Management of educational systems. Shamova T.I., Tretyakov P.I., Kapustin N.P.

M.: 2002. - 320 p.

The manual gives a general description of the educational systems operating in our country and their management; special attention is paid to the school; the essence of the educational process is deeply revealed.

The manual is addressed to students of pedagogical educational institutions of all levels; will be useful for employees of the system of additional professional education.

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Preface 5
Chapter 1. General characteristics of education management in RUSSIA 6
§one. Education in RUSSIA as a system 6
§2. Education authorities 9
§3. A systematic approach is a methodological basis for managing an educational institution 17
§4. School as a socio-pedagogical system 25
Chapter 2. Internal School Management as a System 32
§one. General characteristics within school management 32
§2. The main content of practical management activities 47
§3. Management of innovation processes in school 136
Chapter 3. Management of the educational process at school 162
§one. Educational process as a system 162
§2. Lesson as a system 168
§3. Management of the quality of the results of the educational process 183
§4. Educational technologies 189
Chapter 4. Management of the development of educational systems in an educational institution 198
§one. Main difficulties in practice 196
§2. Nose level management of educational systems 203
§3. Adaptive educational system 209
§4. Development of school government 220
§5. Methodology for measuring the level of upbringing of students 231
§6. Stages of development of an adaptive educational system 243
§7. Interaction between family and school 249
Applications 258
Annex 1. Curriculum of the course Management of image systems ".258
Appendix 2. The program of the course "Management of the educational process in school" 263
Appendix 3. The program of the course "Management of the development of educational systems in an educational institution 264
Annex 4. Model Sample School Outcome Plan 269
Appendix 5. Algebra 300 Core Lines
Appendix 6. Mathematics. 1 class; Grade 2; 3rd class 303
Annex 7. Projects; "Drinking water: chlorinate, ozonize or ...?", "Our pond" 311

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Full Member of the IAPE, Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Tatyana Ivanovna Shamova She began her scientific career in the 1960s. The prerequisite for it was work at school, love for children and the profession of a teacher, talent and meeting with fateful people.

The scientific activity of Tatyana Ivanovna is multifaceted and covers a wide range of pedagogical problems, however, the larger the scientist, the more multifaceted his work.

She devoted her whole life to pedagogical science, to the cause of national education. Her brainchild is a scientific team that has won prestige by a high level of research in the field of pedagogical thought based on traditions passed on to new generations of scientific personnel.

The widely known scientific school of management of educational systems by T.I. Shamova originates in 1969, when the first student-applicant Yu.A. Konarzhevsky. According to Tatyana Ivanovna, it was this first-born of hers who surpassed his teacher.

In the scientific school of management of educational systems T.I. Shamova, 20 scientists defended dissertations for the degree of Doctor and 245 - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Not only the number of scientists who have adopted research traditions is growing (more than 300 people), but also the number of their publications, which currently stands at 7,756 scientific and educational works. For 35 years of work of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of educators of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Tatyana Ivanovna and her associates have trained 19,062 people.

It's happening now. But how did it all start?

Physics teacher

On November 22, 1924, in the village of Kuzminka, Vengerovsky District, Novosibirsk Region, Tatyana Ivanovna Borodikhina was born into the family of an army veterinary paramedic. Her older sister Lydia was a teacher in a rural elementary school, and once Tatyana was involved in work with students in grades 1-2, with whom she taught lessons due to the teacher's illness. Then she first thought about the profession of a teacher, and at the age of 14 she became a counselor.

Time passed. The Great Patriotic War began. In the first year of the war, Tatyana joined the Komsomol. Soon she began to study at the working faculty at the Yakutsk State Pedagogical Institute. Here she became interested in sports, went in for gymnastics, became the champion of the Yakut Republic in the 400 meters. And on September 1, 1942, the Beloglazovsky RONO of the Altai Territory appointed her a teacher of physics and mathematics at the Bestuzhev seven-year school.

Later, in 1947, Tatyana Ivanovna graduated with honors from the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Institute and on August 15, the Bolotinsky RONO was appointed teacher of physics in grades 6–10 of the city's secondary school. The teaching of this subject was poorly delivered here. The previous teacher did not pay due attention to either knowledge or children, and the office was derelict.

