood, she communicated little, perhaps 3-4 times a year with her grandmother on her father's side. That is, in the life of our Lena there was no presence of her grandmother, there was no upbringing, there was no direct transfer of experience .... The thing is that in her parental family, the behavior of Baba Lena was very much condemned. for many years she heard repetitions, intonation and saw the condemning facial expressions of her mother and the tacit recognition of the facts of her father: “Baba Lena always lived only for herself! She doesn't care about us! She lives for her pleasure! She changes men like gloves! She doesn't love anyone! She doesn't care about her son, and you, her granddaughter. She doesn't help us! and never helped. Her friends are more important to her than her family. Hmm, She likes to go to boarding houses and sanatoriums! Her favorite Rublevskoe highway, where the servants of the people live .... Of course, she hates our family, life is here, and she would like to rest .... to change men... how many has she changed? .... irresponsible, wayward, selfish ... "But at the same time: a beautiful, blonde, at the age of 60 she got up on the bridge, her figure is amazing, she constantly takes care of herself: now manicures, then cleansing the body, tubages, face masks, aesthetic surgery ... this in Soviet times! - "- that is, little Lena hears both condemnation and envy .... And of course, despite the fact that she almost did not communicate with her grandmother - her image is ATTRACTIVE! ... and vicious, we condemn ....

Now Lena is 36 years old, she has never been married, she is a dyed blonde, beautiful, curvy, she does yoga, stretching is amazing, and she changes men like gloves .... weekly manicures, massages, tyubazhi 2 times a year, weight loss clinics, spas - grooms himself and cherishes. There are a lot of friends, 4 times a year vacation abroad, then a spa, then skiing, then shopping. I set myself the goal of living on Rublyovka .... I wonder why would it? Has the fashion of recent years inspired you, or an attractive, mysterious and forbidden-inaccessible name from childhood?

But!: she has no FAMILY values. She doesn't want children. She is satisfied with her way of life... She does not consider it possible to sacrifice it... even for the sake of creating a family and for the sake of future children...

Her parents have been wondering since the beginning of the 90s: who is their Lena like? Because the family led a modest engineering lifestyle, rather homely and withdrawn, the parents worked all their lives, barely saving up for a single vacation, they knew the bill for money, they were responsible, they planned everything in advance ...... Needless to say, Lena inherited her grandmother's script from the outside father...

And it doesn't matter if she took part in your upbringing or not. Whether she was alive by the time you were born or not... The handover of the script proceeds anyway....

And only by "recreating" it, having worked, you can get rid of it .... TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR FATE.

I have one client, in order to interrupt the inheritance of a script that did not suit her at all (there was a suicide), she even changed her name, Alya became from Gali ....

What was your mom and dad's relationship like?

What did you see in your root family?

The family passes on from generation to generation its way of interacting with the outside world and its idea of ​​life.

The child observes how adults interact in life, and internalize (take in, make their own) not only parental behavior, but also their attitudes towards themselves and the world around them.

It is clear that the child's conclusions about himself and the world around him are based on very limited experience of observing specific parental reactions to certain problems. The child perceives gender relations through certain prisms, or glasses that he has been wearing since childhood and which create the essence of parental programming. These prisms or glasses give the child a special view of the world, the relationship of the sexes and everything that follows from this.

If you have never known a life based on concepts that are alien to suffering, alienation, if dad and mom were constantly quarreling, if you were yelling at each other, constantly making claims; if you did not experience the intimacy that should arise in a husband-wife relationship, if you did not see support and mutual respect, if you saw lies, deceit, and maybe even worse, drinking, violence .... - it will not be easy for you to find the right pattern in the relationship of the sexes at all - you will probably have to go through a lot of disappointments both in yourself and in other people.

If your communication skills were originally adapted to tense relationships, to the war of the sexes, enjoy society loved one, it will be hard to feel comfortable and relaxed.

How to overcome: as an adult, RECOGNIZE that what you saw in your parental family is only a limited slice of the entire palette of human relationships. UNDERSTAND that the conclusions that you made as a child, and which still influenced your destiny, were made on the basis of observing not all the options for relationships, but only those that were before your eyes. CONFIRM that you have grown up, that you are now an adult, and can already judge a much larger range of options, RELEASE yourself from the captivity of the parent script, and TRY in a new way perceive yourself and the world around you.

