
Try not to withdraw into yourself and not be afraid of new acquaintances. Relationship problem in big city lies in the isolation of people, which gives rise to constant anxiety (a stranger is potentially dangerous for you). you moved to new apartment? Buy a delicious pie and go meet your neighbors. Surely one of them will turn out to be good-natured and make friends with you, and also tell you about other neighbors, the features of living in this house, about the nearest shops, and so on.

If it is possible to choose a place of residence, pay attention to quiet and green neighborhoods. Although they are located further from the city center, you can appreciate the peace and quiet after a hard day's work.

Get out for walks more often out of town. Do not sit at home in front of the TV on weekends. Try to plan your vacation so that it is active, healthy, opens up the possibility of communication and new acquaintances. A good rest will positively set you up for the work week. If the weather is bad outside - it does not matter. Read the poster of upcoming events and be sure to visit one of them. Go to a new movie premiere, see an exhibition at a museum, or visit a book fair.

Do good deeds. It could be helping an old woman who lives next door to you. Or joining a volunteer organization. Such activities are useful for the spiritual state, they do not allow you to become embittered.

Know how to relax after a day at work. The TV must be here. last place. Choose a more pleasant and useful way for yourself. Take a walk after work, read interesting book, go to visit friends, or sign up for some club of interest, where its members regularly arrange joint recreation or classes. If you are tired of the company of people and want to be alone, organize a bath with fragrant oil and candles, turn on relaxing music and sit comfortably under a warm blanket.

Pay due attention healthy lifestyle life. Eat right, arrange morning jogging, temper. Give up bad habits, do not relieve stress with a cigarette or a glass of wine. This can become a habit and cause serious harm to your health. Try to live in with your body and soul, and all the troubles and stresses will bypass.

Getting lost in one of the cities of your country is not so scary. You can ask any passer-by not only about where you are, but also how you can get to the right place. It is much worse to be lost in a foreign country without owning foreign language.

How not to get lost in the big city

If, on duty or for tourist purposes, you find yourself in an unfamiliar big city, then take all measures in order not to get lost. Write down the address of your temporary residence, upon arrival, buy a city map or download its electronic counterpart on the Internet. When moving around the city, determine in advance your route, including the main streets. Pay attention to street names, focus on major shopping centers, Unusual Architectural Buildings Or Monuments. For safety reasons, do not walk at night. Do not use the services of private motorists, call a taxi through official companies.

In an unfamiliar city of a foreign state, it is much more difficult to navigate both by and by street names. Complex combinations of sounds and unfamiliar words are harder to remember and easier to confuse. The address of the place of residence must be written in several languages: local, one of the international and in Russian transcription for correct pronunciation. You should take copies of documents with you, as well as find out in advance the addresses and phone numbers of the embassy or consulate. An electronic translator or a similar program on a tablet or phone will also come in handy. Be sure to check the charge of your electronic device before going out into the city.

What to do if you are already lost

Try to go to one of the main streets, a square or any crowded place. You should not ask the way of a lone traveler in a half-empty alley. You can go to any office building, shop or bank and ask for help from the staff. if you have mobile phone, the number of the official taxi service and money, then the best solution would be to return to the hotel by taxi.

Do not travel alone in the cities of developing or Muslim countries. You should hire an escort or not deviate from tourist routes. Even in the European capital there are a couple of "dark places" and disadvantaged areas.

As soon as you realize that you are lost, stop and pick up a map. The first thing to do is determine your location. Go to the nearest building to find out the address. Walk a few houses ahead and look at the address again. If the name of the street has not changed, then by numbering the buildings you will be able to understand exactly which direction you are going. Having orientated in which part of the city you are, it will be easier for you to understand how far your hotel is, whether it is worth looking for transport or you can walk.

Elvira Valiullina

Brand manager of the hybrid space "Table".

For some, life in a metropolis is a luxury that cannot always be afforded. Maintaining a car, renting a house, groceries and things is what hits the wallet of the townspeople the most. We have put together a few life hacks that can make life in a big city a little cheaper and easier.