Tanya Borodikhina, 4th grade (top row, 6th from the left), 08/23/1934, Sizevo village, Barabinsky district

Tatyana Ivanovna, being a young teacher, was at first confused. However, I got ready and went to the city, to my institute, to a familiar teacher of elementary mathematics, in order to consult what to do. After listening to her, he replied that it was against such a background that it was necessary to prove oneself and gain authority among the students. To begin with, he invited her to furnish a physics class, thereby showing the scientific basis.

Therefore, after returning to school, the young teacher went straight to the headmaster. She wrote an application and received permission to go to the Novosibirsk educational collector in order to obtain the necessary equipment to equip the physics room.

As a result, among other things, Tatyana Ivanovna brought a film projector, which was then a complete curiosity. She became friends with a laboratory assistant who helped her equip and decorate the office. Soon the circle began. Children were drawn to classes with a teacher who managed to captivate and interest them in physics. The new apparatus played a significant role in this. The kids were so drawn to him.

For the winter holidays, an exhibition was organized based on the results of the work of students in the physics circle. On the walls of the office, they fixed a metal railroad, along which a tram ran. Everyone who came here was completely delighted.

A student of Tatyana Ivanovna is preparing a film projector for a lesson in physics

Tatyana Ivanovna's experiments in the field of the educational process continued when in 1950 she began working as a physics teacher at the Chistoozernaya secondary school in the Novosibirsk Region, where she soon became the head teacher. She created numerous manuals for students and organized the best physics classroom in the village. Her lessons were visited by the secretary of the regional committee E.K. Ligachev, who, amazed by the talent of the young teacher, soon initiated her transfer to the post of director of the regional Novosibirsk Institute for the Improvement of Teachers.

young scientist

In 1960, speaking at the All-Union Conference on Problems of Programmed Education, where Tatyana Ivanovna was a member of a delegation of teachers from the Novosibirsk Region, she substantiated the expediency of understanding learning as a self-governing activity. At this meeting, she met a member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.K. Goncharov, who subsequently supported the scientific views of T.I. Shamova at the defense of her doctoral dissertation.

During these years, at the All-Russian Pedagogical Readings in the city of Kazan, Tatyana Ivanovna made a presentation on the problem of enhancing the cognitive activity of students. Here she was lucky to get acquainted with the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR F.F. Korolyov - an outstanding scientist, methodologist, theorist of the new national school, a major historian of pedagogy. Since 1948, he headed a department in the journal "Soviet Pedagogy", in 1963 he became its editor-in-chief. It was on the initiative of this person that T.I. Shamova was included in the editorial board.

Tatyana Ivanovna with students

The readings gave the young scientist a significant meeting with one of the founders of Soviet pedagogy, the largest didactic and methodologist of Russian education M.A. Danilov. Tatyana Ivanovna notes that his scientific works on the problems of didactics expanded her views and became the foundation for her research in this area.

In 1960, Shamova wrote her first article "Some Methods for Establishing Relationships between General Educational and Industrial and Technical Knowledge" (collection "Experience of Combining Education with Productive Labor"). She laid the foundation for the scientific work of Tatyana Ivanovna, which currently has more than 200 publications.

Since 1961, work began on problems that were later developed in a Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Organization of cognitive actions of students in conditions of problem-based learning (based on subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle)”.

First student

In 1969, Tatyana Ivanovna had her first student, Yury Anatolyevich Konarzhevsky, who caused the birth of a scientific school. An outstanding scientist, he made a huge contribution to the theory and practice of systemic consideration of the education management process.

Yuri Anatolyevich developed the concept of intra-school management, substantiated the management cycle and the role of each of its functions, such methodological approaches to school management as: systemic, person-centric, problem-functional, program-targeted.

The slogan of Yuri Anatolyevich “Forward and only forward! In science, delay and stagnation are like death!” is still relevant today, in the context of the modernization of Russian education, when there is a growing need for scientists to generalize the empirical experience accumulated during the development of intra-school management, and the need to develop innovative approaches that meet the requirements of modern reality is also revealed.

Yu.A. Konarzhevsky and T.I. Shamova

His scientific works “Pedagogical analysis as the basis of school management” (1978), “Introduction to the theory of pedagogical analysis” (1981), “Patterns of school management / Theory and practice of school management” (1983), deserve special attention. "The concept of intra-school management" (1991), "The concept of problem-functional intra-school management" (1992), "Intra-school management" (1994), "Analysis of the results of the educational work of the school of developing education for the academic year" ( 1995), "Management and intra-school management" (2000), etc.

