Students often confuse the properties and qualities of a person. In the literature, these concepts are not separated in detail and therefore are vaguely perceived. In the training of psychologists, as in any other professional training, the objects and phenomena of life are decomposed into simpler elements, and the simpler the element, the clearer what the conversation is about.

When teaching psychology, we first begin to distinguish between the psyche and mental phenomena, which include mental processes, mental states and mental properties of a person. We decompose mental processes into cognitive mental processes and emotional-volitional ones. The first consist of sensations, perception, memory, thinking and speech, ideas, imaginations. Such a mental cognitive process as attention stands apart. On the one hand, attention can be an independent process, and on the other hand, attention is a catalyst for other cognitive processes. Emotional-volitional mental processes are represented by affects, emotions, mood, feelings and will. Mental states include the state of human consciousness at a certain point in time, which manifests itself in the triad: 1. thinking, 2. emotion, 3. behavior (body).

And finally, the mental properties of the personality, with which we started the conversation.

A personality trait is an individual feature of a person, expressed in relation to any area of ​​life.

The quality of a person is the level of development of a property.

For example, the personality property "sociability" can be divided into such qualities, starting from a low level of development of this quality in a person to a high one.

1. Closed

2. Silent

3. Sociable

4. Talkative

5. Chatty

After such an example, it becomes more clear how to characterize a person. In this case, we can show its relationship to the main areas of human life:

To labor:

1. Lazy

2. Slow

3. Rational

4. Hardworking

5. Workaholic

To family:

1. Indifferent

2. Selfish

3. Good family man

4. Caring

5. Altruistic

To yourself:

1. Slob

2. Simple

3. Confident

4. Proud

5. Narcissistic

From the above examples, it can be seen that each personality trait has its own qualitative “golden mean”, which is “normal”, “adequate”, but at the same time this attitude undergoes subjective influences. For example, for a proud person, a simple person will seem like a slob, and for a slut, a confident person will be perceived as proud, for an indifferent family man, a good family man will be perceived as altruistic, and for a hardworking worker, a slow one will seem lazy. So individual personal qualities give a unique unique pattern of personality, which is beautiful in its imperfection and beautiful in its perfect manifestation at the same time.

Gradually, as we study psychology, we penetrate deeper and deeper into all mental phenomena and human behavior becomes more and more understandable to us as a result of complex bio-socio-psychic interactions.

Ivan Kotva, psychologist

personality traits- stable internal features people who are evaluated positively. These are positive character traits, knowledge, skills and abilities. A broader category is personality traits, which includes both positive and other personality traits. There is an interesting classification: all qualities can be divided into two large categories: internal qualities (form a rich inner world of a person), and external ones (behavior and image), which form a beautiful sign. By peace of mind, we mean those qualities that are not striking, but make a person a welcome guest in any company.

Qualities that work for a bright signboard: Artistry, ability to perform; Beautiful appearance, ability to dress; Delivered, clear speech; Nice gesture. Qualities that work for rich content: Positions of perception, the ability to look at the situation from different angles; Ability to take care of others; Ability to think, freedom of thought; Positive attitude; Wisdom. Some of the qualities that are characteristic of a developed personality and less common in a mass personality, we have placed in the Self-Improvement section. We attributed positive, constructive, responsibility, energy, purposefulness, love of order, willingness to cooperate, as well as the ability and habit of living with love to such traits - unfortunately, these traits are clearly lacking, at least for Russian people, both in workers and relatives. relationships. Many of your personal qualities can be successfully developed by working with your body. In particular, staging the necessary gestures (external gestures, and then - internal gestures) develops the necessary personality traits. There are many other ways to work on yourself.

