A common situation is the process of delaying the release of breast milk after childbirth. Especially this issue concerns primiparous women who do not have the skills of breastfeeding and its organization. This problem is not a serious pathology, since it is based on only a slight slowdown in the physiological process, which can be corrected through some recommendations.

Causes of milk retention in the postpartum period

The formation of congestion in the mammary glands not only creates an obstacle to breastfeeding, but also gives a woman a lot of discomfort and even pain. The main manifestations of breast milk stagnation are hardening of the mammary glands, the appearance of soreness and a feeling of fullness. When pressing on such a breast, a drip of small portions of breast milk may be observed.

The main reasons for the formation of congestion in the mammary glands are:

  • Irregular attachment of the child to the breast;
  • Failure to comply with breastfeeding technique;
  • An underdeveloped sucking reflex in a child, as a result of which the mammary glands are not fully emptied.

As another, no less likely cause of lactostasis, one can single out excessive production of breast milk in the first few days after childbirth.

How to solve the problem

The primary task is to choose the correct position of the body of the mother and child during breastfeeding. Attachment to the breast is recommended to be carried out in such a way that the child's chin is in contact with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland in which the woman feels maximum discomfort and pain. If there are stagnation in the lower part of the gland, then the position of the child during feeding should be sitting on the mother's lap.

With median stagnation of breast milk, the position of the mother during feeding should be on her side, applying the baby to the breast that is on top.
In order to develop breasts after childbirth in the shortest possible time and painlessly, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast as often as possible, and feed in small portions.

If the breastfeeding procedure does not contribute to the normal outflow of milk, a woman needs to carry out manual pumping.

Important! With an increase in body temperature and the appearance of a sharp soreness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, it is strictly forbidden to use manual pumping methods. A woman should immediately contact a medical specialist.

The development of the mammary glands in the postpartum period is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. In order to improve local blood circulation and stimulate the expansion of the ducts of the mammary gland, it is recommended to wash the chest with warm water or take a warm shower;
  2. Both mammary glands must be gently massaged with smooth movements, avoiding strong compression;
  3. With gentle squeezing movements, you should express milk from each mammary gland, while controlling your own sensations;
  4. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a cool compress to the chest area (hold for no more than 10 minutes).

If the body temperature is within the normal range, and there is no sharp pain, then in no case should you stop breastfeeding.

The negative pressure that occurs between the baby's mouth and the mother's nipple promotes accelerated drainage of the mammary glands. The pressure of the baby's chin on the mother's breast is an effective massage that stimulates the expansion of the ducts and the release of milk.


To quickly and effectively develop breasts after childbirth, you can use the technique of a special massage. If the woman's nipple is not prominent enough, then the primary task of the massage is to eliminate this problem. To do this, you need to slightly pull each nipple with two fingers and gently massage. A similar massage is performed daily in several approaches.

To simulate the discharge of breast milk, it is necessary to perform the following massage techniques:

  1. Alternately massaging the mammary glands with both hands. Reception begins with light stroking, which smoothly turns into gentle kneading;
  2. The next step is stroking each mammary gland in the direction from the periphery to the center (to the nipple). This technique ensures the expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands and the discharge of breast milk;
  3. The next step is to create compression. The mammary gland must be gently lifted, while pressing on it from above with the second hand. It is important to be careful when calculating strength.

While the expectant mother is still pregnant, she rarely thinks about breastfeeding, especially if the baby is the first. As a rule, she is more concerned about how feeding can affect the condition of the breast. And those who are expecting a second or third baby can anxiously expect the start of feeding: will everything work out? Therefore, it is often necessary to prepare the breast for feeding during pregnancy. But does it need to be done?

Some care is really needed, because from the moment the umbilical cord is cut, the breast will become the main organ connecting mother and baby. But everything should be within reasonable limits. Lactation is not a disease, but a normal state of a woman! Moreover, this condition - like pregnancy - gives each of us a special reason to lead a healthy lifestyle. The normal average woman need only act as if she were just taking good care of her health. There are, of course, special cases, but before the birth, the opportunity to influence them is not too great. What may require our special care?

Breast shape and size

What not to do: to become discouraged at the thought that feeding will ruin the shape of your breasts - and even more so to figure out how to end lactation early. The reality is different from the accepted ideas: in fact, the shape of the breast does not change during feeding, but during pregnancy!

As the birth approaches, the breast increases - glandular tissue develops in it, which, after the appearance of the crumbs, will produce milk. Some of the adipose tissue is also replaced by glandular tissue. The features of the breast tissue are such that the adipose tissue holds its shape quite well, but the glandular tissue does not hold its shape at all, the nursing breast becomes engorged only due to the fact that the glandular tissue contains milk.

The reverse process should also occur gradually - after, with a decrease in the child's need for milk, the glandular tissue begins to be replaced again by adipose tissue. If the feeding ends before this time, the breast until the next feeding will remain in the same state as it was at the time of the end, that is, with a predominance of glandular tissue, which means, alas, sagging. And, oddly enough, thanks to this feature of the female body, after prolonged feeding, the breasts can better retain their shape than in the absence of feeding!

In addition, heredity plays a very important role in whether the breast loses its shape after feeding or retains it. It also contributes to how elastic the skin of the chest is.

What can be done, but not necessary: ​​if the expectant mother is not able to influence her heredity, and the duration of feeding depends primarily on her own mood, then something can be done in advance to increase the elasticity of the breast skin. A contrast shower has a positive effect on the elasticity of the breast skin, some mothers speak well of the use of special creams for pregnant women that preserve the elasticity of the bust. However, be careful when using such creams: if you continue to use them after childbirth, there is a possibility that such cosmetics can repel the baby with their smell, or even cause irritation when skin is in contact with skin.

