The delay in the development of speech can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of them lie in the biological area of ​​a child's life. Violations in the development of the auditory apparatus, late development of speech skills on a hereditary basis, frequent illnesses of the baby. Other reasons are hidden in the social plane, when parents pay little attention to the child, a negative atmosphere reigns in the family, the baby grows up in an atmosphere of misunderstanding and neglect of parental responsibilities.

Lack of parental attention may be one of the reasons for delayed speech development

Why can a child not speak at 2-3 years old?

It is necessary to look for the reason for the silence of a 2-3-year-old baby not only in anatomical pathologies, but also the manner of communication between parents and a child means a lot. Some mothers surround their little peanuts with excessive guardianship, which leads to lack of demand for speech. It is necessary for the baby to wish something, the mother grants the wish. Actively using gestures and facial expressions in communication with babies 1-3 years old, you involuntarily slow down the development of their speech.

It is a mistake to think that being in an environment abounding in information media (TV, radio), a child will quickly learn to talk. The chaotic speech flow forms a "noise curtain" that the child does not perceive.

Moreover, when trying to speak, the baby says long, meaningless phrases, imitating what he heard from the TV or radio. Parents should learn to talk to their child, and not talk in front of him or entertain him with cartoons.

It is difficult to develop speech skills where parents justify the lack of communication with a lack of time or simply do not want to talk much with the baby. Relying on speech therapists and kindergarten teachers is a mistake, because children get their first speech skills in the family. In addition, the development of fine motor skills and articulation is important for kids. Regular exercises (self-massage of hands, finger gymnastics, didactic games) help improve speech.

Cartoons so beloved by kids can actually slow down speech development

Seven simple and wise tips from speech therapists will help adults properly build their communication with a child so that his speech develops quickly. Let's take a look at each of them:

  1. Support and encourage the activity of the child, openly express joy when the baby tries to pronounce sounds and syllables.
  2. Help your treasure, buy didactic games. Puzzles, split pictures, picture cubes, insert games will help develop fine motor skills.
  3. Come up with finger games for the crumbs. The fingertips are replete with nerve endings that affect the stimulation of the motor area of ​​the brain. A simple game has long been invented in which each finger is given the names of family members. Finger the baby's fingers and come up with different stories so that all fingers are included in the story.
  4. Be sure to read books with your child, tell him stories, learn poems by heart, sing songs. Take the works of famous children's writers (Mikhalkov, Barto, Bianchi, Marshak, Chukovsky) as your assistants.
  5. Everything that you see with your child, discuss in detail. Where the car is going, why the bird is singing merrily outside the window, what kind of job dad has, what the kids are playing in the yard - any event or action should be accompanied by detailed verbal explanations.
  6. Tell your child about domestic and wild animals, teach him the "language" of animals and birds. Cows say "moo-moo", a sparrow chirps - "chirp chirp".
  7. Memorize funny children's poems with your child about the "Thieving Magpie", a clubfoot bear, about Tanya and her ball. Call grandmothers for help, they usually know a lot of such rhymes.

The more mother communicates with the child (reads books, learns poems, talks), the faster he will learn to speak well

Basics for developing speech at home

Home basic exercises will help you develop your child's speech (more in the article:). The simplest of them is “tell mom”. The exercise is used in communication with small children, under the age of one, who are just learning to reproduce sounds. For older children, more complex techniques should be used that stimulate the child's meaningful understanding of speech, its meaning, and conscious pronunciation of words.

Joint cognition of objects

Having crossed the one-year milestone, children begin to actively get acquainted with the world around them. The interest of kids extends to all objects in the house. Come to the rescue of your treasure, describe his every movement aloud, in simple sentences. Talk about each subject that interests him. If the son took a spoon, tell him what he is holding, what it is for, what the object is called, do not be lazy to repeat your explanation several times so that the baby remembers.

Viewing and studying pictures

For this exercise, stock up on a variety of children's picture books. Publishing houses offer excellent illustrated books of various headings. For example, the section "Who am I?", which tells about animals.

Picture books or flashcards help build a child's vocabulary

Looking at the pictures, point the baby to the image of the dog, ask him how she “talks”, say “woof-woof”. Learning animals and their "language" will make it easier for you to teach your baby to pronounce individual sounds. Pay more attention to those animals that you meet with him on the street, clearly showing and talking about them. A little time will pass, and when a child sees a dog or a cat on the street, the child will suddenly say “meow” or “woof”.

sound education

Indicate actions that the baby can understand with simple sounds. The child claps his hands - say "clap-clap", the baby fell - do not rush to pick him up and groan, say "bang, bang, boom." The game amuses young children, they accept it, they may even fall on purpose to hear “boom or bang” again. In addition, you help the child learn that each movement can be voiced.

How to encourage a child to speak?

When studying sounds with your child, ask him to repeat what you say. For example, you say "woof-woof", have the baby repeat after you. If he can’t reproduce the sounds accurately, don’t worry, repeat with him what he did. Your main task in this speech therapy exercise- encourage the child to pronounce sounds. Be sure to reward the baby for any sounds, even if they are not similar to those that you offered him.

Any attempts by the child to talk must be encouraged.

Learn to imitate adult speech

lining up speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old, follow the main rule of communication with the baby: never distort words.

A child is a great imitator, he imitates cartoon characters and mom and dad. If you talk to him, distorting the words, he will perceive such sounds as correct and begin to repeat them. Try to pronounce words clearly, only occasionally using diminutive or inverted forms.

