By submitting a resume for a vacancy, each applicant expects to receive an invitation to an interview. But what if, instead of an invitation to an interview, you find an employer’s refusal in your mailbox?

To make your resume "failsafe", read the tips.

Be an optimist
It happens that when you find a vacancy on the recruiting portal, you immediately understand that this is exactly what you need, a real dream job. After sending your resume, prepare for the interview with enthusiasm - study information about the company, think about what to wear to a meeting with a recruiter, etc., but suddenly you get an answer: “Unfortunately, on this moment we are not ready to make you an offer…”

Of course, in such a situation, it is not surprising to succumb to feelings - it's a shame that they weren't appreciated, it's a shame that they weren't invited ... However, refrain from an overly emotional response to the recruiter. It is useless and short-sighted to write response letters with swear words - it is possible that you will have to deal with this HR manager again. In addition, such behavior does not paint a good specialist, which you undoubtedly are.

If your resume is rejected, don't give up. Firstly, this is not the only vacancy on the labor market, and secondly, it is possible that in the future this company will be happy to invite you for an interview. Accept rejection as a given at this stage of life and tune in to the good - there will definitely be a great job!

Review your resume
And to make this happen as quickly as possible, revise your resume. Look at it through the eyes of the employer whose vacancy you are interested in. Is it named correctly? Does yours meet the requirements? Are your key skills described clearly enough? Those that may be most valuable in the eyes of the company are yours - they need to be highlighted.

For example, you see that your competitive advantage may be good knowledge foreign language- reflect it to the maximum in your CV, focus on it. “Working with foreign partners, negotiating in English” - such a description will impress the recruiter more than the mean “English - I speak fluently”.

Check to see if your resume communicates your accomplishments. They should be described as specifically as possible. For example, instead of the vague wording “Successful interaction with industry media,” write: “In six months, the number of mentions of the company in the media has increased 3 times.” Instead of "Ensuring a high level of sales" - "Increasing the level of sales twice, including the conclusion of contracts with large corporate clients."

Make sure that all relevant information is included in your resume. So, the fact that you have additional education can play a certain role, especially when it comes to some the latest types professional activity For example, marketing with social networks.

Have you completed the Hobbies and Interests section? Of course, this information is not the most significant when making a decision, but why not add a couple of points to yourself by saying that you, for example, are a district champion in athletics? However, there is no need to invent anything superfluous: deception of the employer (including in such seemingly insignificant, it would seem, details) is the worst of all. possible ways employment.

Finally, be careful about checking spelling and punctuation in your CV. Remember: a highly qualified specialist cannot afford to speak his native language poorly.

Address mailing
When the basic version of the resume is ready, proceed to mailing. You should not send your CV to all vacancies in a row - it is better to replace the number of attempts with quality. Choose only those vacancies that you are really interested in. Customize your resume for each job opening.

Do not be lazy to write cover letters in which you state that you meet certain requirements of the vacancy. It is not worth repeating the information contained in the resume - you just need to correctly place the accents in order to attract the attention of the employer.

If there is no answer, you can call the company and ask about the fate of your CV - not always the lack of feedback means a refusal.

Good luck in your job search!

Many job seekers (not just young professionals) make the same mistakes on their resumes and probably wonder why they are rarely invited to interviews. And often they commit them due to elementary inattention and inaccuracy. The most surprising thing is that these mistakes are very typical and are repeated almost from resume to resume, despite their obviousness.

In this article, we will focus on the most common mistakes candidates make when compiling CVs and sending them to employers and recruitment agencies.

Common resume mistakes

1. .

Grammar errors and typos greatly spoil the impression of the candidate. There is an opinion that this candidate is very sloppy, and, most likely, he will treat his work duties in the same negligent manner.

Therefore, even if this position does not require a good knowledge of the language, the resume should still look “on the level”.

2. Poor readability due to poor formatting (or lack thereof).

In the case of unsuccessful formatting, the employer will “ripple” in the eyes. If there is no formatting, then the text in the summary simply “merges”.

