In the life of every person, the correct daily routine plays a key role, which in practice is not so easy to develop. Each of us needs to properly allocate our time and, in most cases, work imposes such a need.

What is the daily routine

  1. Proper use of sleep time.
  2. Time for food and personal hygiene.
  3. Proper distribution of time for rest and work.
  4. Time for physical activity and sports.

The ability to make the right daily routine makes us disciplined, develops focus and organization. Thus, a life rhythm is developed, where the expenditure of time, as well as energy on secondary things that can be dispensed with, is reduced to a minimum.

In this article, we will try to comprehensively answer the most important questions regarding the daily routine for healthy lifestyle life, we will talk about the impact biorhythms have on the efficiency of activity, as well as methods and methods for compiling effective day for different categories of people.

A little theory about the daily routine

Often we were interested in the daily routine of a successful person. The secret of these people lies in the fact that their daily routine is thought out to the smallest detail, they plan their time in order to distribute it rationally and as efficiently as possible.

The ability to correctly place accents and, as a result, manage your working time is of great importance for discipline and organization. And if you are interested in developing or training programs, want to stick to a diet or organize proper nutrition - you can’t do without a daily routine.

A person needs a mode of life so that time does not use our absent-mindedness. Sooner or later, each person in his work is faced with a rush, a feeling that time is amorphous, confusion arises in work and personal affairs.

Think - can you honestly answer the question right now, how much time was spent on this or that activity, without controlling the use of your time? The daily routine for a healthy lifestyle allows you to efficiently and competently allocate your own time, and being deprived of a valuable planning skill, it is impossible to build long-term plans.

There are only 2 types of biological rhythms - external and internal(respectively, exogenous and endogenous). They appear in synchronization with the internal cycles of the body (sleep and wakefulness), as well as external stimuli (day and night).

When compiling a regimen, circadian regimens are of most interest.- These are cyclic fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes that are associated with the change of night and day. Their period is equal to a full day - 24 hours.

Influence of biorhythms

When drawing up an effective daily routine, one cannot ignore the biorhythms of the human body. Practice shows that the so-called "larks", having slept until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, having got used to waking up at 7 in the morning, feel lethargic and slow down in the pace of activity.

In the context of this section, we will define biorhythms- these are periodically recurring changes in the nature, as well as the intensity of biological processes, as well as phenomena in living organisms, on which functionality depends.

How to make a daily routine for owls and larks

Quite often, psychologists refer to the well-known distribution of people, depending on the period of their activity, into “larks” and “owls”. The latter make great efforts to get up early in the morning, they are most active at night and in the evening. Larks, on the contrary, literally seethe with energy in the morning, which is depleted by the evening.

This classification is very conditional, because if the correct daily routine of an adult was drawn up, then if there is a desire, the type of wakefulness can be changed without causing harm to the body. The main thing is to choose a strategy and show willpower.

Athletes, businessmen and politicians who travel a lot often fail to adhere to some standard schedule, therefore the daily routine of great people is often fundamentally different from the daily routine of an ordinary person. These people, constantly under pressure from changing time zones, find it very difficult not to lose efficiency in their work. To do this, they use the following actions:

  1. The first days upon arrival are planned in such a way as to reduce physical and psychological stress.
  2. 2 days before the flight, light food is consumed, alcohol and unusual dishes are excluded.
  3. If you have a flight from east to west, if you have a choice, it is better to give preference to an afternoon or morning flight. When traveling by plane from west to east, it is better to give preference to an evening flight.

It has been proven that it is absolutely impossible to create a universal daily routine for months up to a year that will suit each of us. There are too many personal factors to consider, but key points that can be called global and applicable to everyone can be identified. Few details.

On the importance of sleep

Regardless of whether the daily routine of a woman or a man is drawn up, special attention must be paid to sleep. We live in interesting realities, when people do not devote the proper amount of time for their rest, or sleep longer than the body really needs. This, as a result, has a negative impact on human activity, and a clear daily routine and enough time for sleep give you many advantages - a person can rest and recover, there is no risk of getting sleep and nervous system disorders.

The best time to sleep is from 11 pm to 7 am. Studies show that an adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day. Exist successful people, who need from 3 to 6 hours of sleep, but this is rather a rare exception.