The next stage is sound pronunciation. If you want to teach your child simple sounds, dress the lessons with him in a playful way. Use the following exercises:

  • Pipe. Musical instruments always arouse curiosity and interest in children, they help non-speaking children learn sounds more easily. You can buy a toy in a store or imitate playing an instrument with your fingers. Show your baby how the flute sounds by saying "doo-doo-doo", then ask him to repeat the sounds.
  • Driving a car. Favorite game of all children. Sit your son or daughter on your lap, start the engine, and let's go. Turn the steering wheel, honk, saying "beep". Kids really like this trip, they play it with pleasure and quickly learn to “beep”.
  • Home zoo. Collect soft toys or animal magnets in one place and arrange a tour of the home zoo, inviting the child to pronounce the sounds that this or that animal makes with you. They will help to master the sounds and cartoons about animals.

Imitating the voices of various animals is a great exercise for a child

How to develop phonemic awareness?

The development of phonemic hearing is necessary for the correct recognition of phonemes by children. mother tongue. Phonemes are words with the same sound base - for example, "boar-bank" or "sleep-nose". The ability to recognize phonemes is given to a person from birth, but one cannot do without competent systematization. Speech therapy offers a lot fun games aimed at developing this ability. Let's take a closer look at some:

  • Get to know the tool. Musical instruments are ideal for practicing phonemic awareness. If you have a drum, pipe, guitar, tambourine in your house - great. Take all the tools and hide behind the door or in another room. Play each of them in turn, inviting the baby to determine by ear which instrument sounded.
  • Who is speaking? Prepare pictures of different animals for the exercise. Show the picture to the child and ask him to say the sound that is characteristic of the animal you have chosen.
  • Repeat after me. We teach the baby rhythm. Tap a simple rhythm and invite the child to repeat it. Gradually complicate the exercise by asking a more complex combination of sounds. If the baby successfully copes with the task, ask him to tap his composition, and you repeat after him.

Teaching a child rhythm and developing his hearing is a big step towards correct speech.

It’s not worth waiting for quick results from crumbs in a year or two, but regular lessons will definitely bring a positive effect. Time will pass and your little student will learn to master sounds and speech. Games will help develop abstract thinking and memory in a child, awaken the ability to perceive phonemic hearing, and improve speech skills. Speech therapists often give similar advice to parents, pointing out their simplicity and accessibility.

How does fine motor skills affect speech development?

Fine motor skills have a significant impact on the formation of speech. The principle is that when performing exercises on fine motor skills, an impulse enters the brain, the work of the brain begins. At home, you can offer your baby games with ordinary objects. We offer the following home games:

  • Find what's at the bottom. Take two bowls, pour beans into one, buckwheat into the other. Put a small surprise under the cereal, invite the baby to rummage through the cereal with both hands to get a gift (we recommend reading:).
  • Find identical bags. Prepare 9 cloth bags, put the same material in every three: cotton wool, paper, cereals. Ask the child to identify three bags with the same contents by feeling.

  • Cheerful hedgehog. We take thick paper or cardboard, cut out a hedgehog figure from it, fasten clothespins along the edge, which imitate our needles. We invite the child to remove the clothespins and fasten again.
  • A lot - a little. The game is aimed at learning the quantity. We lay out the toys into two piles, small and large. We explain to the child what means a lot and a little.
  • Coloring pages. Buy coloring books, plasticine, pencils, drawing paper. Let the kid draw often and as much as he wants, encourage his creativity, praise him. At the same time, study colors, sizes, shapes with him.

The benefits of articulatory gymnastics

Speech gymnastics is a kind of speech therapy training that allows you to correctly master the pronunciation of the words of your native language. Knowing speech, it is easier for children to express their desires and thoughts. The task of adults is to teach the baby to pronounce words correctly and clearly. Naturally, at 2-3 years old it is difficult to accurately determine the speech problem, however, articulatory speech therapy gymnastics plays the role of prevention here.

If we turn to the laws of speech therapy, we will find in them wise and useful recommendations for parents. Use the following rules for speech gymnastics with children:

  1. Do exercises regularly to develop and consolidate the acquired skills.
  2. Be afraid to get carried away and turn the baby away from classes. Suggest 2-3 exercises for training.
  3. The duration of one lesson with 2-4 year old kids should not exceed 10-15 minutes.
  4. It is useful to consolidate the completed exercises during the day. Just ask your child to repeat what they have learned to make sure they remember it.
  5. Be sure to dress your articulation gymnastics in a game form (we recommend reading:). It is easier for kids to focus on an exciting game than on a boring lesson.

Articulation gymnastics should not tire the child or turn into a serious occupation for him

How to do articulation exercises?

To train speech, special exercises have been developed that a child can master with the help of adults. Use videos to practice skills. Conduct articulation training as follows:

  1. We offer the child to open his mouth and freeze in this position for a few seconds. For ease of learning, we call this pose "Open and close the gate."
  2. The next lesson is called Show the Fence. The child should close his teeth and show them to you, smiling broadly.
  3. "Brushing our teeth." Ask the child to open his mouth and move his tongue over the teeth, touching the outer and inner surface teeth.
  4. “We draw with the tongue” Having stuck out a little tongue, the baby should draw with it, mentally imagining what he is drawing. A circle-ball, a Christmas tree, a road - everything that is easy to do with a tongue.

If you notice that the speech development of your treasure is clearly delayed, or the baby was stressed or injured during pregnancy or childbirth, you suspect that the cause is a serious pathology - immediately show the baby to specialists. Remember that the active development of speech skills falls on the age of 1 to 3 years, when you must monitor this process and correct it in time. It will be much more difficult to make up for lost time at 4-5 years old, to the point that the baby may have a speech defect.

Experts believe that at 2 years old, a child's vocabulary should contain at least 50 words. But what should parents do if a two-year-old baby does not speak? Much depends on the efforts of adults, namely: the early development of speech in a baby and the content orientation of the speech development of the crumbs, his ability to actively perceive words. Of course, each child is individual and begins to talk in due time, but you can still help develop this skill with the help of special exercises and educational games.

