• The technique was developed by E. F. Zambacevichene on the basis of the intelligence structure test
  • R. Amthauer.
  • Target: study of the level of development and features of conceptual thinking, the formation of the most important logical operations.

Assessed universal learning activities- cognitive logical:

  • 1. Analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features.
  • 2. Logical actions of comparison, classification according to specified criteria.
  • 3. The formation of the logical action of "inference", the ability to establish analogies.
  • 4. Formation of the ability to generalize, carry out generalization and derivation of generality for a number or class of single objects on the basis of highlighting an essential connection.


  • questionnaire, including four verbal subtests.

The nature of the presentation

  • perhaps group, perhaps individual presentation.

Description of the technique

  • the methodology includes 4 subtests, including 40 verbal tasks (10 tasks each), selected taking into account the program material of the primary classes.

As part of the first subtest

  • includes tasks aimed at identifying awareness, requiring subjects to differentiate the essential features of objects or phenomena from non-essential, secondary ones. Based on the results of performing some tasks of the subtest, one can judge the stock of knowledge of the subject

Second subtest

  • aimed at identifying the formation of a logical action (classification), the ability to abstract; consists of tasks that are a verbal version of the exclusion of the "fifth extra".

Third subtest

  • tasks for the formation of the logical action of "inference" (by solving analogies). To perform them, the subject must be able to establish logical connections and relationships between concepts.

Fourth subtest

  • is aimed at the formation of generalizing concepts (bringing two concepts under a common category - generalization), revealing the ability to generalize (the subject must name a concept that combines two words included in each subtest task).

Instructions and how to work

  • Before presenting the ten control tasks of each subtest, it is necessary to give several training ones, in order to introduce children to the task, to help them understand the essence of the upcoming intellectual work. At runtime control tasks the text can be read out both by the inspectors themselves and by the children to themselves. A combined presentation of instructions is also possible (first the inspector reads it, then the children read it to themselves again). The third subtest usually causes the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren. Instructions for it must be explained in a variety of training exercises.

Procedure, registration, and analysis of results

  • I subtest "Continue the sentence with one of the words in brackets. To do this, underline it."

  • The boot has (lace, buckle, sole, straps, buttons).
  • AT warm climes lives (bear, deer, wolf, camel, seal).
  • In the year (24, 3, 12 , 4, 7 months).
  • Winter month (September, October, February, November, March).
  • Does not live in Russia (nightingale, stork, titmouse, ostrich, starling).
  • The father is older than his son (often, always sometimes, rarely, never).
  • Time of day (year, month, week, day, Monday).
  • Water is always (clear, cold, liquid, white, delicious).
  • A tree always has (leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shade).
  • City of Russia (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia)).

  • Subtest II "One word out of five is superfluous, it does not fit all the others. Listen carefully, which word is superfluous? Underline the correct answer."

  • Tulip, lily, beans, chamomile, violet.
  • river, lake, sea, bridge, swamp.
  • doll, teddy bear, sand, ball, spade.
  • Kyiv, Kharkov, Moscow, Donetsk, Odessa.
  • Rosehip, lilac, poplar, jasmine, hawthorn.
  • Circle, triangle, quadrilateral, pointer, square.
  • Ivan, Peter Nesterov, Makar, Andrey.
  • Chicken, rooster, swan, goose, turkey.
  • Number, division, subtraction, addition, multiplication.
  • Cheerful, fast, sad, delicious, cautious.

  • III subtest "The word" nest" fits the word" bird ", tell me which word fits the word" dog" in the same way as the word" nest" fits the word" bird ". Why? Now we need to choose a pair for other words. Which the word fits the word "dahlia" in the same way that the word "vegetable" fits the word "cucumber". Choose from those that I will tell you. So, the cucumber is a vegetable, and the dahlia is ... Underline the correct answer. "

  • 1. Cucumber - Vegetable Clove - ? (Weed, dew, garden, flower, earth)
  • 2. Garden - Carrot Garden - ? (Fence, mushrooms, apple tree, well, bench)
  • 3. Teacher - Student Doctor - ? (Glasses, hospital, ward, patient, medicine)
  • 4. Flower - Vase Bird - ? (Beak, seagull, nest, feathers, tail)
  • 5. Glove - Hand Boots - ? (Stockings, sole, leather, leg, brush)
  • 6. Dark - Light Wet - ? (Sunny, slippery, dry, warm, cold)
  • 7. Clock - Time Thermometer - ? (Glass, sick, bed, temperature, doctor)
  • 8. Car - Motor Boat - ? (River, lighthouse, sail, wave, shore)
  • 9. Table - Tablecloth Floor - ? (Furniture, carpet, dust, boards, nails)
  • 10 . Chair - Wooden Needle - ? (Sharp, thin, shiny, short, steely)

  • IV subtest "What is the common word for ... ?
  • Write down the correct answer.

  • 1. Broom, shovel (tools)
  • 2. Perch, crucian (fish)
  • 3. Summer, winter (seasons)
  • 4. Cucumber, tomato (vegetables)
  • 5. Lilac, wild rose (shrubs)
  • 6. Wardrobe, sofa (furniture)
  • 7. Day, night (time of day)
  • 8. Elephant, ant (animals)
  • 9. June, July (months)
  • 10. Tree, flower (plants)

Results processing

  • The score in points for each task is obtained by summing up all the correct answers for this subtest.
  • The total score is compared with the maximum possible score for this test as a whole (it is 40 points), and in accordance with it, the level of development of the verbal-logical thinking of schoolchildren is established:
  • 40b. - 30b. (100%-75%) - high level of development;
  • 29-20b. (74% -50%) - average level of development;
  • 19 b. and less (49% -25%) - low level of development
  • A detailed analysis of individual data is possible in the general summary table, which records not only the points scored, but the numbers of tasks that the student did not cope with

Qualitative Analysis data is carried out in the following areas

  • the prevailing level of development of conceptual thinking in the classroom.
  • the presence of individual results that differ significantly from the average for the class.
  • the most well-developed components of verbal-logical thinking by class (logical operations).
  • the most poorly developed components of verbal-logical thinking by class (logical operations).
  • vocabulary of students and its features.

Presentation and analysis of individual data .

  • As a rule, in the first subtest, many students in grades 2-3 make mistakes in tasks 7-10, since they require not only the possession of a certain logical operation, but also specific subject knowledge. If, in addition to them, the student did not cope well with the rest of the tasks of the subtest, we can talk not only about a low vocabulary, but also about an unformed operation of highlighting essential features.

  • In the second subtest, difficulties often arise when completing tasks 4, 5, 8, 10 (for the reasons stated above).
  • The most informative from the point of view of mastering the operation of generalization and comparison are the remaining tasks.

  • When completing tasks of the fourth subtest, children often make mistakes in tasks 5, 7, 8, which require not only the skills of generalization, bringing phenomena or objects under the concept, but also specific knowledge of the world around them. They are also informative in terms of the child's stock of knowledge.
  • In general, individual data analysis should make it possible to identify children with a common low level development of conceptual thinking or its individual components.

Representation and analysis of group data

  • Analysis of the results obtained for the class as a whole is extremely important for building an effective pedagogical process. First of all, the results are recorded in the following summary tables.
  • The table records which tasks the student did not cope with.

Qualitative data analysis is carried out in the following areas:

  • - the prevailing level of development of verbal-logical thinking in the classroom;
  • - the presence of individual results that differ significantly from the average for the class;
  • - the most well-developed components of verbal-logical thinking (logical operations);
  • - the most poorly developed components of verbal-logical thinking;
  • - Vocabulary of students and its features;
  • - interest in intellectual activity that differs from accepted educational forms

Test for assessing verbal-logical thinking

  • The child answers the following questions:
  • 1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?
  • 2. People have breakfast in the morning. And in the evening?
  • 3. It is light outside during the day, but at night?
  • 4. The sky is blue, but the grass?
  • 5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples ... - what is this?
  • 6. Why is the barrier lowered when the train is running?
  • 7. What is Moscow, St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk?
  • 8. What time is it? (The child is shown a clock and asked to name the time.)
  • 9. A small cow is a calf. A small dog and a small sheep - is it? ..
  • 10. Who does the dog look more like - a cat or a chicken?
  • 11. Why does a car need brakes?
  • 12. How are hammer and ax similar to each other?
  • 13. What do squirrels and cats have in common?
  • 14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw?
  • 15. What is football, high jump, tennis, swimming?
  • 16. What types of transport do you know?
  • 17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one?
  • 18. Why do people play sports?
  • 19. Why is it considered bad if someone does not want to work?
  • 20. Why do you need to stick stamps on the envelope?

