Properly and beautifully designed serving increases children's appetite and develops the aesthetic abilities of the child. The baby is much more interested in eating and looking at colorful napkins or glasses. And on a birthday, this need only increases. Therefore, it is imperative to follow certain rules, both at home and in preschool institutions.

The need for proper serving for children

The organization of baby food in the garden and at home largely affects the psychological state of the child. It is the table setting in kindergarten plays a very important role in this process.

There are basic rules for this:

  • Children's dishes should have different pictures and small sizes. Children after 5 years of age need the skills to use not only a fork, but also a knife of a certain size.
  • Deep plates are suitable for small children. Older children - medium, 300 ml. Small dishes are needed in two types. For breakfast and afternoon tea - dessert plates, for lunch - deep for both first and second courses.
  • Drinkware should be stable and have a wide bottom. Be sure to have spoons of different sizes.
  • The rule is welcome - for each group to have dishes with their own pictures. For eggs, special glasses should be used. It is both convenient and looks beautiful and festive on the table.

That is why a properly laid table from childhood helps the formation of cultural skills.

Festive table for children's birthday

Serving children's table for a birthday, of course, it should be bright and colorful. Indeed, for a child, such moments are remembered for a long time and teach how to receive guests on various occasions.

Following the algorithm, you need to choose dishes for serving the table of a children's holiday:

  • For sweets, thematic devices are needed, for example, with pictures of characters from your favorite cartoons. You will also need suitable fruit vases.
  • Mugs or glasses can be replaced with jars or bottles decorated with your own hands.
  • Mandatory birthday cake stand.
  • Trays and dishes for sweets and treats.
  • A tablecloth for a candy bar is best done floor-length. You can make it at home from organza or taffeta. For a birthday, a disposable tablecloth or oilcloth with cheerful colors is suitable.

When serving, you need to proceed from the number of guests. The dishes should be arranged so that it is convenient for children not only to eat at the table, but also to hold various competitions.

For safety and economy purposes, it is better to buy disposable dishes made of paper or plastic for a child’s birthday. The stores offer a wide range of products for children's parties. In the photo you can see the options for serving the festive table.

Features of serving a children's table

Attributes for serving a children's table accustom the child to the proper organization of meals and develop creative abilities.

For example, you can make baby napkin holders for each season. This must be done with the children. Decorate winter ones with snowflakes, and make summer ones in the shape of a mushroom.

Teaching children the art of setting the table can be done in game form. children younger age doll utensils will help and role-playing games, and older children can practice on real cutlery or come up with their own serving scheme using didactic material in the form of pictures of dishes.

It is necessary to create schemes or albums with children with a certain algorithm of actions and the order in which devices are arranged. Such children's table setting pictures will help you remember the necessary details quickly and for a long time.

On duty, you can come up with bright aprons and hats. To do this, you need a certain place - a corner on duty. There is also a schedule and photographs of those on duty for a certain period. It is easy to do all this with your own hands and with the involvement of parents and the pupils themselves.

Responsible for table setting are engaged not only in the arrangement of dishes, but also check the availability of napkins on the tables and other necessary accessories. This not only teaches discipline, but also contributes to the development fine motor skills- for example, folding napkins in various ways.

SanPiN requirements

The child spends most of the day in preschool. Of this, a significant part of the time falls on the meal. Proper nutrition It's not just about hygiene standards. The item "table setting in kindergarten according to SanPiN" is also important.

There is a certain table setting scheme in kindergarten. The main requirements of SanPiN are as follows:

  • the tablecloth spreads on a clean table, its edges should be slightly higher than the seats;
  • utensils for drinks are placed in the center;
  • napkins are necessarily present only in a napkin holder;
  • a plate of bread is placed in the center of the table;
  • cutlery is placed on the right side of the plate;
  • for berry compote, there should be a teaspoon on the saucer;
  • the fork is placed with the prongs up, and the spoon with the convex side up;
  • in the presence of a knife, the fork lies to the left of the plate, and the knife to the right;
  • sliced, salad and vegetables are served in separate plates or saucers;
  • the first hot dishes are served only after the children are seated.

The scheme of table setting in kindergarten according to the requirements of SanPiN is shown in the photo.

In kindergartens and at home, children should be taught the ability to set the table. To do this, you just need to follow some recommendations.

As mentioned above, good option learning is to create corners of etiquette. They describe in detail the table setting in the kindergarten in pictures. The child will involuntarily pay attention to bright pictures, and over time he will develop the correct algorithm of actions.

Many educators believe that in order to develop a personality, children in the garden should have dishes with different patterns, like on cribs and lockers. But this is an erroneous opinion. It is better if the dishes are the same. This will eliminate quarrels between children and unite them.

The main purpose of serving a children's table is to provide order and necessary items for the process of eating. The presence of clear requirements of SanPiN, uniform serving rules and their observance will allow children to easily remember all the nuances associated with setting the table. This is not only beneficial in terms of self-discipline, but also gives the child the joy of being able to do something with his own hands.

ETIQUETTE- this is the part of it that is associated with the behavior of children at the table and the education of food culture skills.

What rules of etiquette do we teach children in the garden?

1.How to sit at the tablem, how to have a table conversationand what not to do at the table.

Before each meal, children wash themselves, put their nose, hair, and clothes in order. The child should sit correctly at the table: the lower back should be pressed against the back of the chair, the soles of the feet should fully touch the floor, between serving dishes, the right hand should be kept on the knees, and the wrist of the left hand on the table. You can’t sit with crossed legs, swing on a chair, sit lounging, bend over the back of the person sitting next to you, push the chair back with all the weight of your body, drum on the table with your fingers, put your elbows on the table.


