At the mention of the profession of a geologist, we immediately imagine a bearded man in a woolen sweater, who walks through the taiga with a backpack on his shoulders in the daytime in search of gold, and in the evening sings songs with a guitar by the fire. It turns out that this stereotype is wrong. The myths associated with this profession were dispelled by the head of the department of computer modeling of minerals, Sergey Dyuzhev.

Geologist. Romance and pragmatics

What does the profession of a geologist imply?

Mineral raw materials in our country occupies the lion's share of the economy. A geologist is now, as before, a profession in demand. Just like in the Soviet Union, it combines romance and pragmatism. The most common opinion about our profession is that a geologist came into the field, dug a ditch and found gold. This is not true. In fact, the profession of a geologist is very multifaceted: ore and non-ore geology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, and petroleum geology stand out. But the practical solution for the most part is always the same - it is the search and exploration of mineral deposits. Separately, scientific geology, which deals with theoretical support of work, stands out.

- Tell us about the working days of a geologist.

The everyday life of a geologist has not changed much since the days of the Soviet Union. Of course, progress does not stand still, and now you can see both a computer and a satellite phone in the field. Gone are such exotic things as many kilometers of reindeer crossings, core documentation in a tent in minus 50 degrees and much more. But the very principle and meaning of geological work remained unchanged. No matter how “smart” the computer is, you can talk about the deposit only when you yourself came to the place, took samples and gave them for analysis. A geologist's whole life is divided into two stages: the field and the stage of cameral processing of material. In geology, several stages of work are distinguished. The first stage is the search for mineral deposits, i.e. A geologist comes into the field and starts looking. If there is a result of the search, then the next stage begins - exploration. Here the geologist's task is to calculate how much of what you have found there.

After the end of the field season, the acceptance of field materials follows. At the end of each year, the party presents what it has accumulated during this time, provides graphic applications, invoices. Upon completion of all work, a geological report is written, which is then given to the funds for eternal storage. Therefore, it is very important to take your work seriously, always remember that your materials will be used by descendants.

- How is the field season organized?

The work begins with the formation of a field party (this is a working group of geologists), then in the first year a tent camp is built on the site. Field work begins: geologists go on routes, take samples, also conduct geophysical surveys, if necessary, start mining.


We are looking for a deposit

How do you find mineral deposits?

There are practically no places left in Russia where a human foot has not set foot at all. There is practically no chance that no work has been carried out in this area before you. Therefore, work usually begins with an analysis and generalization of the results of previous work in different years. Based on this, the so-called promising areas are allocated, after which a decision is made to issue a license to work in this particular area. Now much attention is paid to risk assessment, one cannot rely on luck and take an area with one sample of gold for research. There must be prerequisites for starting work in a particular area, this is preceded by serious analytical work.

- How are things going with the deposits in our region?

Since the time of the Russian Empire, the Amur Region has been one of the leading regions in gold mining, so the main wealth of the Amur subsoil is noble metals - gold and silver. The most famous deposits are Pokrovskoye, Pioneer, Malomyr, Albyn, Berezitovoye, Bamskoye.


What does a geologist use at work? What tools does he use?

At the initial stage of work, geologists use a compass, a hammer, a pick during research. And at the stage of a more detailed study of the field, heavier equipment is already being used - wells are drilled, ditches and trenches are traversed.

Naturally, now at all stages of work the computer is widely used. It is used when deciphering satellite images, for maintaining and replenishing databases, for building plans and sections. Moreover, at present, a special class of programs is being distinguished that allows you to quickly and accurately model ore bodies and calculate reserves.

But it must be remembered that, despite the unique equipment and new technologies, the most valuable thing in geology was, is and will be people.

About personal

- How are relations developing among geologists, within the team?

Human relations play an important role in geology. You, of course, must follow the orders of the boss, but, nevertheless, the relationship with him is human. I figured out why for a long time. Because everyone in the field eats from the same pot. Nothing brings people together like a meal together! (Laughs.) Of course, the party has a chief geologist, to whom local geologists and geologists-executors report. There is also a staff with secondary specialized education - geotechnical technicians who are involved in sampling.

In general, geology is a very serious and responsible work. It practically does not lend itself to control and regulation - everything is on our conscience. The geologist knows: where he went, no one else will follow him. Therefore, all our work is based on mutual trust and honesty.