Right answers:

  • 1. More horse.
  • 2. In the evening they have dinner.
  • 3. Dark.
  • 4. Green.
  • 5. Fruits.
  • 6. So that there is no collision between the train and the car.
  • 7. Cities.
  • 8. The correct answer is in hours and minutes. (A quarter past seven, five minutes to eight, etc.)
  • 9. Puppy, lamb.
  • 10. On a cat, since they have 4 legs, wool, tail, claws (it is enough to name at least one similarity).
  • 11. Any answer indicating the need to reduce the speed of the car is considered correct.
  • 12. These are tools.
  • 13. These are animals that can climb trees, have paws, a tail, wool, etc.
  • 14. The nail is smooth, and the screw is threaded; the nail is driven in with a hammer, and the screw is screwed in.
  • 15. Sports.
  • 16. At least the child must name three types of transport (bus, tram, metro, plane, etc.).
  • 17. Three essential signs at least: "An old person walks slowly, with a stick, he has many wrinkles, he often gets sick, etc."
  • 18. To be healthy, strong, beautiful, etc.
  • 19. There will be no money to buy food and clothes, pay for an apartment, etc.
  • 20. This is how they pay for mailing a letter.
  • When analyzing the answers that the child gives, those that are reasonable enough and correspond to the meaning of the question are considered correct. A high level of development of verbal-logical thinking - if the child answered correctly 15 - 16 questions.

Determination of the level of development of verbal-logical thinking

Lyubov Peresleni, Tatyana Fotekova

(Cognitive UUD)

Target : the study of the formation of verbal-logical thinking as one of the components of cognitive UUD.

Data logging : group form.

Necessary materials : registration form, pen.

1 subtest

Instruction : Which of the five words fits the given part of the phrase?

    Evolution is ... order, time, constancy, chance, development.

    A cheerful and joyful perception of the world is ... sadness, steadfastness, optimism, sentimentality, indifference.

    The words "biography" and ... a case, a feat, a biography, a book, a writer are the same in meaning.

    The totality of sciences that study language and literature is ... logic, sociology, philology, aesthetics, philosophy.

    The opposite of the word "negative" would be the word ... unfortunate, sporty, important, random, positive.

    A period of time equal to 10 days is called ... a decade, holidays, a week, a semester, a quarter.

    A century is ... history, a century, an event, progress, a millennium.

    Intellectual is ... experienced, mental, businesslike, good, successful.

    Ironic is ... soft, mocking, cheerful, real, funny.

    Objective is ... impartial, useful, conscious, faithful, chief.

2 subtest

Instruction: Of the five words given, one is superfluous, it must be found.

    Leaf, bud, bark, scales, branch.

    After, before, sometimes, above, later.

    Robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault.

    Brave, courageous, resolute, evil, courageous.

    Failure, excitement, defeat, failure, collapse.

    Globe, meridian, pole, parallel, equator.

    Circle, triangle, trapezoid, square, rectangle.

    Birch, pine, oak, lilac, spruce.

    Second, hour, year, week, evening.

    Dark, light, blue, bright, dim.

3 subtest

Instruction: There is a certain connection between the first and second words. There is a similar relationship between the third word and the others. Find this word.

  1. Good / evil = Day / sun, night, week, Wednesday, day.

    Fish / net = Fly / sieve, mosquito, spider, buzz, cobweb.

    Bread / baker \u003d House / wagon, city, dwelling, builder, door.

    Water / thirst = food / drink, eat, hunger, food, bread.

    Top / Bottom = Left / Back, Right, Front, Side, Near.

    Morning / night = Winter / frost, day, January, autumn, sleigh.

    School / training = Hospital / doctor, patient, institution, treatment, sick.

    Scythe / grass = Razor / hay, hair, sharp, steel, tool.

    Run / stand = Shout / be silent, crawl, make noise, call, cry.

    Word / letter = Sentence / union, phrase, word, comma, notebook.

4 subtest

Instruction: two words are given. Determine what they have in common; choose a general word or phrase.

    Love, hate

    Emblem, flag.

    Barometer, thermometer.

    Crocodile, turtle.

    Earthquake, tornado.

    Rome, Washington.

    Multiplication, subtraction.

    Story, story.

    Africa, Antarctica.

    Day Night.


Subtest 1 is aimed at identifying the general awareness of the child.

2 subtest - for the formation of a logical action, the ability to abstract.

3 subtest - to identify the formation of a logical action, "inference by analogy."

4 subtest - to identify the ability to bring two concepts under a common category, to generalize.

There are four subtests with 10 questions each. There are 40 questions in total. The following method for assessing the success of solving four verbal subtests was adopted: the total score for 40 tests corresponds to 100%. The number of points scored is an indicator of success (PI).

PU = X * 100/40, where X is the sum of points received by the subjects for solving 40 tests.

Interpretation :

There are 4 levels of success expected:

The first level of success - 49% or less (19.5 points or less)

The second level of success - 50% - 64% (20 - 25.5 points)

The third level of success - 65% - 79% (26 - 31.5 points)

The fourth level of success - 80% - 100% (32 or more points)

Answer options for 4 subtests

score(first try)

Symbols, heraldry

Measuring instruments (meters)

Reptiles (reptiles)

Natural phenomena, elements



Prose, prose works

Continents (continents) - parts of the world

Time of day, day

0.5 points(second attempt)

Amphibians, waterfowl

Nature, disaster

Math, actions

Literature, literary genre, works


Date ____________________ Full name __________________________________________________________________

Date of birth (year, month, day) ________________ Place of residence ______________________ Family: complete, incomplete (underline as appropriate).

Occupations of parents: mother ___________________________________________ father ___________________________________________

Academic performance (generalized assessment) __________________________________

Survey results:

Total score for the entire test _______________ score for the 2nd attempt _______________ % success __________ duration of the examination ______________

Additional information about the child _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Pivot data table

Ratings for:

1 try

2 try

Total score for the test


Success rate

1 subtest

2 subtest

3 subtest

4 sutest

List of methods for the study of thinking

1. A table with images of objects, one of which does not fit for one reason or another (size, shape, color, generic category).

2. Tables with tasks for the exclusion of a concept that is not suitable for the rest.

3. Tables with logical tasks and search for patterns.

4. Forms for the technique "Identification of essential features."

5. Forms for the methods "Simple analogies", "Complex analogies".

6. Tables with proverbs and sayings.

7. Plot pictures for comparison; tables with a task for comparing words-concepts.

8. A set of plot pictures of varying degrees of complexity (simple, with a hidden meaning, ridiculous content, a series depicting a sequence of events).

9. Tables with texts of varying complexity (simple descriptive, complex, with conflicting content).

10. A set of cards with the image of objects of different generic categories for the study of the classification operation.

11. Tables with riddles.

12. Forms with words for the study of associations (one of the options is the selection of words that are opposite in meaning).

13. Tables and cards for conducting a "learning experiment" (method of A.Ya. Ivanova).

14. Tables with tasks for "schematization" (Wenger's method).

Materials from the manual Zabramnaya S.


The technique has two options: the first is a study on the subject, the second is on the verbal material.

Purpose: to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features.

Subject variant

Material: a set of cards with the image of four objects on each.

One by one, these cards are presented to the subject. Of the four objects drawn on each card, he must exclude one object, and give the rest one name. When an extra item is excluded, the subject must explain why he excluded this particular item.

Instructions and progress: "Look at these drawings, 4 objects are drawn here, three of them are similar to each other, and they can be called by one name, and the fourth object does not fit them. Tell me which one is superfluous and how can you call the other three if they are combined into one group.

The researcher together with the subject solve and analyze the first task. The rest of the subject, as far as possible, analyzes independently. If he is having difficulty, the researcher asks him a leading question.

The protocol records the number of the card, the name of the subject that the subject excluded, the word or expression with which he designated the other three, explanations, all the questions that were asked to him, and his answers. This option is suitable for the study of children and adults.


Scale for assessing the level of development of the generalization operation.

Number of points Characteristics of problem solving

1 2 5 5 The subject correctly and independently names a generic concept to designate: 1) objects (words) combined into one group; 2) an "extra" object (word).