So you need to take the time to make your resume pleasing to the eye first.

3. Contradictions in the resume, "innuendo".

Keep in mind that the “light wedge” did not converge on you, and the HR manager does not have enough time to try to figure out what happened there in your work biography.

On the contrary, after skimming your resume, the recruiter should have a certain idea about you:

“Such-and-such specialist with such-and-such experience, suitable for such-and-such a position.”

Any nuances (your intention to change the field of activity, move to another city, etc.) should be announced and explained BEFORE the interview, otherwise you are unlikely to be invited to it at all. Best suited for this, but certain adjustments are needed in the resume itself.

4. Absence, and even functions.

This is also one of the main mistakes in the resume.

Most of the candidates do not indicate their achievements in the summary. Well, young specialists often do not write in their CV what duties they performed, and sometimes they even forget to indicate the titles of the positions they held.

5. "Modesty".

It is very important to indicate summary its main strengths and achievements, whether it be experience, skills or personal qualities.

6. Bad photo.

Most of the photos that are found in the resume, for one reason or another, are not suitable for inclusion in the resume. It will be a big mistake to put the first photo that comes across. The best thing is to take a special photo for your resume.

(For more information about what exactly should be a photo in a resume, read),

7. Extra details.

Often applicants write something that is not relevant. The resume should be as focused and targeted as possible.

Do not create obstacles for the employer to see you as a suitable specialist!

8. Funny information or style, excessive emotions.

Ask third-party people (friends HR managers, experienced professionals, or at least just literate people) to read your resume and express their opinion. Otherwise, you run the risk that the “personnel officers” will have doubts about your adequacy.

9. Incorrect and incomplete contact details.

Check this point with your contacts before sending your resume anywhere.

10. Too much resume.

It is generally considered that a resume of a young specialist should take up one page, and a CV of an experienced specialist should not exceed 3 pages. Although there are exceptions, in general it is desirable to adhere to these standards.

11. "Heavy" file.

When emailing your resume with photo, make sure the file doesn't take up too much space. Less is better. Respect employers and do not create an unnecessary load on their communication channels.

12. Unsuccessful attempts to make a resume.

One of the most ridiculous and ridiculous mistakes that can be found in the resume.

What candidates just do not come up with, trying to stand out! This only provides the HR manager with a few minutes of laughter a day. So with such things you need to be careful.

The main thing that you could stand out with is a well-written resume with a competent cover letter.

(However. Want to get examples from 40 original CVs Russian-speaking applicants? Then leave your email).

13. Playful email titles.

A topic that has already become the talk of the town. A candidate whose address is called correctly (first and last name) already stands out from the rest by this alone.

Don't make this mistake! First, get an “official” email.

14. Sending several resumes (of your friends) at once in one email.

A very unwise decision, but nevertheless, some applicants do this.

15. Submit your resume in an archived or unusual format.

Every extra step that an HR manager has to take to review your resume reduces the chances that he will do it. In addition, various "exotic" programs may not always be installed on his computer.

16. Sending resumes to several employers at once in one email.

Please note that the resume letter must be personal. If an employer sees that you are sending your CV to several companies at the same time, this indicates that you are.

So those were just the main ones. errors insummary. In fact, there are many more of them, since the candidates are very inventive and "original."

Almost all of the above also applies to no lesser extent to the questionnaires of applicants posted on work sites. So be no less careful when filling out your data on online recruiting services too.

Good day, dear friend!

When we look at a resume or a questionnaire, an image of a person involuntarily arises in our minds. To what extent does it correspond to the “ideal” or at least acceptable for this position? Let's discuss resume writing mistakes from this point of view.

The other day I advised one candidate. Applying for the position of head of the department.

Problems: few responses to submitted resumes, the results of a few interviews also leave much to be desired.

He asked me to send a resume.

Pavel is a fairly experienced person - about ten years in the profession. About 30 years old, good education. It is evident that he understands technologies and processes. Has little leadership experience.

He holds the position of senior manager in a medium-sized logistics company. Applicant for the position of Head of Logistics Department.