- And how to create a family if you often travel?

It should be said that the geologist must be prepared for constant parting. This applies not only to family, but also to friends and acquaintances. It turns out that you seem to fall out of ordinary life when the field season is on. But the good news is that anyway, with close friends you stay close, pleasant meetings with them please, even if they are short. As for family life, there are two options: you either find your soul mate among geologists and you actually do not part, or you go through life alone. Geologists, as a rule, in family life either very well or very badly, there is no middle ground. (Laughs.)


Sergey Dyuzhev comes from the city of Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov Region, studied at the Rostov State University. I chose this profession because it just became interesting. In the process of industrial practice, he ended up in the Far East, first in the Khabarovsk Territory, then in the Amur Region, where he remained.




Faculty of Geology

Why I chose geology

Completed by: student of group GLG-2

Kalashnikova Yu.Yu.

Checked by: Pecherkina L.V.


1. The profession of a geologist

1.1 History of the profession of geologist

2.3 Occupational risks



Among dozens and hundreds of decisions made by a person, the choice of life path plays the most important role and influence. Since I became a student at Perm State University, I have to make this difficult choice that determines my future destiny. I have to decide what specialization I will study next. It is very difficult to make a conscious and independent choice, because until now, in most cases, my parents decided everything for me, they led me along the path of life, but now I have to choose for myself what to do and how to act.

Scientists believe that a person lives for the sake of self-realization. Occupation fills life with meaning, helps to feel valuable, significant in society.

There are no two absolutely identical people in the world, everyone has their own way of trial and error. This is a person's search for himself, his life values, his guidelines. It is difficult to make a conscious and correct choice, there are many factors that influence the choice: low awareness of the profession, the prestige and significance of the profession, the opinion of parents, the opinion of friends, attachments, interests, and the needs of society. But, despite all this, I made my choice based on my interests, desires and preferences. I chose the geology profile, and I hope I made the right choice.

1. The profession of a geologist

1.1 History of the profession of geologist

Geology (from the Greek geo - earth and logos - doctrine) - a complex of sciences about the composition, structure and history of the development of the earth. Since ancient times, people have used various minerals for their own purposes. Thus, unorganized, non-industrial mining began in ancient times, when miners mined clay and coal, in addition, people had knowledge about rocks, minerals and ores. With the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries, the study of the Earth began. People began to be interested in how deserts, mountains, etc. arise, and try to scientifically substantiate their guesses. At these times, the first geologists-thinkers appeared who tried to guess where minerals could be located. The term "geology" was introduced by the Norwegian scientist M. Esholt in 1657. A qualitative leap in the history of geology (late 19th - early 20th century) is associated with the introduction of physicochemical and mathematical research methods. To date, most of the deposits have already been explored. And in order to make forecasts, it is no longer necessary to travel to the area, in most cases it is enough to take photos and filming. However, until now this profession is a symbol of romance and many open questions remain in it: the theory of the movement of continents has not been proven, some geomagnetic anomalies remain unexplained. Geologists spend a lot of time on expeditions, where they collect rock samples, search for and map deposits of valuable rocks, precious stones, gold, and oil. They study geological processes: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Profession "Geologist" requires from a specialist mainly intellectual costs. Professional activity, first of all, involves the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, the proposal of new solutions, the performance of specific tasks using special labor skills.

Dominant activities of the geologist profession:

· organization and implementation of field work to collect factual material on the geology of the study area;

· participation in the development of the geological task;

· calculation of mineral reserves;

· drawing up graphic materials on the geological structure of the area under study (diagrams, maps, sections, plans, diagrams);

· compilation of reference collections of samples of rocks and minerals;

· determination of the category of rocks according to their technological properties (drillability, strength, loosening);

· determination of the category of complexity of work areas;

· surface motion prediction;

· work with specialized equipment and tools;

· industrial development of deposits;

· establishing locations for mine workings and oil and gas wells;

· development of mining plans and operational exploration;

· study of the geological structure of deposits;

· approbation of mine workings;

· implementation of geological control over mining and exploitation and exploration works, the state of oil and gas development;

· control over the completeness and quality of mining of deposits, the release of wells;

· accounting for losses, movement of explored and ready-to-extract minerals;

· repair of wells;

· generalization of geological material and results of field and geophysical studies.