How to talk a child: effective methods for the development of speech in children 2-3 years old

The most common method of developing a baby's speech that parents use is a technique called "tell mom." Yes, indeed, such a method is beneficial, but it is far from the only one. This technique is suitable for very young children who have just begun to pronounce the first sounds. But if this method encourages the baby to simply imitate and unconsciously repeat after the parents, the following techniques will help the child pronounce the words meaningfully and understand what is being said.

Let's explore things together

Wanting to develop speech skills in a child, try to expressively describe everything that he does. At the age of one year, children begin to actively explore the world around them. They touch objects, open and close doors, touch everything with handles.

Make it a rule to describe his actions. For example, when opening and closing doors, say: "Open the door, close it." If the child picked up any object, describe it. For example, if a child took a spoon, you can say: “Look, you have a spoon in your hands. It's a spoon." Encourage any activity of the crumbs and focus on what he is doing.

Introduction to pictures

There are a lot of educational books with colorful pictures that can help your baby get to know the world. Buy your child books for the little ones, for example, from the section on animals called "Who am I?". Showing a drawing with a cat in a book or on a card, you can say: “How does a cat do? - Meow. Through these activities, you can introduce the baby to animals and help pronounce certain sounds. This method is ideal for the baby, as he already understands that this or that sound belongs to each animal. Try to study animals that you can see on the street. The kid, seeing a dog or a cat, will already begin to say “woof” or “meow”.

Education through sound

Whatever the child does, try to indicate his actions with a certain sound. For example, if he claps, say "clap-clap", even if he fell, do not immediately run to pick up the baby and at the same time gasp and groan, but rather say "boom, boom." This approach even amuses children and they quickly forget that they just flopped. This method will help the baby realize that each movement has a certain sound, he will actively develop memory.

Voice accompaniment

When the baby makes any sounds, ask him to repeat. For example, tell your child, “How do geese do? “Ha-ha-ha.” If he says something, in your opinion, awkward like “aha, booboo,” repeat after him. The child must be encouraged to speak, pronounce any sound and encourage him to do so.

Speech development classes for children 2-3 years old: exercises for the development of phonemic hearing

Phonemic hearing is a fine systematized hearing that allows you to distinguish and recognize the phonemes of your native language. This is an innate ability that allows you to distinguish among themselves words consisting of the same phonemes. For example, "boar-bank, nose-sleep", etc. There are many interesting and entertaining games that will help develop phonemic hearing in a child. Let's consider a few of these.

Exercises and games for the development of phonemic hearing in children 2-3 years old

The essence of this game is as follows: put the child with his back to the players. It is desirable that as many people as possible participate, but not less than 3 people. The host asks one of the family members to say the name of the child, and he, in turn, must guess who called him.

Play with sounds

If there are various instruments at home, for example, a piano, a tambourine, an accordion, or others, invite the baby to guess which instrument you play. Accordingly, the baby should not see what subject you have chosen, it is necessary that he determine by ear which instrument sounded.

Who is speaking?

Invite the child to pronounce the sounds characteristic of different animals. Be sure to prepare pictures of animals with their kids. For example, ask them to show how a mother cat “speaks” loudly and loudly, and how a kitten speaks quietly and thinly. Then a dog and a puppy, a cow and a calf, and so on.

Repeat after me

This game is played according to the following principle: mom or dad taps out some elementary rhythm, and the baby must repeat. Then the sounds become more complex. When the child masters the game, invite him to create sounds, and you will repeat. Both fun and useful.

These games will not immediately give a positive result. The child in the process of games will develop memory and thinking, which will serve as an excellent basis for the development of phonemic hearing.

Finger games for the development of speech in children 2-3 years old

Finger games are wonderful and easy hands that contribute to the development of speech in children. Dedicate finger games for 10-15 minutes a day, but no more. Also, do not try to learn all the games at once, 2-3 games will be enough to start, after you can change the games to new ones.

How can finger games help a child speak? Very simple. The essence of the games is that the parent tells poems in the course of classes, where the same words are often repeated. Thus, the child perceives the words of the mother by ear and understands what is at stake. And then he tries to repeat the sounds.

You can start to engage with a child with the most elementary finger games such as "magpie-white-sided" or "there is a horned goat." Offer the baby another such game: take the baby’s pen, and, bending his fingers, pronounce the names of relatives. For example, this finger is dad, this finger is mom, etc.

Fingers up game

Bend the baby's fingers, and then with your thumb "wake up" everyone else. With an exclamation of "Hurrah!" open the cam completely, as if all the fingers woke up.

Children learn the world through touch. You can arrange a whole finger theater, knit or sew interesting animals for a more interesting and colorful game.

Articulation gymnastics for the development of speech in young children

By developing your baby’s speech from an early age, you will help your baby express his thoughts and desires faster through words. The main goal of articulation gymnastics is to give the child a certain skill for the competent pronunciation of sounds. By training the speech apparatus, you help your child learn words correctly.

  • Do the exercises regularly, because any skill needs to be consolidated gradually.
  • Do not offer your baby more than 2-3 exercises at once.
  • Each session should be 5-10 minutes long.
  • Be sure to reinforce the completed exercises several times.
  • Do gymnastics in game form, since the baby will not be interested in performing static, monotonous movements.

At the age of 2, children do not have a pronounced speech problem, but for the sake of prevention, simple entertaining exercises should be performed.

Articulation gymnastics:

  1. "Opening and closing gates" . Invite your child to open their mouth and hold this position for a few seconds.
  2. "Show me the fence." When you offer the crumbs to show the "fence", he should close his teeth and smile broadly.
  3. "Brush-brush your teeth" . Together with the baby, open your mouth wide and run your tongue along the inside and outside of the teeth.
  4. "Painter". This exercise is more difficult. Offer the baby with a tongue how to draw any elements in the sky. And then, like a painter, you can completely paint over the entire sky.