Volitional personality traits

Volitional personality traits- these are personality traits that have developed in the process of gaining life experience, associated with the realization of the will and overcoming obstacles on life path. In the psychology of character, many volitional qualities of a person are distinguished. The main, basic volitional qualities of a person that determine most behavioral acts include purposefulness, initiative, determination, perseverance, endurance, and discipline. All these qualities are associated with the stages of the implementation of the act of will.
purposefulness- this is a conscious and active orientation of the individual to a certain result of activity. Purposefulness is a generalized motivational-volitional property of a person, which determines the content and level of development of other volitional qualities. Distinguish between strategic and tactical purposefulness. Strategic purposefulness is the ability of a person to be guided in all his life by certain values, beliefs and ideals. Tactical purposefulness is associated with the ability of a person to set clear goals for individual actions and not be distracted from them in the process of execution.
Initiative- this is the active orientation of the individual to the commission of an action. The act of will begins with the initiative. The manifestation of initiative means a strong-willed effort aimed not only at overcoming one's own inertia, but also at self-affirmation, giving a certain direction to a volitional act. Initiative is associated with independence.
Independence is a conscious and active setting of the individual not to be influenced by various factors, critically evaluate the advice and suggestions of others, act on the basis of their views and beliefs. Independence can manifest itself only if there is a certain endurance.
Excerpt- this is a conscious and active setting of the individual to confront the factors that impede the implementation of the goal, which manifests itself in self-control and self-control. Endurance is a manifestation of the inhibitory function of the will. It allows you to "slow down"" those actions, feelings, thoughts that interfere with the implementation of the intended action. A person with a developed quality of endurance (a restrained person) will always be able to choose the optimal level of activity that meets the conditions and is justified by specific circumstances.
Determination- a property of a person, manifested in her ability to make and implement quick, reasonable and firm decisions. It supports the initiative in setting the goal of the action. It is actively implemented in the choice of the dominant motive and the right action and in the choice of adequate means to achieve the goal. Externally, decisiveness is manifested in the absence of hesitation. Decisiveness does not preclude a comprehensive and deep consideration of the goal of actions, ways to achieve it, experiencing a complex internal struggle, a clash of motives. Decisiveness is also shown in the implementation decision. Decisive people are characterized by a rapid transition from the choice of means to the execution of the action itself.
Courage is the ability to resist fear and take justified risks in order to achieve your goal. Courage is a prerequisite for the formation of decisiveness.

The qualities opposite to decisiveness, from the point of view of volitional regulation, on the one hand, are impulsiveness, understood as haste in making and implementing decisions, when a person acts without thinking about the consequences, under the influence of momentary impulses, choosing the first means or goal that comes to hand. On the other hand, decisiveness is opposed by indecision, which manifests itself both in doubts, in long-term hesitation before making a decision, and inconsistency in their implementation.

Energy- this is the quality of the personality associated with the concentration of all its forces to achieve the goal. However, energy alone is not enough to achieve results. She needs to connect with perseverance.
persistence- this is a personality trait, manifested in the ability to mobilize one's forces for a constant and long-term struggle with difficulties, pursuing the goals set for oneself. Persistence can develop into a poorly controlled will, manifested in stubbornness. Stubbornness is a personality trait expressed in the unreasonable use of volitional efforts to the detriment of achieving the goal.
organization- the quality of a person, manifested in the ability to reasonably plan and streamline the course of all his activities.

Discipline is a quality of a person, manifested in the conscious submission of one's behavior to generally accepted norms, established procedures, and business requirements.

self control- this is a quality of a person, expressed in the ability to control one's actions, to subordinate one's behavior to the solution of consciously set tasks. In the process of solving problems, self-control ensures the regulation of activity on the basis of higher motives, general principles of work, and resists emerging momentary impulses.
Will- this is an element of the consciousness of the personality, therefore it is not an innate quality, but is formed and developed in the process of becoming a personality. The development of a person's will is associated with the transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones, that is, with the acquisition by a person of control over his behavior, with the development of volitional qualities of a personality into some complex form of activity. In order to develop volitional qualities, a person needs to set goals that are significant for her and direct her volitional efforts to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving these goals. The more obstacles a person overcomes, the more developed his volitional sphere will be. However, traumatic events or actions directed against a person can break his will. Due to the presence of will, a person feels and realizes his individuality, the ability to take responsibility for his own behavior.