Things to take care of: what is really important for maintaining the firmness and overall health of the breasts is good supportive underwear. For mothers with large breasts, it is better to start using a supportive bra already in the last trimester of pregnancy, and then use it for the entire feeding period. If the breasts are small, then a supporting bra is especially relevant in the first weeks of feeding, when breasts of size A or B after the arrival of milk can increase very sharply in size to C or even D. Optimal - seamless (since pressure from the seams can contribute to milk stagnation), elastic (e.g. microfiber) and distributed support. Such a bra is quite possible to buy even during pregnancy, because it changes its size with growing breasts and continues to support it well, despite strong size fluctuations.

Also, be sure to think in advance about comfortable clothes for feeding in the maternity hospital and at home: either with special cuts in the front, which can be ordered on many sites on the Internet on the request "clothes for feeding", or at least with buttons or zippers. In practice, very often after childbirth, primiparous mothers are surprised to find that the clothes that they have prepared for a comfortable stay in the maternity hospital are not at all adapted to ensure that you can easily and elegantly breastfeed your baby at any time and really feed him at first. requirement.

Modern mothers often have a question - how to prepare the breast for feeding? In fact, cases where any action is required are quite rare.

Remember the main axiom - almost any woman can feed, only she must have breasts and a baby in her arms. Medicine knows cases of natural feeding even of adopted children. The main thing in successful feeding is calmness, faith in one's own strength and love for the unborn baby.

Knowledge is the key to confidence

To know exactly how to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding, it is advisable to get more information during pregnancy:

  • Attend childbirth preparation courses. Be sure to check that a large amount of time is devoted to the topic "Breastfeeding" in the training program.
  • Read literature on breastfeeding. Suitable, for example, books by Nikitin, Martha and William Sears. Jean Ledloff's book How to Raise a Happy Child covers not only feeding, but also upbringing, and will prepare a pregnant woman well for future motherhood.
  • You can search for information about breastfeeding in our Breastfeeding section.
  • Communicate more with other pregnant, nursing mothers, friends who already have children. It will be useful to make acquaintances at childbirth preparation courses, in the yard, on specialized forums - you will really need communication with your own kind when the baby is born.
  • Prepare and put in a conspicuous place useful phone numbers: lactation consultants, medical centers specializing in assistance with lactostasis and mastitis, online stores for nursing mothers.

The hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible for the production of milk in the mammary glands, which begin to act in full force a day or two after childbirth, excluding the rarest cases of endocrine system disorders. In order not to prevent nature from doing its job, mommy should follow the recommendations for breastfeeding developed by WHO, listen to herself and her baby.

The help of a husband, grandmothers and other relatives is also important. It is better to prepare them in advance. It would be best to organize care in such a way that in the first few months you will only take care of the child, and everyone else will take care of you.

What should women with flat nipples do?

Successful feeding can be easily organized by a woman with both flat and inverted nipples. After a few days of active sucking, the baby will pull out any nipple, only you need to offer him the breast more often and not take it by force, but wait until the child is full and releases his mother himself. However, if the expectant mother is still thinking about how to prepare the nipples for feeding, something can be done.

To determine what shape the nipple is, look at how the breast reacts to cold. The elongated nipple stands upright, the flat one does not change, and the retracted nipple sinks inward more strongly.

If it turned out that you have flat or inverted nipples, the main task will be to form a correct breast latch in the baby. To do this, do not give the baby bottles and nipples at least in the first 4 months after birth.

To get milk from the breast, the crumbs have to work hard. And from the bottle, milk practically pours into the mouth itself, as a result, natural feeding is abandoned. In addition, children take nipples in a completely different way from their mother's breasts, and then they cannot be properly attached.

With flat or inverted nipples, you can gently sip and twist them once a day, no more than a minute. However, such preparation is rarely effective, the best solution to the problem is to apply the baby on demand.

What to do with sensitive nipples?

Women who have noticed particular sensitivity in their breasts will need to pay attention to shaping the latch on the nipple. With proper application, there are no discomfort, and the skin is not injured. To prevent problems, it is necessary to competently take care of the breast throughout the entire period of lactation, namely:

  1. do not wash your breasts with soap before and after feeding, this leads to overdrying of the skin;
  2. if there are cracks on the nipples - smear them with a special cream, and correct the attachment;
  3. learn in advance all the rules of breastfeeding and follow them;

If you follow the recommendations for natural feeding, the pain will disappear after one to three weeks from the start of feeding. If the unpleasant condition worsens, you need to contact a breastfeeding consultant.

Does breast shape matter?

Stories that there is more milk in a lush breast are nothing more than a myth. The amount of milk depends on the hormone prolactin, and this, in turn, is produced when suckling the breast. Therefore, if well-wishers tell mom that she is “not a dairy cow,” you don’t need to believe this. You just need to feed the baby more, stimulating the production of prolactin.

Daily nourishment of the skin with olive or almond oil will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. A comfortable bra with wide straps will support your breasts and prevent them from stretching out and sagging.

It is also important to properly attach the baby so that the nipple is at the mouth and the baby does not have to reach anywhere.

This cannot be done!

When looking for information about preparing breasts for feeding, it is easy to stumble upon useless and even harmful advice that women, and sometimes doctors, unknowingly pass from mouth to mouth. During pregnancy, you can not:

  • Roughly act on the nipples, rub them with a towel or washcloth. Such preparation is not only useless, but can also cause premature birth.
  • For the same reason, you should not stretch your nipples for a long time and intensively.
  • Asking your husband to "suck" his chest. With this function, the child will cope much better when the time comes.
  • No need to apply ice to the chest, this can result in a cold.

When preparing for breastfeeding, the most important thing is to accumulate and assimilate more information and tune in to successful, problem-free feeding. Give your little one love and care, and everything will definitely work out!

