Methodological development: Defectological examination of children with mental retardation in a kindergarten of a combined type.

In our kindergarten, psychological and pedagogical support is provided for children with mental retardation in the defectological group.

The system of comprehensive support for children of the defectological group will make it possible to identify developmental deviations or abilities in the early stages and choose an educational route that allows you to correct the development of the child, or to develop his abilities to the fullest.

But there are difficulties in building a correctional and pedagogical process in our group, since the category of children with mental retardation is heterogeneous in composition.

Pupils of the defectological group differ both in the level of development and in the nature of the existing shortcomings.

In-depth diagnostic work is needed to determine the educational needs and opportunities of each child.

In this regard, I have developed a new program for the defectological examination of children with mental retardation in a kindergarten of a combined type based on the program "Diagnostics in a correctional preschool educational institution", developed by the team of authors of the Mari Institute of Education.

The proposed defectological examination program serves as a tool for assessing the level of assimilation of the mandatory minimum of the correctional program “Preparing children with mental retardation for school”, ed. S.G. Shevchenko.

The diagnostic package is presented with materials for a survey conducted by a defectologist teacher, reflects the main areas of correctional work, divided into two blocks.

I. Determining the level of development of higher mental functions:

  • perception,
  • attention
  • memory,
  • thinking,
  • level of development of fine motor skills,
  • the level of development of voluntary regulation.

II. Determination of the level of formation of elementary mathematical representations:

  • quantities and accounts
  • geometric shapes,
  • quantities,
  • orientation in space
  • time orientation,
  • compiling and solving arithmetic problems.

Instructions are given for each proposed task. Tasks are available in terms of complexity, are offered in the form of game exercises using visual and didactic material.

A three-point system is used to assess the quality of assignments for all methods.

Evaluation criteria are selected for each task. Based on the sum of the data shown by each child, the average indicator of the child's mastery of a certain type of activity is derived using the formula:

Wed = b/n, where:

  • Wed - the average,
  • b - the sum of the points shown by the child in all tasks,
  • n is the number of tasks in diagnostics.

Quantitative-qualitative analysis makes it possible to determine the level of development of a child in a particular activity, to trace the dynamics of his development, to determine the effectiveness of the work of group teachers.

List of diagnostic material:

1. Attention.

  • 5 years - Pieron-Ruser method (test of changes).
  • 6 years - Bourdon technique (test of changes).

2. Perception.

  • Color - I.V. Dremina.
  • Form - test "Find the same shapes" (A.N. Smirnova).
  • Size:

1) Pictures with objects of various sizes (according to the manuals of G. Kashe). For children of 5 years old, the game "Name by picture" is used, for children of 6 years old - "Say the opposite."

2) Laying out the strips in a row in ascending order. For children 5 years old - 5 strips, for children 6 years old - 10 strips.

3) “Pyramika” (5 years old), “Bowl” (6 years old).

3. Features of perception - integrity.

  • 5 years - "Fold the square" of 4 parts.
  • 6 years - "Fold the square" of 5-6 parts.

4. Thinking.

1) Visual - effective thinking is evaluated according to the Segen tables.

2) Visually - figuratively. The child is invited to arrange a series of pictures in a certain time.

  • For children 5 years old - a series of 4 pictures.
  • For children 6 years old - a series of 5 - 6 pictures.

3) Verbal - logical.

  • 5 years - “Name it in one word” (for example: carrots - cabbage - cucumber).
  • 6 years - “What is superfluous” (for example: carrots - cabbage - apple - potatoes).
  • Additional technique "Speech analogies" (author D. Veksler).

5. Memory.

1) Auditory memory.

“Remember 10 words” (method A. Luria).

2) Visual memory.

"Memorize 9 shapes and draw them."

3) Logical memory.

Indirect memorization of cards (method by L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, A.N. Leontiev).

6. Motor skills.

  • Exercise "Beads".
  • Leading hand test.

7. Arbitrary regulation.

Graphic dictation (method of D.B. Elkonin).

Diagnostics according to the section "FEMP".

1) Quantity and count: quantitative, ordinal, equalization of the number of groups of objects.

  • 5 years - up to 5.
  • 6 years - up to 10.

2) Geometric shapes.

  • 5 years - recognition of geometric shapes "Find a pair"
  • 6 years - the distinction of geometric shapes.

3) The value "Spread the ribbons." Comparison of objects of length, width, height.

  • 5 years - 5 subjects.
  • 6 years - 10 subjects.

4) Orientation in space.

  • 5 years – direction orientation from oneself.
  • 6 years - determining the direction of objects in relation to other objects.

5) Orientation in time.

  • 5 years - distinction of parts of the day.
  • 6 years - distinction of parts of the day, days of the week.

Diagnostic material for examining elementary mathematical concepts makes it possible to assess the degree of formation of skills associated with the main methods of mental activity: the ability to compare, analyze, establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

For a deeper understanding of the child, at the beginning of the school year, examination cards of a child with diagnoses of mental retardation are filled out; according to the survey data, a plan of individual corrective work with the child for the first half of the year is drawn up, then an intermediate examination is carried out in the middle of the year and a plan of individual work with the child for the second half of the year is drawn up.


junior schoolchildren


age ____________________ class _____________________________________

1. Behavior in the examination situation (Underline whatever applicable)

a) makes contact(very) easy – difficult; he talks about himself - only answers - is silent _______________________________________

b) Behavior: without features - impulsive - motor-disinhibited - constrained - other features ____________________________________________________

c) Emotional sphere: calm - excited - anxious - aggressive - withdrawn - other ______________________________________________________________

d) The pace of work: high - medium - low; instability; exhaustibility


e) Working capacity: high - medium - low; exhaustibility


2. Learnability: stimulating - organizing - guiding - teaching assistance; transfer full - partial - absent; other features


3. Understanding instructions: understands immediately - after repetition - after clarification - does not understand; other features


Understanding instructions from the ear.

Aurally: From the group of shapes, select shapes without corners. Color them.

Find the triangle, Circle it in green.