Socio-psychological qualities of a person

With the general lack of development of the problem of personality traits, it is rather difficult to outline the range of its socio-psychological qualities. It is no coincidence that there are different opinions in the literature on this issue, depending on the solution of more general methodological problems. The most important of them are the following:

1. Distinguishing interpretations of the very concept of "personality" in general psychology, as discussed above. If "personality" is a synonym for the term "person", then, naturally, the description of its qualities (properties, traits) should include all the characteristics of a person. If "personality" in itself is only a social quality of a person, then the set of its properties should be limited to social properties.

2. Ambiguity in the use of the concepts of "social properties of the personality" and "socio-psychological properties of the personality." Each of these concepts is used in a certain frame of reference: when one speaks of the "social properties of a person", this is usually done within the framework of solving the general problem of the relationship between the biological and the social; when they use the concept of “socio-psychological properties of a person”, they often do this when opposing socio-psychological and general psychological approaches (as an option: distinguishing between “secondary” and “basic” properties). But this use of concepts is not strict: sometimes they are used as synonyms, which also complicates the analysis.

3. Finally, the most important thing: the difference between general methodological approaches to understanding the structure of personality - considering it either as a collection, a set of certain qualities (properties, traits), or as a specific system, the elements of which are not "features", but other units of manifestation .

Until unambiguous answers to fundamental questions are obtained, one cannot expect unambiguity in the solution of more particular problems. Therefore, at the level of socio-psychological analysis there are also contradictory points, for example, on the following points: a) the list of socio-psychological qualities (properties) of the individual and criteria for their selection; b) the ratio of qualities (properties) and abilities of the individual (moreover, it is “social and psychological abilities” that are meant).

Personal professional qualities

Psychological qualities and abilities are grouped into the following 11 categories: verbal - the ability to understand the meaning of words, concepts, language skills; numerical - the ability to quickly and accurately perform arithmetic operations; the ability to represent an object in two or three dimensions; the ability to distinguish even minor details of objects, graphic images; the ability to correct words, letters, numbers; the ability to quickly and accurately coordinate the work of hands, fingers and eyes in movements - motor coordination; the ability to quickly and accurately manipulate small objects (finger dexterity); the ability to deftly operate with your hands (sleight of hand); the ability to coordinate the movements of the eyes, arms and legs in accordance with visual signals; the ability to perceive, compare and distinguish colors and shades; learning ability - the ability to understand, reason, draw conclusions (general intelligence).

Each quality should be considered in terms of its professional significance (usually they are evaluated on a five-point scale), as a result, a profile of the necessary psychological qualities is drawn up. However, not only the ability to determine the success of the profession. Other individual characteristics that determine a person's confidence in various conditions are also important. So, there are 12 factors of “temperament” that are adequate to various work situations - the concept of “temperament” is used here rather as “social temperament”, denoting a person’s energy capabilities in the field of communication with other people: situations associated with a wide range of changing duties; situations associated with repetitive short cycles, carried out in a certain sequence in accordance with established rules; situations that do not require independent actions and decision-making; situations related to the management, planning and control of one's own and others' activities; situations involving the need to establish contacts other than those provided for in the instructions; situations involving work in conditions of relative isolation from people; situations that require leadership and influence on people; situations involving unexpected actions and risk and requiring vigilance and self-criticism; situations requiring rapid sensory assessment of the situation and decision making; situations requiring the evaluation of information using measuring instruments; situations involving the interpretation of feelings, ideas or facts; situations requiring precise knowledge of tolerances and standards.