  1. Give up surfing the net or watching TV shows - make time for your favorite book before bed.
  2. A couple of hours before you go to bed, take time for light exercise - running, walking, cycling.
  3. Do not eat heavy meals at night.
  4. Ventilate the room before bed.

How to make a daily routine - go to practice

About eating. Everyone knows that proper nutrition very important for the functioning of all body systems. Food is a kind of fuel for the body, with it we will receive not only energy for the day, which we will spend during the day on physical and mental activity, but also provide the body with microelements and vitamins.

It is very important to eat fully and regularly, any diet before practical use must be agreed with the doctor.

Point two is rest. The correct daily routine for an adult implies a mandatory rest, during which the body's strength and working capacity are restored. During work hours, a person cannot do without rest, because it is impossible to maintain a consistently high working capacity without it. Do not refuse breaks in work, as they will give you new strength and greater efficiency, productivity in work.

It is very important to fully relax after work. Suppose you spend all day at the computer. Returning home, refuse to spend time with him, taking time to communicate with family, reading or self-education.

A little about work. Each of us works regardless of age. Children attend schools, students attend seminars and lectures, adults earn a living and build careers. It is very important to plan your working time. Time management technique. Self-management techniques and recommendations that will improve personal efficiency at work are presented on the network in a large assortment - you just need to choose the most suitable option.

Do not forget about physical activity, even if you make up a daily routine for a girl. Physical education is health, you need to think about training, first of all, for those whose work limits the physical activity of the body throughout the day.

If there is no opportunity to visit pools and gyms, you can practice at home or on sports grounds.

"The dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory." Write down your ideas using diaries, special programs, or just a sheet of paper. The schedule displayed on paper will constantly remind you of business.

Don't be cunning- in the initial stages, include in the schedule what you do throughout the day. Schedule those items that will be accurately completed. So, if you can’t go to the gym for a long time and add this item to the schedule without doing it, this is not the best solution. The daily routine must be followed.

Consider Physiology- each of us has needs and, making up a mandatory routine for every day, they cannot be neglected. Staying up late, giving up personal hygiene and eating how and where you have to is not the best choice.

How to make a daily routine for an entrepreneur?

Based on the above, we will try to draw up a work plan for a novice entrepreneur. The very first thing you need to do before the start of a business day is to re-familiarize yourself with the tasks and goals that you plan to achieve. Learn how many new contacts you need to make, how many emails to send, how many calls? The list of cases will directly depend on the nuances of doing business.

It is extremely important to draw up and adhere to calendar planning, which, we note, is closely related to setting goals, as well as tasks for each day. Using calendar plan, you can distribute activities by day over a long time period, following the schedule you created earlier.

Suppose a to-do list has been created and you have even begun to implement them. If your head swells from the amount of work that was planned and you categorically do not know where to start, it's time to study the work plan of the average entrepreneur, which we give below.

Where to begin

We understand regular and e-mail. Working with morning mail is very important - you will learn about key events, answer partners, and establish new contacts.

step two- phone calls. Get a list of clients and partners that you need to call today in order to resolve emerging issues. After making all the necessary calls, be sure to check the box in your plan - they say, the work is done.

Reading- the most important thing. Learn new, useful information for your core business, using not only offline, but also online sources. Visit profiled forums, download useful books and articles.

Things for the evening

Before you go to bed, do not forget to perform such activities. First and foremost, check your email for new emails here. If there is something urgent, we will respond without delay.

Put things in order on your desktop - work notes, printouts of articles, books, office supplies. Remove all this until tomorrow, today you are already resting. Remember to make a to-do list for tomorrow and check it against the calendar plan you created earlier.

How to schedule a child's day

Child's daily routine- this is responsibility and discipline that will help the baby adapt to the new conditions of the kindergarten, school. But besides this, drawing up a child’s regimen in many ways helps parents to cope with their duties on time.

Undoubtedly, such events allow you to save time that a mother can spend on vacation, on herself or on her beloved spouse.

For babies

The first years of life are especially important for the future formation of good health of the little one. He must get enough sleep at least 4-5 times a day, eat about 6 times and take promenades in the fresh air at least 2 times a day.