In big science

In 1978 T.I. Shamova was appointed to the post of editor-in-chief of the journal "Soviet Pedagogy". It was in it that, starting from 1964, more than 30 of her scientific articles were published.

In the same year, Tatyana Ivanovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The problem of activating the teaching of schoolchildren (didactic concept and ways to implement the principle of activity in learning)” (the content of this dissertation research was reflected in 47 publications by T.I. Shamova, three of them printed in Bulgaria and Hungary).

As noted by L.M. Perminova: “In fact, in the works of B.E. Esipova, M.A. Danilova, M.N. Skatkin developed the “first brick” out of three, on which T.I. Shamova - independent work of students in the lesson; “the second brick” - problem-based learning - are the works of M.I. Makhmutova, N.A. Polovnikova, but the main one in this series is the concept of I.Ya. Lerner "Problem-Based Learning".


In the life of Tatyana Ivanovna, a special place was occupied by foreign scientific trips to such countries as England, Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Germany, Greece, Italy, China, Canada, Cuba, Poland, Finland, France, Czechoslovakia, etc. Abroad, many lectures were read, scientific reports were made. There was also this: as a sign of appreciation for a meaningful two-hour speech to teachers in Beijing, a hall of 600 people stood up and burst into applause. Tatyana Ivanovna is connected with China by her students Qiu Xing and Shi Geng Dong.

T.I. Shamov on the Great Wall of China…

… and from my students in China

The meeting of the Council was chaired by Corresponding Member of the APS of the USSR, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor I.T. Ogorodnikov, the opponents were a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.I. Monoszon and Corresponding Member of the APN of the USSR M.N. Skatkin, as well as Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor P.I. Pidkasisty, who supported the young and talented scientist.

In the 80–90s. members of the scientific school of management of educational systems prepared and published original methodological manuals, recommendations and monographs “Formation of general skills and abilities of schoolchildren”, “Improvement of the management activities of school leaders” (N.A. Loshkareva - 1982); "Pedagogical analysis of the lesson in the system of intra-school management" (T.I. Shamova, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky - 1983); "Planning work at school" (T.I. Shamova, T.I. Nefedova - 1984); “Improving the system of intra-school information as the most important condition for the implementation of school reform” (T.I. Shamova, T.K. Chekmareva - 1983); "Implementation of the system of intra-school control in the context of the implementation of school reform" (T.I. Shamova, T.K. Chekmareva - 1985); "Educational management game as a method of teaching at the FPPK ONO" (T.I. Shamova, R.B. Kozina - 1987); "Managerial activity at school: psychological aspect" (V.A. Terekhov - 1987); “Professiogram of the director of a general education school” (T.I. Shamova, K.N. Akhlestin - 1988); "Targeted comprehensive program of an integral system of student self-government at school" (N.P. Kapustin - 1988); "The content and planning of educational work at school" (V.A. Mislavsky - 1989); "Management of the process of formation of a system of qualities of students' knowledge" (T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko - 1990); "Management of a comprehensive school in a large city" (P.I. Tretyakov - 1991); "Intra-school management: issues of theory and practice" (under the editorship of T.I. Shamova - 1991); "Organizational and pedagogical activity of the head of the school" (V.I. Zvereva - 1992); "Management in school management" (under the editorship of T.I. Shamova - 1992); "Actual problems of advanced training of school leaders" (T.I. Shamova - 1992), etc., which provided significant assistance to students of the faculty in mastering the theory and practice of intra-school management.

In 1994, methodological recommendations for school leaders and teachers "Management of the educational process at school based on the teacher's technological maps" were published. At the same time, a collective monograph of the authors was published: T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko, N.A. Rogacheva "Management of an adaptive school: problems and prospects".

In modern conditions of development of the scientific school, such methodological approaches to the management of educational systems are being developed as: competency-based(S.G. Vorovshchikov), cluster(T.I. Shamova, E.N. Simykina, E.V. Talalaeva, etc.), integrative(A.A. Yarulov), didactic(N.L. Galeeva), structural and activity(L.M. Asmolova (Plakhova)), advancing(T.I. Shamova and others).