1. Car sharing

Car sharing is a one-minute car rental service that saves you from maintenance, gas stations and parking fees. On average, a minute of a trip by a rented car in Russia costs 8 rubles. In Moscow, there are several services with a large fleet and with different prices. The main thing is not to break the rules, check the car before the trip and not get into an accident.

Car sharing services are offered by Delimobil, which, among other things, allows you to earn miles for every 30 rubles spent, and also gives 400 rubles for a friend you bring. YouDrive service provides 20 free minutes after booking a car. Night parking will be free, during the day you will have to pay 2.5 rubles per minute for it.

2. Coworking

Coworking is a single space consisting of companies with different fields of activity. IT specialists and preachers can get along on the same platform healthy eating, for which restaurants, recreation areas and even parks immediately work. Ideal not only for, but also for employers who want to rent an office for a team and not think about everyday problems.

Renting an office for a small company in the center of Moscow will cost at least 35-40 thousand rubles a month. And this is not counting many hours of conversations with the landlord and the fire inspectorate, as well as going to other authorities. Renting an office in a coworking space will cost 20 thousand rubles a month. Pay and forget.

By the way, co-working spaces can be both specialized, for example, for architects and designers (“Laba”), and for anyone who aspires to a new format of work (“ Table”).

3. Coliving

Tired of living alone? Do you have large utility bills or unpleasant neighbors on the site? The problem can be solved by co-living - a kind of space for people united by a common idea, views, field of activity. This option is also suitable for workaholics who are sorely lacking time for cleaning. For example, cleaning, bath accessories, towels in the Ollie coliving are already included in the price.

Renting a room in Colivium coliving will cost 49-50 thousand rubles per month. The range of prices for renting a room in an ordinary Moscow apartment is from 20 to 60 thousand. But in this case, you are not immune from Soviet repairs or loud neighbors. You will spend either the same amount or a little more on coliving, but you will save time, each hour of which will pay you back the difference in price and save your nerves.

4. Renting household items

You decide to hang a new painting on the wall, but you don't have a drill. Don't worry, you don't have to buy a new one. On special services you can rent a drill, hammer, stepladder and other things necessary in everyday life. Or you can ask your neighbors, but not everyone is sympathetic to requests.

The Arendorium service allows you to rent any items for a variety of events: weddings, travel, parties. And with the help of the Rentmania community, you can rent children's goods (car seats, strollers, bicycles, baby monitors), household appliances, clothes, shoes, sports equipment.

5. Wi-Fi hotspots for sharing

An option for those who cannot imagine life without the Internet. The Fon community has the data to connect to 21 million Wi-Fi hotspots, including airports and public transportation.

You can not only post photos on social networks, but also forget about expensive mobile internet. Just make sure that the coverage area of ​​the service includes the places of your stay.

6. Clothes for rent

Graduation, wedding, trip or Burning Man happen only once in a lifetime. But the eternal question always arises: “What to wear?” If shopping seems like flour, but you don’t want to spend money on a good thing to wear it once, rented clothes will save you.

It will help you find it Moussa Project- a service for renting rare items: trousers, skirts, dresses, accessories brought by the creators of the project from New York, Paris and London. Rent can cost both a thousand and 12 thousand rubles. You can take things for three days. And if you like something, then it’s real to redeem.

7. Pool shopping

Quite often, it's easier to buy groceries with neighbors if you don't live alone. The benefit is obvious: you don’t pay the full price for it, but only half or a third.

The Turnip service allows you to make purchases for the whole family. You can buy clothes, food, art supplies, kitchen utensils. For several families, you can purchase on the website “BB. Joint purchases ". Here you can choose goods for home and garden, as well as cosmetics and things intended for personal hygiene.

On the Russian market, Mail.Ru Group has taken up collective purchases: the Cheaper Together app, which is coming out this year, makes it possible to receive a discount if another buyer is found for the product.

8. Search for performers to solve various problems

Need to walk the dog, hammer a nail into the wall, go grocery shopping? Services where you ask for services and set a price for them yourself will help. Set a task, and a specialist will be found by himself. Maybe someone will need your skills, thanks to which it will be possible to acquire an additional source of income.

Thanks to the services, you can find builders, lawyers, designers, web developers, tutors and more.