Everything seemed to be fine, but... The image of the leader did not work out .

This is a competent specialist who knows his business, but the leader is not visible in him ...

I won’t post Pavel’s resume itself, because I think it’s not entirely correct. We'll have to somehow get by with verbal descriptions.

Reasons for non-compliance

1. In the experience section, the focus is on features, not results. . Not to mention the achievements that are missing from the resume as such.

Managers are expected to perform effectively, not just to perform official duties.

2. There is no section "Professional competencies" . Or at worst, professional skills.

In the article, we said that this section 1) should be 2) should consist of three sections:

a) leadership

b) functional competencies (for example, logistics)

c) industry competencies (for example, retail)

3. There is no section on personal qualities . Surprising but true. Paul does not take the opportunity to say something about himself that can characterize him from the right side.

What can you say about a leader who has nothing to say about himself?

Stage 1

1. Design the "work experience" section

a) Pay attention to the description of the company - it should be relatively detailed.
It is important that the company looks solid. - The main indicator, number, regalia - for example, it is included in some TOP.

The last company and the first two or three lines of experience should look especially advantageous.
This is what an employer sees on a job site when viewing a resume announcement (without fully disclosing it)

b) Add an achievement section. Or work results.

Left column - functions / responsibilities, right - achievements / results.

In duties, leave only the main thing, shorten the wording, all the water like reporting can be removed.
Part of the responsibilities can be reformulated as achievements/results.
In achievements, use numbers, if possible, symbols - $.

2. Fill in the additional information section

a) Personal qualities

Choose two or three qualities and habits that characterize you.
Formulate them uniquely, but without undue pathos:
Examples in the article, as well as in the attached file.

Stage 2

Since you are applying for the position of a manager, it is advisable to strengthen this component in your resume with an eye to subsequent communication with the employer - a cover letter, an interview.

1. Last job (usually last place pay more attention) to put something bigger in the first place in the list of achievements than drafting a contract form.

For example, the same project for the delivery of exhibition equipment. Try to digitize the result.

For example:

Successfully delivered and returned exhibition equipment on time and at a cost 20% lower than planned . Something like that.

Remember how it happened, what were the goals, deadlines, criteria for success. What did you do as a leader? One way or another, you will need to promote your results in interviews. It is better to do this from the standpoint of specifics, SMART goals and your actions as a leader.

I think the same can be done with tenders.

You have an example of digitization:

Achieved an individual discount for the volume of shipments from PEK (10%), Business Line (5%).

It would be nice if there were more such examples. That is, in the summary - only the dry residue - the digitized result. The rest is for interviews.

Ideally, for interviews, there should be two or three examples or even stories that characterize you as a successful leader.

Many employers evaluate the manager's understanding of his contribution to the financial result of the company. Money - costs, revenues, act magically on them.

2. It is desirable that one or two of your personal qualities characterize you as a leader.

You have: “Attentive when drawing up contracts and checking documents” - a valuable quality, but more for a specialist than for a manager.

3. When you send a resume for a specific position, make a separate resume. Leave only what is relevant to this work. So that the resume fits on two pages. For example, in the section "professional competencies" you can leave 3 instead of 4 points.

Some work: old or where you worked less than a year, - can also be omitted.

5. For domestic companies, write your middle name

6. Stretch the photo one and a half times (for Pavel it is not enough)

7. Check for errors. Resumes with spelling errors cannot be sent.

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When writing a resume, the facts you omit are just as important as the facts you include. Annoying resume mistakes can ruin the best candidates, so if you're not being invited to interviews, check out this article to make sure your resume doesn't have any of the following mistakes:

1. Unprofessional postal address

A resume is a professional document through which recruiters can judge you even before the first meeting. It is not necessary to indicate in this document that you can be contacted at [email protected], it looks extremely unprofessional and makes the reader doubt the seriousness of your intentions. If you have an address that at first seemed very attractive to you, but now only causes shame, get a new one, specifically for job hunting. It would be better to use your full name, not a nickname or pseudonym.