4. Awareness: high – medium – below average – low


Vocabulary _______________________________________________________

5. Speech : correctness _________________________________ detailed statements ____________________ coherent speech ______________________


2 points - no errors

1 point - 1-2 times went beyond the line

0 points - 3 times or more went beyond the line

2. Continue to draw patterns without lifting the pencil from the paper.

Patterns should not deviate too much from the horizontal line.

2 points - no errors

1 point - with errors

0 points - the child was unable to continue any or all of the patterns


1. Color the starships flying up red, down blue, right green, left yellow.

2 points - no errors

1 point - 1 mistake

0 points - 2 errors or more

6. Understanding logical-grammatical constructions

show me pen pencil _____, put the pencil down in notebook____,

put the pencil down near notebook _______, put down the pencil on the notebook ____,

put the pencil down in notebook _________, hold a pencil above notebook ____, put down the pencil before notebook ____, put down the pen between notebook and pencil ___.

hold a pencil above your head (left, right, front, back) ______.

7. visual perception

a) realistic images ________________________________

b) crossed out items: __________________________________

c) underdrawn objects ___________________________________

d) superimposed images _____________________________________


e) noisy images ___________________________________

8. The level of formation of temporary representations.

The hot sun shines brightly. People are sunbathing and swimming...

Children sculpt a snowman, go skiing and sledding ...

Birds fly away to warmer climes, people harvest...

Snow melts, streams run, buds swell...

2. At what time of the year do the leaves appear and at what time of the year do the leaves fall from the trees?

3. In the pictures, determine: what time of year (plot pictures "Seasons")

4. What is the season now, what will be after it (sequence).

5. How many months in a year?

6. What autumn months do you know?

7. How many days are there in a week? (number)

Number of points

3 points is the correct answer. 2 points - correct, but the answer needs clarification.

1 point - the answer to the leading questions of the teacher. 0 points - the child does not understand and does not accept the question.

9. Research of mental activity.

a) Compilation of split pictures (from 4, 6 parts) horse, tree, cockerel, man _________________________________________________________________



c) Exclusion of an extra item (4th extra) _________________________________________________________________________

10. Features of the organization of activities , formation of regulatory functions, purposefulness of activity, the presence of an indicative stage, the use of rational methods of action, impulsiveness / viscosity of actions, self-control

Conclusion: ___________________________________________________________________



Date: Name of specialist _________________

Evaluation of results.

1 point - cannot complete the task, does not understand the instructions, or, having completed the task by overlaying, cannot compose the picture again.

The study of mental activity

a ) Compilation of split pictures (it is recommended to use the technique with the use of split pictures, developed by L.I. Peresleni, O.I. Shuranova)

The criterion for the effectiveness of the task is the use of various types of assistance by the child. The method of performing the task is also fixed (the method of visual correlation, trying on, irrational tests), the time spent on each picture, the smoothness of the contour.

Evaluation of results.

5 points - independent completion of the task by the child on the first attempt.

4 points - the task is performed by the child using a sample not divided into parts (2nd attempt).

3 points - the task is completed by the child on the third attempt using a sample divided into parts.

2 points - the task is performed by the child by superimposing parts of the picture on the sample (with subsequent self-folding of the same picture after training).

1 point - cannot complete the task, does not understand the instructions, or, having completed the task by overlaying, cannot compose a picture

b) Determining the sequence of a series of plot pictures .

Evaluation of results:


5 points - the pictures are laid out independently correctly, the child perceives the event in a series of pictures as a whole, understands that the event is presented sequentially.

4 points - lays out the pictures correctly after providing assistance in the form of an indication of the first picture of the sequence;

3 points - highlights the plot content of a series of pictures, singles out the central idea of ​​the plot, but finds it difficult to determine the logical sequence of the temporal development of events, uses stimulating help when laying out pictures;

2 points - highlights the plot content of a series of pictures, but has serious difficulties in establishing cause-and-effect relationships, makes mistakes in determining the sequence of the series, uses help in the form of leading questions;

1 point - perceives each picture in isolation, that is, does not combine a series of pictures into one plot (perceives a series of pictures as a set of adjacent events), has difficulty understanding the instructions, the task requires extensive training assistance.

C) Exclusion of the superfluous subject of the concept.

The level of intuitive-practical and verbal-logical generalization is assessed. It is recommended to use the visual material of the methodology modified by N.L. Belopolskaya.

When evaluating an intuitive-practical generalization, the total number of correct answers (out of 10 possible) is indicated.

5 points - 10 correct answers;

4 points - 9-8 correct answers;

3 points - 7-6 correct answers;

2 points - 5 correct answers;

1 point - less than 5 correct answers.

The criterion for the formation of a verbal-logical generalization is the child's ability to explain his choice, to make a generalization.

Evaluation of results:

5 points - generalizes based on essential (conceptual) features;

4 points - when generalizing, along with conceptual features, there are generalizations on a functional basis;

3 points - generalizes on a functional basis;

2 points - any specific situation acts as a generalizing feature;

1 point - the main meaning-forming element is some insignificant, random sign, or does not understand the meaning of the task


Development of fine motor skills

Find an extra item

The problem of psychological and pedagogical support for children with mental retardation in a special kindergarten has not been sufficiently developed. The difficulties in building a correctional and pedagogical process in such an institution are largely due to the fact that the category of children with mental retardation is polymorphic and heterogeneous in composition. Pupils of correctional groups differ both in the level of development and in the nature of the existing shortcomings. The achievements of children in terms of knowledge, ideas about the world around them, skills in subject-practical activities with which they enter diagnostic and correctional groups are different.

In-depth diagnostic work is needed to determine the educational needs and opportunities of each child. The education and upbringing of this category of children will be effective only if it is based on the results of an in-depth psychological and pedagogical examination.