Be sure to practice together. These exercises develop the mobility of organs speech apparatus. Articulatory gymnastics is the key to beautiful and correct sound pronunciation in children at an early age.

Advice from specialists on the development of speech in children under 3 years old

Parents often panic when their child does not want to start talking. Regarding difficult speech, an authoritative pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky says the following:

“Difficulty in speech can be caused by the fact that adults do not actively communicate with the child. But when the kid goes to kindergarten, he will catch up, as children quickly try to adapt to society, purely instinctively. But there is a high probability that he will have problems with pronunciation, so it is better to deal with the child from an early age.

R. Levykin, psychologist:

For the development of speech is useful:

  1. Talk to your child as much as possible and encourage him to speak as much as possible. Ask him questions. Ask for his opinion. Comment on your actions.
  2. Develop horizons. Walk more: gardens, playgrounds, parks, museums, zoos, walks in the forest, etc.
  3. Develop motor skills of hands: plasticine, paints, crafts from natural materials, constructors.

From the book by I. A. Ermakova “Talk to me, mom! Educational activities for kids» :

Speech therapy massage of the facial muscles helps with the correct development of speech. A light massage of the cheeks, forehead, lips helps to regulate blood circulation, improves muscle elasticity and serves effective way prevention of speech disorders. Light circular movements should be performed with the fingertips of both hands so that wrinkles do not form on the skin. Massage should be done slowly and smoothly for 2-5 minutes 2 times a day. Course duration - 10-15 sessions. Before starting the massage, you need to cut your long nails, wash and warm your hands thoroughly, lubricate your fingertips with nourishing or baby cream.

  1. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  2. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the earlobes.
  3. Perform light circular strokes under the eyes from the nose to the temples.
  4. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the neck.
  5. Perform light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips.
  6. Perform light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the lobes of the ears.
  7. Perform light circular movements along the contour, first of the upper, and then of the lower lip - from the corners to the middle.
  8. Perform light tapping on the lips with your fingertips.
  9. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the upper lip to the chin.

Yu.S. Kosmina, speech therapist of the highest category:

In a family, a child needs to create such conditions so that he feels satisfaction from communicating with adults, receives not only new knowledge from them, but also enriches his vocabulary, learns to build sentences correctly, pronounce sounds clearly, and tell interesting stories.

By expanding the circle of the child's ideas about the surrounding objects and phenomena, talking with him on various everyday topics that are close and accessible to the understanding of the baby, parents will thereby not only expand his horizons, but also contribute to mastering the correct speech.

Speech therapist-defectologist Anna Makovei about methods for developing speech in twins:

Twins are a different matter. They have each other and that says it all. A special language, complete mutual understanding and lack of incentive to master the common language. The most humane of all the tried-and-tested means (here is the separation / delivery to grandmothers and the division of responsibilities for raising everyone between dad and mom) seems to me to be the introduction of children into a group of peers. There, kids realize the need to master speech and learn to voice their needs (which in kindergarten vital).

Individual communication with parents also helps to "talk" these children. Here is your imagination and resourcefulness. One with dad goes to the store for ... (something very necessary !!! You can’t do it alone!), The second stays with mom .... boil a kettle, wash dishes, etc.

Do not worry if the child did not start talking at the age of 1.5-2.5 years. It is worth fearing if a child at the age of 3 does not want to utter a single sound. This is an occasion to contact a specialist who will help find the answer to the question of whether.

Teach your children, develop their speech, thinking, memory, because a lot depends on the parents. And with this set modern techniques, books, educational games, you can decorate the everyday life of not only the baby, but also your own.

Time goes by, your baby grows by leaps and bounds. He is already in his second year. You never cease to be surprised: everyone, well, literally understands everything. But to speak ... It seems to you that he does not say much enough ... That's right. Understanding of reversed speech, that is, what others say to the child, improves markedly in the second year. Now you can be sure: your baby understands what is called, knows how different actions are indicated. After all, the ability to know the world around him has greatly increased. The baby is already doing many actions quite meaningfully. For example, when changing clothes, he takes the right position, tries to help you. Try to develop this wonderful desire, because in the future it will be useful to you and the child.

Meanwhile, one often hears complaints from mothers like: “I don’t know what to do, it climbs everywhere, tries to grab everything!” The child develops with might and main a wonderful quality - curiosity. He has already said goodbye to the place of "permanent habitation", that is, a crib, an arena, now the whole world around him is at his service. Of course, adult anxieties are natural. And now a formidable “do not touch”, a categorical “do not interfere”, an angry “do not take it”, an intimidating “whom did you tell”, indignant “do you not understand the Russian language” ... He understands, caring mothers and worried grandmothers. The fact of the matter is that he understands, so try not to pull the baby up every minute, but encourage his research.

Of course, you should not forget about safety, just keep such little things as knives, scissors, needles out of your eyes for a while. It is better to hide medicines, household chemicals more securely, remove dishes and glass from prominent (and easily reached by a small prospector) places.

A mother with a one and a half year old girl once came to a speech therapy appointment. Mom was worried about the lack of speech in the child and is full of disturbing thoughts about the development of her daughter. In the first ten minutes of the conversation, she made to the child, according to the approximate estimates of the speech therapist, about thirty restrictive-pulling remarks, although the baby did not take any actions requiring this. She simply could not sit up straight all the time, with her hands folded in her lap, and also turned her head several times. In order to attract her attention, and in addition, at least for a while to free her from unsleeping control, the speech therapist had to retire with the child under the table, where, finally, they managed to talk ...

Be careful if coins, rings, badges are scattered around the house. The author of these lines has witnessed several dramatic stories that happened to kids who swallowed an engagement ring, some a nickel (in the years of stagnation it was a voluminous coin). Only the highest skill of an ENT doctor made it possible to remove foreign objects without surgery ... But we are sure that nothing like this will happen to your baby, because you know how to look after a child and do not limit his craving for new knowledge.