2. Nonsensical clichés

If your resume is full of buzzwords or platitudes like "hard-working team player," it might be time to rethink it. Commonplaces are very common in resumes and prevent recruiters from forming an objective opinion. If you want to tell the employer about your hard work and ability to work in a team, give examples from real life accompanied by a description of the results. It will tell a lot more about you than a stupid general phrase.

3. Skill charts

At first glance, graphs look very attractive, but they rarely give the reader an idea of ​​the actual skill levels. To give recruiters something to lean on, provide them with measurable facts, such as:

  • Experience: "Writing HTML code - 3 years"
  • Education and qualifications: "Windows Certified User"
  • Scope of tasks: "Managed a team of 5 people, organized an event with a budget of 50 thousand pounds"

4. Photos

Unless you are an actor or model, a photograph will not allow an employer to judge your suitability. Recruiters are interested in your skills and experience, not appearance. Remember that the summary should be short. Use the space wisely and include information that will convince the reader to meet you in person.

5. Too much text

Many employers receive hundreds of resumes for the same job. Don't expect them to read every five-page document. Recruiters and hiring managers are sure to have a lot to do, so you need to prove your worth to them as quickly as possible. Ideally, a resume should be no more than two pages long. This is how you can convey your point without tiring the reader. If you can’t shorten your resume without distorting the meaning, try the following tips:

Shorten old descriptions:
If your track record is long, it is not necessary to describe each position in detail. Recruiters tend to pay attention to the most recent entries, so outdated information can be cut down to give only a general idea of ​​your career path.

Eliminate unnecessary information:
Re-read the resume and exclude from it information that has nothing to do with the job. It is not necessary to list all interests and hobbies. Skip the details that seem unimportant to you.

6. Gaps in seniority without explanation

Almost everyone has gaps in experience. Many people allow themselves to take a break from work, but if you do not explain to the employer the reasons for the career break, this will alert him. He might think that you were just messing around during this time. Don't be afraid to share that you've traveled or tried to start your own business. Prove that you did not beat the buckets, but did something useful. Some employers welcome travel because they testify to the activity of the candidate and his social skills.

If the reason for the break was a serious illness, do not be shy about it. We cannot control our illnesses, and for good employer this will not be grounds for discrimination.

7. Grammar and spelling errors

There are quite a few spell checking services these days, so your resume shouldn't have these kinds of mistakes. Of course, spelling errors greatly alarm company representatives. However, you should not mindlessly trust the services, because. they often miss typos and words that were used in the wrong context. Carefully reread the document yourself or entrust this work to a friend.

Illiteracy, the main drawback of a resume that can annoy any HR professional, is elementary grammatical and spelling mistakes made by the applicant. Until the first meeting, which may not yet be, the resume is the face of the applicant for the position. Although literacy, for unknown reasons, is often not given due attention.

Some shortcomings, experts say, are downright curious.

“For example, I had to deal with a case when a girl indicated that she was “not married” or even “unmarried” at all. Naturally, because of these mistakes, the applicant loses all chances to get new job. One way or another, such oversights can play a cruel joke with him - they begin to take him less seriously, ”said the experts.

Lack of a clear goal or its inconsistency

Separate resumes sent by applicants for a specific, clearly written position do not contain the main point: goals. Complicating the situation is that large companies are looking for workers for several vacant positions at the same time, and a "purposeless" resume does not allow you to determine what exactly the applicant is applying for.

It is also not uncommon for cases when the goal indicated in the resume does not at all correspond to the proposed vacancy.

“Often, the goal that is described in the resume does not fit the vacancy for which it was sent, which indicates the candidate’s inattention,” said Oksana Bochkovskaya, a search and recruitment specialist at the Information and Analytical Center “LIGA”.

According to her, when selecting candidates, the HR manager determines the most important requirements for this vacancy and evaluates the resume sent by the applicant according to them. An exclusive set of requirements has been developed for any position: it can be education, work experience, special skills, etc.