In order not to forget anything and not get confused, you need a strict daily routine:

  1. 06.00 First meal, continuation of rest.
  2. 09.00 The kid wakes up, brushes his teeth, washes his face.
  3. 09.30 Second meal, games, wakefulness (at the discretion of the little one).
  4. 10.00 The kid gets dressed and gets ready for fresh air.
  5. 10.30 Promenade in a stroller or on mom's arms.
  6. 13.00 Third meal.
  7. 13.30 Rest.
  8. 16.30 Meal, light snack.
  9. 17.00 Walk, games, communication (depending on what the baby wants).
  10. 20.00 Dinner.
  11. 20.30 Communication with family and friends.
  12. 23.00 Wash your face and brush your teeth at night.
  13. 23.30 Light snack.
  14. 00.00 A good night's sleep.

Many are concerned about the fact that the child goes to bed so late, otherwise there is a chance that the baby will wake up at night and ask for food and then the schedule will go wrong. When the baby is a little older, you can put him to bed at about 9 pm.

In kindergarten

A properly drawn up daily routine allows the baby to quickly adapt to a new place and schedule of an educational institution:

  1. 7.00-8.00 Arrival at Kindergarten, communication.
  2. 8.00-8.30 Morning meal.
  3. 8.30-9.00 Self-education, cognitive activity in the group.
  4. 9.00-9.15 The kid gets dressed for outdoor recreation.
  5. 9.15-11.30 Games, outdoor communication.
  6. 11.30-11.45 Return, wash hands for the baby, prepare food.
  7. 11.45-12.30 Dense, tasty lunch.
  8. 12.30-13.00 Games, getting ready for bed.
  9. 13.00-15.00 Day rest.
  10. 15.00-15.30 Light snack.
  11. 15.30-17.00 Education, classes in groups.
  12. 17.00-18.00 Outdoor recreation.
  13. 18.00-18.30 Dinner, enrichment with vitamins.
  14. 18.30-19.00 Departure home.
  15. 19.00-19.30 Promenade with family and friends.
  16. 19.30-20.00 Games, light dinner.
  17. 20.00-20.30 Washing, brushing teeth at night.
  18. 20.30-7.00 Strong and sweet night rest.

At school

The daily routine of a student is the absence of stress, lateness and problems in an educational institution.

The organization of the day will help to enable the child to eat calmly, slowly get ready for school, attend various sections and have time to do homework:

  1. 7.00 Awakening, meeting a new day.
  2. 7.00-7.30 It is necessary to make the bed, wash, brush your teeth, do gymnastics, exercises.
  3. 7.30-7.45 First and most dense meal.
  4. 7.50-8.20 Road to the educational institution.
  5. 8.30-14.00 School lessons.
  6. 14.00-14.30 Return to home.
  7. 14.30-15.00 Lunch meal.
  8. 15.00-17.00 Rest, games, developing or sports sections.
  9. 17.00-19.00 Preparation of school lessons.
  10. 19.00-19.30 Tasty, rich dinner.
  11. 19.30-21.00 Communicating with the family, studying modern literature, classics.
  12. 21.00-21.30 Water procedures, preparation for sleep.
  13. 22.00 Healthy children's sleep.

When accustoming a student to the daily routine, it is necessary to be persistent, the slightest deviation from the schedule can lead to a complete failure of the schedule. When raising a child, you must always be aware of his activities and problems in life, and after a few years, he will surely thank his parents.

Don't be discouraged if at first you can't follow the entire schedule. Over time, these things will turn into habits that will not be so easy to get rid of.

6:00. wake up

Wake up and drink! If possible, immediately plunge into the rays of sunlight.

6:15. Think good

Think of two or three things in your life - no matter how significant - that you are grateful for. You will be surprised how quickly your anxiety about the day ahead will disappear.

6:30. start moving

Do a few to get the blood moving. Then energize yourself with a protein shake, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, or eggs, especially hard-boiled eggs, to keep you going until lunchtime.

8:00. Get out of the house

When you get to work, you can listen to a podcast or audiobook. It is better to choose something unfamiliar - this will help to learn new things and maintain the freshness of the mind.

If you can't enjoy your listening experience on the road, do something useful. For example, think of a to-do list for the day, or mentally rehearse an upcoming presentation.