4 First, he names the generic concept incorrectly, then he corrects the mistake himself: 1) to designate objects (words) united in one group; 2) to designate an "extra" object (word).

2.5 Independently gives a descriptive description of a generic concept to designate: 1) objects (words) combined into one group; 2) an "extra" object (word).

1 The same, but with the help of a researcher to designate: 1) objects (words) combined into one group; 2) an "extra" object (word).

0 Cannot define a generic concept and does not know how to use help to designate: 1) objects (words) united in one group; 2) an "extra" object (word).

Verbal variant

Material: Letterhead printed with a series of five words.

Instructions and progress: the subject is presented with a form and said: “Here, in each line, five words are written, of which four can be combined into one group and give it a name, and one word does not belong to this group. It must be found and excluded (cross out) ".

The execution of this test option is identical to the above. Recommended for the study of persons over 12 years of age.

Form for verbal option.

1. Table, chair, bed, floor, wardrobe.

2. Milk, cream, lard, sour cream, cheese.

3. Boots, boots, laces, felt boots, slippers.

4. Hammer, pincers, saw, nail, ax.

5. Sweet, hot, sour, bitter, salty.

6. Birch, pine, tree, oak, spruce.

7. Plane, cart, man, ship, bicycle.

8. Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov, Peter.

9. Centimeter, meter, kilogram, kilometer, millimeter.

10. Turner, teacher, doctor, book, astronaut.

11. Deep, high, light, low, shallow.

12. House, mast, car, cow, tree.

13. Soon, quickly, gradually, hastily, hastily.

14. Failure, excitement, defeat, failure, collapse.

15. Hate, despise, resent, resent, understand.

16. Success, failure, luck, gain, peace.

17. Bold, brave, resolute, angry, courageous.

18. Football, volleyball, hockey, swimming, basketball.

19. Robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault.

20. Pencil, pen, drawing pen, felt-tip pen, ink.


Purpose: the technique is used to study the peculiarities of thinking, the ability to differentiate the essential features of objects or phenomena from non-essential, secondary ones. By the nature of the distinguished features, one can judge the predominance of one or another style of thinking: concrete or abstract.

Material: blank with rows of words printed on it. Each row consists of five words in brackets and one before the brackets.

The test is suitable for examination of teenagers and adults. The words in the tasks are chosen in such a way that the subject must demonstrate his ability to grasp the abstract meaning of certain concepts and refuse an easier, conspicuous, but incorrect way of solving in which private, concrete situational signs are singled out instead of essential ones.

Instruction for children and adolescents: "Here are the rows of words that make up the tasks. In each line, there is one word in front of the brackets, and 5 words in brackets to choose from. You need to choose only two of these five words that are most connected with the word before the brackets is "garden", and in brackets are the words: "plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth". A garden can exist without a dog, a fence, and even without a gardener, but there cannot be a garden without land and plants. So you should choose exactly 2 words - "earth" and "plants".

Instruction for adults: "In each line of the form you will find one word before the brackets, and then five words in brackets. All the words in brackets have something to do with the one before the brackets. Choose only two that are in the greatest connection with the word before the brackets.

1. Garden (plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth).

2. River (shore, fish, angler, mud, water).

3. City (car, buildings, crowd, street, bicycle).

4. Barn (hayloft, horse, roof, livestock, walls).

5. Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood).

6. Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper).

7. Ring (diameter, diamond, hallmark, circumference, gold).

8. Reading (eyes, book, glasses, text, word).

9. Newspaper (truth, incident, crossword puzzle, paper, editor).

10. Game (cards, players, chips, punishments, rules).

11. War (aircraft, guns, battles, guns, soldiers).

12. Book (drawings, story, paper, table of contents, text).

14. Earthquake (fire, death, ground vibrations, noise, flood).

15. Library (tables, books, reading room, cloakroom, readers).

16. Forest (soil, mushrooms, hunter, tree, wolf).

17. Sports (medal, orchestra, competitions, victory, stadium).

18. Hospital (room, injections, doctor, thermometer, patients).

19. Love (roses, feelings, person, date, wedding).

20. Patriotism (city, homeland, friends, family, person).

Answers (key).

1. Plants, earth. 11. Battles, soldiers.

2. Shore, water. 12. Paper, text.

4. Roof, walls 14. Soil vibrations, noise.

5. Corners, side. 15. Books, readers.

6. Divisible, divisor. 16. Soil, tree.

7. Diameter, circumference. 17. Competition, victory.

8. Eyes, text. 18. Doctor, patients.

9. Paper, editor. 19. Feelings, man.

10. Players, rules. 20. Motherland, person.

This test is usually included in the thinking battery. In all cases of independent performance of tasks, the decisions of the subject should be discussed by asking him questions. Often, during the discussion, the subject gives additional judgments, corrects errors.

All decisions, questions, as well as additional judgments of the subject are recorded in the protocol. The test is intended mainly for individual examination.


The presence of erroneous judgments to a greater extent indicates the predominance of the concrete-situational style of thinking over the abstract-logical one. If the subject gives erroneous answers at the beginning, then this can be interpreted as haste and impulsiveness. The evaluation of the results is carried out according to the table.

Score in Points:

Number of correct answers

Generalizing function of a word

An excellent “exercise” for the brain here is the selection of analogies, metaphors, synonyms and antonyms, etc. It is clear that at first such classes should be carried out exclusively in a visual plan. We will consider more complex options, but the ideology does not change from this.

"Finish the sentence"

The child is presented with a list of unfinished sentences.

Instructions: "Continue the sentence by choosing the most appropriate word."

A tree always has ... (leaves, flowers, fruits, root).

The boot always has ... (laces, sole, zipper, buckle).

The dress always has... (hem, pockets, sleeves, buttons).

A picture always has... (artist, frame, signature).

At a younger age, this exercise, of course, should be performed standing in front of a specific tree or picture, looking at and feeling a specific dress (pot, doll, pineapple).

"Visual Classification"

For this exercise, you can use the children's loto.

Lay the pictures on the table and invite the child to choose all the pictures that match the given one. For example, for an apple, the child will have to pick up all the pictures that depict fruits (berries and vegetables - depending on the task). Then ask the child to name each picture; discuss with him why he made this choice, how these items are similar and how they differ.

You can choose any pictures with objects according to a certain given common feature, for example, by shape (color, texture, temperature, sound) or functional feature.

"Split into groups"

The child is offered a number of subject images, which he must decompose into generalized groups: for example, mushrooms and berries, shoes and clothes, animals and flowers. The child must give a name to each resulting group and list (name) all its components.

"Find similarities and differences"

For analysis, the child is offered pairs of objects (pictures, words), in which he must note the common and different.

For example: nightingale-sparrow, summer-winter, chair-sofa, birch-spruce, plane-car, hare-rabbit, binoculars, girl-boy, etc.

"From private to general"

Explain to the child the following: there are words that denote many similar objects, phenomena. These words are general terms. For example, fruit. This word can be called apples, oranges, pears, etc.

But there are words that indicate a smaller number of similar items, and they are private, specific. For example, "apples". This word refers to all apples (both large and small, green, red, etc.).

Now ask the child to match the general concepts to the particular. You can help him make a set of cards with the appropriate images. It is clear that it is useful to come up with similar exercises, but from the series "From the general to the particular."

"What more?"

The child must answer the question and justify his answer: “Which is more: birches or trees, strawberries or berries, flies or insects, flowers or lilies of the valley, whales or mammals, words or nouns, squares or rectangles, cakes or sweets?”

"Choose a general concept"

Invite the child to complete the row and name the following concepts in one word: apple, pear - chair, wardrobe -

cucumber, cabbage - shoe, boot -

doll, ball - cup, plate -

cat, elephant - leg, hand -

flower, tree - perch, pike -

rose, dandelion - March, September -

oak, birch - lantern, lamp -

rain, snow - day, night -

lake, sea - bee, beetle -

"Classification of objects by a generalizing word"

According to a given generalized concept (for example, dishes, vegetables, furniture, objects made of iron, etc.), the child must choose from the general set of pictures (real objects) those that will correspond to the given concept.

"Superfluous word"

After reading the words (having examined a set of pictures), the child must answer the questions: “Which word is superfluous? Why?” Plate, cup, table, teapot.

Birch, aspen, pine, oak.

Sofa, table, armchair, wood.

Pencil, chalk, pencil case, doll.

Earthquake, typhoon, mountain, tornado.