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How to feed the future baby, how to prepare the breast for feeding is a question of interest to many mothers, especially those for whom this is the first birth. To make the feeding process as comfortable as possible for you and your baby, there are several recommendations for preparing the breast for feeding. You need to start preparing even during pregnancy. Particular attention should be paid to preparatory procedures for women with flat, inverted nipples and overly sensitive breasts.

Any manipulations with the breast require prior consultation with a doctor. He will talk about ways to prepare for feeding that are right for you, as well as help you avoid the most common mistakes among new mothers.

Some mothers who have flat nipples or inverted nipples start to panic that this will somehow interfere with feeding, that the baby will be uncomfortable. Actually, it won't hurt. You just need to prepare the nipples in advance.

The first thing to do is validate the form. Perhaps your suspicions are unfounded, and everything is in order with the form. Take the halo of the nipple with two fingers (forefinger and thumb) and lightly press - if the nipple is pulled inward, then the shape is not quite correct, if the nipple protrudes forward, it is convenient for feeding the baby. Also, a normal nipple, under the influence of cold, is pulled forward and takes on a convex shape, retracted - drawn into the areola, flat - does not change shape at all.

There is also the Hoffman maneuver that can be used to pull the nipple. Two thumbs should be placed at the base of the nipple and soft rubbing movements should be started with one finger up, the other down, then to the sides. Thus, the adhesions at the base of the flat (or inverted) nipple are loosened and it is brought out. It is recommended to do this exercise for several minutes 2-5 times a day. This method is a little controversial, some experts consider it effective, others are extremely opposed.

  • Special bra with special inserts and nipple correctors. The bra gradually changes the shape of the nipples, making them more convex. You can also find special correctors in the pharmacy that act on the principle of a pump. But often they cannot be worn - start putting on correctors a month before the birth of the child for about 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes, and before engaging in such procedures, consult a specialist. After the baby is born, continue to put on correctors before feeding for 15 minutes. Correctors and pads put pressure on the areola area and help the nipple to stretch.

Avent Nipple Shape Corrector

Nipple shaping pad medela

In no case do not listen to the "advisers" who recommend switching to artificial feeding with too flat nipples (do not use a pacifier and a bottle with a nipple for supplementary feeding. Remember that in the case of inverted nipples, after a bottle with a nipple, you will definitely struggle with " confusion of nipples" in your baby;). Even if you did not have time to prepare the breast for feeding before the birth of the baby - do not worry, the baby will do everything himself. In the process of feeding with lip movements, he will gradually change the shape of the nipples. In this case, try to use bottles, nipples and pacifiers to a minimum.

Nipples with hypersensitivity make every feeding a torture. You are distracted by discomfort, and this interferes with the comfortable feeding of the baby. Preliminary preparation of the nipples will help get rid of the problem. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Bra made of coarse fabric. The fabric should not be too hard so as not to injure the skin, but at the same time rough enough to help the halo get rid of excess sensitivity.
  2. Go without a bra more often - every day for 10-15 minutes, arrange air baths for your chest (walk bare-chested around the apartment). You can go to the nearest store without a bra - 10-15 minutes is just enough. In warm weather, you can expose your chest on the street in your summer cottage.
  3. Another way is massage with imitation of feeding a baby. Grasp the nipple with two fingers, squeeze lightly and begin to pull. But do not press too hard on the mammary glands - it may seem to the body that the feeding time has already begun.
  4. Do not rub the nipples and do not use lotions containing alcohol! These manipulations break the protective layer of the areola and injure the nipples.

Even if you don't have any problems with your nipples, there are a few guidelines for preparing them for feeding that you should follow:

  • Try to avoid getting soap on the nipples so as not to overdry the skin - wiping the halo with a damp towel is enough;
  • During pregnancy, the breasts increase in size. To prevent sagging breasts, you need to wear the right bra. It should not squeeze the chest, preventing proper blood circulation. It is recommended to choose underwear with wide straps, made from breathable hypoallergenic natural materials;
  • Breast care. Preparing the breast for feeding includes taking proper care of the skin condition. In late pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid the use of aggressive cosmetics that lead to overdrying of the epidermis;
  • Compresses. You can make natural decoctions from oak bark or strong black tea, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the halo for several minutes. This strengthens them and prevents cracking. Repeat the procedure several times a day;
  • hardening. For a future mother, it is very important to harden her breasts, since during feeding she is in constant tension. The easiest way is air baths. You can also pour cold water over your chest. Gradually reduce the temperature - it is impossible to start pouring ice water over the nipples from the first procedures. A tonic effect has a dousing of the chest alternately with cool and warm water. Another way is to wipe the chest with ice cubes. You can make a frozen decoction of chamomile, oak or string, which is good for the skin of the areola of the nipple. Ice cannot be kept for a long time to prevent hypothermia;
  • Special bra. Its shape is specially designed to prepare the female breast for feeding the baby. When wearing such a bra, avoid tight and overly tight clothing;
  • Massage. Periodically massage the chest, making circular movements around the breast. This increases blood flow and prevents pain during feeding (breast massage);
  • Communication with the doctor and with other mothers. The waiting period for a baby is very exciting. Many questions arise in my head, including how feeding will take place. You can talk about this with your doctor. Ask him about everything that interests you. Also try to talk about this topic with other moms, ask about the problems they have faced, and learn from their experience. You can go to special classes for new mothers, where they will show you how to properly attach the baby to the breast, how to prepare her for feeding and how to take care of her after that.

If during pregnancy you responsibly approached the preparation of the breast for future feeding, after the birth of the baby, the process will be comfortable and painless for you. As soon as the baby is born, attach the baby to the chest - he will feel the mother's warmth, and your body will start the processes responsible for the production of milk.

Prayer exercise. You should sit on a chair with your back straight, or stand up. The palms are folded at chest level with the fingers up, the elbows are spread apart. The lower parts of the palms press against each other with force, due to which the muscles that protect the mammary glands from sagging are tensed. The exercise is repeated 10-30 times. In each approach, you need to count to thirty, then relax the muscles.