When talking at the table, children should learn only two rules:

do not enter into a conversation until the speaker has finished,

do not speak while there is food in the mouth.

One of the conditions necessary to create a favorable environment during meals is the correct behavior of adults and children during meals. Adults (junior educator and teacher) talk to each other in a calm, quiet voice only about matters related to the nutrition of children (it is appropriate to talk about the food that children eat: what products does it consist of, where did these products come from). You should not make comments to all children at once. You should not rush children with the words: “eat soon”, “eat up soon”, it is better to serve food in a timely manner and thereby ensure that the children do not linger at the table. Gradually, pupils get used to eating culturally. If two children are busy talking to each other, do not react to the others, then a remark should be made to them. Each child, approaching the table, should wish those sitting a pleasant appetite, and they should thank them in return. Leaving the table, the child wishes the remaining bon appetit again or all the best!

"Thank you" he says whenever food is served to him, dishes are cleaned, etc.

2.How to use cutlery, napkins, hold a cup.

Keep the spoon right hand, bring to the mouth with a wide side, closer to the narrowed edge, the contents are slowly poured into the mouth; the fork can be held both in the right and in the left hand: in the right - when the table is served only with a fork, in the left - when with a fork and a knife. Cutlery is placed on the plate only when they are no longer needed. A teaspoon is served with compote, tea, if there is something to stir in it. Starting from the second half of the year in the 2nd junior group, teach children to use a fork, in middle group- use a knife. Salads are eaten with a knife and fork, prying off a portion, hold the fork with the prongs up, and rake it up with a knife and slightly squeeze. Finish the rest of the soup by tilting the plate away from you. Leave the spoon in the bowl. Many guys have a bad habit of catching pieces of cabbage and onions from the soup. It is necessary to explain to them that the cook sends us from the kitchen only what can be eaten, everything is edible in the plates. It is necessary to accustom to eat the thick together with the liquid. The second dish with and without a side dish should be eaten with a knife and fork: chicken, fish, sausage, soufflé. To teach children to separate the edge of the fork piece by piece and eat it, taking it on the fork, and not cut the entire portion at once. It is only necessary for babies to completely cut the portion, who themselves can not cope with this. We teach children to eat cutlet, meat, fish at the same time as a side dish: a piece of cutlet, meat or fish and a lot of side dish. Sausages, sausages in the younger group are served cut, from 4 to 7 years old children cut them themselves. Also serve sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes. If not cut, children take them with their hands; pasta, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, cutlets - only with a fork; pancakes, pancakes, watermelon - with a fork and knife; berries in compote - with a teaspoon, the bone is separated in the mouth, spit into the hand and put on a saucer, do not leave the spoon in the glass; they don’t bite off the bread, but break it off with their hands, you can eat soup with bread, holding the bread in your left hand and biting right off the piece, it’s more correct to put it on the left on a plate or napkin and eat it, breaking it off small piece. Bread should be placed in the middle of the table in breadbaskets, cut into small pieces (20-25 g). To take bread from a common breadbasket to teach children with the index and thumb, just hold it while eating, and not in a fist. Always keep your hand with bread above the table, and not lower it down. Put pies, cheesecakes, cookies, gingerbread in the middle of each table in common plates or bread bins. To teach children to take, without choosing, that pie, cookie that lies closer to them, children eat pies, cookies, gingerbread, holding them in their hands, they drink tea as usual)

Children should use a paper napkin as needed. It should be applied to the lips, then, squeezing into a ball, put on a used plate or, if the food is not finished, next to the plate. A paper napkin is used only once, if necessary, take another.

Take a cup with a handle index finger, which is pushed into the handle, the thumb is placed on top, and the middle finger is placed under the handle to ensure stability. The ring finger and little finger are pressed against the palm.

A glass without a handle, the glass is taken lower to the bottom.


In early age groups, products are given out in portions. Bread is laid out on the breadbaskets for each change of dishes. The first dish is served to each child separately, as the first is eaten, the second is served.

Do not allow a young child to play at the table with food, do not allow it to be laid out on the table and reach into the plate with your hands. Do not entertain him in the hope that he will eat more.

Do the same ritual every day before meals. Organize handwashing, put on a bib, and only then seat him at the table.

After eating, do not let the baby out of the table immediately. A child should not leave dirty. Show him how to use napkins - they should always be on the table.

Wipe your baby's mouth and hands with them after eating. So you teach him to be neat at the table.

In preschool groups, the table is served as follows:

BREAKFAST- in the middle they put a bread box with bread, a plate with portioned butter, a napkin holder, saucers. Then lay out the forks, knives and spoons (depending on the dish). The fork is on the left side, the knife is on the right, the spoon is parallel to the edge of the table. Drinking is poured by an adult when the main course is eaten and the plate is removed. The attendants pour tea or coffee on a separate table and bring it to the children as needed. This is necessary so that the drink does not cool down ahead of time.

The main dish is served to the child only when he sits down at the table. Dishes are not laid out in advance, with the exception of those that are eaten cold. Plates are stacked on top of each other and left on the edge of the table.

DINNER- the table is served in the same way, but the compote is poured in advance, a tablespoon is placed next to the knife. The attendants carry plates of salad, the teacher invites the children to the tables. As the children eat the salad, the junior teacher pours the soup, the teacher helps to deliver it. Personnel on duty are not allowed to this process. It is strictly forbidden to leave used dishes, during lunch it is necessary to teach children not to leave a dirty plate in the middle of the table: this clutters the table and creates an ugly look. They are immediately removed by the junior teacher and the children on duty. The second dish is served as the first is eaten, the tutor and the junior tutor help to spread. After the second, the plates are folded one into one on the edge of the table, the attendants remove them, since the table should always look neat.