9:00. Get to work

Organize the workflow so as not to overload yourself and not waste the positive energy generated in the morning. Once you've prepared your to-do list, turn off your phone, sign out of email, and social networks and get to work. As a last resort, try turning on Do Not Disturb every 90 minutes.

12:00. Restore energy

Use lunch time to restore not only the body, but also the mind. Go back to what you listened to or read in the morning, or try some meditation. If you are an extrovert, then chat with colleagues - this way you will fill yourself with energy even more.

If you have to dine at the computer while working at the same time, then at least let there be food. It can be a salad of fresh vegetables, a roll with lean meat or just a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread.

15:00. Take a break

No one canceled the afternoon performance decline, but there is no reason to give it all completely. Instead of eating something sweet or drinking an energy drink, take a break and take a short walk - at least near the office.

If the craving to eat something is irresistible, then give preference to complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. The former contribute to the release of energy, the latter make you more alert. A great option is whole grain crackers with cheese, dried or fresh fruit, raw vegetables with hummus, or a nut mix.

18:00. go home

The work day is over, so leave work at work. It's time to relax. If you don't like morning exercise, then it's time to go to the gym or go for a long walk with the dog. Alternatively, go somewhere where you can interact with people. Any activity that helps you forget about work will do.

19:00. have dinner

It is best to eat at least three hours before you go to bed, otherwise the food will not have time to be digested before bedtime. Avoid foods high in fat and carbohydrates. Good sleep aids include salmon, whole grains, yogurt, and bananas.

You may feel sleepy after swallowing a huge slice of pizza or a triple cheeseburger. But a restless "food coma" will never replace your healthy sleep. And, of course, try to avoid alcohol.

21:00. Relax

Meditation, a warm bath, a cup of herbal tea or just good book help you unwind before bed. Try not to watch TV at night and do not check work documents on the computer. The blue light that comes from the screen disrupts and prevents the brain from producing melatonin, a natural hormone that promotes good sleep. As a last resort, use a feature on your computer or smartphone that reduces blue light to a minimum.

22:00. Go to bed

No matter how hard you try to shield yourself from daytime stress at night, it can still overtake you. Various little things help in the fight against him. Turn the alarm clock with LED screen to the wall, and let the bedroom be (about 18 ° C) and dark (lack of light also helps to produce melatonin). Do not think about how to fall asleep as soon as possible - just breathe.

If sleep is still in your eyes, turn on relaxing music or white noise, write something in your diary, or do a small and boring task that you constantly put off.

A typical picture: children sit at lessons or games until late, and in the morning they cannot wake up, they go to school sluggish. Hence fatigue, drowsiness, irritability.

“The reason for this is a simple non-observance of the daily routine. Unfortunately, we forget that a person is a part of nature and it is arranged in such a way that our body has periods of decline in activity and, conversely, an increase in working capacity, - says Irina Kalashnikova. – Often, due to ordinary ignorance, we confuse this time. When it is necessary to rest - we seat the child to learn homework, when it would be necessary to gnaw at the granite of science - he walks. Few people know that the first wave of our activity falls from 9 am to 1 pm, the second - in the evening - from 4 pm to 7 pm. It is at this time that it is better to study, prepare homework, go to sections and circles.

Before drawing up the daily routine of the child, Irina Alekseevna advises parents to answer a few questions for themselves.

How well do I know my child?

Can you immediately answer how much time your child spends on morning exercises and breakfast, on the way to school, studying, doing homework? If yes - good, if not - watch him during the week, but not at the very beginning of the school year, when the homework has not yet been downloaded.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

Analyze how much additional circles and sections take up. Ideally, a week is advised to visit no more than three sports activities and two cognitive. And they should alternate with each other. Is the child busy? See if it can handle the load. If it is difficult for him, give up something, choose what you like more.

“Fearing that the child will wander around and fall into bad company, many parents try to keep their day as busy as possible. It’s impossible: a child, like any adult, should have personal time, but with all the hobbies he simply won’t be left, ”says the doctor.

Am I ready to stick to the regimen?

The best motivation for a student is the example of his own parents.

“Children are our mirror. If we say some words to a child, we must reinforce them with actions. Parents adhere to the regime - he pulls up after them. Not? He is perplexed: why should I do this then? – says Irina Kalashnikova. “By doing the same actions every day in turn, the child will soon develop a habit, and he will follow the regimen without any reminders.”