The definition of professionally important features is based on expert judgment and is the result of an agreement on which characteristics are most important and which are less important. With regard to a number of professions, this problem cannot be solved unambiguously: for example, for types professional activity having a monotonous character, qualities are essential, thanks to which a person resists the onset of fatigue, and for professions associated with extreme situations, the ability to withstand strong stimuli, make decisions and bear responsibility for them is important. In addition, many professions can be carried out both in everyday and in special conditions(for example, a district or military doctor), although the actions and operations that make up the content of the profession, in general, remain the same. Thus, the description of the profession should rather include the boundaries of typical situations and acceptable values ​​of psychological qualities. We list the types of individual psychological qualities that are significant for the successful mastering of a profession by a person.

1. individual typological properties (strength, mobility, dynamism and lability nervous system), which, in the case of indicators that are unfavorable for the profession, can be compensated by developing an individual style of activity.

2. sensory and perceptual properties, the main among which is the level of sensitivity of the analyzers. Under the influence of experience and professional requirements, this characteristic can change: for example, the so-called “technical ear” is developed, which makes it possible to recognize malfunctions in mechanisms, and the differential color discrimination threshold decreases, thanks to which steelmakers can determine the temperature of an open-hearth furnace. The sensory basis of activity makes demands on the sensory abilities of a person and thus develops them.

3. human attention (attention properties), among which the most significant are sometimes distribution and switching, sometimes stability. The properties of attention can be exercised to a small extent, however, they are compensated due to the emotional factor (interest) and the development of habits.

4. psychomotor properties, thanks to which a person chooses or develops a system of operations leading to the achievement of a goal (these qualities include static features, for example, professional tremor, as well as reaction speed). Since the content of professional work is changing (in the early stages of the development of technology, the force factor was the determining factor, and now the temporal and spatial factors are becoming more important), new requirements are imposed on psychomotor properties. They have been shown to respond well to exercise.

5. mnemonic qualities. Professional memory can also develop, for which special mnemonic techniques are used, increasing professional motivation and activating the memorized material in activities.

6. imaginative features (properties of the imagination) and mental.

7. volitional qualities (they matter to varying degrees for different professions), contributing to the ability to overcome internal and external difficulties in the labor process.

Moral qualities of a person

Moral is a system of internal rules of a person that determines his behavior and attitude towards himself and other people. The system of internal rules of a person is formed under the influence of many factors: family, personal experience, school education, public relations and others. Depending on the values ​​on which these internal rules morality can be racial, nationalistic, religious-fanatic, humanistic. It is hardly necessary to explain who the racists, nationalists, religious fanatics are. If someone thinks that they have no morality, he is deeply mistaken. These people have morality and it requires a noble attitude towards their own and the destruction of strangers. By the way, these are purely genetic programs that we inherited from our distant ancestors. They helped primitive people survive, but at present they do nothing but harm, moreover, they cripple people. As you know, genetic programs are corrected through education. However, a society in which racial, nationalistic or religious-fanatic ideas are officially preached only strengthens these genetic programs. Can there be creative personalities among them? Of course, quite a lot. But there is one but. The results of their creativity are of value to people only if they are aimed at the development of life, suggesting an improvement in the living conditions of all people. As a rule, racists, nationalists and religious fanatics do not have many such results, because the vast majority of their works are devoted to the search for certain evidence of the superiority of their race, nation or religion and ways to destroy others. And since there is no such superiority and cannot be, then the corresponding results. Many truly talented people, drugged by the poison of racism, nationalism or religious fanaticism, will not be able to achieve outstanding results in creativity.

Genuine creativity is always humanistic and the main moral value of humanism is respect for all people, regardless of their race, nationality and religious beliefs.