Diagnostic work in a special kindergarten is based on the basic psychological and diagnostic principles recognized by domestic special psychology and correctional pedagogy and disclosed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, V.I. Lubovsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin. The examination assumes the use of proven methods and diagnostic techniques for studying preschool children, including children with developmental disabilities. These are the methods and diagnostic complexes of L.A., widely known to specialists. Wenger, S.D. Zabramnaya, I.Yu. Levchenko, E.A. Strebeleva, U.V. Ul'enkova, O.N. Usanova, L, S, Tsvetkova and others.

With all the variety of manuals and materials on the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of preschoolers, they do not fully consider the technology of diagnostic work, its methodological equipment and forms of reflection of the results of a comprehensive study of children with mental retardation in a special kindergarten.

Diagnostic examination in the conditions of a special preschool educational institution for children with mental retardation differs in tasks and methods from the examination at the PMPK. If the leading task of the PMPK is to identify developmental deviations, determine their nature and choose the optimal educational route (i.e., the task of differential diagnosis), then in the conditions of a special kindergarten, the task of a comprehensive, comprehensive qualitative analysis of the features of cognitive activity, emotional and volitional sphere, personal development, as well as research into the sphere of knowledge, skills, ideas about the world around the child. Diagnostics acts as a necessary structural component of the correctional and pedagogical process and a means of optimizing this process. An in-depth comprehensive examination allows you to build adequate individual and group correctional and educational programs and determine the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental impact.

The main tasks of examining children with mental retardation in a special kindergarten are the following:

Identification of the qualitative features of the mental development of the child;

Identification of the "level of learning", i.e. the degree of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with age capabilities;

Determining the nature of the dynamics of development and features of learning in mastering the program;

Differentiation of similar states on the basis of long-term psychological and pedagogical observation and study of the dynamics of development;

Determining the parameters of school maturity and choosing the optimal form of schooling.

Defectologists know that the most objective are the diagnostic data, which is based on a combination of experimental psychological studies of cognitive and personal development and long-term monitoring of the development of the child.

During the period of preparing a child for schooling, specialists face another important task of the survey - determining the parameters of school maturity and choosing the most effective form of schooling. The primary examination of a child admitted to a correctional group is carried out by specialists of the psychological and pedagogical council of a specialized kindergarten. It is the specialists of the consultation who determine the most suitable correctional group and determine the main areas of work with the child.

The goals and objectives of psychological and pedagogical study should be differentiated. The purpose of pedagogical diagnostics is to clarify the structure and severity of disorders in each child, to identify the psychological characteristics of pupils. This direction of diagnostics allows you to determine the tasks and content of correctional and developmental work during the year. The results of the survey must be correlated with the qualitative characteristics of the mental and personal development of the "age norm". This will help to identify the nature and degree of the child's lag in the main lines of development, determine the ratio of impaired and delayed functions in their development, and establish the nature of their mutual influence.

The pedagogical examination is aimed at studying the sphere of knowledge and ideas about the world around, as well as identifying some skills and abilities necessary for further assimilation of the educational program in a special kindergarten. It is important to identify the qualitative features of cognitive activity (features of motivation, volitional efforts, features of planning and control). These data will allow you to choose effective methods and techniques of pedagogical influence for each child. Taking into account the results of pedagogical diagnostics, the tasks and content of educational work are selected. During the academic year, specialists and educators assigned to each group conduct a survey in three stages.

During the academic year, specialists and educators assigned to the group conduct a survey in three stages.

First stage (September). The purpose of the survey at the initial stage is to identify the features of the mental development of each pupil, to determine the initial level of learning, i.e., the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the volume of the educational program.

In addition, anamnestic information about the development of the child is collected, microsocial conditions of life and upbringing in the family are studied. The results are summarized and entered in the "defectological card". Taking them into account, subgroups of children are formed for conducting classes by a defectologist and an educator, and "level" programs of correctional education are built. On the basis of medical examination data, features of neuropsychic and somatic health, possible functional disorders of the central nervous system, motor development and physical condition are revealed.

In the first year of study, the examination is carried out for 4 weeks, in the subsequent - 3 weeks. At the same time, it is advisable to start it from the second week of September, giving the children time to adapt to new conditions.

The second stage (the first two weeks of January). The main purpose of the survey at the second stage is to identify the characteristics of the dynamics of development of each child in specially organized conditions. An alarming symptom is the lack of positive dynamics. In such cases, children are referred for the second time to the PMPK in order to clarify the diagnosis. At this stage, information obtained earlier is supplemented. Dynamic diagnostic research makes it possible to assess the correctness of the chosen paths, methods, and content of corrective work with each child and the group as a whole. Adjustments are made to the program, the goals and objectives of correctional and pedagogical work in the next six months are determined.

The third stage (two last weeks of April). The goal is to determine the nature of the dynamics, evaluate the effectiveness of the work, and also make a forecast regarding further development and designate a further educational route for each pupil. Based on the results of the examination, the child is transferred to the next age group or released to school.

The following options are possible.

With good positive dynamics, the child is transferred to the group of the next year of study.

With pronounced positive dynamics, when the results of the examination are close to the "conditional norm", it is possible to transfer the child to a general kindergarten. Such a variant is possible in case of "pedagogical neglect", when in the process of intensive pedagogical work it is possible to largely overcome shortcomings and gaps in the child's knowledge.

If the examination shows that the developmental delay is secondary (for example, with alalia), the child is recommended to have another correctional preschool educational institution that corresponds to the structure of the defect. In this case, a reasoned psychological and pedagogical characteristic is compiled, and the child is sent to the PMPK.

With positive, but mild dynamics and frequent absences for health reasons, it is possible to re-pass the program, i.e. the child remains for a second year of study.