Will I be able to not get out of the mode on the day off?

“Let him sleep longer on the weekend, because he was tired for a week,” any mother will say. And instead of waking up the child at 7 in the morning, he will allow you to soak up the bed until 10-11, forgetting that you can’t get enough sleep for the future, but it’s easy to get off the regime.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky (archive)

“If you decide to stick to the regime, then do it every day. The daily routine has no holidays and weekends. And there is nothing wrong with getting up as usual. If you get tired, you can get some sleep during the day. Otherwise, what do we get: we got up at 7 in the morning all week, and at 11 on Saturday and Sunday. Such time jumps are a real stress for the body, the specialist explains. - You may have noticed how on the weekend you woke up at the same time as on a weekday, but decided to please yourself with a dream. And already waking up for the second time, you felt a little lethargic, drowsy, your head might ache.

These are the first consequences of oversleeping. We face the second on Monday.

“You think they say in vain: Monday is a hard day. Although it should be easy, because theoretically we are rested, with renewed vigor we go to work. It turns out everything is exactly the opposite: our body has to reorganize again according to the schedule that we knocked down on the weekend, ”says Irina Alekseevna.

7.00. The day begins

The daily routine by the hour is compiled individually for each child. The times for getting up, breakfast, lunch, dinner and sleep remain unchanged.

“Pupils of both the first and second shifts should wake up at 7:00 and go to bed at 20:30–21:00. High school students, due to their greater workload, go to bed a little later - at 22:00, at the latest - 22:30. Under no circumstances should you stay up until midnight. It's believed that best holiday for the brain from 21:00 to 00:00. It is at this time that he rests nervous system", - explains Irina Kalashnikova.

Other regime moments may differ slightly depending on the hobbies of children.

The daily routine of a student of the second shift is built a little differently. Changes in the daily routine will affect only the time of study and preparation of homework.

“Studying on the second shift does not mean that the child can sleep longer. He must also get up no later than 7:30,” Irina Kalashnikova is convinced.

Don't start doing homework right after school. After 20:00, performance decreases several times. Memory and nervous system are overloaded. Irina Alekseevna advises, if possible, to do homework in the morning, with a fresh mind:

“Of course, many parents worry that if they do not control the child, then in the morning he will not learn his lessons. In this case, I advise you to look at the state of the student. If he, having come in the evening from school and after a little rest, can sit down for lessons, study with him for a short time. Divide tasks into evening and morning. In the evening, help him deal with difficult objects, and in the morning leave those that he can handle on his own.

  1. When you hear the alarm, you can not immediately get out of bed. For a newly awakened organism, this is stress. It is better to stretch well, take a couple of deep breaths and exhale and slowly stand up.
  2. Morning should start with charging. It is enough to do a few exercises: sips, flexion-extension, circular rotations for the arms, shoulders, torso and legs. You can finish with walking in place and squats. 7-10 minutes is enough to relieve drowsiness and improve mood, because even during such a small amount of physical activity hormones of joy are produced - endorphins.
  3. Do not neglect breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most healthy breakfast - porridge. In oatmeal, unloved by many children, you can add nuts, raisins, dried apricots, pieces of fruit or berries. If the student does not want to eat, you need to look food acceptable to him: syrniki, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, pancakes with sour cream. At lunch, soup or borscht is required. The first hot dish will give a lot of energy, and the digestive juices produced will help the body absorb food more easily. Eat dinner three hours before bed. Preference should be given to easily digestible food: dairy products, cereals, stewed vegetables. If the child gets hungry and asks to eat before going to bed, he can be offered a light snack: a glass of kefir or an apple.
  4. After graduation everyone, from elementary schoolers to 11th graders, needs to take a break from school affairs. At a minimum, carve out an hour of rest, where there is no place for reading books and news, TV, computer and gadgets. Younger students can sleep or play, older students can take a walk in the fresh air.
  5. Doing homework, you need to adhere to the school rule: every 45 minutes take a ten minute break. You need to ventilate the room, walk around the house, do a couple of breathing and gymnastic exercises.
  6. What items to start with homework, you need to look at the child. If it is easy for him to gather and concentrate, then you can start with difficult ones, and leave the easiest tasks for a snack.
  7. The time that is spent on study on weekdays and homework preparation, Saturday and Sunday can be replaced by rest. With a little clarification: rest is not a synonym for idleness, but a change in the usual activity. You can go to an exhibition or festival, have a picnic, go somewhere, get creative. Do not forget about physical activity: cycling, rollerblading, swimming.
  8. A few hours before bedtime limit emotional stress, that is, pick up a calm, pacifying activity - a walk, drawing, music. No movies, noisy games, heavy music and the Internet. The so-called fragments of impressions that remain from such a pastime will affect sleep. Either it will be difficult for the student to fall asleep, or the dream will be restless and intermittent. There is little benefit from such a dream. In the morning, the child is unlikely to feel rested.