AFTER SNACK- the table is served in the same way as for breakfast. Only oil is not supplied.

DINNER- the table is served in the same way as for breakfast, except for butter.

bread box

Tea spoon

Tea spoon

table spoon, knife

salad plate

Another important requirement for staff and teachers is not to create a tense atmosphere with their actions and words when children eat. Adults must constantly remember that children have just entered this world and still do not know how to do much. Teaching them to good manners, one should be condescending to mistakes, not to blame and not to rush. Manners should be taught in a relaxed, calm manner, and best by example, coming to the rescue whenever the child is in difficulty. And, finally, the third requirement concerns the coercion of the child during meals.


Paboutorganizationsnutritionin groups

Conditions for cultivating a positive attitude towards food:

Convenient arrangement of tables, aesthetically pleasing serving and serving dishes;

Favorable psychological climate, friendly and attentive attitude of adults;

Clarification of the need for rational nutrition, propaganda healthy lifestyle life;

Exclusion of aggressive methods of influence (coercion, threats, punishment);

Gradual accustoming the child to the desired norm in food;

Assistance in feeding, while providing the opportunity to exercise independence;

To allow children to drink food with compote, jelly, juice or just warm water - then they eat willingly;

During meals, it is advisable for the teacher to be at the table with the children.

Organization of duty

General requirements:

The duty is in the nature of assignments;

Unity of requirements from both educators and their assistant;

It is obligatory to perform hygiene procedures, the presence of an attractive form for those on duty (apron, cap);

Appoint 1 attendant for each table (junior, average age); 2 attendants at all tables - older age.

Encouragement and thanks for the help;

younger age:

By the end of the year, you can hang up the "Duty Board" and teach children how to use it;

Laying spoons, napkin holders and bread bins on the table.

average age:

Table setting under the guidance of an adult;

Cleaning up used wipes;

Cleaning dirty dishes from children's tables to a certain place.

senior age:

Table setting (independently and under the supervision of an adult);

Placement of paper napkins in napkin holders (twisting into tubes, cutting, folding);

Cleaning dirty dishes and used napkins, cleaning tables from crumbs.


How to behave at the table.

Don't sit back and relax.

Don't cross your legs.

Don't shuffle your feet, don't talk.

Don't turn around, don't push your comrade.

Eat carefully, do not spill on the tablecloth.

Bite the bread over the plate.

Do not bite off large pieces of bread at once. Eat quietly. Don't chew.

Hold your fork, spoon and knife correctly.

After eating, put your spoon and fork on your plate.

As you leave the table, remove your chair and say thank you.

Rinse your mouth after eating.

MKU "Department of Education of Kirovsk"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 14 in Kirovsk"



(serving, organization of duty, rules of etiquette)"

Compiled by:

senior educator MBDOU No. 14

Pokhodenko L.B.

Food culture in kindergarten.

Educator of the preparatory school group No. 10, preschool department No. 8, Lyceum 1568 named after Pablo Neruda. Minikh T.V. April 2015

Food culture means education.

"Cultural education begins very

early, when the child is very far from

literacy when he first learned

good to see, hear and something


A. S. Makarenko

The culture of nutrition in kindergarten is a science necessary in modern life. Since children spend most of the day in kindergarten, it is the responsibility of the educators to teach the child healthy, tasty, beautiful and, most importantly, to eat carefully. Proper nutrition is one of the most important conditions for maintaining the health of the child, his normal growth and development.

Etiquette lessons begin at an early age. The child learns not only to behave correctly at the table, but also to confidently use cutlery, to be neat and polite.

Teachers today are faced with the question of how to teach children the culture of nutrition, the rules of behavior at the table generally accepted in the international community, and even create conditions conducive to improving the culture of behavior in the family.


Children do not know how to properly sit at the table while eating;

Do not always use a napkin;

They do not know the names of the dishes;

Do not follow the rules of conduct at the table;

Cutlery is not always used for its intended purpose.

Table setting rules

In kindergarten, children are taught to eat in the classical European manner. Fork in left hand, knife in right. Based on this, tables are served. Forks are given to children from junior group, and knives - with senior group.

Tables are served differently depending on the time of the meal.

For breakfast they put on the table: a napkin holder, a bread box, a plate with portioned butter, a cup with a saucer (the handle of the cup looks to the right), a plate, a fork is placed on the left side (teeth up), a knife (the blade of the knife looks at the plate) with a spoon - on the right side. The dishes are removed to the left of the seated child.

For dinner the table is served in the same way. They put on the table: a napkin holder, a bread box, a cup with a saucer and a teaspoon (so that the child can eat berries from compote), a plate for the first course, a fork is placed on the left side of the plate, a knife with a spoon on the right side.

By afternoon the table is served as for breakfast - with the only difference: no oil is served.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills at the table

As the child matures, his table manners skills improve. If you go to the nursery and senior groups, and you will not only see, but also hear the difference. The kids are sitting anyhow because of their age and restlessness, the crumbs are scattered, trying to chat - not everywhere, of course, but this is a typical picture. And take the older group: the children sit and eat quietly, no one chats, no one laughs. After eating, they wipe themselves with a napkin, thank the nanny and help the attendant clean up the dishes after themselves.