Graduates of special groups, as a rule, are well prepared for studying in a mass school. Special attention should be paid to this, since the goal of preschool correction of mental retardation is the timely identification and overcoming of developmental deficiencies, the formation of a full-fledged basis for education in a secondary school. Practice shows that the majority of children with mental retardation who attend preschool diagnostic and correctional groups successfully master the general education school curriculum in the future. Only a small part of graduates is sent to classes of correctional and developmental education. But there may be exceptions. Individual graduates (taking into account the dynamics of development during their entire stay in a special kindergarten and based on the conclusion of the PMPK) may be recommended to study at a school of a different type (type V, type VIII). It should not be forgotten that the conclusion of the PMPK is only advisory in nature and the final decision on where the child will study belongs to the family. The task of teachers is to reveal to parents the nature of the child's problems and recommend the best route for learning.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the functional responsibilities of specialists involved in the examination of the child. As already noted, it should be comprehensive, which involves the participation of doctors, a psychologist, and teachers. Data on the state of health of the child, anamnestic information, conclusions of medical specialists are contained in the medical record, some of this information is duplicated in the "Diagnostic and evolutionary card of the child." Professionals should carefully study the content of medical documents. Possession of this information is important for understanding the causes and nature of mental retardation, determining the strategy and tactics of psychological and pedagogical influence, determining the prognosis of the child's development. All specialists involved in the process of correctional and developmental education participate in the psychological and pedagogical research.

One of the leading directions in the pedagogical activity of a teacher-defectologist in a special kindergarten for children with mental retardation is to overcome the shortcomings of the cognitive activity of pupils. Therefore, it is advisable for the teacher-defectologist to investigate the level of development of cognitive processes (attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination, speech), to identify the level of formation of the components of activity (including educational). Teachers-defectologists and educators reveal the level of "learning" of each child, that is, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The scope of their interests is determined by the "Educational Program" of the kindergarten and the "Curriculum", i.e. documents that reflect the priority areas of correctional and pedagogical activities of teachers, the level of their interaction is determined.

The music director and the physical education teacher conduct a survey in their sections.

The tasks of examining speech are solved by the teacher-defectologist. He explores all the components of speech development, while he focuses on identifying the level of mastery of language means, explores the state of coherent speech, since when constructing coherent statements, it is possible to identify specific features and shortcomings of children's speech and thinking activity.

In the conditions of a special kindergarten for children with mental retardation, a psychologist investigates the features of the course of mental processes, studies the emotional-volitional and personal sphere of pupils. Particular attention is paid to the study of the development of gaming activity, the peculiarities of the course of adaptation processes, the determination of the nature and characteristics of interpersonal relations in a group of peers. In the field of interest of the psychologist is the study of the influence of the microsocial environment on the development of the child. The results of the survey serve as the basis for choosing the directions and content of the work of the psychologist in the current academic year and the formation of groups with which special psycho-corrective classes will be held.

The effectiveness of correctional and developmental work is largely determined by the depth and quality of the analysis of the research results. This can be achieved if the defectologist teacher possesses knowledge and practical skills from the field of related disciplines (special psychology, psychodiagnostics, neuropsychology, etc.). Processing the results of the examination requires highly professional qualifications from specialists. It is desirable that the psychologist and speech pathologists be trained in special psychology and have diagnostic practice. The psychologist and defectologist, first of all, should be interested in the qualitative characteristics of the child's activity:

Features of motivation,

The ability to understand the instruction and to consciously, purposefully execute it (i.e., to program and implement the program),

Formation of knowledge, practical skills and abilities necessary to solve the problem,

Features of self-control and self-esteem.

Of particular interest in the analysis of intellectual and practical activities are such indicators as:

The nature of interaction with adults,

The ability to use help and the measure of this help,

The ability to transfer the learned way of performing a task to a similar situation.

These indicators characterize the learning ability of the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the ability of children to verbalize and verbally report on their activities. All survey results are recorded in specially designed tables. Consider the content of a diagnostic study, in which several blocks can be conventionally distinguished.

Block 1. Research of the emotional-personal sphere.

The leading specialist using the methods of this block is a teacher-psychologist. The block includes tasks to determine the formation

- "image of I",


Arbitrariness and volitional regulation;

social emotions,

Features of adaptive behavior.

Block 2. Speech research.

Speech is studied by a speech therapist according to a special scheme of speech therapy examination. The block includes tasks to determine the features and level of development of expressive and impressive speech. Particular importance in the examination of a child's speech is given to its cognitive and regulatory functions. are being explored

phonetic-phonemic processes;

lexico-grammatical structure of speech;

connected speech.

Block 3. Study of gaming activity

As a leading activity of preschool age, a teacher-psychologist and educators conduct. Structural components and main characteristics of gaming activity are analyzed, the level of its development is determined.

Block 4. Study of basic mental functions.

The block includes tasks to determine the maturity of basic mental functions: perception, memory, attention, their qualitative characteristics. Perception.

Visual perception.

acoustic perception.

Skin-kinesthetic perception (stereognosis).

The processes of perception of various modality are of particular importance in early and younger preschool age. This period creates the primary basis for the development of speech and intellect. Memory.

Hearing-speech memory.

Visual-objective memory. Attention.

The ability to visual and auditory involuntary and voluntary concentration.

The ability to distribute, switch, concentrate.

Sustainability of attention.

The state of attention provides general and selective activity and is directly related to the intentions and motivation of activity.

Block 5. Study of space-time orientations and representations.

Orientation in one's own body and spatial relations of objects (orientation in body parts, distinguishing between the right and left sides, orientation in space from oneself, on a plane, in a notebook, recognition of spatially oriented familiar letters and numbers).

Understanding and verbal designation of spatial relationships:

Understanding and using prepositions and adverbs denoting the location of objects in space along the vertical axis;

Understanding and using prepositions and adverbs denoting the location of objects in space along the horizontal axis, including in the situation of right-left orientation;

Understanding of logical and grammatical constructions reflecting spatial relationships on visual material

Understanding of temporal sequences and orientation in time intervals and understanding of logical and grammatical structures reflecting temporal relationships in a visual form.

Block 6. Research of psychomotor development.

The block includes tasks to identify the features of the formation of the child's movements.

General characteristics of the child's movements: general mobility, balance function, coordination, speed, smoothness of movements, switchability, sense of rhythm; the presence or absence of synkinesis,

Optical-kinesthetic organization of movements.

Dynamic organization of motor act.

Visual-spatial organization of movements.

constructive praxis.

Visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination.

Conditioned motor reactions (performing movements and actions on a signal).