2. Factors influencing the choice of profession

2.1 The level of social significance of the profession

The level of social significance of the profession of a geologist is determined by the average indicators of its demand in the labor market. To date, the main orders come from private organizations, although public institutions still do not remain in the shadow of private entrepreneurs. Currently, the profession of a geologist is quite in demand, since the extraction, exploration and processing of minerals is the main source of income for the country.

Mineral exploration is an integral part of the national economy. The basis for providing production with ore, coal, oil, gas, building materials, water, etc. lies in the search for them on the territory of our country. Modern industry, with its high technology and vast scale, requires a gigantic amount of diverse mineral raw materials. It is impossible to imagine a single branch of the economy without iron and coal; without oil, all "mobile" technology would be dead, and modern chemistry would not be able to produce various synthetic materials so widely. Without rare elements, it is impossible to manufacture various complex machines and precision instruments that are used in metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, aviation, and astronautics. The industry cannot do without non-ferrous metals - copper, zinc, tin, lead, aluminum and magnesium. It is also impossible to increase soil fertility without the use of so-called agronomic ores - phosphorites, apatite and potassium salts.

Geologists still know very little about the structure of the depths of the earth's crust, since only its uppermost part is accessible to direct observation. To study the depths of the Earth is very important for many reasons. Scientists recognize the great influence of the deep bowels of the Earth on the formation of mineral deposits. Volcanic phenomena and earthquakes are associated with the depths of the Earth. Therefore, further development of knowledge about the structure and composition of the Earth, as well as the solution of the question of how mineral deposits are formed, is impossible without a direct study of the depths of the earth's crust and its subcrustal part.

The places of application of the labor of specialists are geological exploration expeditions, geophysical and drilling parties, research and design organizations. The main scope of their work is the exploration and development of mineral deposits. They are also required in construction (for example, to identify soil features at the site of future structures).

2.2 Mass character and uniqueness of the profession (

The profession of a geologist is unique in its own way. For its successful practice, it is necessary, firstly, to have an excellent specialized education, deep knowledge in the field of compiling and interpreting cartographic drawings, and skillful use of specific measuring and analytical instruments. The work is uneven in nature and is characterized by the possibility of frequent long business trips and repeated visits to the object under study. A geologist must also have good health, good physical fitness, endurance, observation skills, the ability to work in a limited team, be patient and purposeful.

Teachers from different universities are unanimous in their opinion: studying to be a geologist is hard. From general professional disciplines, physics, mathematics, computer science, technical and theoretical mechanics, engineering graphics are to be mastered - geologists need engineering thinking. At the same time, you will have to study history, cultural studies, sociology, political science, a foreign language - this already implies a humanitarian mindset. And, finally, special geological and mining-geological disciplines will require their own, special abilities. For example, you cannot learn paleontology from a book - you have to work with the collection, study in paleontological and mineralogical museums.

Scientists-geologists and practitioners face the most important task - this is the development of the foundations of a scientific forecast (prediction) of the occurrence of minerals in certain regions of the Earth. Having established the laws of the location of various deposits, geologists will create forecast maps that will ensure successful searches for the so-called "blind" ore bodies, i.e. deposits deep in the earth.

Until now, geologists were only interested in land, but now they have begun to study the geology of the ocean floor, which occupies about 71% of the entire earth's surface. Geophysical studies have shown that there are differences in the structure and thickness of the earth's crust under the continents and oceans.

Such studies not only enrich science, they bring important practical results.

In the coming decades, a geological survey of the continental shelf and, perhaps, even the continental slope will probably be carried out.

The world's oil production from the seabed will increase, the development of manganese ores from the ocean floor will begin, and so on.

In general, the profession of a geologist does not have clearly expressed disadvantages. Normal workload is usually planned before the departure of the expeditionary group to the site, however, if necessary, an irregular working day can adversely affect the team's ability to work. Career growth is possible with excellent knowledge, a diploma of higher education and a non-standard or innovative approach to solving tasks.

geology specialist profession labor


The structure of the world and all natural phenomena have always attracted me. As a child, I was interested in how nature works, why various natural phenomena arise. For the last five years of schooling, I already knew in which direction I would study, but I did not know what profile, specialty.