Young children (1-2 years old) are taught:

  • wash hands before eating and dry them with a towel (with the help of an adult);
  • sit down in a chair;
  • use a cup: hold it in such a way that the liquid does not spill, drink slowly;
  • use a spoon
  • eat thick food with a spoon on your own, eat with bread;
  • after finishing the meal, leave the table and push the chair.

Children of the first junior group (2-3 years old) are taught:

  • wash your hands before eating, dry them with a towel;
  • eat neatly, holding a spoon in your right hand;
  • wipe with a napkin after eating;
  • give thanks after eating.

Children of the second younger group (3-4 years old) are taught:

  • independently and gently wash your hands with soap, dry yourself with a towel, hang the towel in its place;
  • proper use of cutlery;
  • eat carefully: do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed.

Children of middle and senior groups (4-5 years old, 5-6 years old) are taught:

  • take food in small portions;
  • eat quietly;
  • proper use of cutlery (fork, spoon, knife);
  • sit with a straight back;
  • neatly arrange dishes after eating;
  • take some of the utensils with you.

Children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) reinforce the acquired skills of a culture of behavior at the table: they do not lay their elbows, sit straight, chew food thoroughly, use cutlery correctly.

Forms of instilling a culture of nutrition

Forms of instilling a culture of nutrition in kindergarten are diverse. One of them is duty . Those on duty at the tables are given an elegant uniform, consisting of caps and aprons. All these clothes are stored in the "Duty Corner".

The children begin to watch from the second junior group, at the end of the school year. The attendant helps the nanny set the table, at which he eats. The preschooler arranges glasses, puts napkins, spoons, puts bread bins.

In the middle group children reinforce table setting skills. In the second half of the year, duties are added: arrange the saucers that the nanny had previously placed on the table, put napkins in glasses, remove breadbaskets and glasses with napkins after eating.

In the senior and preparatory groups attendants can independently set the table and clean up after meals. The duties of the attendants include not only arranging dishes, but also, for example, folding cloth napkins. This activity is very conducive to the development of fine motor skills of the hand.

As you know, the appetite largely depends on how "delicious" the food looks, the table is beautifully set. You can read and learn poems with children:

We are on duty today.

Let's help quickly

Neat and beautiful

All tables set.

What needs to be done first?

We will wash our hands cleanly.

Then we put on aprons,

Let's start laying the tablecloths.

We will put napkin holders

And in the very center of the table -

The bread is fragrant, fresh and tasty.

Bread is the “head” of everything.

Around the breadbaskets in a round dance

There are saucers with cups.

Cup handles point to the right

There are spoons in saucers.

We will put plates for everyone,

Forks, spoons and knives.

Do not rush, think how to put

And then spread it out.

From the plate to the right is a knife,

The spoon is next to it.

The knife turned away from the spoon

He looks at the plate.

Well, to the left of the plate

You need to put the fork down.

When we eat the second

A knife will be friends with a fork.

"Educating a culture of behavior at the table among preschoolers"

1. The organization of baby food is directly related to table etiquette and the formation of a culture of behavior at the table in children. Acquaintance and mastering the skills of table etiquette allows a preschooler to be self-confident. The task of educators, as well as parents, is to teach the child to behave correctly at the table, skillfully use cutlery, and be courteous in table communication.

2. The correct attitude to food, different dishes, the ability to use cutlery and napkins should be developed from an early age. The teacher should teach children to wash their hands before eating, to sit properly while eating: do not lean back in a chair, do not spread your elbows and do not put them on the table. It is also necessary to ensure that during meals the pupils are not in a hurry, are not distracted and do not play with cutlery, do not stuff their mouths.

3. It is necessary to form cultural and hygienic skills consistently and gradually, taking into account the age characteristics of the child:
You can teach children the rules of behavior at the table both in specially organized classes and during meals. When having breakfast and lunch with the children, the teacher must demonstrate to them the rules of etiquette, reasonableness and the need to comply with them.
During a meal, a clean table should contain common items needed during meals: a salt shaker, a bread box, a napkin holder, and, if possible, a vase of flowers.

Communication with children during meals requires careful psychological preparation. It is known that maintaining a conversation is a skill that is not easy to learn. The main thing is that conversations should not be either teaching or edifying. Topics should be neutral. For example, you can talk about the products from which the dinner is prepared, or about what the children like most of the food, etc. At the same time, the wish “Bon appetit” is a must!

Age Tasks
Children of the first junior group (from 2 to 3 years old)

Strengthen the ability to wash your hands before eating, dry your face and hands with a towel, eat neatly, hold a spoon in your right hand, use a napkin, rinse your mouth at the reminder of an adult.

To form the ability to follow the elementary rules of cultural behavior: do not leave the table without finishing the meal, say “thank you”

Children of the second younger group (from 3 to 4 years old)

Teach yourself and carefully wash your hands, face, use soap, a comb correctly, dry yourself after washing, hang a towel in its place.

To form eating habits: do not crumble bread, use cutlery, a napkin correctly, chew food with your mouth closed

Children of the middle group (from 4 to 5 years old) Improve acquired skills: take food little by little, chew well, eat silently, use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, rinse your mouth after eating
Children of the senior group (from 5 to 6 years old)

To consolidate the ability to properly use cutlery (fork, knife), eat neatly, silently, while maintaining the correct posture at the table.

Continue to instill the skills of a culture of behavior: leaving the table, quietly push the chair, thank adults

Children of the preparatory group for school (from 6 to 7 years old) To consolidate the skills of a culture of behavior at the table: sit straight, do not put your elbows on the table, silently drink and chew food, use a knife, fork, napkin correctly. Take some of the utensils with you.