Soul of a scientific school

The most important function of the scientific school is to take care of continuity. At the moment, Tatyana Ivanovna is preparing 15 young scientists - graduate students, doctoral students and applicants. For 40 years, she has brought up 50 candidates and 15 doctors of pedagogical sciences, who, in turn, supervise dissertation research and already have scientific schools.

Indeed, many questions arise as soon as we start working on a dissertation research, because not everyone has experience in the design of papers, not everyone knows the writing methodology and the defense procedure.

The creation of a scientific work is a painstaking, creative and time-consuming process, so we need the help of a supervisor in the preparation of doctoral and master's theses, articles and monographs. To have such a supervisor as Tatyana Ivanovna Shamova, who is a prominent scientist, possessing pedagogical skills and personal authority, is not only to embark on a new level of knowledge, but also to discover the whole multifaceted world of pedagogical science.

It was from the scientific school of management of educational systems that T.I. Shamova grew up a whole galaxy of remarkable scientists who enriched pedagogical science. As Vladimir Mayakovsky said: “After all, if the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it? So - someone wants them to be? Indeed, the sparkling sky of pedagogical science opened its doors to Shamov's stars: Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, K.A. Nefedov, V.N. Rudenko, S.E. Durnev, B.I. Bukhalov, T.K. Chekmareva, V.I. Schegol, V.G. Novikov, E.B. Yastrebova, E.A. Lutseva, R.B. Kozina, G.M. Tyul, V.P. Zinchenko, N.P. Kapustin, Yu.L. Zagumennov, L.P. Pogrebnyak, N.V. Silkina, T.M. Davydenko, P.I. Tretyakov, I.V. Irkhin, N.V. Nemova, N.A. Rogacheva, N.A. Turaeva, Qiu Xing, Shi Geng Dong, L.M. Perminova, T.I. Berezina, A.G. Zyryanov, E.V. Litvinenko, G.N. Shibanova, L.M. Asmolova (Plakhova), T.K. Rodionova, I.N. Shcherbo, E.I. Fadeeva, S.V. Krasikov, B.I. Kanaev, G.N. Podchalimova, N.A. Sharay, I.V. Ilyina, V.L. Chudov, O.Yu. Zaslavskaya, T.V. Akhlebinina, M.A. Sergeeva, V.V. Lebedev, O.V. Reshetnikov, E.V. Makarova, M.P. Nechaev, I.V. Ilyukhina, T.A. Vorobieva, E.L. Bolotova, N.K. Vinokurova, N.L. Galeeva, L.A. Kumanyaeva, E.V. Orlova, E.Yu. Rivkin, S.G. Vorovshchikov, L.V. Karpukhina, A.A. Yarulov, A.N. Khudin, I.G. Korneeva, T.N. Mogilnichenko, T.V. Spirina, E.A. Yulkina, E.V. Bakhareva and others.

Scientific school of T.I. Shamova has fame, reputation, a high level of research work, her work has been time-tested. It should be noted that Tatyana Ivanovna's style of thinking is supported by her students and followers, which indicates the transmission of traditions, and therefore the preservation of a special vision and continuity of views.

A peculiar feature of the Shamov school is the versatility of the research of the members of the team, and this is not surprising, because the larger the scientist, the wider his interests. Of course, Tatyana Ivanovna's students share scientific values ​​and traditions with her, but their independent search and research results develop the school.


There is a long tradition at the Department of Management of Educational Systems of the Moscow Pedagogical State University - to gather at a round, cozy table for Shamov's tea. There is a place for everyone here: from a student, applicant and graduate student to pedagogical luminaries.

This is a kind of creative laboratory where you can suddenly get scientific advice or good advice. As Lyubov Mironovna Asmolova notes, “joint drinking of “Shamov tea” is a place where everyone rushes not only to quench their thirst after an hour and a half lectures, but also to satisfy the need for communication, which we so need. Disinterested, sensitive, attentive, caring communication.

And life goes on!

January 29, 2009 at the Moscow school No. 354 named after. D.M. Karbyshev took place The first Shamov Pedagogical Readings "Formation and development of management science in the system of professional development of education leaders", dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the scientific school of Tatyana Ivanovna Shamova. More than 260 people took part in the event - these are students and followers from Belarus and several Russian cities: Belgorod, Vologda, Kaluga, Kursk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Pskov, Samara, Stavropol, Tolyatti, Tambov, Chelyabinsk, Cherepovets, Khabarovsk, etc. .