I chose the profile of geology because, firstly, I was drawn to the romance of this profession, secondly, the desire to know the structure of the Earth, the processes and causes of natural geological phenomena, and thirdly, the opportunity to travel around the whole country and see all its diversity largely determined the choice professions.

Parents also had a special influence on the choice of profession.


1.Kravtsov A.I., Bakaldina A.P. Geology. - M: Nedra Publishing House, 1979.342 p.

2.Koronovsky N.V. General geology. - M: Publishing house of KDU, 2006.

.Koronovsky N.V., Yasamanov N.A. Geology.5th edition. - M: Publishing house "Academy". 2008 448 pages



How much do you know about the profession of a geologist? Who is this specialist and what does he do? And more importantly, what pitfalls can expect a person who decides to master this difficult profession? Well, let's try to find answers to all these questions.

And as always, one should start from the foundation, namely from what is hidden under the word geologist. Who is this specialist: a scientist, an explorer or a wanderer looking for the hidden treasures of nature? After all, without knowing the basics of the profession, it is impossible to continue further explanation.

Geologist - who is this?

Geology is a science that studies the structure of the earth and everything connected with it. A geologist is a specialist who has mastered this science and applies the knowledge gained in practice. In particular, this may be the study of new lands for the presence of minerals in them, the creation of topographic maps, geological exploration, and so on.

At the same time, it does not matter at all whether these works are carried out in the settlement or far beyond its borders. The essence always remains the same: everything related to the study of the geosphere is a direct duty that a geologist performs. Who this scientist is, we think, is now clear, let's move on to the rest.

Where to get an education?

Any geologist is a person with higher education. But that's not all. Choosing the right university, you need to decide in advance on a specific direction. Indeed, in addition to the geologist, there are a number of related professions that have their pros and cons.

So, the easiest step would be to enter the faculty of geology or geological exploration. In addition, you can choose similar areas, such as geodesy, mining engineering or mine surveying.

What are the duties of geologists?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a complete description of all the tasks that a geologist solves in his work. This is due to the fact that each organization has its own charter that defines the range of duties of this specialist.

Nevertheless, it is possible to give several examples from the life of a geologist. So he can do the following:

  1. Conduct soil surveys for minerals.
  2. Participate in expeditions aimed at studying the geosphere in different parts of the world.
  3. Compile topographic maps and site plans.
  4. Conduct laboratory analysis of mineral samples.
  5. Help in the construction of mines, oil wells, quarries and so on.
  6. Conduct evaluation studies of the economic benefits of fossils in a particular site.

Features of the profession

Getting a degree is only half the battle, it is much more difficult to find a suitable position. And the trouble is not that there are few vacancies. No, in reality, everything is just the opposite, but there is one “but”.

Given the specifics of the profession, most of the offers involve working "in the field." That is, you will have to travel a lot to distant lands and live under the starry sky. And although a whole group of geologists often goes on such expeditions, there will always be a shortage of civilization. But if a person loves nature and his work, then such a course of things for him is rather a plus than a minus.

Naturally, you can get a job as a geologist on the territory of your native city. For example, conduct or create topographic maps. However, it should be understood that here the competition will be higher, and the salary is not as high as that of fellow researchers.

Finding a suitable job

Before starting a job search, a geologist needs to understand one important thing: without experience or references, one cannot get into a prestigious position. For example, most oil companies hire only those specialists who have at least 3 years of field work behind them.

Therefore, you will first have to look for a less profitable place in order to earn a good name for yourself. In particular, you can get a job in a government agency or a research institute. In addition, if you make an effort and work hard on yourself, then over time you can move up the career ladder here too. And the salary that the chief geologist receives is not much different from what his colleague earns at a mining enterprise in distant Siberia.

Therefore, everyone must decide for himself which way he should go. Someone is closer to their home and civilization, while someone prefers distant wanderings and songs by the fire. After all, the main thing is to enjoy work, otherwise no money can make a person sincerely love his job.

A geologist is engaged in the search and evaluation of mineral deposits, as well as the study of other features of the earth's crust.