Despite significant differences in the approach to personality and its definition, there are common positions that can be reflected in the selection and description of its main qualities (properties):

    sociality , i.e. irreducibility to individual, biological human characteristics, saturation with socio-cultural content;

    uniqueness - originality and originality inner world a specific personality, its sovereignty and irreducibility to one or another social or psychological type;

    transcendence - the desire to go beyond the "limits of oneself", constant development and creativity as a way of being a person, belief in the possibility of self-improvement and overcoming external and internal barriers on the way to the goal and, as a result of what has been said, completeness, inconsistency and problematicness;

    integrity and subjectivity - preservation of internal unity and identity (equality to oneself) in all situations she lives throughout her life, over-situation;

    activity and subjectivity - the ability to change oneself and the conditions of one's existence, relative independence from external conditions, the ability to be a source of one's own activity, the cause of actions and taking responsibility for these actions;

    moral as a humanistic basis for interaction with the social world, the desire to treat the other as the highest value, equal to the value of one's own "I", and not as a means of achieving other, "higher" goals.

The listed personality traits do not exist on their own, separately from each other, but form dialectical contradictory connections that reasonably limit and harmonize their manifestation in the process of life. Thus, morality limits activity and subjectivity, preventing them from degenerating into socially unacceptable forms. Uniqueness helps to "remove" the problem of the transformation of the individual in the process of socialization into a "collective person" (K.-G. Jung), a conformist. Sociality prevents the degeneration of the uniqueness and sovereignty of the individual into egocentric isolation. Integrity determines the facet of personality variability, which helps to preserve its identity. The desire for transcending leads to the liberation of the hidden reserves of the personality, increasing its creative and adaptive capabilities, not allowing the personality to freeze in inert self-satisfaction.

All these qualities are not given to the personality initially, but are the result of a long and complex process of formation or development of the personality.

Security questions for topic number 6

    How is personality defined from the standpoint of scientific psychology?

    List personality traits.

    Describe the attitude as a determining trend.

    Name foreign and domestic approaches to personality.

    Describe personality as a self-organizing system.

Topic 7. Models of personality structure Lecture 7. Models of personality structure

Basic concepts:

personality; the concept of personality traits; personality type; introvert; extrovert; intuition; sensation; libido; introjection; pleasure principle; reality principle; moral principle; psychological protection; crowding out; negation; projection; rationalization; substitution; personality structure; the content of the personality; orientation; experience.

What qualities of a person, besides positive and negative, are distinguished in psychology and where is this classification applied? Why is awareness of this issue needed and what benefits does it bring? What does the concept of "personal qualities" include? What are they like? The answer is below in this article.

What gives knowledge about the qualities of a person

Awareness and literacy in psychological matters is a kind of weapon. The ability to use it helps to avoid trouble and fight your enemies - both internal and external.

Mastering knowledge in the field of personality traits allows:

  • increase your own level of self-awareness;
  • a deeper understanding of society;
  • learn to prioritize correctly
    and build relationships with them.

When applying for a job, when meeting a person of the opposite sex, when interacting with people on the streets of an evening city, the first task is always to find out who is in front of you, what kind of person he is. How to interact with it. And what will this or that tactic of behavior bring in the end. It is impossible to understand another without first understanding yourself. On the other hand, assessing the personal qualities of other people allows you to compare yourself with them.

Classification of personal qualities

Personal qualities are a complex of complex components of both biological and socially conditioned components of the personality. They demonstrate all the features of internal mental properties:

  • individual passages of internal within a person
  • a complex of states and properties of a single individual;
  • character traits;
  • temperament type;
  • features of behavior;
  • the nature of communication and;
  • attitude towards oneself, etc.

Also, the personal qualities of a person include the ZUN system: knowledge, skills, skills.

Personal properties have different classifications:

  • positive;
  • negative;
  • strong-willed;
  • professional;
  • and moral qualities.

Before proceeding to the analysis of certain aspects of the personality, it must be remembered that any classifications in this matter and the assessment of personal qualities are very conditional. This is explained by the fact that everything in the world is relative, even the concept of good and evil. The division is based on generally accepted moral and moral norms. We will agree that we will attribute the word “conditionally” to each definition: conditionally positive, conditionally negative, etc. For example, aggressiveness is a conditionally negative characteristic. It will backfire in one situation, but in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself, it will be the only true one.