What Not to Do

  • Rubbing the chest with a rough cloth, a terry towel, putting a rough cloth in a bra (so that the nipples become less sensitive), as doctors advised several decades ago, it is forbidden. From this, the skin around the nipples is erased and covered with cracks. Nature initially made the female breast ready for feeding the baby, you only need to slightly correct, if necessary, some points for personal comfort and ease of feeding your crumbs;
  • It is impossible to pull with force, massage the nipples, and also subject them to too strong manipulations in the later stages, otherwise you can cause an increased tone of the uterus and provoke premature birth;
  • It is also impossible to smear nipples with cream. Natural lubrication by the breast is produced independently - this is enough. Do not trust the beautiful jars in stores and pharmacies with the inscription "nipple softening cream" - this is a skillful marketing ploy. An exception - the cream may be needed if there are cracks on the nipples, but subject to prior consultation with the doctor. Also, do not use alcohol-based lotions.

We also read: Top tips for breastfeeding moms

Video consultation

Do I need to prepare the breast for feeding the baby? What myths surround breast preparation for breastfeeding? Do you need to rub the nipples during pregnancy to make them coarse? What causes nipple cracks? What you need to know and what to be prepared for before you start breastfeeding? Do I need to smear the breast to prepare it for feeding? Why is breastfeeding painful?

The importance of breastfeeding is invaluable to any infant. Mother's milk is a natural food that contains all the necessary vitamins, microelements, nutrients, moisture vital for a baby up to the age of six months.

In order for the newborn to begin to receive the optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with food, it is not enough for a young mother to just eat right.

There are certain rules that help prepare the mammary glands for feeding. Only then will the milk arrive on time and will produce fully, in the required quantities.

The mammary glands by nature itself are designed so that a woman can feed offspring. Special manipulations in the preparation of the breast is not required. However, medical recommendations apply to the following range of actions:

  • breast preparation for lactation while waiting for the baby;
  • preparatory activities after childbirth;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • massage;
  • exercises.

What pills to stop lactation is better to choose? All answers to the question about the cessation of lactation.

Read reviews of breastfeeding pads here. Find out all the pros and cons!

Among obstetricians, there is a completely justified opinion that it is impossible to prepare the mammary glands for lactation during pregnancy. If a woman is in a state of readiness for childbirth, any manipulation of the nipples can provoke a premature birth of a child.

During pregnancy, it is impossible to prepare the mammary glands for lactation.

This is due to the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is released in response to nipple stimulation. In the absence of readiness for childbirth and a mature cervix, this is not scary, however, the uterus can tone up, which is also dangerous at the risk of miscarriage.

If the extreme shape of the elongated nipple is formed by very short connective fibers that lie at its base, it is pointless to massage and exercise, but this feature is rare.

A more common problem is the paradoxical reaction of the nipple in response to irritation. If it is retracted when exposed, special exercises can be carried out that will remove such manifestations. In other cases, during pregnancy, you will only need good underwear and recommended care for the mammary glands.

  1. Light pulls. The nipple is grasped between the fingers and gently pulled outward.
  2. Rolling between fingers. Nipples without effort, squeezes gently roll between the fingers
  3. Pinch massage. With simple pinching movements, all the mammary glands are massaged, with the exception of the areola and nipple, in order to exclude cervical stimulation.

All manipulations should not last more than a minute. You can not exercise when ready for childbirth and the threat of miscarriage.

Psychologist's advice - be confident in yourself!
Preparing breasts for feeding is not difficult, breastfeeding experts believe that it is necessary to prepare not the chest, but the head. Because the breast is ready from the very beginning - it was created for breastfeeding, and all problems arise due to fear, unwillingness to feed, or simply lack of self-confidence.

This breast massage for a nursing mother will help stabilize blood circulation, improve the outflow of tissue fluid, lymph. Skillful manipulations create favorable conditions for milk production and the breastfeeding stage itself. It also lays the foundation for maintaining a beautiful shape after the completion of breastfeeding.

Massage will keep the beautiful shape of the breast!

To make the nipple more resistant to mechanical damage by the baby's mouth, you can put coarse canvas inserts into the bra, but this remains at the discretion of the woman. Doctors recommend short ultraviolet irradiations to increase the resistance of the breast to possible infection and pustular lesions, however, under strict medical supervision.

Hygiene rules for a pregnant and lactating woman must be strictly followed:

  1. Daily hygienic shower.
  2. Delicate rubbing of the chest with a towel.
  3. Treatment with moisturizing and nourishing creams of the nipple and areola in case of their excessive dryness.

Watch the video for tips from breastfeeding experts on how to properly care for and prepare your breasts for feeding during pregnancy:

Is it necessary to wash the breast every time before feeding?

Neonatologists and obstetricians-gynecologists urge not to wash the mammary glands with detergent before each feeding of the child.

To ensure complete safety, it is enough to take a daily hygienic shower using a ph-neutral detergent. This will prevent the formation of crusts.

After the procedure, it is enough to dip the breast with a clean soft cloth. Do not use a terry towel. This can injure the nipples.

If mommy will wash the mammary glands before any feeding, she will provoke the occurrence of excessive dryness of the skin, which will lead to the formation of cracks. It's much better to just wash your hands.

Additional processing is not advisable if the nipples are healthy, there are no cracks and abrasions on them. Disinfection solutions also lead to dryness, change the natural smell of the breast and the taste of the first drops of milk, which is very important for the comfort of the baby.

Milk always remains on the nipples, it is not necessary to wash it off.

It is quickly absorbed and creates additional protection for the skin from the appearance of possible cracks.

Watch the video on how to express milk by hand. Do it safely and painlessly.

Read what is the dosage of paracetamol while breastfeeding in the article. Instructions for the use of the drug for HB.