Many associate the profession of a geologist with the romance of long journeys, but this is only one of its sides. Firstly, exploration expeditions are usually directed to remote deserted areas, and not resort areas, and secondly, the hiking lifestyle is associated with certain discomfort and you need to have good physical and mental health to withstand such conditions. At the same time, the work of a geologist is perfect for people who love to travel, make interesting discoveries and constantly develop in their profession.

Places of work

The position of a geologist is in demand in various exploration expeditions, design and research organizations. Also, this profession finds its application in the construction industry when studying the characteristics of soils at the proposed construction site.

History of the profession

The first conclusions and statements concerning geology are found in the works of Aristotle, Pythagoras, Strabo and Pliny the Elder. Scientists Al-Biruni and Ibn Sina, better known as Avicenna, in the X-XI century made attempts to describe and classify geological bodies. In the Renaissance (XIV-XVI century), such studies were carried out by Leonardo da Vinci and Girolamo Fracastoro. But the general theory of the Earth appeared only in the 17th-18th centuries, and at the same time, the world's needs for minerals increased markedly, which became the impetus for the active development of geology and people specializing in this field.

Responsibilities of a geologist

It is better to understand who such a geologist will help his main job responsibilities:

  • Participation in exploration work.
  • Construction of geological maps.
  • Geological modeling - building 2D and 3D models.
  • Creation of geophysical, geochemical plans based on available data.
  • Registration of graphic applications in electronic form according to GOST.
  • Drawing up reports on the results of geological exploration.

There are also "armchair" geologists who do not go on expeditions, but conduct exclusively paper analytical work.

requirements for a geologist

The main requirements for a geologist:

  • Higher education.
  • Experience in drawing up geophysical and geochemical plans.
  • Knowledge of the procedure and technology for the production of geological exploration works.
  • Knowledge of the legislative framework relating to the production of geological works.
  • Knowledge of methods for calculating reserves of solid minerals.
  • Knowledge of programs such as AutoCad, CorelDraw, ArcMap, Micromine, Gems.
  • Field work experience.
  • Preferably knowledge of English.

sample resume for geologist

How to become a geologist

A person with a higher geological education can become a geologist. Related professions include the following: surveyor, mine surveyor, civil engineer.

geologist salary

The salary of a geologist varies from 40 to 85 thousand rubles per month. In many ways, how much a geologist earns depends on the duration and result of the expeditions in which he works. The salary of specialists working exclusively in stationary premises is usually lower than that of those who travel on long business trips. The average salary of a geologist is 65 thousand rubles a month.

The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations explained that the expedition has not been in contact since September 12. A possible reason for the lack of communication with the geological group in the department was called a breakdown of the radio station. 4 rescuers are looking for people, the Mi-8 aircraft is involved in the search operation.

As reported IA REGNUM, with a request to start searching for geologists in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Rescue Service of the Republic asked their relatives. They have also filed missing persons reports with the police and are worried that delaying the rescue operation could be fatal.

The head of the Granit enterprise, who sent the group to exploration work, expressed the opinion that there was no reason to panic.

“On Monday, if no data appears, a rescue team will go to Tiksi , he explained. — The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not search for geologists. They do not consider this situation extreme and extraordinary. They react only in a specific danger situation. Why are we not worried? Because the men are trained, experienced. We worked with them in all situations, including this one. According to the briefing, they must remain where they are and wait for help.”


All people whose whereabouts are unknown are divided into two categories. Those who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to provide information about their whereabouts, and those who presumably died under circumstances that make it difficult or even impossible to find the body.
The former most often include people in hiding for criminal reasons, the homeless, the mentally ill, or teenagers from dysfunctional families. The second category includes those who died as a result of hostilities, crimes, technological accidents, natural disasters and other natural factors, as well as those who died as a result of accidents in hard-to-reach places.
The search for the missing is carried out by law enforcement agencies at the request of their relatives or other interested persons. Also, advertisements in public places, in the press and on the Internet are used for the search. About half of the missing are found within a few days.
In the Russian Federation, if the missing person is not found within three months, he is put on the federal wanted list, his data is sent to the all-Russian database. About 90 thousand people go missing in Russia every year, about half of them can be found.
Recently, volunteer search and rescue organizations have emerged that search for missing people on a voluntary basis and without payment.