Circle, triangle, trapezoid, square.

Comma, dot, dash, union.

"Remove the redundant sign"

The child is asked to highlight a feature that does not fit all the others, and name a factor that generalizes the remaining words. Examples: Winter, summer, autumn, June, spring.

Red, blue, beautiful, yellow, grey.

Wooden, glass, iron, dilapidated, plastic.

Old, tall, young, old, young.

Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, roasted.

"Polysemy words"

Play the game "Look how interesting!". Having named any word (noun, adjective, verb), compete who will come up with more situations and sentences in which this word “participates”. For example: you can “fly” in a dream, on an airplane and on a hang glider; like a bird (eagle and swift) and like snow (leaf); high, low, fast, etc.


Remember together with your child and insert instead of dots in brackets a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.



SPRING (...)


INCLINE (slope)

ANIMAL (...)


BAY (...)


BENCH (...)

SHOP (shop)

Think about how many actions you and I perform automatically. If nature does not always stabilize this level of mental life in left-handed people, then you will have to do this. Of course, relying on a rich arsenal of external, conscious means significantly increases the number of degrees of freedom for left-handers to achieve a particular goal.

But the same phenomenon testifies to the weakness of their adaptive mechanisms, the wear and tear of the nervous system as a whole - after all, everything is "passed through the head"! We observe the consequences everywhere in left-handers, including in childhood: frequent emotional and psychosomatic breakdowns, a tendency to neurosis-like manifestations and increased exhaustion.

In other words, their neuropsychological status can often be described by the formula: "The nose is pulled out - the tail is stuck..."

"Board Kogan"

a) identifying the fundamental possibility of generalizing on two grounds in visual

forms of thinking;

b) determination of the features (methods) of thinking in the process of receiving and processing conditions

tasks, as well as in the process of practical implementation of the task;

c) identification of personal reactions of children in the process of completing the task (or behavioral characteristics).

Material: a tablet is presented, divided into 25 empty squares. They need to be filled with geometric images that have different shapes and colors - in accordance with the “stimuli” given on the graphed tablet. Some and other stimuli (except for the rhombus) are well known to younger mentally retarded schoolchildren in their standard verbal designation.

At the same time, 25 cards with geometric images are presented. Each of the cards corresponds to one of the given geometric shapes and one of the colored stimuli. Cards need to fill in the empty squares on the tablet. The correct implementation of practical actions to fill in the empty squares presupposes the child's internal mental actions, which consist in a visual generalization of objects according to 2 signs.

Instruction: “Look, “here” (show) there are different “figures”. They must be decomposed into "these" empty cells. Watch how we lay them out. We will put “this” figurine “here”: look, it fits the “circle” in shape, and it is “red” in color ...”.

Then the child is given another figurine: "Where shall we put 'this' figurine?". If the child solves the problem incorrectly, the explanation is repeated again with the simultaneous demonstration and explanation of the desired action. And so on - up to 6 presentations.

Criteria for evaluating the received data:

1. Ways of incorrect reception and processing of information (setting conditions for each


Manipulations with figures without any regard for the conditions of the task;

Overlaying a fur coat on a sign-stimulus;

Generalization on only one basis (shape or color);

Generalization on two grounds - with a rapid loss of the principle of generalization that arose in consciousness (sliding towards generalization on the first ground);

2. Ways of mental and practical actions in the process of correctly completing the task:

The correct decisions are made in an external, visual and effective plan by the method of "trial and error"; practical actions are exploratory in nature;

Correct actions are carried out in an internal, mental, visual-figurative alan: practical actions are of an executive nature;

Fast or slow pace of acceptance and processing of the conditions of the task (the number of presentation of the task, providing a stable, critical generalization according to 2 visual signs).

3. Features of behavior in the process of completing the task: - interested, - calm,

"monotonous" or "dynamic" (devoid of any emotional coloring or calm


Establishing the sequence of events

Purpose: to study the features of the mental activity of the child, the possibility of establishing causal and spatio-temporal relationships, analysis speech development child.

There are series corresponding in content to children's age, as well as series for adults.

Stimulus material: For the study, a series of plot pictures (in the amount of 2-16 pictures) are needed, which depict the stages of an event. In the children's version, you can use the plots of fairy tales.

Instruction: The subject is shown a pack of mixed cards and is told: “Here, all the pictures show the same event. It is necessary to make out how it all began, what happened next and how it ended. Here (the experimenter indicates the place) put the first picture on which the beginning is drawn, here - the second, third ... and here the last.

After the subject has laid out all the pictures, the experimenter writes down in the protocol how he laid it out (for example: 5, 4, 1, 2, 3), and only after that asks the subject to tell in order what happened. If he decomposed incorrectly, he is asked questions, the purpose of which is to help the patient establish a contradiction in his reasoning, to identify the mistakes made.

If the second attempt is unsuccessful, then the experimenter himself shows the subject the sequence of events and, after shuffling all the cards again, invites him to lay them out again - for the third time, or to compose a story reflecting the sequence of events.

Comparison of concepts

Purpose: analysis of the development of the comparison operation

Stimulus material:

Group 1 - 2 words related to the same category:

Morning - evening Cow - horse

Pilot - tanker Skis - skates

Tram - bus River - lake

Bicycle - motorcycle Dog - cat

2nd group - 2 words for which it is much more difficult to find something in common, they have more differences:

Crow - fish Lion - tiger

Train - plane Deception - mistake

Boot - pencil Apple - cherry

Lion - dog Crow - sparrow

3rd group - tasks for comparing and distinguishing objects in conflict conditions (where differences are much more pronounced than similarities):

Milk - water Gold - silver

Sleigh - cart Sparrow - chicken

Oak - birch Fairy tale - song

Painting - portrait Rider - horse

Cat - apple Hunger - thirst

Instruction: say what is common and what is different (it is necessary to name as many similarities and differences as possible).

Note: if necessary, the experimenter stimulates the subject all the time in search of possible more similarities and differences between the words of the pair “How else are they similar?”, “How else?”, “How else do they differ from each other?”.

Analysis: quantitative processing consists in the number of similarities and differences allocated to the subjects in each pair of similarities and differences.

A high level of development of the comparison operation - if more than 20 features are named.

The average level is 10-15 traits.

Low level - less than 10 traits.

It is important to take into account which features the student noted in greater numbers - similarities or differences, whether he often used generic concepts.

For preschoolers, the tasks of the 2nd and 3rd groups will be especially difficult. For younger students, the operation of generalization often takes the form of highlighting common features, behind which lies a visual comparison or allocation of objects in a general visual situation; tasks of the 3rd category are difficult for them. A mentally retarded child will not be able to perform the task of diverting a feature and introducing objects into one category, but will always replace such an answer either by pointing out the difference or by introducing some kind of visual situation.

Interpretation of proverbs

Age of the subjects: the technique can be used both in the study of adolescents and adults.

Validity of the methodology: study of the level, purposefulness of thinking, the ability to understand and operate with the figurative meaning of the text, differentiation and purposefulness of judgments, the degree of their depth, the level of development of speech processes.

Stimulus material: a set of proverbs and metaphors.

Examination procedure and instructions: the subject is called several metaphors and proverbs and asked to explain their abstract figurative meaning.

Evaluation of results: results can be evaluated using Table 1:

Score 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Number of correct answers 20 19 18 15-17 13-15 10-12 7-8 5-6 4


You can use this test in another version, inviting the subject to compare phrases with each other and find among them similar or opposite in meaning. This will allow diagnosing the level of formation of associative processes and the flexibility of thinking.

Variants of presented proverbs and metaphors.