Block 7. Study of simple modal-specific functions.

The block includes tasks to identify the nature of violations of simple modal-specific functions.

Endurance for continuous focus on the task.

Features of the speed of actualization of temporal connections and the strength of imprinting traces of memory at the level of elementary mnemonic processes.

Features of the distribution of attention during the entire time of the task.

Features of behavioral reactions after completing tasks that require a significant concentration of attention.

These studies of these indicators make it possible to analyze the nature of violations of the basic functions that underlie complex mental processes and determine the optimal conditions for teaching the child, to carry out timely preventive and corrective work to overcome neurodynamic disorders, to recommend a medical examination of the child in order to provide the necessary assistance.

Qualitative characterization of neurodynamic disturbances makes it possible to reveal the shortcomings of the regulatory system. From the special literature, it is known about a direct relationship between neurodynamic disorders, manifested in the form of exhaustion, lability, and disorders in the control link. Manifestations of inertia disorganize the programming and purposefulness of the child's actions.

The results of the analysis of the fulfillment of tasks of the 6th and 7th blocks serve as the basis for understanding the underlying (at the level of brain structures) causes of impaired or delayed development of higher mental functions (HMF). These data are especially important, since many studies in the field of neuropsychology and special psychology have shown that one of the possible mechanisms for delaying psychoverbal development is a delay in the maturation of certain areas of the brain and the lack of formation of interanalyzer connections. These surveys make it possible to begin corrective and preventive work to prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia, syllabic structure disorders, deficiencies in the graphic representation of objects and other disorders that are detected at later stages of a child’s development already at a younger preschool age.

Block 8. Research of thinking.

are being explored

Visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking;

Verbal-logical thinking (in children 6-7 years old).

The subject of analysis are:

Mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, comparison, abstraction and seriation);

Ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and relationships;

The ability to build the simplest conclusions (in children 6-7 years old).

The most important component of the study is a qualitative analysis of the process and results of the child's intellectual and productive activities. At the same time, as the most effective, we consider the criterion-oriented approach described in a number of scientific papers1. This approach makes it possible to obtain a quantitative assessment of the results of tasks, expressed in conditional points, as well as to identify the qualitative features of each structural component of cognitive activity. A four-point scale for evaluating results is proposed.

With a delay in mental development, the intellect as a whole is not impaired, but mental activity suffers due to the weakening of its premises or individual structural components. Therefore, the thinking of a child with mental retardation should be assessed both taking into account the neuropsychological mechanisms underlying the difficulties, and taking into account the conditions under which improvement in mental activity occurs. Such a structural-dynamic nature of the study requires the use of various psychological and diagnostic methods. Compliance with the principle of structural-dynamic study ensures the effectiveness of psychological study as a whole.

When analyzing mental activity, the concept of L. S. Vygotsky on the units of psychological analysis was taken as the basis. Such characteristics can be the level of development of the action (reflect any activity, including mental activity) and the degree of their formation. As well as the criteria for qualitative assessment proposed by U.V. Ul'enkova, but the levels of task completion and the rating scale were reworked into a four-point system. On this basis, criteria for the analysis of the mental activity of children with mental retardation, not only of older, but also of younger preschool age, have been built. The characteristics of the mental components of mental activity can serve as criteria in assessing the development of a child. It is possible to single out several levels of development of mental activity and evaluate each level with a conditional score. With this approach, the achievements of each child are revealed and the dynamics of development for each conditional parameter is determined most objectively. That is, the assessment is made taking into account the "conditional age norm" and the child's own achievements.

Using a criterion-oriented approach to the analysis of the results of a psychological and pedagogical examination, we can conditionally distinguish three levels of development of the studied indicators.

I level - the level of age compliance.

The task is available to the child by age and level of development. However, in different children, the qualitative characteristics in its implementation vary significantly.

Sublevel A - sufficient age matching. Most of the ratings for the parameter under study correspond to the rating "four", i.e. the studied parameter is within the "age norm". Half of the marks with a value of "three" are allowed to establish sublevel A.

Sublevel B - average age compliance. Most of the studied parameters are in the interval of "two" points. sublevel

B - low age match. Most of the estimates of the studied parameters are in the range of "one - two" points.

II level - age discrepancy of the 1st degree.

At the second level, children are offered easier tasks, which are usually available to children one year younger.

Sublevel A - mild age discrepancy. Most of the assessments for the studied parameter lie in the range of "four-three" points.

Sublevel B - moderate age discrepancy. Most of the estimates for the parameter under study lie in the range of "one - two".

III level - age discrepancy of the 2nd degree.

This is the level of significant age discrepancy. At the third level, children are offered tasks that are usually available to children two ages below, while the score does not matter anymore. The protocol notes only the qualitative characteristics of the task solution.

Thus, we obtain a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of the development of individual indicators of mental functions and can determine how the level of development of the child corresponds to age-related capabilities. This approach makes it possible to evaluate

The real level of mental development,

The degree of developmental delay according to various indicators,

Assess the individual dynamics of overcoming mental retardation,

Select the most critical indicators,

Build profiles of individual development.

The transition of a child from one level to the next or several levels over a certain period of time will determine the dynamics of his individual development, taking into account natural maturation (i.e., the scale for assessing mental development is correlated with respect to age).

The purpose of pedagogical study is to identify the current level of knowledge and ideas about the world around them, their correspondence to the content of the main sections of the educational program of a preschool educational institution, as well as to determine the pedagogical conditions necessary for each pupil to realize his potential. The ideas about the nature and life of people, elementary mathematical concepts, readiness to learn to read and write, knowledge and ideas about children's fiction, the level of development of visual activity, musical, physical development, etc.) are explored. Criteria for pedagogical assessment are directly related to the educational program implemented in the kindergarten and the amount of minimum allowable knowledge for each age group.

Each special kindergarten (group) selects the volume of educational content independently on the basis of the draft preschool education standards, methodological recommendations and partial programs recommended by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education.