To save money, it is not necessary to deny yourself pleasures, buy cheap products and worry about every penny. Each of these services will help you solve everyday problems and make your life easier.

Some dream of living in a metropolis, others cannot stand the hustle and bustle of a big city and seek to leave it. But how to make the right decision and understand whether this option is right for you? To do this, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of living in a metropolis.


First, consider all the advantages of living in a metropolis:

  1. Interesting and useful contacts. Indeed, get to know interesting people and it is much easier to establish promising connections in a big city than in a small one. The metropolis attracts people, especially ambitious, educated, active and purposeful.
  2. The opportunity to get a good education and a prestigious profession. There are more higher education in the metropolis educational institutions, and the training of personnel is at the highest level, and therefore there are so many nonresident students here, each of whom dreams, after graduating from the university, to get a start in life and build a career.
  3. Living in a metropolis disciplines. You have to get up early every day to be in time for work, take care of yourself to look good, keep yourself in shape to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  4. More opportunities to build a personal life and start a family. Even the most modest girl in a large city is easier to find a soul mate, because many male residents of megacities are not shy. The representatives of the stronger sex also have many more options. This advantage has several explanations. First, there are more public places where dating usually takes place in large and developed regions. Secondly, residents inevitably contact and interact with each other. Thirdly, you can register on a dating site and meet with a virtual interlocutor.
  5. Developed infrastructure. In a large city in every district there are schools and kindergartens, clinics and hospitals, large shops, shopping centers and other institutions necessary for people to live a full life. Residents of small towns sometimes have to go to large regional centers to receive qualified medical care, solve housing issues, and for other reasons.
  6. Various leisure options. In any metropolis there are cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants, bars, fast food chains and cafes, museums, water parks, nightclubs, theaters, zoos and much more. The entertainment industry is developed, and new establishments are constantly opening where you can have fun, interesting and even useful time.
  7. Availability of different categories of goods. Many manufacturers and suppliers focus specifically on large cities, and therefore we can safely say that it is possible to buy almost everything in them, including cutting-edge gadgets, exotic products and unusual things.
  8. Job. There are many more opportunities to build a career in the metropolis, as there are many enterprises and various institutions that need employees, including young, active and creative ones. There are much fewer vacancies in the villages.
  9. Opportunity to open a business and grow a business. If you are an enterprising and smart person, then you can become an entrepreneur.
  10. Earnings in megacities are an order of magnitude higher than in small settlements, this is a fact. Therefore, the standard of living is better, which opens up opportunities for development, improving the status and financial situation.
  11. The ability to travel. All metropolitan areas have international airports, railway and bus stations. In addition, there are embassies and travel agencies, so organizing a trip abroad from here is much easier than from the village.


Now let's look at the disadvantages of living in a big city:

  1. Bad ecology. There are many plants, factories and other enterprises in the metropolis, the emissions of which pollute environment. Some compounds get into the air and are inhaled by people, other substances get into the water and also inevitably rush into the human body. In addition, there are many more cars in large cities, the emissions of which also have a very negative impact on the environmental situation.
  2. Listing all the shortcomings, it is worth including the rhythm of life in their list. In some megacities, it is simply mad, so it will be very difficult for people accustomed to a measured existence to adapt to it. Some, unable to adapt and learn to constantly rush and keep up, eventually change their place of residence.
  3. Big competition. To get a good position, you need to make a lot of effort, because several people are likely to apply for it. It is important to be able to show your best side, highlight your positive qualities and prove your capabilities and strengths. Not everyone is ready for this.
  4. Frequent illnesses. Unfortunately, residents of megacities get sick much more often than those living in small settlements. Firstly, a frantic rhythm undermines the immune system, due to which the body's defenses weaken, and a person cannot resist the attacks of pathogenic microorganisms. Secondly, due to the congestion of people and high population density, all contagious diseases spread at a rapid pace, which often leads to epidemics. Thirdly, it is sometimes simply impossible to limit contacts with patients, because often they are in close proximity to healthy people.
  5. A modern metropolis is a huge number of people, and not everyone likes this feature. If you prefer loneliness, are a modest person, an introvert, or, moreover, a sociopath who does not know how to exist in society, then you will have a very difficult time.
  6. The next minus is important for car owners. Since many residents of large cities have personal transport and have long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation, this inevitably leads to the formation of congestion and traffic jams. Things are much worse with the traffic situation: in megacities, traffic is busier, and accidents happen more often.
  7. A huge flow of information that not everyone can handle. To keep abreast of the events taking place in the city and keep up with life, you need to use modern gadgets, regularly study the media, be an active Internet user and be able to process data, filtering out everything unnecessary and highlighting the most important.
  8. Small spaces, cramped. Megacities are quickly built up and settled, new people constantly come to them, so at some point you may get the impression of a lack of space, especially if you are used to space and freedom.
  9. People. Since many of them are constantly in a hurry, give 100% and get tired at work, they become withdrawn, irritable and indifferent, and this is sad.

Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages, so do not rush to the city if you are in doubt and are not ready for change. But new opportunities and perspectives may open before you.

In this example of a training game, definitions will be omitted (we will take them as obvious), as well as proofs and supports. Italicized concepts will be highlighted, according to which clashes of positions occur during the game). The material was provided by expert M.Potapova (St. Petersburg).

y1 performance

Criterion: full development of the personality and its implementation

Argument: in the city there are more resources than in the countryside for the full development and realization of the individual. First, cultural and educational institutions and centers. Secondly, health and medical institutions. Thirdly, a network of extensive business and personal connections.

Speech o1

Criterion: accepted, but a different path is proposed to achieve it

Opponents' argument about more resources are not consistent in three ways: firstly, they are not available to everyone, since in order to acquire some resources it is necessary to own others (money for education); secondly, the available industrial resources have to be paid for by environmental imbalance (smog) and health urban population; third, choice so large that it becomes redundant, there is not enough time, physical and psychological strength for everything (business and personal meetings).

Argument: Therefore, we argue that (argument:) there are enough resources in the village for the full development and realization of a person, but there are also more favorable conditions: 1. Psychological comfort: enough time for spiritual development, fewer reasons for stress. 2. Favorable environmental situation

U2 performance

Affirming case: Therefore, we argue that for the full development of a person there must be choice, and it is the city that is able to provide it. 1. A variety of resources allows even people with little money to choose (for example, free education or training on a grant). 2. Environmental problems have swept not only the city, but also the village, but there are more opportunities for improving one's body, its treatment and physical improvement in the city. 3. A person himself can determine how to manage resources, correctly distributing his time.

Rebuttal of the counterargument: It is not clear what is the criterion for determining the sufficiency of the conditions. A person turns out to be initially limited in choice (for example, doing agricultural work instead of realizing oneself in the scientific field, which can lead to stress and loss of the meaning of life). 1. Availability of free time does not in itself determine how it will be spent. 2. There is no escape from the global ecological crisis even in the countryside, and there are more opportunities for treatment in the city.

O2 performance

The number of possibilities does not yet determine their number. The city has conditions for both development and degradation of man. 1. With a greater variety of resources, negative (or harmful) resources are more readily available (child prostitution instead of going to school). 2. The problems that medicine has to deal with in the city are associated with the environmental situation and with stressful situations every minute. choice, which are inevitable in the urban rhythm of life, when there is not enough time to think about what you personally need in this life. Therefore, in the countryside, the conditions for the full development of a person are no worse than in the city. They are sufficient. Sufficiency is determined by the physical and psychological complacency of a person. 1. Man lives in harmony with himself and nature. time and there are no conditions for “bad” habits or laziness in the countryside, since a person must work in order to live. 2. The global environmental crisis is spreading both to the city and the countryside, but to fix your health people go to nature.

It's no secret that life in capital cities and in small provinces often differs. Many people face difficulties when moving from one place to another, and the colors of the picture drawn by the imagination of the city of dreams often fade faster with each new surprise that the huge metropolis has in store for the visitor.

A small city is very different from a huge, bustling metropolis. Such a town will be met by a simple and inconspicuous station and very noticeable people, as the inhabitants tend to compete with each other in tastes, habits, and often flaunt their individuality, regardless of whether you want it or not. And to compete in the presence of things visible to the naked eye is becoming a favorite hobby of all citizens. For example, the only expensive foreign car in the city will collect a lot of glances while driving through the streets, and in a year or two the absolutely same car will keep it company.