As noted by S.G. Vorovshchikov, the holding of these readings can be considered the next step in strengthening the position of the scientific school of T.I. Shamova, which involves not only summing up, but also identifying promising areas for studying the root problems of the theory and practice of intra-school management, increasing the professional competence of public education workers.

It should also be noted that the scientific school of educational systems management T.I. Shamova meets all the criteria of a scientific school, indicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 633 dated May 23, 1996 “On grants from the President of the Russian Federation to support scientific research of young Russian scientists - doctors of science and state support for leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation”:

- the presence of several generations in "teacher-student" bonds, united by a common, pronounced leader, whose authority is recognized by the scientific community;

– commonality of scientific interests determined by a productive research program;

- the growth of the qualifications of school participants and the education in the process of conducting research independently and critically thinking scientists;

– expansion of research interest in the theoretical and methodological problems of this area of ​​science, etc.

In the Federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009–2013. talks about the need to create conditions for their effective reproduction and retention of young people in science, education and high technology, to preserve the continuity of generations in these areas. Such a condition for the development of pedagogical science is the activity of scientific schools.

The manual gives a general description of the educational systems operating in our country and their management; special attention is paid to the school; the essence of the educational process is deeply revealed.
The manual is addressed to students of pedagogical educational institutions of all levels; will be useful for employees of the system of additional professional education.

The main feature of the modern world is rapid change. The course of our country towards transformations in the economy, political and public life entails changes in all other institutions of society.

Changing the mission of a person in a renewing system, his political and spiritual views dictates new requirements for the personality of a future member of society, for his educational and professional training. That is why educational institutions cannot develop without updating their activities in the new socio-cultural conditions.

In this regard, there is an acute problem of forming an integral system of lifelong education in Russia, covering all levels, from preschool institutions to higher educational institutions.
Continuing education is considered as a process and result of personality development in a really functioning system of state and public institutions that provide the possibility of general educational and special training of a person.

The idea of ​​continuity of education, on the one hand, is a condition, and on the other hand, it is the most important socio-pedagogical principle that reflects modern social trends in building education as an integral system.

Preface 5
Chapter 1. General characteristics of education management in RUSSIA 6
§one. Education in RUSSIA as a system 6
§2. Education authorities 9
§3. A systematic approach is a methodological basis for managing an educational institution 17
§4. School as a socio-pedagogical system 25
Chapter 2. Internal School Management as a System 32
§one. General characteristics within school management 32
§2. The main content of practical management activities 47
§3. Management of innovation processes in school 136
Chapter 3. Management of the educational process at school 162
§one. Educational process as a system 162
§2. Lesson as a system 168
§3. Management of the quality of the results of the educational process 183
§4. Educational technologies 189
Chapter 4. Management of the development of educational systems in an educational institution 198
§one. Main difficulties in practice 196
§2. Nose level management of educational systems 203
§3. Adaptive educational system 209
§4. Development of school government 220
§5. Methodology for measuring the level of upbringing of students 231
§6. Stages of development of an adaptive educational system 243
§7. Interaction between family and school 249
Applications 258
Annex 1. Curriculum of the course Management of image systems ".258
Appendix 2. The program of the course "Management of the educational process at school" 263
Appendix 3. The program of the course "Management of the development of educational systems in an educational institution 264
Annex 4. Model Sample School Outcome Plan 269
Appendix 5. Algebra 300 Core Lines
Appendix 6. Mathematics. 1 class; Grade 2; 3rd class 303
Annex 7. Projects; "Drinking water: chlorinate, ozonize or ...?", "Our pond" 311.

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M.: 2002. - 320 p.

The manual gives a general description of the educational systems operating in our country and their management; special attention is paid to the school; the essence of the educational process is deeply revealed.

The manual is addressed to students of pedagogical educational institutions of all levels; will be useful for employees of the system of additional professional education.

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Preface 5

Chapter 1. General characteristics of education management in RUSSIA 6

§one. Education in RUSSIA as a system 6

§2. Education authorities 9

§3. A systematic approach is a methodological basis for managing an educational institution 17

§4. School as a socio-pedagogical system 25

Chapter 2. Internal School Management as a System 32

§one. General characteristics within school management 32

§2. The main content of practical management activities 47

§3. Control...

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No matter how badly men think about women, they think about them, think, think ...

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