The kid himself is already moving quite confidently and is trying to drag, push and move various objects. Sometimes he even tries to kick the ball, opening up a wide field of activity for dads.

An active child actively speaks. Here you are, parents, grandparents, and cards in hand, because you are an example to follow. The child will first of all imitate your sounds, gestures and words. He loves this process. Do not be surprised if it is one word (syllable, sound) to denote several objects between which there is something in common. For example, a boy of one year and two months old called water, tea, and rain briefly and clearly: "duff." He was very fond of swimming and used the rather difficult word “shower” for his age and abilities to refer to almost everything that flows.
Despite the naturalness of such phenomena, remember: your task is to accompany with words, if possible, all your actions performed in the field of view of the child, and also to stimulate the child's speech. After all, you want your active baby to speak actively.

When does a baby say a word on its own? First of all, when something makes an impression on him, conducive to remembering. For example, a certain situation, circumstances in which the child rejoices, suddenly sees some familiar thing, recognizes a bright, beautiful picture, an animal. After hearing the word spoken by the baby, ask him the question: “What did you see?” or “Who did you recognize?” It may very well be that the word you long to hear will be immediately repeated. But if not, do not pester and do not torture the child. Everything will come. Do not be embarrassed that the word does not sound very clear, there is not enough of any sound or syllable. This is within the capabilities of the child. He not only repeats, but also invents, “tastes” new sounds and combinations of sounds. Get ready for your child to invent completely new and sometimes completely cryptic words.

One girl, for example, began to use the formidable word “diba”, which was incomprehensible to her family and friends, to clarify the true, specific meaning of which was not possible either then or many, many years later, when the girl grew up and began to teach other children, as well as their parents, to speak. . The mysterious “diba” even remained in nursery rhymes as a symbol of something, if not terrible, then at least dangerous:

Diba, diba, diba - me
Diba Anechka diya!

Which, apparently, meant the description of how the "diba" took Anechka. Anechka was just in her second year at the time of the appearance of "diba". The mystery of "diba" has not been revealed to this day ...

How should one treat such verbal neoplasms? Naturally. Do not try to fix, but do not prevent the appearance. And, of course, in no case do not lisp, artificially distorting your speech to sound like baby talk. Children perfectly feel any falseness, including speech and will not try to respond to aunty-uncle's "Masyu-syu" ...

It is great if you create an environment for the child in which he has the opportunity to choose something and confirm his choice with a word. Lay out a few toys in front of him and offer to take one, naming it. It is not necessary to demonstrate abundance at the same time, there should be no more than 4-5 toys. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the baby to concentrate, and even more so to associate the subject with the word that denotes it.

By the age of one and three or four months, expect the child to start doing not very difficult assignments. Make sure they are not multi-layered.

Assessing the pace of development of a child's speech, one should not rely on other people's achievements. Yes, by the year it would be good for a baby to pronounce about 10 words. It says so in books and textbooks. But Petya has 15 words, and Nastya has 7. All people are different, no matter how trite it sounds. And the children too. Do not rush to draw conclusions. By the way, the speed with which the child masters the word, and speech in general, depends on you, dear adults, on how you behave with the baby, how much time you spend communicating with the child.

Talk to your child not “top down”, but on the same level. What does it mean? Imagine this picture: in a large room, on a carpet, surrounded by toys, a baby of one and a half years old is busy. Mom sits on the couch and looks, and, of course, says something to the baby. He raises his head and somehow reacts.

Mother! Slide down onto the carpet, please! Play and talk to your child at their level! Crawl on all fours, sit on the carpet, lie on your side. You will be on the same level as the little man. You will look into his eyes and play at the level of his hands. You don't have to sit on the carpet all the time. This, of course, is somewhat inconvenient for an adult. Much better on the couch. But spend some time on the carpet. The result, which is obtained from the "carpet" work, always redeems the inconvenience. It is in the game at equal levels that you can achieve speech accompaniment, and at the same time become a friend of a person of small stature and age ...

The actions that the child does with the toy precede the appearance and assimilation of words. The kid does not just examine the toy, not only holds it tightly, he manipulates it. The more actions he does, the more talkative he will be. The game itself is also getting richer.

Are you interested? If you play with a dreary look and look at your watch, do not flatter yourself - porridge will not work out of an ax. It is necessary to add the joy of communication, sincere interest and love. Let me repeat once again: there is never too much love...

You have picked up a toy. Let it be . Let's say a teddy bear, but it's better not to be green. Better brown. Brown is still much more common than green. Show the bear to the baby, demonstrate how the bear "walks", "sleeps", "dances". Let the baby turn to the bear, call him (and you tell me how to call). And give me the toy. The child will have the opportunity to act, to pronounce sounds, words, appeals, and you actively respond, react, respond.

Children love it when you voice objects and toys for them. In the second year, intonation is already accessible to some extent to the kids and they perfectly understand that the wolf speaks in a rough voice, and the hare in a thin voice. Moreover, the kids are trying to repeat it.

Do not rush to throw away the “Magic Bag” that you created earlier, it will still come in handy. Now you can not only show and find a toy, but also give certain information about it: where the bear lives, what he eats, what his habits are. The kid can already be offered a couple of toys for comparison, for example, two bears of different sizes.

It’s great if you, having called on the help of a dormant acting talent, try to portray, imagine some kind of toy or animal. I remember one young grandmother who remarkably knew how to imitate many sounds, among them absolutely fantastic, in particular, the group lowing of cows and the roar of falling stones, which she taught her grandson with passion and succeeded in this so much that a two-year-old child preferred sounds to words ... In fairness, we note that after talking with a speech therapist, all the forces of the grandmother were thrown into the development of speech, which was also crowned with success.