The word “Competition”, being long forgotten in the minds of entrepreneurs, if mentioned too much, will bring a smile to their satisfied faces, since it is very likely that you will have to buy products in the same chain of stores, and to make it more convenient to move between them, you can use the only taxi service. Of course, there are other enterprises, but their life span is negligible.

At the same time, a small city is quiet, immersed in greenery, streets, courtyards in which children calmly walk, a measured life that has not changed for decades, surrounded by nature often untouched by man.

But nevertheless, the number of people who want to move to a big city is increasing every year, someone goes with a desire to study, someone is attracted by job prospects, someone dreams of changing their life for the better, someone just wants global changes. And now the inhabitants of provincial towns and villages leave their native land and set off on a journey for a dream.

Pros of living in a big city

Primarily young people flock to big cities with a desire to receive higher education. In large cities there is a huge selection of institutes, academies and universities; small, county towns cannot boast of the same. That is why from all over the country people who want to become doctors, lawyers, engineers flock to the big city in order to “catch on” in this metropolis later or become a unique specialist at home.

Large cities are a source of money and fertile ground for business development. Starting your own business is much easier in a big city. A large number of consumers and potential clients in the future, they will not miss the opportunity to use the services of a hairdresser or a cafe close to their home or work. The internet industry is also very much in demand; with minimal costs, you can launch an online store with home delivery of goods by courier service - another convenience of big cities.

After work, it is customary to relax, if earlier you had to play bowling or visit the same club, then in larger cities there will be various museums, theaters, conservatories, philharmonic societies, cinemas, circuses and zoos, not to mention clubs and restaurants that meet literally at every turn.

Society in a big city is diverse. No matter how strange or unusual your hobbies are, you can always find someone who shares them. It happens that in a small town a teenager, trying to find himself, is looking for a reflection of his soul in others and does not find it. Moving to a big city will solve this problem: groups, circles, collectives, universities and institutes will serve as an excellent help.

Big city, so big stores. In hypermarkets and shopping centers, you can often find the so-called "yellow" price tags - residents of megacities love them very much, since you can buy one product for the price of two or save very well on grocery shopping, which is almost impossible in small towns, because if all residents cities go mostly shopping in two or three stores, then it makes no sense to bring down the price, they will buy the goods anyway. What can we say about sales seasons. Covering the shopping centers of megacities several times a year, when you can buy really high-quality, branded clothes at often "ridiculous" prices.

All this attracts people to large cities, and at the same time a visitor from small town certain unpleasant surprises await.

Cons of living in a big city

The first thing to get used to in a big city is to huge flow of people. Like a wide river, they splash out from metro stations and railway stations, dousing the visitor with new, but not always pleasant sensations. Depending on the areas of the metropolis, the number of people may decrease, for example, in residential areas surrounded by greenery and picturesque ponds, you can find some similarity with your small homeland.

One of the main problems big city These are pedestrian crossings. In big cities, drivers, like other residents, are in a hurry, therefore they save every second on the way and rarely follow simple traffic rules, therefore, when crossing the zebra, you should not be surprised that cars are passing in front and behind you and be extremely careful on the roads.

Since the number of people around you will increase significantly, the likelihood of crime will also increase, some areas of big cities are considered more or less criminogenic, local media make it a rule to publish news with "Top 5 areas for crimes committed"

Returning home with good mood, you can get into a traffic jam and spend extra time on the bus or in the car. This is an important disadvantage of a big city, which often worries people who are unaccustomed to so many cars more than anything else. This happens almost every day except weekends and holidays.

Ecology in such cities is in a very deplorable state. The presence of a large number of plants greatly injures nature and human health. Rare park areas do not allow to correct the situation, and give the residents of the metropolis only a short rest.

Nevertheless, despite a number of disadvantages, people are happy to come to live in big cities and feel quite comfortable there. Someone is attracted by the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, someone is building successful business and some just meet new friends. And yet whether or not to move to a big city is a personal and conscious choice of each person.