Not healthier than products- Delicious vegetables and fruits!

It is very important to eat oatmeal for breakfast early in the morning.

Black bread is good for us and not only in the morning.

Remember the simple truth: only he sees better

Who chews raw carrots, or drinks carrot juice.

Oranges help with colds and sore throats.

Well, it's better to eat a lemon, although it is very sour.

Catering for children in groups

1. Work on organizing the nutrition of children in groups is carried out under the guidance of a teacher and consists of:

In building safe conditions during preparation and during meals;

In the formation of cultural and hygienic skills during meals by children.

2. Receiving food for the group is carried out strictly according to the schedule approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

3. It is strictly forbidden to involve children in getting food from the catering unit.

4. Before distributing food to children, the junior teacher must:

Wash tables with hot soapy water;

Wash your hands thoroughly;

Wear special clothing for receiving and distributing food;

Ventilate the room;

Serve tables according to meals.

5. Children from 3 years old can be involved in table setting.

6. In order to form labor skills and cultivate independence while on duty in the dining room, the educator needs to combine the work of the attendants and each child (for example: napkin holders are collected by attendants, and children clean up after themselves).

7. During the distribution of food, it is strictly forbidden for children to be in the dining area.

8. Serving dishes and eating at lunch is carried out in the following order:

During table setting, plates of bread are placed on the tables;

Pour III dish;

In salad bowls, according to the menu, they lay out salad (portioned vegetables);

The first course is served;

Children sit down at the tables and start eating with salad (portioned vegetables);

As the children eat the dishes, the junior teacher removes salad bowls from the tables;

Children begin to receive the first course;

At the end, the teacher's assistant removes the plates from under the first one from the tables;

The second course is served;

The meal ends with the third course.

9. Eating by the teacher and children can be carried out simultaneously.

10. In groups of early age, children who do not have the skill of independent eating are supplemented.

Fork on the left, spoon on the right or one more time about eating

Food culture in kindergarten is a science necessary in modern life. Since children spend most of the day in kindergarten, it is the responsibility of the educators and junior educators to teach the child to eat healthy, tasty, beautiful and, most importantly, eat carefully.
Etiquette lessons begin at an early age. The child learns not only to behave correctly at the table, but also to confidently use cutlery, to be neat and polite.

Table setting rules

In our kindergarten, children are taught to eat in the classical, European manner - a fork in the left hand, a knife in the right. Based on this, tables are served. Forks are given to children starting from the middle group (from 4 years old), and knives - from the older group (from 5 years old).
Tables are served differently depending on the time of the meal.
For BREAKFAST, the table is served as follows: in the middle they put a vase with flowers, a bread box with bread, a plate with portioned butter, a napkin holder, and saucers. Then lay out the forks, knives and spoons. Fork on the left side, knife on the right, spoon parallel to the edge of the table. Drinking is poured by an adult when the main course is eaten and the plate is removed. The attendants pour tea or coffee on a separate table and bring it to the children as needed. This is necessary so that the drink does not cool down ahead of time.
The main dish is served to the child only when he sits down at the table. Dishes are not laid out in advance, with the exception of those that are eaten cold. Dishes are served and cleaned to the left of the seated child.
For DINNER, the table is served in a similar way, but the compote is poured in advance, a tablespoon is placed next to the knife. The junior teacher pours soup. It is strictly forbidden to leave used dishes. The table must always be neat.
The table is served for the SEALED AFTER SNACK in the same way as for breakfast. Only oil is not supplied. Another important requirement for staff and teachers is not to create a tense atmosphere with their actions and words when children eat. Adults must constantly remember that children have just entered this world and still do not know how to do much. Teaching them to good manners, one should be condescending to mistakes, not to blame and not to rush. Manners should be taught in a relaxed, calm manner, and best by example, coming to the rescue whenever the child is in difficulty.
We put the bread in the middle of the table in the breadbaskets, cutting it into small pieces (20-25 g). There are always more pieces in the breadbasket than there are children at the table. Everyone can eat as much as they want. Children 5-6 years old take part in putting bread into breadbaskets. We learn to do this with two forks: put one under a piece of bread, the other support it on top. The kids are great at this and love it. If they do not have time to put all the bread in the breadbasket, a nanny helps them. We teach children to take bread from a common breadbasket with the index and thumb, and also hold it while eating, and not in a fist. Always keep your hand with bread above the table, and not lower it down. In general, we teach children to keep both hands on the table while eating.


We give dishes such as meat and fish cutlets, cottage cheese casseroles, various casseroles to children uncut (this stimulates the appetite, affects the secretion of gastric juice), we teach them to separate the edge of a fork into pieces and eat it, taking it on a fork, and not cut it immediately the entire portion received. Completely cut the portion only for kids who can’t handle it themselves. We teach children to eat cutlet, meat, fish at the same time as a side dish: a piece of cutlet, meat or fish and a lot of side dish. If children are not taught to eat meat, fish and other dishes with a side dish, they for the most part they eat a side dish first, and then a cutlet or fish. Sausages, sausages in the younger group are served cut, five-six-year-old children cut them themselves. We also serve cut cucumbers and tomatoes. If not cut, the children take them with their hands. Gradually, the pupils begin to get used to eating in a civilized manner, and they themselves ask to cut one or another dish for them.
We put pies, cheesecakes, cookies, gingerbread in the middle of each table in common plates or bread bins. We teach children to take, without choosing, that pie, cookie that lies closer to them.