“In our company, HR managers use key competencies. This approach facilitates and speeds up the process of searching and selecting personnel for open vacancies. Because when determining competencies, both the vacancy initiator and the HR manager clearly define what the candidate should know and what skills he can be trained already in the company (taking into account the specifics of the business). In addition, parameters are being created for evaluating the work of a new employee in the company, and the criteria by which the probationary period (adaptation period) is evaluated, ”she emphasized.

Lack of required data

Another common mistake is that the resume does not contain mandatory data, for example, the contacts of the applicant. Often there are no phone numbers, email address. However, there are also cases when applicants forget to indicate even their own first and last name. “With all the desire, it is simply unrealistic to invite such a candidate to a meeting,” Bochkovskaya emphasized.

Often, the sections of the resume devoted to work experience do not indicate the full names of firms, the scope of their activities. But from time to time, companies with the same or similar name can work in completely different market segments. Moreover, the addresses of the Internet pages of firms are rarely indicated, however, if there is a web address, it is seriously easier and more convenient for the employer to get acquainted with the previous place of work of the applicant.

From the data that is better to indicate in the resume - the motives for changing jobs. An explanation of the reasons, on the one hand, will allow the employer to understand the logic of the candidate, and on the other hand, to assess how his requests correspond to the proposed vacancy.

Trying to spruce up a resume

According to the assurances of recruitment specialists, applicants often indicate in their resumes personal qualities, skills and knowledge that they do not really possess.

“If you are not sure that you have these qualities, it’s better to just remove this section from your resume,” emphasizes Bochkovskaya.

Candidates love to overestimate their competence. experts note that sometimes, with complete ignorance in English, the candidate for the position indicates that he speaks it “with a dictionary” or even “fluently”.

“Such a trick can be easily revealed - it’s enough to ask a person something in English,” the experts noted.

Misplaced Information

The summary is required to describe the details, but only relevant ones: official duties and professional achievements, diplomas and scientific degrees in the field in which the applicant is applying. For example, if the applicant was scientific activity and at the same time worked in the field of marketing, then in a resume aimed at getting a job as a brand manager, you should not describe scientific achievements and cite full list articles, publications and scientific papers. The main attention should be paid to specific skills and knowledge that were obtained in the process of working as a marketer.

It is also important to ensure that the phrases used in the resume are understandable and logical.

“Once a secretary girl called her own duties “driver management” and “document filing. In another resume, the applicant listed “biking, swimming, girls, books” as his own hobby. consulting company"Forsage".

In some resumes, there are completely inexplicable incidents.

For example, the address of the portal once received a resume of a girl who applied for the position of an HR manager. The applicant attached several photographs of herself to the resume, while only one of them wore business character while others were beachfront.

“Without a doubt, this case amused the employment experts, although it did not arouse the desire to meet with the candidate,” the specialists noted.

How to avoid common resume writing mistakes

There are several main rules, following which you can protect yourself from annoying mistakes when writing a resume.

  1. Be sure to check that your resume is written correctly.
  2. Be consistent: if you have used an abbreviation once, use it throughout your resume (however, it is worth giving all the names in full). Do not use special abbreviations whose decoding is known only within your company.
  3. Avoid long phrases.
  4. All resumes should be in the same style.
  5. It is better to highlight the necessary headings.
  6. It is important that your resume has a maximum of 2 pages.
  7. If you are applying for a position in a foreign company or the main competence is the knowledge of foreign languages, then you need to prepare a version in the language of the country of the company.
  8. And most importantly, be sure that you can confirm all the information that you included in the resume.

Except for this, experts advise avoiding the use of the pronoun "I".

In addition, it is worth choosing extremely specific wording: you don’t need to write templates in your resume, for example, “participated”, “trained”. Seriously, it is worth pointing out specific achievements, for example, “increased sales by 10%”, “receivables were reduced by 18%”, “trained 3 employees”, etc.

It is also worth avoiding passive forms, for example: "I was responsible for ...", "I found use for the following opportunities ...". It is worth writing: "responsible for ...", "effectively used ...".