To assess the knowledge, skills and abilities of children (KAS) according to the educational program adopted in kindergarten, the following general approach can be applied. Each age group has its own set of tests for the beginning and end of the school year. Test tasks at the beginning of the year are selected in such a way as to reveal the presence of the necessary stock of knowledge and ideas for mastering the educational content, which is determined by the educational program. The "training" of the child is determined by the stock of knowledge, skills and abilities (KAS) received at the previous stages of education. For example, in the study of elementary mathematical concepts in a child who entered the preparatory group, tasks are selected that correspond to the program of the senior group. At the end of the academic year, he will already be offered tasks corresponding to the program of the preparatory group. These tasks will reveal the level and quality of mastering the educational program.

To determine the level of ZUN, a four-point assessment scale can be applied. Knowledge (skill, skill) is evaluated by 4 points (this is the highest mark), if the child demonstrates it in full the requirements for this age group.

Knowledge (skill, skill) is estimated at 3 points if the child needs constant stimulating help, and sometimes leading questions, if the child makes inaccuracies and a small number of mistakes, but with the help of an adult he can correct them. The same assessment is applied with a somewhat reduced total amount of knowledge and ideas in the studied section of the program.

Knowledge (skill, skill) is estimated at 2 points if the child constantly needs leading questions, and sometimes direct hints, if he makes many mistakes and does not notice them, and the quality and volume of knowledge is significantly reduced.

A child receives 1 point if he demonstrates an extremely low level of knowledge, skills, skills, they are incorrect, distorted or absent.

At the beginning and end of the academic year, the data is entered into specially designed tables that reflect the effectiveness of the assimilation of the program.

To compare the results of the pedagogical survey for each section of the preschool program, a normalized average level of assessment of the child's knowledge is introduced. It is derived on the basis of individual indicators of mastering the program material. Children's achievements can be divided into four levels.

I level - the studied material is mastered in full.

II level - most of the significant parameters for the studied section of the program correspond to grades 4 and 3.

Level III - most of the significant parameters for the studied section of the program correspond to grades 3 and 2.

Level IV - most of the significant parameters for the studied section of the program correspond to grades 2 and 1.

The normalized average level is crucial in the following cases:

When selecting the content of educational work;

When dividing the age group of children into subgroups, i.e., the implementation of an individually differentiated approach;

When analyzing the results of correctional and educational work for the year.

Qualitative and quantitative results of tasks, expressed in points, are recorded in the protocols, which have a free form. The data of the psychological and pedagogical examination make it possible to plan not only group work, but also to select the content for individual correctional and educational work with the maximum consideration of the individual capabilities and characteristics of the child. It is useful when all research protocols for one child are carried out according to the same scheme throughout the entire stay of the child in kindergarten. This allows you to compare qualitative indicators at different stages of the examination of the child.

A comparative analysis of the results of the survey at the beginning and end of the school year makes it possible to establish the degree of learning and learning of each child.

Group results are presented in a visual form (in the form of histograms). Bar graphs reflect the average level of achievement of the group in each section of the program. By the general appearance of the histogram, one can fairly accurately judge the level of development of children in the group and the level of assimilation of knowledge in the group. A comparative analysis of histograms built at the beginning and end of the school year makes it easy to trace the dynamics of the development of children in a group and the assimilation of knowledge in general.

The relative laboriousness of the proposed experimental diagnostic technology is compensated by the visualization of the results of the work carried out. This allows you to timely adjust the course of the correctional and educational process. The data of a qualitative-quantitative examination are the real basis for drawing up an individual correctional and developmental program for the child, therefore, with this approach, the principles of personality-oriented pedagogy are implemented.

A visual method of presenting the results allows you to compare the effectiveness of the use of various teaching methods, therefore, determines the feasibility of using certain correctional and educational methods. This method is also used for a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of corrective work in different groups, as well as in evaluating the work of the kindergarten as a whole when compiling reporting documentation.

Methodological development for the diagnostic examination of the speech development of children of the older group with mental retardation.

Gubaidullina Nadezhda Robertovna, speech pathologist, MBU "School No. 18", o. Tolyatti
Material Description: Diagnostic methods are intended for children of senior preschool age with mental retardation, to examine the level of their speech development.
Target- obtaining information about the individual characteristics of the child's speech development.

1. Formation of a dictionary.
Method number 1. Identification of the level of development of the dictionary of objects.
Material: subject pictures on various lexical topics.
Instruction: “What is this?”, “Name all the pictures in one word?”

Method number 2. Identification of the level of development of the verbal dictionary.
Material: subject pictures (boy, fish, bird, plane, snowflake).
Conduct procedure. Let the child look at the pictures one by one. Instruction: “The boy runs, jumps, walks, laughs. And what does ... (fish, bird, plane, snowflake).

Method number 3. Identification of the level of development of the vocabulary of features.
Material: subject pictures (bear, fox, apple, table, house, hat, scissors).
Conduct procedure. We offer pictures to the child. Instructions: “The bear is big, clumsy, shaggy, brown. And what (what, what, what) ... (fox, apple, table, house, hat, scissors).

Method number 4. Identification of the level of development of the vocabulary of adverbs.
Material: subject pictures (turtle, sun, horse).
Conduct procedure. We offer pictures to the child. Instruction: “How does a turtle crawl? How does the sun shine? How does the horse jump?

Method number 5. Identification of the level of development of the dictionary of numerals.
Material: cards with one, three, five items cucumber, chicken, bucket, ear)
Conduct procedure. We invite the child to look at the cards and count the number of objects. Instruction: "Name how many objects are drawn on the card."

Method number 6. Identification of the level of development of the dictionary of synonyms.
Material: subject pictures (grandmother, children, doctor, big ball, cheerful boy).
Conduct procedure. We offer pictures to the child. Instructions: This is Grandma. In another word about her, you can say "old lady". Call it another word ... (children, doctor, big ball, cheerful boy).

Method number 7. Identification of the level of development of the dictionary of antonyms.
Material: subject pictures: big and small ball, thick and thin book, high and low fence, short and long rope, empty and full glass.
Conduct procedure. Let the child look at the pictures.
Instruction: “Listen to the words: big ball - small ball. These are the opposite words. Now you say the words on the contrary ... ".