We teach children to drink milk, tea, coffee drink or other drinks in small sips so that they finish drinking and eating at the same time. If they are not taught this, then they first drink the liquid, and then eat dry what is given to it, and, of course, eat with difficulty.

Soup looks very appetizing, sprinkled with green onion. Food is more appetizing when it is sprinkled with dill, parsley.

One of the conditions necessary to create a favorable environment during meals is the correct behavior of adults and children during meals.

Adults (junior teacher and teacher) talk to each other in a calm, quiet voice only about matters related to the nutrition of children. There should be no conversations with each other. You should not make comments to all children at once. You should not rush children with the words: “eat soon”, “eat up soon”, it is better to serve food in a timely manner and thereby ensure that the children do not linger at the table. Gradually, pupils get used to eating culturally.

How to behave at the table

· Don't sit back and relax.

· Don't cross your legs.

Don't shuffle your feet, don't talk.

· Don't twist, don't push your comrade.

· Eat carefully, do not spill on the tablecloth.

· Bite the bread over the plate.

Do not bite off large pieces of bread at once. Eat quietly. Don't chew.

Hold your fork, spoon and knife correctly.

Put your spoon and fork on your plate after eating.

When leaving the table, remove the chair and say thank you.

Rinse your mouth after eating.

When holding breakfast, lunch, children can easily ask the educator, the junior educator to help cut, give an additive; advise a comrade to take a crust - “helper”, and not touch the food with your fingers, remind your comrade yourself if he is holding a spoon incorrectly, and not shouting: “Vova is holding a spoon incorrectly!” We should not have other conversations during meals.

“Beautiful table setting not only stimulates appetite, but also creates a friendly attitude towards each other in children.” Therefore, we must not only strive to aesthetically decorate the table, but also diversify this design from time to time so that it is interesting for children to consider it. So for each season, special napkin holders are made.

In winter, the table is served in blue and white, and napkin holders are decorated with a snowflake. In summer, water lilies from napkins replace the snowflake, and in autumn, napkin holders turn into mushrooms.

You can teach children the art of table setting using didactic games If you approach the problem wisely, you can solve several pedagogical problems at once.

Here is an example, in order for children to learn the sequence and order of arranging tableware, it is not necessary to immediately use real and even toy dishes. Symbols can be used. During the game, these icons act as substitute items, which, in turn, stimulate the development of children's imagination.

You can take your time to inform the children that certain circles will play the role of certain plates, and turn this into a task: “Imagine that we need to think about the arrangement of dishes on the table. But we don't have dishes yet. But there are such figures. What do you think this figure could mean? And this? Why do you think so?" In other words, assigning meaning to each sign must be left to the children.

In teaching etiquette, maps and albums can play a role, which show the order in which dishes and cutlery are arranged on the table.

Even more significant will be the drawing of such maps and the design of albums by the children themselves. Firstly, they can depict a table setting plan using the same symbols, having previously thought through their system. Secondly, draw beautiful tables, separate napkins and napkin holders, cups, saucers, etc.

The duties of the attendants include not only the arrangement of dishes, but also the folding of napkins. This lesson not only develops children's ideas about the aesthetics of everyday life, but also contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hand. After all, folding, like tying ribbons, is a serious job for the fingers.

Before eating, the children are greeted by the Appetite doll. During a meal, he takes a worthy place at the table where they eat culturally and with appetite.

If several children's "teams" claim to win at once, the Appetizer moves from one table to another in the order of the established queue.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills at the table

As the child matures, his table manners skills improve.

Before each meal, children wash themselves, put their nose, hair, and clothes in order. The child should sit correctly at the table: the lower back should be pressed against the back of the chair, the soles of the feet should fully touch the floor, between serving dishes, the right hand should be kept on the knees, and the wrist of the left hand on the table. You can’t sit with crossed legs, swing on a chair, sit lounging, bend over the back of the person sitting next to you, push the chair back with all the weight of your body, drum on the table with your fingers, put your elbows on the table.


When talking at the table, children should learn only two rules:

Do not enter into a conversation until the speaker has finished,

Don't talk while there is food in your mouth.

The topics of conversations can be very different, it is appropriate to talk about the food that children eat: what products it consists of, where these products came from. But if two children are busy talking to each other, do not react to the others, then a remark should be made to them. Each child, approaching the table, should wish those sitting a pleasant appetite, and they should thank them in return. Leaving the table, the child wishes the remaining bon appetit again or all the best!

"Thank you" he says whenever food is served to him, dishes are cleaned, etc. After eating, they use a napkin

Children don't clean up after themselves. Adults do it. Plates after soup, the second should be removed immediately, as the table should always look neat.

Young children (1-2 years old) are taught:

  • wash hands before eating and dry them with a towel (with the help of an adult);
  • sit down in a chair;
  • use a cup: hold it in such a way that the liquid does not spill, drink slowly;
  • use a spoon
  • eat thick food with a spoon on your own, eat with bread;
  • after finishing the meal, leave the table and push the chair.

Children of the first junior group (2-3 years old) are taught:

  • wash your hands before eating, dry them with a towel;
  • eat neatly, holding a spoon in your right hand;
  • wipe with a napkin after eating;
  • give thanks after eating.

Children of the second younger group (3-4 years old) are taught:

  • independently and gently wash your hands with soap, dry yourself with a towel, hang the towel in its place;
  • proper use of cutlery;
  • eat carefully: do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed.