Breast massage for nursing mothers

Gentle manual massage perfectly prepares the breast for feeding the baby and performs a number of other useful functions:

  1. Prevention of lactostasis. Even if there are areas with stagnant milk in the mammary glands, they are activated.
  2. Improving blood circulation, which strengthens the breasts and increases lactation.
  3. Oils that are recommended for massage during feeding tone the skin and help get rid of stretch marks.
  • palms are lubricated with natural oil;
  • the left hand is placed under the mammary gland, the right - above it;
  • the chest is massaged in a circular motion;
  • then the massage turns into stroking movements towards the nipple, with a gradual coverage of the entire surface of the mammary gland.

The nature of touches is delicate and light, without causing discomfort. The oil should not affect the nipple and areola. Such care is recommended after each feeding for 3-4 minutes.

Exercises for pregnant women were mentioned above, now you can turn to those that are intended for nursing mothers.

Exercise will help improve the quality of feeding, as movement increases blood flow, which contributes to better milk production.

It is necessary to do it in doses so that lactic acid does not develop in the muscles, it will make the baby's food taste bitter.

Exercise #1

  • palms are folded in front of you, elbows are placed at chest level;
  • pressure is created between the palms for 10 seconds;
  • repeat - 5 times.

Exercise #2

  • straight arms rotate around the shoulder joint in a circular motion;
  • manipulations are performed first with one, then with the other hand.

Excessive exercise can ruin milk!

Exercise #3

  • hands imitate movements, as in breaststroke swimming.

Exercise number 4

  • palms are placed in the armpits;
  • Elbows make circular movements forward / backward.

Exercise number 5

  • in an inclination parallel to the floor, hand swings are made to the sides.

Nursing bra
A special bra is an integral part of preparing the mammary glands for feeding. In no case should he squeeze the chest, but at the same time, you can’t take the size “for growth”. The straps of the product should be wide and well regulated and fix the mammary glands.
It is advisable to choose a model made from natural fabrics that will provide oxygen access. A properly selected bra is also necessary to maintain the shape and elasticity of the bust.

  • baths for breasts with warm water;
  • shared bath exclusively with warm water for relaxation;
  • warming hands and feet in hot water before feeding;
  • acupuncture or special applicators on the back;
  • massage of the collar zone, the back area between the shoulder blades.

Proper Diet

For a more productive recovery of the mammary glands after lactation, the following products will help to enrich the diet:

  • meat of any low-fat varieties;
  • milk, at least two glasses a day;
  • fish fat.

Exercises to restore elasticity and height of the chest are as follows:

  1. Push-ups with arms wide apart - 10 times in 3-4 sets.
  2. Starting position - lying on your back with knees bent. Hands with dumbbells are bred to the sides and lowered to the body. Exercises are repeated alternately 10-15 times.

People's Council - black tea.
Apply napkins soaked in tea leaves on the nipples several times a day. Even better if you have oak bark.
Brew it as directed on the package, let it cool, and bathe your papillae, or make compresses in the same way as tea.

Massage effect helps restore skin tone and elasticity. The technique consists of the following manipulations:

  • stroking circular movements along the mammary glands;
  • intense kneading of the chest;
  • fingertip massage;
  • patting on the chest with the ribs of the palms.

A detailed list of products for a nursing mother is in our article. What is possible and what is impossible!?

About what you can sedative while breastfeeding here. Calming teas are the best remedy!

Procedures with alternating hot and cold effects strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase tissue elasticity, and improve blood circulation. It is enough to act on the chest with a shower jet alternately with hot and cold water for 10 seconds.

The success of lactation largely depends on how well a woman prepares her mammary glands for future feeding. This issue should not be taken lightly, despite the fact that nature has thought of a lot for us. Simple manipulations will help preserve not only the health, but also the beauty of the breast.

A woman who is about to become a mother for the first time has many fears. Breastfeeding seems to be something difficult for many, expectant mothers believe that it is necessary to prepare for this. But there is no more natural process than breastfeeding. Almost any woman can breastfeed her child. But still you need to figure out how to prepare the breast for feeding during pregnancy, and whether it is worth doing.

In Soviet times, the generally accepted recommendation was to prepare the nipples for lactation, rubbing them with a hard towel or sewing a coarse fabric to the bra. And now you can still hear such advice from gynecologists of the old school, as well as from mothers and, especially, from grandmothers, who were once recommended by doctors. Now such chest training is considered obsolete. After all, hard tissue can injure the skin, and microscopic scratches will become the entrance gate for infection.

The previously used soaking of the nipples in alcohol is also not recommended. To reduce their sensitivity, you can use compresses from black tea or infusion of oak bark. During pregnancy, a protective lubricant appears on the skin of the breast. Rough cloth and, especially, alcohol erase it. The nipples are left unprotected. In addition, too much breast stimulation can in some cases lead to premature birth. If a pregnant woman has an increased tone of the uterus, then it is better to touch the nipples as little as possible.

Prevention of cracks during lactation is not coarsening of the nipples, but correct attachment to the breast, starting from the very first feeding. The technique should be learned during pregnancy, because the first feeding of the baby should ideally take place as soon as he is born.

It is enough to wash the chest with clean water while taking a shower. Soap is better not to use or use it very rarely. It removes the protective lubricant and dries the skin of the nipples. If you have any skin diseases, you should consult with your doctor. He may prescribe ointments to prevent dry skin. But without the need and on your own initiative, you do not need to lubricate the nipples with anything.

During pregnancy, it’s good to do breast hardening. First, it is better to carry out air baths. Then you can move on to pouring. The most correct, of course, is to pour not only the chest, but the whole body. Just do it carefully so as not to catch a cold. Hardening should be gradual. Ideal contrast shower. It is very beneficial for the skin and minimizes the possibility of catching a cold.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is important to choose the right bra. The chest should not be compressed. You need to change your bra on time. The breast changes for each future mother individually.