Generic programs can be both useful and destructive. If your ancestors built churches, took care of the orphans and the poor, did good deeds for the sake of the community, homeland, humanity, then all programs of this kind will be associated with the development and increase of the energy of goodness. In this case, the descendants get the corresponding fruits: success, luck and prosperity in all its manifestations.

If the descendants get other "bonuses" - illnesses and failures, then negative scenarios predominate in this kind. What leads to the emergence of destructive programs? " Horror stories» in the genus. These include dispossession, poverty, epidemics, murders, suicides, accidents, etc. Special attention must be paid to suicide and murder. Events like this are very debilitating.

But, as a rule, the family prefers to hide such stories. No one is told about this and the descendants do not know anything about it. In turn, the souls of such "forgotten" relatives hang out in the family, creating negative ties. These negative connections must be fed by something. If a child is born in the family who is predisposed to give energy, this energy begins to go from him to maintain the ties of unreleased souls with the family. In this case, it is very useful to know all the negative stories, relive them and let go.

In this way, you release negative connections and purify souls - they leave, and you live on. Distortions related to childbearing and sex. Any negative behavior in the sexual sphere has a very strong effect on the family. This includes promiscuity, violence, abandonment of children, abortions and all kinds of life for pleasure with a total waste of energy. Wrong behavior with the shrines of the family, which means with relationships, with respect in the family. Love, as a source of interaction in relationships, honoring parents, love for one's children are the shrines of the family. Family curse. It exists when it lies on negative scenario. Those. there is nothing to catch a bright person. But when there is already a negative scenario in it, the curse works.

Of course, if someone sent a curse, it means, most likely, "there was a reason." Consequently, at the time of the curse, the family had already "turned the wrong way." A strong emotional desire falls on the existing "marriage", strengthens the program - degeneration is underway. The law of development of the genus If we consider the genus as a kind of biosocial system, we can observe certain principles and laws of development that are universal for all genera. Here is the law of development of the genus: Prescription is a development trend, an internal motive. For example, everyone in our family loves to build houses. The prescription is to love to build. Not to build, but to love to build. This is what to strive for. Generic programs are exactly how to fulfill the prescription. Algorithm.

What exactly are you doing to satisfy your needs and the needs of the family. Most often, they diverge, since initially nature has a conflict between the prescription and the algorithm for satisfying an individual need. The resolution of the conflict leads to the development of the family. For example, there is a woman with a normal need to start a family. The family has a prescription for her - to create joy in the family. Now let's imagine that there is a generic program - some kind of pain or illness that limits the implementation of the prescription. This program appeared as a result of hard experience in this area with one of the ancestors. And now a woman is fighting for her happiness, but he is still gone and gone. You can come up with various algorithms for achieving happiness, but without having worked out the generic program, you will not be able to fulfill the prescription.

Thus, creating in a person an internal need for something, the genus puts a person in front of the need to solve generic problems. Therefore, in order to change the situation and embody everything you want, you need to deal with generic programs, since it is likely that the key to your happiness lies in their solution. Generic programs change through awareness, immersion in them and correction. In addition to the laws described above, the clan has several more important principles: The first child in the family bears the greatest load of the clan - he takes off what is on top.

If there are negative tendencies by gender, then the first-born bears heavy karma. The second child gets less; he, as it were, cleans up what the first did not take. It happens that this principle works in a different way. The first child is born strong, and the second weaker. This means that the family had a supply of good karma, but it was only enough for the firstborn. “Nature rests on the children of smart parents.” That is, as a rule, the main trends are transmitted through the generation. Therefore, children often have more generic birth programs with their grandparents than with their parents. Hence the following position: The first daughter in the family most often reflects the fate of the maternal grandmother. The first son is paternal grandfather.

The next children born in the family are more free to choose programs from two kinds. General social cataclysms remain an imprint in the family and are passed on to descendants. The karma of the clan fits into the karma or egregor of the state. These are wars, famines, repressions, epidemics, natural disasters and other tragedies. A special and not always favorable burden is given to fate by naming children in honor of relatives. Sometimes children are named after their grandparents. But they still convey negative programs, and the repetition of the name further strengthens the program. Therefore, if a person was sick, there was a lot of negativity on him, you can harm your child by calling him by the same name.