Negative qualities of a person

Negative personality traits are properties that are undesirable for the person himself and those around him and that require correction, which are undesirable and. There are very many of them. Full list I could put together a little pamphlet. Here are just a few of them:

  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • coarseness;
  • laziness;
  • tendency to depression;
  • aggressiveness;
  • hatred;
  • impatience;
  • passivity;
  • weak will;
  • cowardice;
  • touchiness;
  • slovenliness.

These and similar personal qualities of a person determine their appropriate summing up: a sloppy person will look untidy and recreate an appropriate atmosphere around him. Irresponsible - work poorly and let yourself and the team down.

Positive qualities of a person

The positive qualities of a person are a category of a person’s inner good, which brings both him and those around him positive experiences and a sense of satisfaction. The full list of positive qualities will be no less impressive. We will also mention just a few:

  • kindness;
  • responsiveness;
  • diligence;
  • patience,
  • responsibility;
  • peacefulness;
  • friendliness;
  • loyalty;
  • unselfishness;
  • honesty;
  • self-confidence.

There are no ideal people: the owners of only positive qualities exist only in fairy tales. However, there are a lot of those in whom the positive qualities of a person predominate. Often the presence of these properties is the personal qualities of a leader. Thanks to them, leaders are able to win over, gain trust and lead.

For those whose character is dominated by negative qualities of a person, there is good news: shortcomings can play the role of a “kick” to a rapid leap forward and internal growth. It is available to everyone.

Volitional personality traits

Volitional qualities personally
formulated goals. Let's touch on the main ones.

Purposefulness - the focus of a person on the chosen result of activity. This property is divided into a strategic variety and a tactical one. The first is, in general, the actions of a person from the presentation of their moral positions, values ​​and ideals. The second is the movement of the individual "in steps", from one micro-goal to another until the result is achieved.

Initiative - a person's focus on the manifestation of something. Usually precedes the beginning of a volitional act. This property is possessed by independent individuals. Initiative is associated with independence.

Independence is a voluntary and active attitude of a person to make decisions in accordance with his principles and beliefs.

Will - is not considered an innate quality, but is considered as a quality, the formation of which occurs on the basis of a person's personal choice.

Personal professional qualities

It is influenced by such qualities of a person that can be called: the personal qualities of a leader. There are several categories:

  • verbal component - is responsible for the ability to understand the meaning of information transmitted by words;
  • numerical - the ability to quickly solve arithmetic examples in the mind;
  • trigonometric - the ability to mentally see in 2-3 dimensions;
  • visual - attention to detail, equal to the children's game "find 10 differences";
  • proofreading - the ability to quickly correct words, numbers;
  • coordination - the ability to quickly coordinate fine and gross motor skills of the arms, legs, as well as good motor coordination;
  • visual - the ability to coordinate the direction of gaze with the movement of the legs, arms;
  • comparing - susceptibility to color and its shades, the ability to see and distinguish them;
  • learning ability - the ability to grasp the meaning, the ability to reason, the ability to draw correct conclusions (general intelligence).

Special professional qualities

Each of these properties is considered in accordance with professional significance. For example, a person who is not able to distinguish colors (color blindness) is contraindicated in driving. A person with a low indicator of numerical ability will not be taken as a leading economist.

It is also necessary to list such personality traits, without which mastering professions, in principle, will be impossible:

  1. Properties of an individually typological nature (endurance, physical strength, lability of the nervous system) - in other words, stress resistance.
  2. Analytical properties that allow you to acquire unique abilities over time. Example: "technical hearing" - the ability without instruments, only based on experience, to understand the cause of a mechanism malfunction.
  3. Mindfulness - directly depends on the interest and desire of a person to have up-to-date information about reality, adequately assess it.
  4. Psychomotor - special properties and perception of a person, which he is guided by when choosing a course of action to achieve his goals. It also includes the speed of analysis and the ability to quickly analyze the situation and make decisions. As practice shows, this skill trains well.
  5. mnemonic qualities. Associated with memory. Professional memory is also freely trained.
  6. Imaginative features - the ability to imagine and complex thought processes
  7. Strong-willed qualities - they are not mandatory for every profession, but they are always necessary to overcome difficulties in the process of work.