It's good to learn how to do it during pregnancy. First of all, this is useful for mothers who will have to express themselves during lactation. All massage movements should be very gentle and gentle.

Massage techniques:

  • circular stroking of the chest with both hands at the same time, bypassing the areola area;
  • massage of both mammary glands at the same time, from above to the nipple, from the side, and finally from below;
  • slight compression of the chest. The right hand slightly raises the right breast, and the left gently presses from above.

Each movement is performed 5 times.

Some women have flat or inverted nipples. This happens quite often, and even in the same mother, one nipple can be normal and the other retracted. This form does not interfere with feeding the baby, but it still requires special attention, since it is more difficult for a child to take such a breast normally.

A nipple is called flat if it:

  • does not protrude forward when squeezing the areola;
  • does not respond to cold;
  • does not harden when stimulated.

During pregnancy, you can try to correct the shape of the nipple. But not all breastfeeding consultants recommend doing this.

There are special plastic pads to correct the shape of the nipples. They can be worn during pregnancy, and after the birth of a child in between feedings. But don't use pacifiers to feed your baby. They only exacerbate the problem. Accustomed to a long silicone nipple, a child may refuse to take mom's real nipple.

There is also a special Hoffman technique for stretching the nipples. But he has quite a few opponents.

You can also use a regular breast pump to stretch your nipples. First, you need to express a little, and then give the breast to the baby. It will be much easier for the child to take the breast correctly.

It must always be remembered that with a proper grip, not only the nipple, but also the areola is in the baby's mouth, so the shape of the nipple does not affect feeding too much.

Of course, every mother wants to feed her baby and at the same time maintain a beautiful breast shape. Chest exercises can help with this. They support the breast and are responsible for its shape.

  1. Starting position, standing straight. Put your hands together in front of you, fingers pointing up. With force, press the lower parts of the palms against each other. Hold this position for about 15 seconds. To relax.
  2. Put your hands together above your head, fingers up. Press your palms against each other again and relax.

Each exercise must be repeated 10-30 times.

Even if the expectant mother did not prepare her breast for feeding the child in any way, but she really wants to feed the baby herself and is sure that she will succeed if her family supports her, everything will be fine with milk. And mom and baby will enjoy the closeness that will arise between them while the baby is eating.

And, maybe vice versa, if a woman is not psychologically ready for breastfeeding a child, and relatives believe that “children grow up beautifully even on a mixture.” No matter how she prepares her breasts, the likelihood of problems is high.

Both difficulties and their solution come from the head. And it is necessary to prepare for feeding the child first her, and then the breast.

Mom needs to be like good courses, communicate with nursing women. It would be ideal to look at the feeding process. It’s a good idea to find the phone number of a lactation consultant in advance so that you don’t lose milk due to late help.

When choosing a maternity hospital, it is important to find out how they treat breastfeeding. It is advisable to agree with the doctor about the most natural, as far as medical indications allow, the conduct of childbirth.

At first, the mother will be busy only with the baby. Which means she needs help around the house. Relatives, especially the husband, must be explained in advance.

During breastfeeding, mother and baby experience the most wonderful moments that will never happen again. And you need to make sure that they are not overshadowed by anything. Perhaps the mother wants to have another child. But it will be another baby, and another story.

Recent discussions:

Pregnancy and the birth of a child is a very important moment in the life of every woman. It is understandable that she will have many worries and questions, especially if this is the first child. One of these questions is how to prepare the breast for feeding so that later there are no problems with lactation. There are many methods and recipes for this, all of them are quite simple and with constant practice bring their beneficial results.

Every woman cares about her beauty and health. And many, because of the fear of losing a beautiful and firm breast, refuse to breastfeed, citing the fact that adapted mixtures are better for a newborn. But this argument will be refuted by any neonatologist and pediatrician. Even the best formula will never replace mother's milk, in addition, digestive problems are possible. Yes, and this will not affect the health of a woman in the best way: to stop lactation, drugs are used that cause hormonal failure. Of course, it's up to you to decide, but it's worth thinking about the consequences.

During pregnancy, you should carefully prepare yourself mentally for breastfeeding. This will make the right attitude and help after the birth of the child.

As studies show, in mothers who were more psychologically prepared, milk comes faster and the process of breastfeeding is easier to establish.

But it often happens that a pregnant woman is worried about future feeding because of the shape of her nipples. Nipples are of three types:

  • convex;
  • flat;
  • retracted.

The last two cases are just cause for concern. But do not get upset in advance. In both cases, feeding is possible. The question is immediately asked: how to prepare the nipples for feeding with such species? Firstly, the baby suckles at the breast, and the shape of the nipple is not so important to him. The main thing is to learn how to apply the child correctly and choose more comfortable positions. And secondly, you can correct the shape with the help of a special massage and correctors.

The preparation of the nipples is used only after the 30th week of pregnancy and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Proofreaders are sold in pharmacies, they are worn from five to thirty minutes (gradually increasing the time) during pregnancy and 15-20 minutes before feeding after childbirth. They help to stretch the nipple a bit and make it less sensitive, which is also necessary.

There is also the Hoffman technique, which, with the help of special actions and massage, helps to stretch the nipple. But it causes a lot of controversy, and most gynecologists do not recommend it. In addition to the fact that it can cause uterine tone, thereby provoking the threat of termination of pregnancy, but if performed incorrectly, violations and injuries of the mammary ducts of the mammary glands are possible.

How to prepare the breast for feeding the baby, and the breastfeeding itself will pass. And you need to tune in mentally and physically.

During pregnancy, you need to tune in to the fact that everything will be fine, feeding will pass without problems. For these purposes, you can visit a psychologist. You can also discuss any concerns with a lactation consultant.