In the second year of life, babies really like to look for toys you have hidden. Of course, you call them to the child. Just hide the toys not particularly cleverly, because the actions of the baby must certainly end in victory, that is, a positive result. With pleasure, the guys fulfill requests to submit, show something, although sometimes, seeing how hard the baby drags a hefty toy hare, you can hardly resist the desire to jump up and carry the burden yourself.

So, in the second year of life, the vocabulary, or the number of words used by the baby, increases three or even four times. How does it happen? Very simple: we use every opportunity to learn and memorize new words. For example, let's go for a walk. There are so many interesting things around that attract the attention of the baby. Let's see where your child is looking. And he noticed, what do you think? Of course, first of all, what moves. This is a bus, a man, a car… State, state: “Look, Nadya, the car is moving. Here she stopped. Went again. Where are the wheels on the car? The car is gone." You did it? Bravo. You have taught a good lesson.

The objects observed by the baby are very well remembered. Try to check this before the next walk: "Now let's go for a walk and see the car again (stroke the cat, feed the birds)." Be attentive to the response of the child, to his impressions. Be sure to show your child the voices of animals and birds, try to have him repeat after you and try to answer you: “Here is a cat. Do you know how he screams? Meow! How does a cat scream? Good luck if some sound caught the attention of the baby in front of your eyes, for example, a dog barking: “Did you hear? Who is it? This is a dog. How does she scream? Av-av. Who is shouting aw-aw?" Do not rush the child, wait for his answer calmly and kindly.

However, after all, non-moving objects are somehow indicated. Especially if they are around us. This, of course, is first and foremost a home. Be sure to comment on movements around the house, not forgetting to repeat the names of objects several times: “Where do we live? Houses. Here is the door. Now we will open it and go to the kitchen. What do you see in the kitchen? This is a stove. Mom cooks food on it, etc.” Do not forget to "throw" the child questions. Psychologists have noticed that questions stimulate mental activity.

If at all little child you asked questions to get his attention, now it's time to seek a proactive response. Therefore, from now on, for wide use, you have not only “Where?”, but also “Who is this?”, “What is this?”. They asked a question - do not forget to pull out a sample, a word denoting an object or action.

Most of all in the speech of the child, of course, nouns. This is understandable, because you and your baby most actively mastered the names of everything that directly surrounds the child, that is, toys, dishes, body parts. To replenish the child's speech with new words, you can use pictures. It is better if you prepare natural, colorfully designed, recognizable pictures. Try to avoid surrealism or art nouveau painting as it can bring unexpected associations...

There are no special techniques for working with a picture. You show a picture (at first, only one) and ask the child: “Come on, Alya, look, here is a frog. The frog croaks: qua-qua. Show me the frog." If things don't go well at first, take the child's hand and point it at the frog. Just answering and performing is not interesting, so hide the picture. Sometimes you even have to be a frog, jump together, croak. When the baby copes, you can give him a second picture, well, and then both together. But don't overdo it. Increase them gradually. You don't need to show more than 7-8 pictures at the same time, because the baby's capabilities are still limited, and you can't overload his attention. Pictures on which objects are drawn are called subject pictures, and start with them. Then it will be possible to prepare pictures where familiar objects (or living objects) act.

This is how you will help your child learn not only the names of objects, but also actions, because the baby is already starting to use verbs. The picture is very convenient, because when using it, we can enter a lot of new words, not only the names of objects, but also designations of size, shape, color, state: “Look, here is a big hedgehog, but here is a small one. show me little hedgehog. What kind of hedgehog is this?”, “You see, the dog is eating. What is this dog doing? This dog is sleeping. Show me where the dog sleeps. What is she doing?"

From the age of one and a half, to the delight of parents, the child begins to use the offers. True, they are still small, just two words: "Mom, boom-boom." After 3-4 months, the number of words in a sentence can grow to four.

These, of course, are not at all those beautiful, well-formed phrases with which a child will please his parents in three years, it’s too early to think about prepositions and alliances, but this is of high quality new stage in the development of children's speech, very important achievement. Now you can read books more actively.

I would like to immediately warn parents: Be careful when buying literature for children. There are many wonderful books on which more than one generation has grown up. Their content will never become outdated, because, firstly, they are written by talented people who know the psychology of babies, and, secondly, they are written with love. Try to match the book to the age of the child, that is, so that the baby understands the content. Illustrations are also very important. A one and a half year old child is already trying to turn the pages, which is great, especially if he is also looking at pictures.

It is necessary to read it, but without turning it into serving a duty. Read when you and baby can relax when you are in good mood(make it happen as often as possible), read expressively and take your time. Try to invite the child to choose a book himself (he can focus on familiar or interesting pictures).

At first, five minutes is enough for reading, well, then act according to the circumstances. No need to force the child to sit next to you. There is nothing wrong with him refusing to listen to you. Seize the moment when the baby is busy with toys, sit next to him and read without trying to attract. It is great if, in the course of reading, the child finishes the last sound, syllable, word. This may be a babble version or something like "meow" in the wonderful story of V. Suteev "Who said" meow "".

Children are happy to voice "Confusion" by K. Chukovsky. Try asking the child to impersonate one of the characters in the story or rhyme as they read, or to demonstrate the actions of the character, and then name who it was, what they did.

- How do our chickens squeak?
- Peak-peak-peak! Peak-peak-peak.
How do they play hide and seek?
- Jump-jump-jump! Jump-jump-jump.

How do they walk through puddles?
- Plop-plop-plop! Plop-plop-plop.
How do they sunbathe in the sun?
– Uh-uh-uh! Uh-uh-uh.

- How will they fight for grain?
- Give it, give it, give it! Give, give, give.
How are they afraid of the eagle?
- Ah ah ah! Ah ah ah.

- How do they pull a worm?
- Well, well, well! Well, well, well.
- How will they jump from the threshold?
- Brick-brick-brick! Break-break-break.