Moral qualities of a person

Morality is a set of rules of a person voluntarily accepted for himself, which is of decisive importance in a person’s behavior and his attitude towards himself and others.

It is formed by the influence of many components:

  • family values;
  • individual experience;
  • school influence;
  • society.

Within the definition, there is a differentiation into such subspecies as:

  • racial;
  • religious;
  • humanistic.

The role of moral positions is important for any social groups. There is an opinion that racists, fanatics and others lack moral principles and moral qualities. This judgment is erroneous and unscientific. Also, according to research, such social groups have genetic roots and cannot always be controlled by a person.

We dealt with all the molecules of the human body, flew into space, turned to philosophy and religion, biophysics and biochemistry, but did not find answers to the questions, how does the idea arise why the desires of different people can be diametrically opposed, and looking at one and the same the same subject, we see completely different things?

This mysterious creature is Man. The more highly organized we become, the more we are interested in the question, how does this complex mechanism still work? We dealt with all the molecules of the human body, flew into space, turned to philosophy and religion, biophysics and biochemistry, but did not find answers to the questions, how does the idea arise, why the desires of different people can be diametrically opposed, what can explain the fact that looking at the same subject, ?

Only now, with the help of system-vector psychology, we are trying to look at others not through ourselves, not comparing them with a fictitious "norm", but in a different way - perceiving them as they are, differentiating a person's personal qualities, understanding the innate nature of their properties, and it means a system of values, priorities and desires, the desire to satisfy which determines human behavior.

System-vector psychology gives eight starting points, eight facets that make up the human mentality, eight vectors that determine directions for the development of the psychological qualities of a person.

Innate properties develop to a certain level of development: either they develop up to the highest level of a modern member of society, or they remain at the elementary level of relations in a primitive pack - the way these innate qualities of a person are realized throughout adult life depends on this.

Theft and engineering technologies are different manifestations of the same innate quality, the desire to get and save.

In the first case, this is production FOR YOURSELF, i.e., directed inside the personality, and in the second case, this is the extraction and saving of various resources of society, which, of course, will benefit the author of these developments personally, but already as a MEMBER OF SOCIETY, and not just a hungry hunter.

What determines the level of development of innate personality traits?

Why, being brought up in the same family, one of the brothers becomes an outstanding doctor, a well-known public figure, and the other - a criminal who brings destruction and suffering to people?

What personality traits determine her behavior?

What are the components of the psychological portrait of a modern personality?

Is it possible to develop or eradicate certain personal qualities of a person intentionally?

Do psychological qualities change over the years?

Gingerbread - pleasure, whip - lack of gingerbread

Nature provides us from birth with certain psychological properties, realizing which we get pleasure. There is no realization - we suffer, shortages grow, the biochemical balance of the brain is disturbed and ... we are thrown into an archetypal program, that is, we go to satisfy our desires directly, somehow, if only to relieve tension, to get, if not pleasure, but at least remove this internal pressure. It is stronger than us, it is Nature. By and large, it does not give us a choice - in any case, we will fulfill our specific role, but how - it already depends on us.

Options for the implementation of the innate qualities of a person can differ from each other, like heaven and earth. Humanity has been developing for 50 thousand years, and the ability to skillfully and accurately throw a spear is no longer relevant today. Many of us do not even know how to properly hold a shovel or ax in our hands, but most of the urban population knows what the Internet is and has the skills to use a computer.

AT modern society those psychological properties that allowed an ancient man with a skin vector to kill a mammoth faster than anyone else or organize warriors to defeat enemies are realized in business, engineering and lawmaking - with a high level of development of vector properties. Or they remain at the level of "mammoth prey", i.e. theft, speculation and overweight in the market, fraud or all sorts of scams.