How to change generic scripts

and live a harmonious and happy life?

Family and clan is the place where we are born, grow up and learn to build a relationship model. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many problems, complexes, fears come from our childhood. How often do you get the feeling that the same situation is repeated in your life again and again. It's like you're living the script you've already written. Who wrote this script, can it be changed? The answers to all these questions can be found in your Family.

The energy of the family is basic for a person, a person is born with it, it accompanies him all his life. Our family is an inexhaustible source of strength. Rod supports us in difficult times. By invisible threads we are connected with our ancestors. But the negative influence of the family on our destiny is also possible. The wrong actions of our ancestors attract situations in which the role of the “victim” is already assigned to us. You can change this by bringing love and harmony to your family.

This training is for those who want to:

  • Explore the energies of a kind and work out generic blockages.
  • Change your negative programs of the kind to positive ones
  • Get rid of your inner barriers and fears
  • Get rid of accumulated negative emotions about past relationships and get rid of past grievances
  • Open and strengthen your femininity and sexuality, remove the masculine style of behavior
  • Resolve parenting issues
  • Establish harmony in relationships and build a strong family

1 day: Friday

18:00-20:00 Refuse male behavior, learn to use female qualities for real.

  • scenarios of femininity and masculinity
  • analysis of male and female qualities and strategies in their behavioral scenario, taken from the family
  • and what does it mean "to be a woman" and why it is good to be her
  • differences between men and women: energy and intelligence
  • male and female qualities and roles that we took from our parents
  • how to convey masculine qualities to a man
  • identification of negative generic attitudes

Day 2 Saturday

10:00 – 12:00 Rewriting the negative generic script into a positive one

Ancestral messages - messages that go to children from elders: from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles. These are patterns of behavior that we adopt from childhood and are so accustomed to them that we do not see anything shameful in them. Thus, a generic scenario is formed. Meanwhile, in the most familiar things, we sometimes receive directives from elders to live suffering like them.

During this lesson, we will reveal what situations came to you in your reality from your ancestors, according to what kind of ancestral message you live. And change the minus to a plus. Let's rewrite the old negative programs of suffering for new positive harmony and love.

We will also consider scenarios and laws of the Family.

  • Ownership law
  • Law of Hierarchy
  • energy flow law
  • balance law.

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

13:00 – 15:00 Communication with the family: family tree

A person's family tree has a great influence on a person's life. It consists of 7 generations.
Your life largely depends on their life achievements and mistakes. Through practice, we:

  • we realize and cleanse the family from blocking programs and scripts
  • we will establish a favorable flow of energies in the family
  • harmonize family relationships.
  • we will acquire the strength, knowledge, skill and wealth of our great-grandfathers in order to pass them on to our children
  • reconnect with the grandparents for advice and tips in life

15:15 - 18:00 Dive deep into the 7 generations of the female line.

Relationships with your mother affect your self-confidence, sexuality and relationships with men. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. It is the maternal race that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the women of the family support you, you feel their strength and power behind you. During this lesson, we will restore the connection with the maternal family and fill it with love and purity, we will receive a blessing from all the women of the family.

  • Purification of the female line for 7 generations ago
  • Obtaining the power of the foremother of the clan
  • Meditation for Healing the Interrupted Flow of Love and Opening/Increasing Sexuality

Day 3

10:00-12:00 Relationships between children and parents.

  • The laws family relations: what children should and what parents should.
  • Me and my mother, my relationship with her. Rules for communicating with mom
  • Me and dad, my relationship with him. Rules for communicating with dad.
  • Forgiving Parents Meditation and Healing the Inner Child
  • Relationships with siblings.
  • Scenarios of relationships with our children

12:00-13:00 - Lunch

13:00-15:00 Receiving the blessing of the family for prosperity

  • Let's strengthen the wings of our kind, which will saturate us with energy and strength in later life.
  • We will understand, realize and create a positive scenario for our financial well-being
  • We will receive the resources of our kind for the harmonious development of our personality

Presenter: Tanita Tali, dream coach, female happiness coach, vedic astrologer