To maintain elasticity and develop the breast, a light massage is done:

  1. Take the mammary gland with both hands and gently, with light pressure, massage in circular motions.
  2. Pinch the nipple between the index finger and thumb and twist it slightly.
  3. With the palm of the right hand, press the right chest, and with the left - the left.

Repeat each action 10-15 times daily.

You can also do a set of exercises that will not worsen your health during pregnancy, but will help maintain healthy skin tone and chest muscles.

  1. Extend your arms in front of you and make a “scissors” movement, alternately spreading them in different directions and crossing them in front of you.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread your legs wide (as you like). Take dumbbells in your hands and spread them in different directions. Then reduce and breed alternately.
  3. The exercise "prayer" helps a lot. Connect the palms to the levels of the chest and press hard on each other. Then, in the same way, connect them above the head, and then behind the back.

Each block of exercises should be done 15 times. This is a very good breast preparation for feeding.

With sensitive skin, cracks and other injuries in a nursing mother are often possible. Therefore, it would be good to prepare the nipples during pregnancy and harden them. To do this, while taking a shower, pour cool and warm water on the chest alternately. In the morning, when washing your face, wet a soft terry towel with cool water and rub the mammary glands, halos and nipples. Still for a breast air baths are necessary. Just take off your underwear and walk around the apartment for 20-30 minutes. You can make baths for the chest tea or oak bark. Brew it according to the instructions on the package, cool to room temperature and dip the breasts there.

In addition, the preparation of the mammary glands for feeding involves properly selected underwear. The bra should be comfortable, not overtighten the mammary glands, but at the same time support them well, preventing sagging. The straps should be wide, the base is soft, without foam rubber and push-up. Do not forget that during pregnancy, the breast increases by 1-2 sizes, so you can take it with a small margin. But you don’t need to take too big, it’s better to buy a new one later.

Previously, the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation was carried out, but in more stringent ways. But even now there are doctors of the “old school” and the older generation who can “teach” them to a young inexperienced mother.

To coarsen the nipples, hard tissues were often used, with which they were rubbed. And they were also put in a bra, for greater effect. This caused irritation, cracks appeared. You shouldn't do this now. A soft towel is enough, as mentioned above.

Alcohol was taken for lotions. They were soaked in gauze and put on their chests. But this only dries the skin, which also negatively affects its condition in the future.

The most common mistake of the current generation is overly intensive breast hygiene. Frequent washing, also with soap, dries out delicate skin, washes off the protective layer. This wash is enough twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. At the same time, daily change of underwear is necessary so that it always remains fresh and clean. You can lubricate the nipples and areolas with your milk.

After the birth of a child, many are faced with the problem of cracked nipples, even if the breast has been prepared. Yes, it can be, but do not despair in advance.

For this reason, many stopped feeding (in particular, on the advice of well-wishers, friends and relatives) or resorted to bottles, which only aggravated the situation. First, you don't have to listen to everyone. Listen only to those who support you. Contact a GW consultant. And tune in for a positive outcome.

Secondly, put aside all extraneous sucking objects at least for the duration of the establishment of normal breastfeeding. With bottles and pacifiers at the moment, you are only preventing the baby from learning how to suckle properly. And thirdly, see if you are applying the baby correctly. He may not be comfortable in this position, so experiment with feeding positions.

With irregular nipple shapes, which have already been mentioned earlier, it is often advised to resort to silicone pads. But this should not be done either, as the child will get used to the elongated nipple and may continue to feel discomfort from the unusual shape.

Do not forget about massage, hardening and gymnastics. With the latter, do not overdo it, because from heavy loads, the milk may deteriorate in taste or it may become less.

A young mother needs to eat well, properly and fully. Many after the birth of a child want to return to their pre-pregnancy weight as soon as possible. But at first, loads are prohibited due to the possibility of bleeding. After they can be gradually introduced, but do not overload yourself.

Approximately as much a woman needs to eat without harm to health.

healthy woman 1500-2000 50-70 50-80 200-350
pregnant woman 1800-2500 60-85 60-80 270-450
breastfeeding woman 2000-2600 75-90 60-80 300-500

By understanding how to properly prepare your breasts for feeding, you can avoid many problems with breastfeeding. In addition, it will help keep the bust in its original form, avoid stretch marks, sagging. Don't give up on breastfeeding. After all, there is nothing more useful for children than mother's milk. In addition, the moments of feeding are the unity of mother and child, their communication at the mental level. Do not lose them in pursuit of ghostly motives.

Expectant mothers are advised to arm themselves in advance with knowledge about the intricacies of the process

10.01.2015, 09:20

Do I need to prepare the breast for feeding? - this question is asked to the doctor by almost every woman who finds herself in an interesting position. Breastfeeding seems to many expectant mothers to be a simple process that somehow happens by itself. Some moms do breastfeed and are happy, but many remember breastfeeding as a nightmare. So that breastfeeding does not turn into torture, you need to prepare for it. But do not immediately grab a towel and rub your chest with it, as recommended earlier. Breastfeeding consultants are unanimous in their opinion: there is no need to specially prepare the breast for feeding during pregnancy. During this period, preparation for breastfeeding comes down to ensuring that the expectant mother prepares mentally, learns the intricacies and technical part of this process.

Do not rub with a towel

The mood “whether I will breastfeed” is formed during pregnancy, says Galina Yaremovskaya, a breastfeeding consultant, educational psychologist at the Amur Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. - If at this time a woman has not made such a decision, then it is very difficult to convince her that her milk is better and healthier than the mixture.

Previously, when they lived in large families, girls from childhood could see how they take care of a baby and how they breastfeed, but today there is almost no such connection between generations, and the model of maternal behavior is transmitted in a distorted form - a bottle with a mixture, even baby dolls in stores are sold with bottles included. But even if today a woman has no idea how to take a baby in her arms, and even more so, how to properly attach it to her breast, she can learn this, because "maternal behavior is a learned behavior," psychologists say. And it is necessary to study in theory the subtleties of the correct attachment of the baby to the breast even before childbirth. Because improper attachment to the breast is fraught with painful sucking, the baby can dissolve the nipples to bloody cracks.