1. Strike while the iron is hot. 2. Do not get into your sleigh. 3. There is no smoke without fire. 4. Not all that glitters is gold. 5. They cut the forest - chips fly. 6. You can't hide an awl in a bag. 7. There are devils in still waters. 8. If you like to ride, love to carry sleds. 9. What you sow, you will reap. 10. Not all cats have carnival. 11. Chickens are counted in the fall. 12. There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked. 13. The hut is not red with corners, but with pies. 14. You go quieter - you will continue. 15. He took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty. 16. Measure seven times - cut once. 17. They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind. 18. Hat not for Senka. 19. As it comes around, it will respond. 20. Small spool, but expensive. 21. The humpbacked grave will fix. 22. One in the field is not a warrior. 23. Pretend. 24. The cat cried. 25. The voice of one crying in the wilderness. 26. Small intestine. 27. Two boots - a pair. 28. Get into your head. 29. Garden head. 30. My tongue is my enemy. 31. Make a fool pray to God - he will break his forehead. 32. Well done among the sheep. 33. Goosebumps. 34. One with a bipod, seven with a spoon. 35. Like a butt on the head. 36. A mosquito will not undermine your nose. 37. The fifth wheel in the cart. 38. Further into the forest - more firewood. 39. Like a bolt from the blue. 40. Chickens do not peck money. 41. The soul went to the heels. 42. Cast a shadow on the wattle fence. 43. Crush water in a mortar. 44. Let the goat into the garden. 45. I ate little porridge. 46. ​​Storm in a tea saucer. 47. The game is not worth the candle. 48. I would be glad to heaven, but sins are not allowed. 49. Forbidden fruit is sweet. 50. At least a stake on your head. 51. To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest. 52. I gave my soul to God. 53. One field of berries.

Technique “Number Series”

Purpose: study of the logical aspect of mathematical thinking.

Age: Any

Instructions for the test

Children's version: "Carefully read each row of numbers and in two free cells write two numbers that will continue this number row."

Example 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

№2 5 10 15 20 25 30

№4 9 9 7 7 5 5

№5 3 6 9 12 15 18

№6 8 2 6 2 4 2

№7 5 9 12 13 16 17

№8 27 27 23 23 19 19

№9 8 9 12 13 16 17

№10 1 2 4 8 16 32

№11 22 19 17 14 12 9

№12 4 5 7 10 14 19

№13 12 14 13 15 14 16

№14 24 23 21 20 18 17

№15 16 8 4 2 1 1/2

№16 18 14 17 13 16 12

№17 12 13 11 14 10 15

№18 2 5 10 17 26 37

№19 21 18 16 15 12 10

№20 3 6 8 16 18 36

Adult version: “You are presented with 7 number rows. You must find the patterns for constructing each row and enter the missing numbers instead of dashes "-". The time to complete the work is 5 minutes.

test material

№1 24 21 19 8 15 13 - - 7

№2 1 4 9 16 - - 49 64 81 100

№3 16 17 15 1 14 19 - -

№4 1 3 6 8 16 18 - - 76 78

№5 7 16 9 5 21 16 9 - 4

№6 2 4 8 10 20 22 - - 92 94

№7 24 22 19 15 - -

Key to the test

Children's option

№1. 9 10 №11. 7 4

№2. 35 40 №12. 25 32

№3. 2 1 №13. 15 17

№4. 3 3 №14. 15 14

№5. 21 24 №15. 1/4 1/8

№6. 2 2 №16. 15 11

№7. 29 33 №17. 9 16

№8. 15 15 №18. 50 65

№9. 20 21 №19. 9 6

№10. 64 128 №20. 38 76

adult version

№1. 12 9 №5. 13

№2. 25 36 №6. 44 46

№3. 13 20 №7. 10 4

Interpretation of test results

If the subject finds it difficult to solve such problems, this may mean that he does not analyze digital material well, does not see hidden patterns in it, and therefore cannot use them, therefore, his logical thinking in mathematics is poorly developed.

Diagnosis of mental underdevelopment and its severity requires the mandatory use of methods that assess the state of verbal-logical thinking, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Timely mastery of the ability to carry out logical conclusions is an important condition for successful learning. With differential diagnosis of mental retardation it is important to correlate the data of methods that study visual and verbal forms thinking. It is known that the lack of formation of verbal

Logical thinking with a sufficient level of development of visual-figurative thinking is an important sign of distinguishing mental retardation from mental retardation.

For these tasks, the "Verbal subtests" technique is of practical interest. It is a modified version of the verbal subtests by E. F. Zambatsevichene (1984) modified by L. I. Peresleni, E. M. Mastyukova and L. F. Chuprov (1990). The latter, in turn, were constructed according to the principle of the first four verbal subtests of R. Amthauer's intelligence test.

Method name:"Verbal subtests" (short version).

Source: Chuprov L. F. Psychodiagnostic kit for the study of intellectual disability in young children school age(a brief practical guide for psychologists on the use of a diagnostic battery). - M., OIM.RU, 2003.

Age of the examined: junior school.

Target: assessment of the level of development of verbal-logical thinking.

stimulus material. The methodology consists of 25 trial tasks. Subtest I allows you to identify the child's awareness (5 tasks), II - the formation of the classification operation (based on the allocation of the fifth superfluous) (10 tasks), III - possession of the operation of establishing patterns by analogy (5 tasks), IV - possession of the generalization operation (the ability to sum up concepts under the general category) (5 tasks).

I subtest

0. A rabbit is most like ... a cat, a squirrel, a hare, a fox, a hedgehog.

Which of the five words fits the given part of the phrase: "A rabbit is most like ... a cat, a squirrel, a hare, a fox, a hedgehog?"

1. Month of winter...

September, October, February, November, March. ■

2. In the year.... - ■■*
* 24 months, 3 months, 12 months, 4 months, 7 months. v

<>"■ 3. A father is older than his son...

often, always, sometimes, rarely, never. "

;: 4. A tree always has...

ff leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shadow. :>

<*■" 5. Passenger transport...

« harvester, dump truck, bus, excavator, diesel locomotive.

II subtest

■"?? 0. Reading, writing, five, drawing, mathematics.

One word is superfluous here, it should be excluded. What word is missing here? Explain why?

1. Tulip, lily, beans, chamomile, violet.

2. River, lake, sea, bridge, pond.

3. Doll, jump ropes, sand, ball, top.

4. Table, carpet, chair, bed, stool. ,

5. Poplar, birch, hazel, linden, aspen. h,

6. Chicken, rooster, eagle, goose, turkey.

7. Circle, triangle, quadrilateral, pointer, square

8. Sasha, Vitya, Stasik, Petrov, Kolya.

9. Number, division, addition, subtraction, multiplication.

10. Cheerful, fast, sad, tasty, cautious.

III subtest

0. Train / driver = plane / (wings, propeller, pilot,
sky, combustible)

What word fits the word "airplane" in the same way that the word "driver" fits the word "train"?

1. Cucumber / vegetable = cloves / (weed, dew, garden, flower,

2. Vegetable garden / carrots = garden / (fence, mushrooms, apple tree, well,

3. Clock / time = thermometer / (glass, sick, bed,
temperature, doctor).

4. Machine / motor = boat / (river, lighthouse, sail, wave, shore).

5. Table / tablecloth = floor / (furniture, carpet, dust, boards, nails).

IV subtest

0. Cup, spoon, mug...

How to call it all together, in one word?

1. Perch, crucian...

2. Cucumber, tomato...

3. Wardrobe, sofa...

5. Elephant, ant...

The procedure for conducting and evaluating the results. The examination is carried out only individually. Time is not limited. The psychologist reads the tests aloud, the child reads them at the same time to himself (it is better for a bad reader to present tests by ear).

After reading the first part of the zero task of subtest I, the child is asked: “Which word out of five fits the given part of the phrase?”, five words are read from the second part of the zero

Denmark. Having heard the correct answer, they clarify whether the child understands the purpose of the task and proceed to the first test of the I subtest. Having calculated the first part of the first test of the I subtest, they ask: “Which word is suitable?” and after a short pause, five words from the second part of the test are read out. If the answer is correct, the solution is worth 1 point. If the answer is wrong, they use stimulating help: “Wrong, think again” and read the task a second time. For the correct answer after the second attempt - 0.5 points. If the answer is wrong on the second attempt, it is scored 0 points, but for this test it is required to find out the understanding of the word "always",. what will be important for solving the third and fifth samples of the same subtest.

After working with the instructive (zero) task of subtest II, the psychologist reads out the first test of I! subtest and asks: “Which of the words is superfluous?”. If the answer is correct, asks the question: "Why?". With a correct explanation - 1 point, with an erroneous explanation - 0.5 points. If the answer is wrong, then use the help similar to that described above. Read the sample a second time. For the correct answer and explanation after the second attempt - 0.5 points. Upon presentation of 7, 8, 9, 10 samples of the II subtest, an additional question "Why?" do not ask.

After familiarizing the child on the zero test with the nature of the upcoming task in the III subtest, the psychologist proceeds to the first test and offers to choose the word "carnation" that would fit him in the same way as the word "vegetable" to the word "cucumber". For the correct answer on the first attempt - 1 point, after stimulating assistance - 0.5 points. Wrong answer after the second attempt - 0 point.