It is important to know that all rhythms are subject to a triple cycle. So, three times a day there is a decline in strength, three times a day they are on the rise.

Here is the ideal daily routine developed by chronobiologists:

5.00 - 6.00. Most best time for awakening. Now the first portion of hormones is being released from the adrenal glands. The most "main" among them is adrenaline. It accelerates the pulse and blood circulation, raises body temperature and blood pressure. The body is ready for a new day.

6.00 - 7.00. Morning exercises and a contrast shower at this time will bring the greatest benefit.

7.00 - 9.00. Time for breakfast. Your stomach is now on alert and able to quickly digest food and extract the most energy from it.

8.00. The best time for love. The highest level of sex hormones in the blood.

11.00 - 12.00. Do not overload the heart with physical activity: right now it is working at the limit of its capabilities. During this period, it is best to do quiet things.

13.00 - 14.00. Decline in biorhythms. The work will not go well, do not even try to do something. The best time for a lunch break.

14.00 - 16.00. Why are we so tempted to take a nap after dinner? The heart works slowly, the blood circulation of the brain and internal organs is also minimal. It is not for nothing that in hot countries it is at this time of the day that the siesta begins. We, unfortunately, do not provide for such a practice, so take up work that does not require mental effort. Now you will especially succeed in manual labor and needlework.

16.00 - 17.00. Energy is on the rise. Drink a cup of coffee to cheer up faster.

18.00. Peak for body muscles. Head to the fitness club. Right now, physical education will bring you the most benefit.

17.00 - 19.00. The bladder and kidneys are as active as ever. Drink plenty of fluids - it will help clear the urinary tract. During these hours, do not eat spicy and salty.

18.00 - 20.00. The best time for cosmetic procedures. The skin is the most susceptible to exposure.

19.00 - 20.00. If you're going to have dinner, hurry up. Everything that is eaten after 20.00 will accumulate in the form of body fat.

20.00. The best time to drink alcohol. In moderation, of course.

20.00 - 22.00. Our nervous system is vulnerable during these hours. Emotions are especially unstable. Now the loneliness is felt most acutely.

21.00 - 23.00. The body is getting ready for sleep. All processes slow down. There is a decline in mental and physical activity. TV, a book, a leisurely conversation - this will help you tune in to a night's rest.

00.00 - 05.00. The body regulates metabolism. He now needs complete rest. Waking up at this time is a direct threat to your beauty and health.

02.00. Vision drops. This is a dangerous time for drivers and train drivers who are forced to be on the road.

These simple rules are very easy to follow. And most importantly, your body will quickly adapt to them - after all, this is exactly what it needs. An ideal daily routine will allow you to harmonize your life, achieve significant success both in work and in your personal life.

The daily routine is a concept quite simple and accessible to everyone. But ease of definition does not mean that it is easy to use. After all, the correct daily routine depends on understanding your biorhythms, physiology. How to form it? What do you need to pay attention to? What rules and traditions did great people develop for themselves? How effective were these actions? Let's talk about how best to make a daily routine.

What is a daily routine?

The daily routine is the exact planning of actions from the moment you wake up until late in the evening. From childhood, they try to accustom us to a certain schedule of affairs. Our everyday life is shaped either by traditions that we invent ourselves or borrow from others. Sometimes they are helpful, other times they are a hindrance. For example, the habit of brushing your teeth is definitely beneficial. If, however, we are talking about regular smoke breaks, then it is better to get rid of such a tradition.