Until recently, doctors gave recommendations to prepare the breast for feeding. The main thing here is not to harm, - Galina Nikolaevna warns. - It was believed that it was necessary to prepare the nipples for feeding in cases, for example, if they were inverted or flat. Allegedly, if the nipples are actively rubbed with a towel or massaged, then it will be easier to feed. Touching the breast, its active rubbing can cause a surge of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for pushing milk out of the breast and contracting the uterus. After 32 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus becomes sensitive to this hormone. This means that after 32 weeks you need to be very careful about anything with your breasts. However, this is all individual: someone will not feel any changes, while for someone such manipulations can create a threat of premature birth.

Do not buy bottles and nipples in advance

The modern industry offers many devices that, according to the manufacturers, should help the mother in feeding the baby. These are all kinds of bottles, pacifiers, feeding pads. Don't be in a hurry to buy them. An acquisition that seems important during pregnancy can actually be a waste of money.

There is no need for nipple formers during pregnancy, says Galina Yaremovskaya. - The best shaper is a baby. The child does not care what shape his mother's nipple has. The first application experience is very important. If he was successful, then the child will take any breast, even if the mother's nipple is flat.

If the situation is such that the baby after childbirth cannot be attached to the breast due to his state of health and he is bottle-fed, then it is very difficult for him to get used to this breast shape. And here then you can use nipple shapers, as well as nursing pads that resemble the shape of a nipple. They come in handy if the child has already injured his mother's chest, their temporary use relieves pain in the mother.

I would not recommend buying bottles in advance. This “just in case” purchase can be detrimental, because if a woman has a bottle and something does not work out with feeding, then she can, without particularly trying, resort to the help of this bottle. At this point, the baby has a “nipple confusion” - he grabs his mother’s breast and nipple in different ways, says the consultant.

And if the bottle was the first, then it can be very difficult to retrain the child to take mother's breast. The choice of the baby in favor of silicone is explained simply: the nipple is easier to suck - the flow from it is always stable, and milk flows from the breast either stronger or weaker, sometimes forcing the baby to work hard.

Buying a breast pump before giving birth is also not worth it, experts say. Modern research and practice of breastfeeding consultants shows that manual pumping is no less effective than pumping with a special device. Moreover, some women are even better at expressing milk with their hands. A breast pump can be useful if the baby and mother are separated immediately after birth, for example, the child was born prematurely, he is still weak, he needs to undergo treatment. Then the device will make it easier for the mother to express breast milk several times a day to feed her baby.

First difficulties

Up to three months of the baby's life, until mature lactation is established, the mother will have to face several difficulties. And you need to be ready for them already during pregnancy.

The mother faces the main difficulty already in the first three days after childbirth. A woman needs to learn how to put her breast in her baby's mouth. The days until the breast is filled with milk, while it is soft, is the most convenient time to learn how to do it right - the nipple and another two or three centimeters of the areola should be in the baby's mouth. Pediatricians and nurses of the children's department can show how this is done correctly in the maternity hospital.

On the same days, you need to be patient and wait for the milk to arrive.

This occurs on the third or fifth day after birth. On the first day of life, a child's stomach is the size of a pigeon egg, on the second day - with a quail, on the third day - with a chicken, - Galina Yaremovskaya compares. - In these three days the child does not need a large amount of food. And colostrum, even a few milliliters, is so nutritious that with frequent application to the breast, it is just enough for the child for these three days.

Mom will have another test when the baby is about three months old. The mother will establish mature lactation, which she may mistake for a decrease in the amount of milk. In fact, by this time the woman’s body already “understands” how much milk the child needs, and the mammary glands begin to produce as much milk as necessary. The chest will no longer pour heavily, it will become soft. You should not be afraid that the baby does not have enough milk, and you should not buy the mixture.

On the first day of life, the stomach of a child is the size of a pigeon egg, on the second day - with a quail, on the third day - with a chicken.

Wet diaper test

How do you know if a baby is getting enough milk?

If the baby suckles only the breast, does not receive supplementary feeding and the mother does not give him enough water, he must wet the diapers from 10 to 20 times a day, says Galina Nikolaevna. - If there are less than 10 wet diapers, then there really can be little milk. If we are not talking about diapers, but about diapers, then there should be 5-7 heavy and full ones per day.

How and what should a woman eat during pregnancy in order to benefit both her and the baby?

Alina Bozhko, dietitian

Nutrition during pregnancy should be: firstly, varied, secondly, balanced, thirdly, useful, and fourthly, adequate. At this time, a woman should not eat for two, but for two. You need to choose the right diet. To do this, you need to start from the initial weight of the pregnant woman. If the expectant mother is overweight, then it is worth eating so as not to gain even more. First of all, limit fast carbohydrates. And, what is very important, do not forget about physical activity: walk more, walk, breathe fresh air, do exercises.

If the weight is normal or low, then you can eat without looking back at the restrictions. The frequency of nutrition is important: there should be three main meals and three intermediate ones.

For breakfast, you can eat either porridge, or cottage cheese, or eggs. For lunch, there must be a hot dish. You can eat the first and salad or the second and salad. For dinner - vegetables with meat or fish, you can cook side dishes. For second breakfast and afternoon snack, you can eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products - kefir, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt, cheese.

Pregnant women often get heartburn from large portions. The fetus puts pressure on the stomach, and in order to avoid the reflux of its contents into the esophagus, it is better to eat in small portions, but more often. Even in pregnant women, there is a phenomenon of hypoglycemia - this is a sharp decrease in glucose levels. It can lead to loss of consciousness. If a woman goes out somewhere for a long time, it is better for her to take a snack with her: for example, an apple.