Having familiarized the child with the zero task of the IV subtest, the experimenter offers to name a suitable word for two: “Perch, crucian carp. What are they called together, in one word? If the answer is correct - 1 point, if the answer is wrong - it suggests thinking more. With the correct answer on the second attempt - 0.5 points. Wrong answer after the second attempt - 0 points.

When filling out the protocol, it is advisable to immediately write down the answers in the following form: 1 point - “+” sign; 0.5 = 0.5; 0 points - sign "-". Such a record does not distract the child's attention, and he does not have an association with a school mark.

When processing the results for each child, counting
calculate the sum of points for the first and second attempts for each of the subtests
goods and the total total score for all 4 subtests in the
scrap. Evaluation of success (OS) is determined by the formula: OS = (X
*100%)/25, ;. .7-

where X is the sum of points scored for all 4 subtests.

According to L. I. Peresleni, E. M. Mastyukova and L. F. Chuprov (1989), among normally developing schoolchildren of 8-9 years old, no children with I level of success were found, in children of 7-8 years old it occurs only in 4% cases. Level II is also rare in the group of ordinary schoolchildren. Most of them have levels III and IV. In children with mental retardation aged 8-9 years, only 11% of cases have level IV, 31% - level III, 54% - level II, and 4% of children - level I. It should be noted that these results were obtained on a group of children who studied at a specialized school under a correctional program aimed at eliminating gaps in knowledge and developing verbal-logical thinking. It is obvious that in children with mental retardation who do not receive correctional assistance, the indicators are lower.

According to the authors, if a child of 7-8 years old performs less than 50% of the tasks, then we can assume that his level of verbal-logical thinking is lower than normal. For a child of 8-9 years old, less than 65% of tasks can indicate a reduced level of mental development. In these cases, we are talking about a possible ZPR. It should be taken into account that low results will also be obtained in the study of children with general underdevelopment of speech and mental retardation.

After a quantitative analysis of the results according to the method, a qualitative one should be carried out. It is designed to answer the question: what mental operations, and at what level of complexity are available to the child.

For example, the lower the results in subtest I (general awareness), the more likely the fact of social and pedagogical neglect, which the child was exposed to at preschool age.

In the second subtest, a classification task is given. It should be noted whether the child is able to be distracted from random and secondary signs, from the usual relationships between objects.

Ill subtest involves inference by analogy. To complete this task, the child needs to be able to establish logical connections and relationships between concepts. It is revealed whether the child can stably maintain the given way of reasoning

When solving a number of problems in which analogies are built according to different principles. If in the next task the child tries to isolate the C analogy according to the principle of the previous task, then one should speak of the inertia of mental processes.

In the IV subtest, the child must show the operation of generalization - name a concept that combines two words. This operation causes significant difficulties in children with mental retardation, and normally developing peers perform the test quite successfully.

Method name:"The study of logical thinking". T. A. Strekalova

"%" Source: Strekalova T. A. Features of logical thinking

"with niya preschoolers with a delay mental development//Defectology
■f gia-1982.-№4. pp. 51-56.
Wu! Age of the examined: senior preschool.

Target: identifying opportunities to formulate judgments with the concepts of "all" and "some".

Stimulus material and procedure. The methodology is built on the principle of a learning experiment. The procedure consists of three parts.

AT first part of the training aimed at clarifying
denial and opposition of the meaning of the words "all" and "some" and
developing the ability to relate them to the life situation. Pre-
^ there are pictures depicting individual items that
° differ in color, material, functional purpose.
"Most of the items should be dishes. The child
with therefore ask 6 questions. Is it possible to say that: ,.,.

1. All tableware is blue: About

2. all glassware: , Wv4 t w , *k*-z?*>
1 3. all dishes-cups; t $,,f

4. all blue items - dishes; ,~. J-, ^
"" 5. all glass objects - tableware;

6. all cups are tableware.

If the child answers negatively to a particular question, then he is asked to explain why it is impossible to say so, and how to say it correctly. If he answers the question incorrectly (is all the dishes blue) or does not know how to explain, he is given two additional tasks, in which they are taught in which cases one should say “this is the dishes” and in which - “some dishes”. Before the child, they lay out pictures depicting only blue dishes and achieve an understanding that in this case one can say: “All these dishes are blue.” Then they are asked to remember if "he knows the dishes of a different color, and if he finds it difficult to answer, add-" other pictures are added to the previous ones - new ones, with the image of the dishes

green, red and yellow colors. In this set, the child must formulate the judgment: "Some dishes are blue." If the child is still wrong, the experimenter explains how to say the right thing and why, and then moves on to the next question.

If children have difficulty in answering subsequent questions, similar training is repeated with a visual demonstration of groups of objects; Option 1 - all objects had a certain feature, Option 2 - only some have this feature. No such work is carried out on the sixth question. It only explains that cups are always dishes, that all cups are dishes.

Depending on the success of answering the main questions, the child receives more or less additional tasks, but in total no more than 16 (3 options for the first five questions, including the original and the sixth question).

In second parts are determined by the ability to formulate judgments with the concepts of “all” and “some” about new, previously unused objects (pictures depicting objects are again given).

Here 6 main tasks are given and two additional options for the first - fifth tasks (16 in total). Tasks are built according to the same scheme. Subject pictures are laid out in front of the subject and they offer him questions about these pictures, such as: all or some objects have a certain attribute.

6 questions are asked:

1. Are all shoes rubber or some shoes are rubber? "

2. Are all shoes boots or some shoes are boots?

3. All black items are shoes or ... " o *

4. All shoes are black or...

5. All rubber items are shoes or... :■■■■"■:■

6. Are all boots shoes or some boots shoes?
To find out how meaningfully the child answers, his

they are asked to justify the answer: in which case it is worth saying “all” and in which - “some”.

In case of an incorrect answer, after the main task, two additional tasks are given, built according to the same principle as in the first part (an option in which all objects have this feature, and another option in which only some objects have it).

AT third parts - assess how the child can independently build judgments with the concepts of "all" and "some", based on their knowledge and past experience. Tasks are performed in the form of the game "Add a word".

4S, The experimenter pronounces an incomplete sentence in which the child, at his own discretion, inserts the word "all" or "non- t which”, that is, pronounces the full sentence (the place where _ 0 needs to be inserted this or that word is not indicated). Are called

the following incomplete sentences:
d, 1. Plastic toys.

i, 2. Plastic objects - toys. ""}*"

3. Toys - dolls. G

Mi; 1 (4. Dolls - toys. ■ "■ *

tf.-a-JX 5. Brown furniture. With

Ugtop 6. Brown objects - furniture.

7. Furniture - chairs.
, 8. Chairs - furniture.

y Correctly completed main task is rated 1

point, its second option - 0.5 points and the third option - 0.25. The percentage of successful completion of tasks is calculated. The total score is divided by the number of tasks (20) and expressed as a percentage.

According to T. A. Strekalova (1982), normally developing older preschoolers show 95% success, children with mental retardation - 77%, and children with mental retardation - only 25%. Like this; Thus, children with mental retardation in terms of the ability to formulate judgments with understanding. tyami "all" and "some" closer to the norm.

In a study by T. A. Strekalova (1982), a group of children with mental retardation

turned out to be inhomogeneous. Three subgroups have been identified:

1) 35% of children were almost at the level of the norm (92% success

2) 53% of children initially had difficulty completing tasks,
but then showed high learning ability;

3) 12% of children needed more help: on their own
they completed 6-8 buildings out of 20.

So by the end preschool age children with mental retardation do not yet know the concepts of “all” and “some”. But a little training turns out to be enough for children to master these concepts and learn to operate with them in the formation of judgments. But this is available only within the limits of well-known life situations. It is easier to make judgments in which a connection is established between some object and its attribute (color, material) than between a genus and a species. With mental retardation, children need more massive and lengthy education.

Assignment for independent work

Preparation of stimulus material.

Lesson 17 (workshop). ;

Study of an arbitrary spherej .

Failure regulatory functions mentality is one of the main specific patterns of development of children with mental retardation. At the same time, it is precisely a certain level of formation of mental regulation that is an essential condition for mastering educational activities.

Previously, methods were presented that study the arbitrariness of attention. In this lesson, methods are mastered that allow assessing the arbitrariness of actions, activities and self-regulation as a component of the general ability to learn (in terms of U. V. Ul'enkova).