Children of middle and senior groups (4-5 years old, 5-6 years old) are taught:

  • take food in small portions;
  • eat quietly;
  • proper use of cutlery (fork, spoon, knife);
  • sit with a straight back;
  • neatly arrange dishes after eating;
  • take some of the utensils with you.

Children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) reinforce the acquired skills of a culture of behavior at the table: they do not lay their elbows, sit straight, chew food thoroughly, use cutlery correctly.

Forms of instilling a culture of nutrition

Forms of instilling a culture of nutrition in kindergarten are diverse. One of them is duty . In order for children to perceive duty not as an annoying load, but as an exciting and prestigious business, it is necessary to saturate this activity with play moments and provide it with attractive elements.

Those on duty at the tables are given an elegant uniform, consisting of colored or white caps and aprons. All these clothes are stored in the "Duty Corner".

Children start on duty from the second younger group. The attendant helps the junior teacher set the table, at which he eats. The preschooler arranges glasses, puts napkins, spoons, puts bread bins.

In the middle group, children reinforce table setting skills. In the second half of the year, duties are added: arrange the saucers that the junior teacher had previously placed on the table, put napkins in napkin holders, and remove the breadbaskets and napkin holders after eating.

In the senior and preparatory groups, attendants can set the table on their own and clean up after meals. The duties of the attendants include not only arranging dishes, but also, for example, folding cloth napkins. This activity is very conducive to the development of fine motor skills of the hand.

The attendants are serious about the announcement of the menu, a kind of acting mini-sketch. After all, the menu can be read with an expression so that children who have not yet experienced hunger will want to try all the dishes.

In addition to duty, thematic classes are held in the preschool institution. Teachers share interesting facts about vegetables and fruits, learn poems about food with preschoolers, hold events dedicated to nutrition in kindergarten.

The culture of food is often referred to as hygiene habits, but its significance is not only in the fulfillment of physiological needs at the table. It has an ethical meaning - after all, behavior at the table is based on respect for the people sitting next to it, and also for those who prepared the food.

A beautifully and correctly set table, beautiful food excite the appetite of a child.

Mastering the culture of food is not an easy task for preschoolers, but it is necessary to develop these skills.

on the organization of the catering process

and table settings in groups

The psychological comfort of children during their stay in the educational
institution largely depends on the organization of food. An important point in
proper catering is good serving, it plays a big role
role for the development of the child's appetite and the consolidation of cultural skills.

The table setting should be such that it causes the kids to let
unconscious desire to be neat. On the tables - tablecloths, but better under
each cutlery is a napkin, clean, elegant in appearance. aesthetic
table decoration: necessarily paper napkins, beautiful and correct
laid out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives), cut into portions
bread in the breadbasket, cups (mugs) according to the number of children, floral
composition for decoration.


1. How to sit at the table, how to have a table conversation, how to sit down and leave
table what not to do at the table

Before eating, children wash themselves, put their nose, hair, and clothes in order.

Teaching children to sit at the table: the lower back should be pressed against
the back of the chair, the soles of the feet fully touch the floor, between serving dishes, the right
keep your hand on your knees, and the wrist of your left hand on the table.

DO NOT sit cross-legged, swing in a chair, sit lounging,
bend over the back of the person sitting next to you, push the chair back with all the weight of your body,
drum on the table with your fingers, put your elbows on the table.

TABLE TALK IS MANDATORY. Topics of conversation should not affect the individual
child, be edifying or exciting. For example, one should not discuss
action movie that many watched last night at home. Forbidden viewing
TV while eating.

When having a table conversation, children should learn only two rules:

- do not enter into a conversation until the speaker has finished,

- Don't talk while there is food in your mouth.

It is known that to carry on a conversation for
food is a skill that can only be learned through practice. Children should not
keep silent at the table, and even to the smallest ones, also speak - then those who do not know how should, should periodically be treated with a phrase.

Children taught to talk at the table never scream, even when they are not around.

Topics of conversation can be very different, it is appropriate to talk about the food that is eaten
children: what products is it made of, where did these products come from, etc. but the conversation at the table should not be turned into a kind of training session. If a
one of the children transfers the conversation to another topic, so be it. It is important that
the child in the course of the conversation formed his own opinion about the discussed
questions. It is desirable that the educator refrain from expressing the decisive

To be heard is a child's right and must be respected. Need to keep the initiative
children in a conversation, help them develop their thoughts. If the children are calmly talking
between themselves and everyone participates in it, the educator may not interfere, but only ensure that the rules of the conversation are not violated.

Each child coming to the table should wish those sitting, bon appetit, and those, in return, thank. Leaving the table, the child wishes the remaining bon appetit once again.

"Thank you" to the people serving him, he says every time he is served food,
clean the dishes, etc. Leaving the table, the child says “Thank you” again, referring to the younger one by name and patronymic.

Kids don't clean up after themselves, adults do. Plates after soup, second
should be cleaned immediately, as the table should always look neat.

2. How to use cutlery, napkins, hold a cup.

We teach to use cutlery in a European manner: a knife in the right hand,
fork is on the left. They are put on a plate only when they are no longer needed. A teaspoon is served with compote. We eat soup, dessert porridge, soufflé, jelly with a tablespoon,
berries, pudding

Children should use a paper napkin as needed. She should
apply to lips, then, squeezing, into a ball, put on a used plate or
a specially prepared container, if the food is not finished, next to the plate.

A cup with a handle is taken with the index finger, which is inserted into the handle, from above
the thumb is superimposed, and the middle finger is placed under the arm - to ensure stability. The ring finger and little finger are pressed against the palm.