Generally, daily routine helps to structure all our tasks, having developed a clear sequence of their implementation. But can it be argued that the correct daily routine determines our effectiveness? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The fact is that everyone has their own individual rhythm of life. This is laid down at the genetic level, causing physiological characteristics and uniqueness. Therefore, some people are prone to long, monotonous work, while others are prone to tasks.

For example, the efficiency of one worker is determined by the number of parts produced. Such a person needs to clearly and methodically fulfill his duties in a strictly allotted time. Someone else is working on a massive political project. (insight) can visit him after a few months of reflection. But it will pay off ten times higher than the routine efforts of the first employee. These are two diametrically opposed models.

Most often, people need a certain daily routine. But even in this case, there is a division into "larks" and "owls". The first go to bed early and get up just as early. The circadian (daily) rhythm of the latter is shifted to wakefulness at a later time.

What are the benefits of a daily routine?

Organizing all aspects of your life has a number of benefits:

  • Normalization of the human psyche;
  • Increase in the general emotional background;
  • Health promotion;
  • Reduced fatigue and tendency to;
  • Education of perseverance, punctuality;
  • Improving overall efficiency;
  • Strengthening vital energy.

Unwritten rules, called "my daily routine", allow you to clarify your to-do list, not be distracted by everyday trifles, and accumulate energy to complete large-scale tasks.

How to create the perfect daily routine?

Let's take an average. The most optimal can be considered a schedule built in accordance with the light part of the day. Many physiological processes of the body depend on the Sun. So, the ideal daily routine from a scientific point of view:

  • 6.45 - cessation of production of melatonin (sleep hormone), awakening of the body, increased cerebral circulation;
  • 8.30 - activation of the digestive organs and intestinal motility;
  • 9.00 - peak testosterone levels (optimal time for sex);
  • 10.00 - improvement of brain activity (an excellent period for intellectual or creative work);
  • 12.00 - lunch time, recuperation;
  • 14.30 – increasing the speed of reaction and (it is possible to hold meetings or brainstorming sessions);
  • 17.00 - the peak of muscle strength and the work of the cardiovascular system (a good time for sports and physical activity);
  • 18.30 - maximum blood pressure indicators (it is better not to overload);
  • 19.00 - time for dinner and rest;
  • 21.00 - production of melanin, gradual preparation for sleep.

By the way, until one in the morning, a sleeping person produces substances that help fight obesity. The later someone goes to bed, the higher the likelihood of overweight problems.

The most important steps circadian rhythm can be considered sleep and food intake. Therefore, it is worth paying maximum attention to these aspects of your life. If you train yourself to go to bed at the same time, it will be much easier to follow the correct daily routine. It is necessary to create a certain schedule for eating food. If this can be streamlined, then more energy forces will remain for daily tasks.

It is desirable that the daily routine includes the following components:

  • Working activity;
  • Physical activity;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Complete nutrition;
  • Rest, recuperation;
  • Communication with friends and relatives.

If these components are present daily in a person’s life, we can say that he has an ideal daily routine.

What is the daily routine of great people?

Almost everyone has their own role models. We are interested in studying their life, learning secrets. It is likely that one of the recipes for their success is the correct daily routine. Although, not everyone would want to live in such a rhythm.

For example, French writer Gustave Flaubert was taken to write another work only at night. During the day, he was annoyed by any sounds. His compatriot, scientist and philosopher Rene Descartes slept at least ten hours a day, believing that excessive tension is harmful to the thought process.

American inventor, architect and designer Buckminster Fuller formed a very original . He fell asleep for a short time at any moment when he felt.

Another French writer Honore de Balzac in a burst of creativity, he could drink up to 50 cups of coffee in one day.

German composer Ludwig van Beethoven, after dinner he liked to take long walks, which sometimes took the whole day. Walking enthusiasts were Soren Kierkegaard and Benjamin Franklin.

Creative Day of the American Writer and Journalist Ernest Hemingway started at six in the morning and continued until noon. Then he stopped working, not returning to it until the next day.

You can criticize or disagree with such traditions, considering them bizarre. As mentioned earlier, the main thing is that a person draws up a daily routine that suits his rhythm of life. And it doesn’t matter how much he will work, what time he gets up and goes to bed. Much more important is the feeling and satisfaction. If they are, then everything is done correctly.