Method name: "Graphic dictation".

Source: Babkina N.V. Psychological readiness schooling of children with mental retardation. In: Diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children / Ed. S. G. Shevchenko. - M., ARKTI, 2001.

Age of the examined: 6-7 years.

Purpose: assessment of the arbitrariness of actions, namely the ability to follow the rules that define the mode of action, as well as the features of voluntary attention, spatial orientation and fine motor skills.

stimulus material. Test form, which shows a graphic pattern (Fig. 9). Notebook sheet in a cage, pencil.

Conduct procedure. The child is asked to redraw the sample on a notebook sheet in a cage and continue it to the end of the line.

Evaluation of results. When performing the task, the accuracy of copying the sample and the correctness of the subsequent reproduction of the pattern are evaluated. Evaluation of the results is carried out according to the levels of success.

First level. Children complete the task completely and do not make a single mistake. They accurately copy the sample and pro-

Lt;■ ■-:"■■- ■ s;s.:.cT--.J

follow the pattern to the end of the line. These children work attentively, with concentration, constantly checking the model.

Second level. Children successfully complete the task, but there are some inaccuracies in their work, which they themselves correct by comparing their result with the sample.

Third level. Children do not make mistakes at the first stage of the task (drawing a sample of the pattern), but the second stage (continuation of the pattern), which requires developed skills of self-control, causes them difficulties: they are characterized by high motor disinhibition, rapid depletion of attention, and cannot concentrate on purposeful tasks. activities.

Fourth level. Children initially cannot copy a graphic pattern from a visual sample, which indicates the unformed arbitrariness of actions, attention and poor spatial orientation.

Most normally developing older preschoolers show the second level of success. Children with mental retardation mainly reveal the second and third (middle and below average) levels of formation of voluntary actions and behavior. The children are willing to take on the task. The first stage of work is carried out almost without error, but the experimenter constantly has to advise the children not to rush, to pay attention to the task, to check everything. The second stage (the continuation of the pattern), which requires the formation of self-regulation and self-control, causes difficulties for this group of preschoolers. The fourth level among children with mental retardation occurs twice as often as in the norm.

Among healthy first-graders, there are almost twice as many children with a high level of this method than among seven-year-old children with mental retardation studying in correctional classes. This fact manifests itself, despite the fact that remedial education involves the development of arbitrariness. Students with mental retardation show a low level three times more often than normally developing peers.

The performance of tasks according to the type of graphic dictations in children with mental retardation can also be assessed in the procedure and according to the scheme proposed by U. V. Ul'enkova.

■ ■■:>,. Method name:“Studying the features of self-regulation
in intellectual activity".
: U. V. Ul'enkova.

Source: Ul'enkova U. V. About the features of self-regulation in !■■■ , intellectual activity of 6-year-old children with mental retardation // Defectology. - 1982. - No. 4. S. 46 - 50. Age of the examined: senior preschool.

Target: assessment of the level of formation of self-control actions at various stages of intellectual activity, namely: the adoption of a general goal and a specific program of activity from an adult's instructions; actions of self-control according to the set parameters of activity throughout the entire period of the lesson; comparison of the achieved result with the task of an adult.

stimulus material. An example of a system of sticks and dashes (/-//- /// - /), a double notebook sheet lined in one line, a simple pencil.

Conduct procedure. The technique is carried out in a group of children. The experimenter arranges and seats the children as in a normal training session. Place a notebook sheet in front of each child. Within 4-5 minutes, instructions are given, which explain the rules of work for the entire lesson (15 minutes): 1) write sticks and dashes in a given sequence; 2) correctly transfer character systems from one line to another; 3) do not write in the margins; 4) write not in each line, but through one. The task is shown on the blackboard.

In the process of writing on the board, the experimenter once again repeats the rules with the children. Then, to make sure that the children correctly find the first line, fields, third line, etc., asks to show them index finger. After making sure that all children are oriented on a notebook sheet, he stops the briefing, erases what is written on the board and says: “Try to write correctly, neatly, silently so as not to interfere with each other. If you don't understand something, ask now." After a short pause, he adds:] “You will write until I say: enough, check what I have written. Now write!”

*" The start time of work is recorded. Helping children in the process

work with the methodology is not provided.

Evaluation of results. When evaluating children's work, criteria are used for the degree of formation of self-control at the main stages of intellectual activity. These include:

1. The degree of completeness of acceptance of the task (the child takes for
given, in all components, accepts in part, does not accept with

2. The degree of completeness of saving the task until the end of the lesson (re
The bank saves the task in all components, saves only from
its individual components, completely loses the task).

3. The quality of self-control in the course of the task (character
ter mistakes, notices or does not notice his mistakes, corrects or
not corrects them).

4. The quality of self-control in evaluating the result of activities
(trying to thoroughly check and check, limited

A quick glance, does not look at the work at all, but gives it to an adult immediately upon completion).

In accordance with the evaluation criteria, five levels of formation of self-regulation in intellectual activity are distinguished: I, II, III, IV, V (in the direction from the highest to the lowest). The levels serve the purposes of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the degree of formation of self-regulation.

Description of levels:

I level (5 points). Children accept the task completely, in
all components retain it until the end of the lesson. Work with
precisely, without being distracted throughout the lesson. Work in
mostly accurate, if they make individual errors in compliance
of this or that rule, then when checking, they also notice an independent
but remove them. Not in a hurry to turn in the work immediately after the signal about
at the end, and once again check what was written. If necessary
sti make amendments, do everything so that the work is done correctly
only correct, but also looked neat and beautiful. In the study
research by U. V. Ul'enkova in children who showed level I, maxi
the few lines written were 14-12; maximum
the number of written groups of characters - from 60 to 50. The results of the
bots talk about the high level of self-regulation in Intel
lectual activity.

II level (4 points). Children accept the task completely, with
keep it completely until the end of the lesson. In the course of work until
make a few errors on this or that rule, but not
lose it altogether. They do not notice and do not eliminate on their own
errors. The experimenter's suggestion once again carefully
watch their work, such children in most cases perceive
mayut formally: they skim through what is written and, without discovering
alive bugs, put aside. The quality of the work
they do not care, although the general desire to get a good result
they have. The results of the work indicate the weakness of self-regulation. At
children showing this level have not yet developed ways to
mocontrol in intellectual activity, which could
manifest itself quite stably and would not depend on external
interference and obstacles.

III level (3 points). Children accept only part of the instructions.
They learn the general goal of the task (what to write), but the specific
program related to the ways of implementing the task (as pi
sut), are only partially aware. Most often they take those of
rules that are imprinted at the visual level: you can’t
write in the margins - they are beyond the red line; you don't have to write in every
line, and through one. Rules requiring the establishment of certain
fixed relations within the system of signs and between systems, they

understand and remember worse. In the process of work, they make numerous mistakes, not only due to inattention, but, above all, because they do not remember the rules for completing the task. Mistakes are not noticed, they are not corrected. At the final stage, they show the complete lack of formation of actions for comparing the achieved result, even with the task rules adopted by them. After the signal about the end of the work, they do not show a desire to improve its quality, they immediately put down the pencil, push the sheet away from themselves and no longer look at it. The experimenter's request to check the work remains indifferent. We can talk about the lack of formation of self-control actions at all stages of intellectual activity. positive moment is the fact that children try to take from the instructions of an adult the rules that are most accessible to them and to subordinate their work to them. Group correction of self-regulation skills is possible.

IV level (2 points). Children also take the common goal as
Denmark (what to write). But the instruction elements related to the method
bam implementation, are accepted in a smaller volume than at level III.
More or less confidently accept easy rules: write pa
dashes and dashes, do not write in the margins, write on the rulers. But even
they are not saved until the end of the work. Not accepting the basic rules in
at the beginning of the lesson and losing the rest in the course of work, the children act
yut without any guidelines, that is, they write sticks and dashes in the
tea order. Correction of the mistakes made, that is, self-repair
walks in the course of work is not observed. The quality of children's writing
does not bother at all: the sticks can be of different heights, tilted
on, pressing, may look like wavy lines. For allotted
15 minutes children perform from one to two lines and at the same time very
get tired. After the signal for the end of work, they quickly postpone
leaves and no longer pay attention to them. The facts speak of
more significant unformed self-regulation compared to
nenie with level III. These children need individual
oriented, targeted remedial assistance.