This is how our chickens squeal:
- Peak-peak-peak! Peak-peak-peak.
So everyone flaps their wings:
- Fuk-fuk-fuk! Fuk-fuk-fuk.
(L. Stancheva)

In no case do not interfere with the use of gestures, with their help it is easier for the baby to express his thoughts and feelings.

Speech develops best in activity., so do not forget about the practical skills of the baby. Showing how and what to do, and there are a lot of things to do: collect prefabricated toys, build and design, sort, etc., you talk about the procedure.

The development of speech in a child goes in several directions: working out articulation, expanding the active vocabulary, developing coherent speech - all this forms speech thinking.


Articulation exercises help the child to consolidate sounds. Show him how to do the exercise correctly. Remember that they should be done in front of a mirror. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and exercise time.

Open your mouth, lick your upper lip, first from right to left, and then vice versa. It is important that the lower lip does not help the tongue and does not “plant” it.

Opening your mouth wide and smiling, put the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth (on the inside), and then lift it up behind your upper teeth (on the inside).

Slap with relaxed lips, like a fish.

Open your mouth and click with the tip of your tongue (“the horse clatters its hooves”).

Stick out a wide tongue and put it on the lower lip. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out the tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth and stick out a sharp tongue as far as possible. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out your tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth wide, stick out a wide tongue. Lift it up without touching your teeth. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out your tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth and smile. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips clockwise and counterclockwise. Perform the exercise 5 times.

With your mouth open, use the tip of your tongue to move left and right, touching the corners of your lips.

Let the child imagine that he has a chewy candy in his mouth, which suddenly stuck to his upper teeth. Invite the baby to separate it with his tongue (make movements with his tongue along the inside of the teeth). Do the same with the lower teeth.
It is important in this game to draw the child's attention to the movements of the tongue.

"Clean Teeth"
Smile, show teeth. Run the tip of your tongue along the upper teeth from the inside, then do the same with the lower teeth. The tongue should slide over the inside of the teeth from left to right. Perform the exercise 5 times.


Invite the child to hold an imaginary dandelion in his hand. On a count of 1 to 5, inhale with your nose without raising your shoulders, and then blow on the dandelion so that it shatters.

Ask your child to go up to the wall and imagine that there is a door in front of him, and an electric bell button is next to him. Let the baby take a breath through his nose and, holding his breath for a second, press his finger on the “bell”, while saying “r-r-r”. Then invite the child to do the same in turn with each finger of the left and right hand.

Hold a lit candle in front of your child. Let the baby take a deep breath through his nose and blow out the candle sharply. Repeat the game several times.

Invite the child to become a sorcerer for a while. Say in one breath, for example, such a “spell”: “Mmm-memm-mamm-momm-mumm-mymm!” Watch your child's articulation.

Take the baby by the hands, thus forming a circle. Without separating your hands, inhale through your nose and take 2 small steps back. So the balloon is inflated. Now you must “let the air out of it” while saying “ssss…” and taking 1 step forward. So the ball gets smaller. Release a little more air from the balloon, saying “ssss ...” at the same time and taking another 1 step forward. The ball is getting smaller. Repeat the game several times.

Let the child spread his legs a little wider than his shoulders, turn his socks to the sides as much as possible and, bending his knees and crouching as low as possible, rest his palms on the floor. Ask him how the frog croaks (“qua-qua”). Ask the kid to show how the frog jumps. Invite him to jump and croak at the same time.


You can start training your baby's fingers from 6 months, because this stimulates the child's speech development. At this age, finger games are a small massage of the hands and fingers of the baby. Children 2-3 years old can memorize the accompanying text of the games and repeat it with you.

The boat is sailing on the river
Rings smoke from the chimney.
(Join your palms together, raising your thumbs up - “steamer”, move your palms in different directions: forward, sideways, back - “lays the course.”)

Has a cat on its paws
Very sharp scratches.
(Squeeze into fists and unclench the fingers of both hands at once.)

Finger to fingers said
That went to the station.
To meet the rest
To have ten of them.
(Alternately touch the rest of the fingers with your thumb, starting with the little finger. Perform the exercise 2 times, first on right hand and then on the left.)

Teremok in the meadow,
(Connect the palms of the "house".)
The door is locked,
(Close your fingers into the "lock".)
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
(Close your fingers into rings.)
Around the tower there is a fence,
(Keep your hands in front of you, spread your fingers.)
To prevent a thief from getting in.
(Click fingers.)
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock
(Punch on the palm of your hand.)
Open up, I'm your friend!
(Spread your arms to the sides, then grab the other with one palm.)

First finger in clay big knocks with index)
The second in plasticine ( large with medium)
Third in chocolate ( large with nameless)
Fourth in marmalade ( big with little finger)
Sticky fingers!!! ( put all the fingers in a pinch)
Unglued!!! ( open your palm wide)
Cat on the palm

Take the baby's hand and sentence, leading your index finger on the palm
On the palm of your hand along the path,
A small cat is walking.
In small paws
Hid the scratches.
If you suddenly want
Sharpens claws.
Tsap-scratch ( tickle your hand)


Owl, owl,
Big head.
I sat on a stake
looked at the moon,
Her eyes glittered.
Eyes clap-clap,
Top-top paws.
And - flew!

The birds sat on the meadow
And the kittens are in the corner.
sat down, sat down
The songs were sung.
Mother cat came running
She began to call the children home.
The birds sang a song
They flew away to the kids.

Our hands were in soap,
Mom and I washed dishes.
We washed the dishes
They helped our mother.

Like our cat
The coat is very good.
Like a cat mustache
Amazing beauty.
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

We will buy boots for our son.
Let's put on the legs
Let's go down the road.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat.
Legs top-top,
Eyes clap-clap
"Who does not eat porridge,
Who does not drink milk
I gore him
I gore, I gore!”

Taken from


Exercise "Hippo". Open your mouth as wide as possible. We close our mouth.