In each vector, the innate qualities of a person can be realized at a high level and bring benefits to the whole society - in this case, a person receives maximum pleasure from his activity, since his actions correspond to the level of temperament (strength of desire) modern man. If the realization of properties goes at the primitive level - directly, the personal qualities of a person are used only for themselves, then the satisfaction is scanty, since this is an option for an ancient person, for his low temperament. And it is perceived by the individual as a relief of pressure, temporary, small, short, and pushes him to repeat his actions again and again, since full satisfaction never comes.

It's like running in circles: "stole - drank - to jail - stole - drank - to jail."

Steps of psychological evolution

The time until the end of puberty (12-15 years) is the most important and the only possible period in order to develop the innate personality traits. Education, adequate to the vector set of the child, creates conditions for the maximum development of all the existing properties of the younger generation. During this period, each vector of the child in its development manages to reach some level of development, there are four of them in total: inanimate, vegetative, animal and maximum - a person.

For example, the development of a baby begins from the lowest level - inanimate. In this state, he is attracted by everything bright and beautiful in the world around him: from flowers to pictures, from bright applications to soft toys. Growing up does not guarantee the development of the vector, if the child is not correctly directed in this direction, then all that he will be able to do in the future is to notice only the external beauty of people or animals, nature or design. But all this will not cause a deep emotional response in him, the expression of feelings will remain at the level: beautiful, but soulless.

With the right approach, the child is able to move to the next stage of perception of the world around him - the plant level of the visual vector. Love and admiration for beauty will still remain in him, but empathy for wildlife will be added to this. Here the flowers were plucked and abandoned, sorry, they are dying. Here is a homeless dog wandering, and the heart shrinks from one of its sights. At the same time, the same homeless person will not at all arouse sympathy in the viewer. He does not feel his suffering. In adulthood, the personal qualities of a person who are at this level of development of the visual vector can show their visual properties in defense environment, organizing charitable foundations for the protection of animals, veterinary clinics and shelters, saving endangered species and the like.

The next level of development that can be reached before puberty is animal. To empathy with our smaller brothers and living nature, the ability to sympathize with people is added, such a person already knows how to create an emotional connection with a person.

The highest level of development of the visual vector is human. In this state, love is primary. It extends to everything around and is expressed by a general empathy for all living things and, first of all, for a person. Animals still evoke compassion, as do flowers and trees, but human life is always put at the forefront. The spectator, developed to this level, devotes himself to helping people in need. Human life and human misfortunes will always evoke the greatest response in him than all animal nature put together.

Each next level does not exclude the previous one, but, on the contrary, includes it. The founder of a charitable foundation for helping children may well be a well-known top model, like Natalia Vodianova.

Love for animals or flowers, passion for painting or photography can accompany a visual person all his life, but with a high level of development of vector personality traits, human life will always be priority No. 1 for him, so saving the endangered species of African birds will fade into the background when help is needed. flood-affected people.

Psychological portrait of a modern personality

Satisfying one's needs at a higher level, a person gets a higher sense of the quality of life: even enjoyment from one's activity, which cannot be compared with the sensations from realization at lower levels. Therefore, even having not the highest level of development of innate properties, but realizing the personal qualities of a person and the need for implementation, any person can define an activity for himself, if not the main one, but as a hobby that would allow him to more fully realize his innate properties and desires. enjoying this activity.

Thus, the psychological portrait of a person is formed by his vector set, innate temperament (the strength of desire in each vector), the level of development of the innate qualities of the personality (vectors) and the degree of implementation of these qualities in this moment life.

Having mastered the basic knowledge of the nature of all eight vectors, trainees can easily draw up a psychological portrait of any person on their own, which means to understand his behavior, character, understand his values, priorities and way of thinking, find out the real reasons for his actions, often hidden even from him. himself, and to see all his possible potential and ways to solve existing psychological problems.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»