Level V (1 point). Children do not accept tasks at all. More
Moreover, they do not understand at all that some kind of
a task. They catch from the instructions only what they need to do.
with a pencil and paper. Draw and write what they want (numbers,
letters, objects), frankly rejoicing at the same time filling out the sheet.
Some children accept the overall goal of the task, but do not complete it.
none of their rules: they try to write sticks and dashes, but they write in
in random order, without taking into account the line of the sheet, margins. About Zamora
walks at the final stage of the lesson, it’s also not appropriate to speak

According to U. V. Ul'enkova (1982), the majority of normally developing 6-year-old children have I and II levels of formed self-regulatory. groups found levels III and IV. 11.5% of children with mental retardation turned out to be at level V - the lowest according to the evaluation criteria. rpynnsx, as a result of the clarification of the diagnosis, mild mental retardation was stated in this way, the results of this method can serve as a guide for psychological and pedagogical correction, and also make it possible to more accurately differentiate older preschoolers with mental retardation from children with mental retardation and normal development.

Method name:"Colouring circles".

Methods of studying verbal - logical thinking.

Target: the technique was developed by E. F. Zambacevichene on the basis ofe test of the structure of intelligence by R. Amthauer for the purpose of researchanalysis of the level of development and features of conceptual thinkingia, the formation of the most important logical operations.

Equipment: questionnaire, including four verbalsubtest.

Description of the technique: the methodology includes tasks of fourtypes aimed at identifying the child's ability to carry outperform various logical operations with verbal materialohm. Each subtest includes 10 tasks.

The first subtest consists of tasks that requireschoolchildren's skills to differentiate between essential and non-essentialnatural features of objects and simple concepts. The results of the subtest can also be used to judge vocabulary"schoolchildren.

The second subtest is a verbaloptionmethodiki exclusion of the "fifth superfluous". The results of its implementation make it possible to judge the level of formation of operationsgeneralization, abstraction, highlighting essentialsigns of objects and phenomena.

The third subtest - tasks for inference by analogy.They require mental skills to establish relationships and logical connections between concepts.

The fourth subtest is also aimed at examining importantthe most important for a given stage of intellectual development of operasgeneralizations.

Instructions and how to work . Before presenting arole-playing ten tasks of each subtest must be givena few training, in order to introduce childrenin tasksy, help to understand the essence of the upcoming intellectual works. During the performance of control tasks, the text mayread outhowby ourselvespsychologist, and children about themselves.Combined presentation of instructions is also possible.(firstthe psychologist reads it out, then the children read it againinwardly). The greatest difficulties for schoolchildren are usually the challengepasses the third subtest. Instructions for it are a must.explain on a variety of training exercises.

The text of the instruction is given along with the texts of the tasks themselves inapplication.

Processing of received data. First of all, eachthe correct answer is estimated by a certain point, depending onfrom its original complexity. Below we presenttable according to which each answer is evaluatedschoolboy.

1 subtest

2 subtest

3 subtest

4 subtest

The next processing step is to calculate the total scores received by each student for each subtest and all four subtests together. Subtest datacompared with the maximum possible result, whichth is:

for subtests 1 and 2 - 26 points;

for subtest 3 - 23 points;

for 4 subtests - 25 points.

The total score is compared with the maximum possible scorescrap on this test as a whole (it is 100 points), and inAccording tohimdevelopment level is setbut-logical thinking of schoolchildren:

100-75 points - high level of development;

74-50 points - average level of development;

49-25 points -shortleveldevelopment.

Presentation and analysis of individual data. Detailsthanalysisindividual data is possible inframeworkcommonher pivot table, which records not onlynumbergiven result for each subtest, but numbers are also markedassignments,with which the student failed.

As a rule, in the first subtest, many students in grades 2-3ov make mistakes in tasks 7-10, sohowthey demandnot only owning a certain logical operation, but alsospecific subjectknowledge.If, in addition tohimthe student did not cope well with the rest of the tasks on Saturdayyes, we can talk not only about low vocabularystocke, but also about the unformed selection operation is essentialth signs.

In the second subtest, difficulties often ariseatcompletedtasks 4, 5, 8, 10(onabovereasons).Most informativeexactlyfrom the pointvisionpossessionsthe operation of generalization and comparison are the remaining givenand I.

The third subtest in practice is often the mostdifficult for younger students. It's connectedhowwith prosperitya completely unusual form of constructing tasks,Soand with those requirementsovations to intellectual activity, which theypresent. This subtest is informative both in terms ofdevelopment of conceptual thinking, and from the point of view ofunderstanding of instructions, skills of various intellectualoh activity, the presence of the very experience of this kind of intintellectual extracurricular activities.

When completing the tasks of the fourth subtest, children oftenmake mistakes in 5, 7, 8 tasks, requiring not onlygeneralization skills, bringing phenomena or objects underconcept, but also specific knowledge of the surrounding world. They alsoinformative in terms of stockknowledgechild.

In general, an individual analysis of the data should make it possible to single out children with a general low level of development of conceptualabout thinking or its individual components.

Representation and analysis of group data. Analysis of the results obtained for the class as a whole is extremely importantto build an effective pedagogical process. PreviousFinally, the results are recorded in the following summary tables. itach:


1 subtest

2 subtest

3 saturdayeating

4 subtest





job number

Sum of points









The table records which tasks he is not good at.there was a schoolboy (in the column "task number").

High leveldevelopment

Average leveldevelopment

Low leveldevelopment


This table records the number of students in the classthose who have different levels of development of verbal and logical thinkingeniya.

Qualitative data analysis is carried out as follows.directions to them:

- the prevailing level of development of verbal-logicalthinking in the classroom;

- the presence of individual results, significantly differfrom the average in the class;

- the most well developed components of the verbal-logicalthinking (logical operations);

- the most poorly developed components of the verbal-logicalthinking;

- vocabulary of students and its features;

- interest in intellectual activity that differsfrom accepted educational forms.



Complete the sentence with one of the words in brackets. To do this, highlight it.

1. The boot has (lace, buckle, sole, straps, buttonsca)

2. Lives in warm regions (bear, deer, wolf, camel,seal)

3. Per year (24, 3, 12, 4, 7 months)

4. Month of winter (September, October, February, November,March)

5. Does not live in Russia (nightingale, stork, tit, ostrich, starling)

6. The father is older than his son (often, always, sometimes, rarely, nonewhen)

7. Time of day (year, month, week, day, Monday)

8. Water is always (clear, cold, liquid, white, tastenaya)

9. A tree always has (leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shade)

10. City of Russia (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia)


One of the five words in a row does not fit the rest. Calc spit it out:

1. Tulip, lily, beans, chamomile, violet

2. River, lake, sea, bridge, swamp

3. Doll, teddy bear, sand, ball, shovel

4. Kyiv, Kharkov, Moscow, Donetsk, Odessa

5. Rosehip, lilac, chestnut, jasmine, hawthorn

6. Circle, triangle, quadrilateral, pointer, quadrat

7. Ivan, Peter, Nesterov, Makar, Andrey

8. Chicken, rooster, swan, goose, turkey.

9. Number, division, subtraction, addition, multiplication

10. Cheerful, fast, sad, tasty, cautious


Find among the five words written under the line, one, cat which would also fit the word written above the devil oh, how the words of the neighboring couple fit together:

1. Cucumber dahlia

vegetable weed, dew, garden, flower, ground
2. Teacher doctor

student glasses, sick,ward,sick, thermometer

3. Garden garden

carrot fence, mushrooms, apple tree, well,bench

4. Flower bird
vase beak, seagull, nest, egg, feathers

5. Glove boots
hand stockings, sole, leather, leg, brush

6. Dark wet

Withbright sunny, slippery, dry, warm, cold

7. Clock thermometer

time glass, temperature, bed, sick, doctor

8. Machine boat

motor river, sailor, swamp, sail, wave

9. Chair needle

wooden sharp, thin, shiny, short, steel

10. Table floor

tablecloth furniture, .carpet, dust, board, nails


Pick up common word to the two indicated in the line .

1. Broom, shovel...

2. Perch, crucian...

3. Summer,winter...

4. Cucumber, tomato...

5. Lilac, wild rose...

6. Wardrobe, sofa...

7. Day, night...

8. Elephant, ant...

10. Tree, flower...

Literature: Bityanova M.R., Azarova Zh.V., Afanas'eva E.I., Vasilyeva N.L. "The work of a psychologist in primary school", Moscow, "Perfection", 1998