Evaluation of results.
For a single task:


2. The grammatical structure of speech.
Method number 1. Revealing the ability to change nouns by cases.
Material: pencil, pen, paint.
Conduct procedure. We show the child a pencil (pen, paints).
Instructions: “I have a pencil.
I do not have ... (with continuing intonation) (pencil).
I reach out to .... (pencil).
I pick up ... (pencil).
I draw a house ... (with a pencil).
I dream of red ... (pencil)."

Method number 2. Identification of the ability to transform nouns I. p., units. numbers in plural I.p. and R.p.
Material: subject pictures, which depict one object - several objects (table, mushroom, doll, tree, window, eye, ear, sleeve, sparrow).
Conduct procedure. Show the child a picture.
Instruction: “One table, and if there are a lot of them, then this is ... (tables)
We remove the picture.
Instruction: "Nothing?"

Method number 3. Reveal the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns.
Material: subject pictures on which blue objects are drawn (ball, cup, dress, ball, car, bucket).
Conduct procedure. Let the child look at the pictures.
Instructions: “Look at the picture and listen to what I say about it: a blue ball. And now you look at the pictures and name ... "

Method number 4. To reveal the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.
Materials. Object pictures depicting objects of different sizes.
Conduct procedure. Let the child look at the pictures.
Instruction: "Name the big object and the small object."

Method number 5. To reveal the ability to form adjectives from nouns.
Material: subject pictures - a wooden table, a fur coat, a paper boat, a rubber ball, an iron castle, a glass glass.
Conduct procedure. We show the child a picture that shows a table made of wood.
Instructions: “The table is made of wood, so it is wooden. Tell me which (which) ...?

Method number 6. Revealing the ability to form possessive adjectives.
Material: subject pictures with black and white images of animals in which any part is colored (cat, dog, bear, hare, squirrel, fox).
Conduct procedure. Let the child look at the pictures.
Instructions: "A cat has a cat's tail. Look and say: whose paw, whose ear, whose nose, whose head?

Method number 7. Reveal the ability to form verbs using prefixes.
Material: Pictures depicting a boy performing various actions.
Instruction: "Look at the picture and say what the boy is doing?" (walks, approaches the house, enters the house, crosses the street, leaves the house).

Evaluation of results.
For a single task:
2 points - the child independently copes with the task, answers the questions correctly.
1 point - the child copes with the task with the dosed help of an adult or on the second attempt.
0 points - the child does not cope with the task, the help is ineffective.

11 - 14 points - high level.
4 - 10 points - average level.
0 - 3 points - low level.

3. Syllabic structure of the word.
Method number 1. Identification of the ability to repeat words of different syllabic structures.
Materials: subject pictures (bus, checkers, officer, brick, tent, tub, artist).

Instruction: "Repeat after me: bus, checkers, officer, brick, tent, tub, artist."

Method number 2. Identification of the ability to independently name words of different syllabic structures.
Material: subject pictures (jacket, drum, cord, beans, nightingale, aquarium, policeman).
Conduct procedure. We offer the child pictures.
Instruction: "Look at the pictures and name (jacket, drum, cord, beans, nightingale, aquarium, policeman)."

Method number 3. Identification of the ability to pronounce sentences consisting of words with different syllabic structures.
Conduct procedure. The child is offered to repeat the sentence.
Instruction: “Repeat after me: an electrician is repairing an electric kettle. Hockey players play hockey. The artist paints a landscape. The tour guide conducts the tour.

Evaluation of results.
For a single task:
2 points - the child independently copes with the task, answers the questions correctly.
1 point - the child copes with the task with the dosed help of an adult or on the second attempt.
0 points - the child does not cope with the task, the help is ineffective.


0 - 1 point - low level.

4. Sound pronunciation.
Method number 1. Identification of the ability to pronounce the sounds of the Russian language in isolation.
Conduct procedure. The child is invited to pronounce the proposed sounds after the teacher.

Method number 2. Identification of the ability to pronounce the sounds of the Russian language in words.
Material: subject pictures.
Conduct procedure. The child is invited to look at the picture and name what is shown on them.

Method number 3. Identification of the ability to pronounce the sounds of the Russian language in spontaneous speech.
Conduct procedure. The child is offered to repeat the sentences after the teacher (Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry. Roses grow behind the fence. The hare has a winter coat. There is a sour lemon on the plate.)

Evaluation of results.
For a single task:
2 points - the child independently copes with the task, answers the questions correctly.
1 point - the child copes with the task with the dosed help of an adult or on the second attempt.
0 points - the child does not cope with the task, the help is ineffective.

5 - 6 points - high level.
2–4 points – average level.
0 - 1 point - low level.

5. Connected speech.
Method number 1. Revealing the ability to retell a text consisting of five to six sentences.
Conduct procedure. The text is read to the child. After this, the child is asked to retell what he just heard.

Method number 2. Identification of the ability to compose a story - a description of the subject.
Material: subject pictures (apple, bear, butterfly).
Conduct procedure. The child is invited to write a story - a description.

Method number 3. Revealing the ability to compose a story based on a plot picture.
Material: plot picture.
Conduct procedure. The child is invited to carefully consider the plot picture and come up with a story based on it.

Method number 4. Revealing the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.
Material: a series of three (number depending on the age of the child) plot pictures.
Conduct procedure. The child is invited to put the pictures in order: what happened first, what then, and come up with a story based on them.

Method number 5. Revealing the ability to compose a story from personal experience.
Conduct procedure. The child is invited to remember and tell how he spent the day off.

Evaluation of results.
For a single task:
2 points - the child independently copes with the task, answers the questions correctly.
1 point - the child copes with the task with the dosed help of an adult or on the second attempt.
0 points - the child does not cope with the task, the help is ineffective.
8 - 10 points - high level.
3 - 7 points - average level.
0 - 2 points - low level.