By the age of six, a child should know and follow the basic rules of behavior for
table and not to do what may be unpleasant for others: scratching, picking
in the teeth, chew with an open mouth, smack your lips, leave a spoon in a cup, eat from a knife, lick your fingers, stuff your mouth to capacity;

Eat the rest of the soup, tilting the plate away from you. Leave the spoon in the plate;

Salads, vegetables (starting from the older group) are eaten with a knife and fork, prying
portion, holding the fork with the prongs up, and rake with a knife and lightly press.

Porridge, scrambled eggs, tender soufflé, pudding are allowed to be eaten with a dessert spoon.

The second course with and without a side dish should be eaten with a knife and fork (starting with
senior group).

Fruits are eaten in different ways. Adults should clean fruits for babies, but it is allowed to eat an apple

Butter, jam on bread (loaf) children spread themselves (starting with the older group).

Children eat cakes, cookies, gingerbread, holding them in their hands.

Soup with bread can be eaten by holding the bread in the left hand and biting straight from the piece.

Table setting

Good table setting great importance to improve the appetite of children
and reinforcing cultural skills. The attendants take an active part in the preparation of tables for meals.

The dishes should be small in size, and most importantly, attractive: with an elegant
drawing, beautiful shape.

For younger children, ordinary children's deep plates are convenient;
for children 5-6 years old, it is better to have a medium size (300-400 g).

It is good to have small plates of two sizes: dessert - for breakfast and afternoon tea
and small ones, according to the size of deep plates, for second courses.

Dessert spoons are convenient for kids, for older children, you can give ordinary ones -
canteens. We also need teaspoons for compote, cottage cheese and other dishes.

Forks should be given to children starting from the younger group (second half of the year).
Children 5-6 years old need to be taught to use both a fork and a knife, but they must be of the appropriate size, the so-called children's ones.

For breakfast, the table is served as follows:

A bread box with bread covered with a napkin is placed in the middle of the table, a plate with
portioned oil, a napkin holder, saucers (if the tables are combined, then for each
table separately). Then spoons, forks, knives (for butter) are laid out - senior preschool age. Fork on the left, knife and spoon on the right. If there are no knives, a spoon and a fork are on the right. Mugs are placed in the center of the table, according to the number of children.

The main course is served to the children by the junior teacher before they sit down at the table. Dishes are not laid out in advance, with the exception of those that are eaten cold.
Dishes are served and cleaned to the left of the seated child.

If eggs are served for breakfast, they are placed on a plate that stands in the center of the table.

For dinner, the table is served in a similar way:

In the middle of the table is placed a bread box with bread covered with a napkin, a napkin holder
(if the tables are combined, then for each table separately). Then lay out the spoons
forks, knives. Forks on the left, knife and spoon on the right. If there are no knives, a spoon and a fork are on the right. Mugs are placed in the center of the table, according to the number of children, and on the edge
deep plates and salad bowls are placed on the table, if a salad is served for dinner
(4 pieces for each half of the table).

Soup is poured by the junior teacher before the children sit down at the table. No need
lay out the second prematurely so that it does not cool down: cooled food is less
useful. If the junior caregiver closely monitors the children during meals, she
always has time to serve each second in time.

For afternoon tea the table is served:

A napkin holder, mugs and a plate are placed in the center of the table if pastries are offered.
or cookies.

For dinner, the table is served in the same way as for breakfast. Only oil is not supplied.

feeding etiquette

When feeding, young children should wear oilcloth
bibs. Children should also have napkins at their disposal. After a year and a half
they must learn to use them themselves. The teacher teaches
child to hold a spoon in his right hand, in the middle of the handle, clasping his fingers from above.
Children are taught to eat both the first and second course with bread, not to take food from the plate with their hands,
eat a meat dish with a side dish, use a napkin.

Dishes should be served in a timely manner so that, sitting at the table, the baby immediately begins
is, i.e. It is unacceptable to put children at empty tables.

It must be remembered that the movements of the child are still poorly coordinated, and demand from
it is impossible to observe full order during meals. Children get tired quickly
having satisfied hunger, they begin to be distracted or completely stop eating. Adults must
help them finish their lunch. If the baby still refuses to eat, you should not insist.

Children must learn the rules: you cannot leave the table with a piece of bread, a pie, an apple, etc.; you can't go out if your mouth is full
unchewed food. Already at this age, the child should thank the adult
after eating, push your high chair.

During meals, the teacher should talk to the children (“Eat, children, soup
delicious"; “Katya, take the bread, bite off a piece”; “Maria Ivanovna, Sasha ate the soup,
put him, please, cutlet with potatoes. Delicious cutlet, eat, Sasha ", etc.),
use the art word.

An important requirement for staff and teachers is not to create a tense atmosphere with their actions and words when children eat.
Adults must always remember that children have just entered this world and many things
still can't. In teaching them good manners, one should treat them with indulgence.
misses, do not blame and do not rush. Manners must be taught at ease, calmly
and best of all by your own example, coming to the rescue whenever the child
is having difficulty.

And, finally, the third requirement concerns the coercion of the child during meals.

Every child is born with the inherent well-functioning
a hunger mechanism that tells you when to eat and when to stop.
If adults and the child himself do not interfere with this mechanism, then the lack of appetite
no one complains and growth is normal. Interference with the activities of this
thin device can cause severe emotional developmental difficulties
child, which, perhaps, will accompany him throughout his life. Tastes
child can be hereditary and be formed in the family due to the characteristics of its

During table setting, the catering process takes an active part
on duty.