Exercise "Kiss Mom". We stretch the lips with a tube.

Exercise "Show your teeth". We stretch our lips into a smile.

Exercise "Walk". Movement of the tongue back and forth, right and left.

Exercise "Puff out your cheeks". We alternately inflate and retract the cheeks - “Cheeks are thick-thin”

Exercise "Tongue walks"

The tongue went for a walk. (Wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.)

He hid in the house again. (Tongue behind lower teeth.)

Sound [ BUT ]

Exercise "Chicks". The baby opens his mouth wide (silently). An adult puts a vitamin on the tip of his tongue. The child says: "Am"

The chicks want to eat

They are waiting for mom, but they don’t make noise,

Mom is carrying a grain!

Open wide your mouth!

Sound [AND]

Exercise "Smile". We smile (without tension), show the upper and lower teeth.

Lips smiled, teeth appeared.

Lips smiled, reaching for the ears.

Sound [O]

Exercise "Ball". balls are used different size. We place the ball between the lips, round the lips and push forward:

Take the ball with sponges

"Oh-oh-oh" pull softly.

Sound [E]

Exercise "Bear". A toy bear is used. An adult and a child get on all fours. This posture helps to bring the tongue into the anterior parts of the mouth, relieve tension in the region of the root of the tongue. The position of the semi-open lips in the form of an oval.

“Uh-uh,” you sing like a bear,

Mouth open wide.

Sound [U]

Exercise "Elephant". The child, together with the adult, repeats the exercise “Kiss Mom” and says “Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooinginginginginginging.

I look at the elephant

I'll fold my lips.

Sound [F]

Exercise "Bunny". The lower lip touches the upper teeth, the upper one is slightly raised. We draw the attention of the child to the fact that in the “fence” between the lip and the teeth there remains a narrow gap, in the middle of which an air stream passes. To feel it, tactile control is used - the palm of an adult and a baby is brought to the child's mouth.

Ears - on top,

And the teeth are on the sponge:


Sound [AT]

Exercise "Wind". Performed similarly to the exercise "Bunny" using voice.

A strong wind blew

Press the hand to the neck,

Sound [P]

Exercise "Fish" The child silently opens, and then closes his lips tightly, tightly, but without tension:

The fish opens its mouth

Yes, you can not hear what he sings.

Get air in your nose

"P" break through the lips!

Sound [B]

Exercise "Voice" . It is performed similarly to the "Fish" exercise using voice. If the voicing of the sound[ P ] it is difficult, it is necessary to connect tactile control by placing the child’s hand on the adult’s larynx so that he feels his throat trembling (“house” of the voice).

B is easy to pronounce

Exercise "Lullaby"

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I give my doll!

Sound [T]

An exercise "Tongue".(We knock with the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.)

Who knocks like that - knock, knock?

Tongue, our faithful friend.

Sound [D]

Exercise "Building a house" The child strikes lightly with the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, as in the Tongue exercise, but does it with a voice. To feel the work of the voice, we use tactile control - we apply the back of the hand to the throat.

We want to build a house.

Let's give the tongues a job.

We'll take the hammers

Together we will kill carnations.

"D" is easy to pronounce,

Sound [M]

Exercise "Cow". pronounce a sound[ M ], using tactile control. The adult says: "M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m", while the back of the child's hand is brought to the adult's lips - the child should feel the trembling of the lips, then check it for yourself.

“Moo-mu-mu,” the cow mooed.

I gore Tanya and Vova.

Sound [X]

An exercise "Warm breeze"We exhale warm air in the palm of our hand, while pronouncing the sound [X]. Andcwe use tactile control - the child with the back of his hand should feel a warm exhaled jet, first from an adult, then from himself.

Exhale warm air

Warm up your hands!

Sound [FROM]

An exercise "The tongue is resting."Smiling, the child opens his mouth and brings the wide tip of the tongue to the lower lip, the lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

Our tongue is on fire.

Lying down, resting calmly

And softly sings: "I-i-i".

Exercise "Pump". We draw the child's attention to the fact that the whistle of air coming out of the "pump" resembles the sound [C]. The baby should feel a cold stream of air using the back of the hand.

Taken from

The development of a baby’s speech at home at a very young age is not just learning the language, but the very formation of the communication process. Do not leave the child alone with this difficult task, help him in the development of this skill.

How to start speech development at home

First of all, parents should clearly understand how the development of their child's conversational skills is developing. It is necessary to understand how the development of the baby's speech is going on in comparison with accepted standards and in relation to his other peers. Do not write off the lack of speech in a child for some "features" of it. This can complicate all its further development.

Attention of parents - happy baby at home!

See how your baby talks in comparison to his peers. Highlight the time frame when the first cooing appeared, babbling, when the baby began to try to pronounce the first phrases. Form an active and passive vocabulary of the child, what he says himself, and what he does not say, but understands. This technique will help you to thoroughly analyze the speech and understand how development is going on, if there are any gaps and the need to eliminate them.

What is the best way to develop speech in a child of 2 years

If you help the child, the development of his speech will be much faster. There are a few key points that you can really help with:

  • Create a developing environment around your child. Talk to him as much as possible, discuss all the events that take place in his presence, take part in his activities.
  • Speak in a normal language, try not to "lisp". Remember that children receive words, their pronunciation and meaning at an early stage of development only from their parents and surrounding relatives.
  • Organize some kind of speech development class, where you will explain new words to the child, correct what he says wrong, etc. All classes should be carried out in the form of a game.
  • Develop your speech understanding skills. The child should perceive well all the words that you pronounce. Expand its passive vocabulary not only with concepts, but also with definitions of state, action, etc.

Try in the early stages to give the baby only those concepts that he can personally encounter. These can be the names of colors, actions, surrounding objects, animals, etc. Dilute all your lessons with a game and the child will be happy from the attention given.