Personal data

Surname, name of the child __________________________________________________________

Date of Birth __________________________________________________________

Home address_________________________________________________________

From which d / s did __________________________________________________________

(no. d/s, district)

Date of admission to the group ________________________________________________

Decision of the Medical and Pedagogical Commission dated _________________________________

Minutes No. ___________________ adopted for the term ____________________________

The conclusion of the medical and pedagogical commission


Date of filling out the card _________________________________________________

Defectologist ____________________________________________________________

By the decision of RMPK dated _____________________________________________________

issued from _______________________________________________________________


(type of school, d/s)

Members of RMPK_______________________________________________________________

(surnames of speech therapists, place of work)


Information about parents _________________________________________________

Hereditary diseases ____________________________________________

From what account of pregnancy the child _________________________________

Nature of pregnancy (falls, injuries, psychoses, infections, chronic diseases) __________________

Childbirth (term, early, rapid, dehydrated, protracted) ______ Stimulation (mechanical, chemical, electrical stimulation) _______________

When the child cried

Was asphyxia observed (blue, white) __________________________________

Rh factor (negative, positive) _______________________________________

Weight and height of the child at birth

Feeding (when they brought to feed, how he took the breast, how he sucked, did he burp, choking) ______________

Was discharged from the maternity hospital on _____ day (reasons for delay)

Early psychomotor development

(mark if there were any deviations from the norm)_____________________________________

Past illnesses

(bruises, head injuries, infections, convulsions at high temperature - up to a year, after a year)


Speech history

First words __________________________________________________________

(From what age)

First phrases

(From what age)

Has speech development been interrupted?

Neurological status ____________________________________________

Data of psychological and pedagogical examination

I. General information

1. Is it easy to make contact during the examination ____________________________

2. The child's idea of ​​himself and his immediate environment ___________________

(representation accuracy)

II. Characteristics of intellectual activity

Perception features:

1. Perception of an object, picture (recognition of an object in a schematic, intersecting image) ________________

2. Isolation in the subject of essential details, parts __________________

3. The ability to finish the subject ______________________________________

4. Perception of magnitude ______________________________________________

5. Color perception:

a) Does the color match _________________________________________________

(using silent instruction, check)

b) whether he distinguishes colors ________________________________________________

c) distinguishes and knows the names of colors _________________________________

6. Form perception:

a) knows, differentiates the main geometric shapes _______________

b) recognizes the shapes in the drawing, in the subject (task: “Help mom and daughter hang colored handkerchiefs”, etc.) ______

7. Perception of space:

a) distinguishes between the right and left sides on his body, on the body of another person ___

b) can fold a split subject picture (vertically, horizontally, diagonally) _________________

c) is oriented in space ____________________________________________

d) understanding of prepositions (simple, complex) _______________________________

8. Perception of time (parts of the day, seasons) _________________________

The level of voluntary attention, sensorimotor coordination, skills of a shallow historian

1. Draw a picture "House": _____________________________________________

2. The ability to visually plan the execution of the task ("Labyrinth", "Take the bunny to the carrot") ______________

Memory Features

1. Speed ​​of memorization, accuracy of reproduction (remember and reproduce 10 words in any order 1-5 times, then after 50-60 minutes; the norm is reproduction of 3-4 words in an hour). ___________

2. Memorizing a short poem ___________________________________

Features of thinking

1. Non-verbal classification of geometric shapes: does he understand the speechless instruction when laying out geometric shapes according to a certain attribute (color, shape) ______________________ (used 24-26 cards depicting geometric shapes)

2. Ability to generalize (from the picture) ________________________________

including by appointment (what you can wear, eat) ______________________

Selection of a generalizing word ____________________________________________

3. Classification of generalizing concepts (dishes, clothes) ___________________

4. Exclusion of an extra item (4th extra) ____________________________

5. Understanding a series of pictures connected by a single plot __________________

6. Inventing the beginning and end of the story based on a series of pictures ________________

7. Can explain the meaning of the riddle ____________________________________

9. Does it establish causal relationships _________________________

10. The ability to abstract _____________________________________________

Features of speech

1. Understanding verbal instructions (regulatory function of speech) _______________

2. The volume of the passive dictionary ______________________________________________

3. The volume of the active dictionary _______________________________________________

(by subject, plot pictures)

4. Features of phrasal speech ____________________________________________

(by subject, plot pictures)

5. Connected speech:

a) compose a story based on a small-plot picture _____________________________

b) compose a story based on a series of pictures ___________________________________________

c) retelling a short text ______________________________________________

Development of elementary mathematical concepts

1. Recalculation of items up to 5-10 __________________________________________

2. Correlation of a given number of objects with the number of fingers __________________

3. Selection of items from a set (1-5) by word, pattern, display _________

4. Comparison of sets _________________________________________________

(greater than, less than, equal to)

5. Counting operations:

-: on specific material - counting aloud _________________________________

- on specific material - account "to yourself" ____________________________

- abstractly (without specific material) ________________________________

6. Solving simple problems (6 years)

- abstractly _________________________________________________________

7. Coming up with simple problems (6 years)

- on a specific material ____________________________________________

- abstractly ________________________________________________________

constructive activity

1. The ability to build according to the model ___________________________________________

2. Ability to build according to a graphic drawing _______________________________

3. Ability to build independently _______________________________________

4. The ability to sketch, beat the building _________________________________

Features of the emotional-volitional sphere

1. Emotional reaction of the child to the act of examination itself _________________

2. Nature of activity:

a) showing interest in the task, persistence of interest ______________________

b) purposefulness of activity ____________________________________

c) the presence of self-control in activities __________________________________

(does it need help, how much)

3. The ability to transfer the shown method of activity to similar tasks __________________

4. Criticality in evaluating one's activities _______________________________

5. Understanding the emotional meaning of pictures, texts _____________________

6. Emotional stability (instability) of behavior ________________

7. Contact in communication with adults, children __________________________

Consultations of specialists ___________________________________________

The conclusion of the defectologist based on the results of the examination _______________________________________________

G.N. Chuikova, L.G. Bogdanova