The art of relaxing emotionally and physically has been known since ancient times. In modern medicine, several different methodological groups relaxation, each of which is divided into many types and types.

How relaxation helps

For the first time, doctors paid attention to this method of treating diseases in the middle of the 20th century. At the initial stage of development, the technique was used to relieve nervous and muscle tension in mentally ill people. Subsequently, the beneficial effects of relaxation were also noted in physical ailments, which contributed to the wide dissemination of this unusual method of treatment in other areas of traditional medicine.

Relaxation is conditionally divided into three main types - this is mental relaxation, muscular and psychological. Each type contains several various techniques and ways of conducting relaxation sessions. To master the technique of relaxation is quite simple and within the power of both an adult and a child.

Choosing a relaxation method

The relaxation of the muscle tissues of the body is based on the change of periods of tension and rest. Muscle relaxation allows not only, but also to get rid of psychological phobias of any type, pain and momentary attacks of fear, panic, uncontrollable outbursts of anger.

Special exercises aimed at the interaction of a certain muscle group and its relaxation send a signal to the corresponding part of the brain, and there is a decrease or complete elimination of nervous and mental tension. In addition, nerve impulses can relieve pain, they stimulate the production of hormones that reduce sensitivity and block the effects of harmful substances and viruses.

Methods respiratory relaxation help saturate the blood with oxygen, enrich it with every cell of the body. In addition, during the performance of such exercises, breathing normalizes, which has a calming effect on the psyche. It has been scientifically proven that breathing exercises, which is one of the types of relaxation, can replace even potent psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers.

The ancient Chinese sages associated the quality of breathing with the quality and duration of human life and were absolutely right, because during the execution of relaxing respiratory movements, a variety of muscle groups work, the work of internal organs, the brain and even all layers of the epidermis is activated.

mental relaxation is the easiest way to relax. Everyone knows psycho-emotional training speeches aimed at increasing self-esteem, during which consciousness focuses on eliminating one or another internal or external problem.

Such classes can be carried out with a group of patients, individually and even independently. Psychologists recommend accompanying activities or sounds of nature.

Spa treatments will help you relax. Let's watch the video!

The ability to relax or perform relaxation is not only the basis of a vibrant and productive life, but also an art that you have to learn.

In order to always be at the peak of your abilities, you need to be able to restore strength, stabilize your emotional state, which, in turn, will help you minimize the level of stress in your life and successfully cope with any situations.

Relaxation methods. Relaxation Techniques

There are many ways and techniques of relaxation, which are based on:

  • Music,
  • Breath,
  • Visualization,
  • Various types of meditation
  • Deep meditation.

Anyone can master these techniques, and you can do it even at home, even during breaks at work.

Relaxation through music

Music is a very accessible tool, and the effect of listening to the right songs will please you. You can stay at home, turn on the records, and it will do its job - put you in a relaxing mood.

Music that immerses in a state of relaxation usually uses special harmonies that have a relaxing effect on the listener. The choice of tools is also important. Often among them there can be authentic ones, for example, Turkish ney or Indian sitar. Their sounds are so soothing that you will feel yourself being lulled by exotic melodies. And now I don’t even want to reach for the remote control to turn off the track and go to sleep.

Music first, then everything else.

Breathing practices

Another way is connected with breathing, concentration on it, full awareness of the process of inhalation and exhalation, feeling its warmth. This method is very effective, but it takes a little practice to really become part of your relaxation arsenal.

By doing conscious breathing or pranayama, you can achieve such amazing results that after a while it will be enough for you to take a couple of cycles of inhalations and exhalations to get into that state that is called deep relaxation.

Relaxation through visualization

Relaxation, built on visualization, includes the presentation of some kind of image, situation. It is important that they are positively colored. You can remember pleasant episodes from your life, perhaps it will be relaxation, landscapes of nature, images of mountains, reservoirs or heavenly places like the tropical beaches of the Maldives.

Any soothing, positively acting images will do, from one presentation of which you are transported to another reality. Imagine them in as much detail as possible, see if you are there in your visualization. If not, then add yourself there. This alone will allow you to merge with the visualized image and feel yourself in the presented picture.

This technique will not only help you relax well, but also improve your mood, uplift your spirit and help develop creativity. At creative people images from future creatures first of all arise in the head; great works begin to be created there, film scripts, plots of books and theatrical plays are written. Everything starts with ideas, and then gradually the thought-form materializes. But this will be discussed in the next article.

Meditation as a way to relax

Different types of meditation such as object meditation, dynamic meditation, zen, mindfulness meditation, vipassana course; they can all be great ways to get into a relaxed state. The principle of any meditation is based on the fact that the practitioner passes into another state of consciousness, and this is possible only when the proper degree of relaxation of the body and mind is achieved.

Although relaxation is one of the conditions for successful meditation, it is also its goal. Practicing meditation, you are even more immersed in it, disconnected from external stimuli and become extremely aware and receptive at a new level, plunging into a state of deep meditation.

Deep Meditation Leads to Complete Relaxation

This state is characterized by the fact that the rhythms of your brain activity gradually slow down, which allows the whole body to completely relax, unblock muscle clamps, relax to such an extent that your body becomes as if weightless. Other characteristics that describe this state are also possible: the body “dissolves” or, on the contrary, you feel how it becomes heavier; sensation of a light breeze around the head or in the region of the limbs. It can be cool or, conversely, warm.

When you begin to feel something like this, it means that you are on the right track, the body is sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation. The influence of beta brain waves is reduced, and the more you become aware of your body and sensations, the more beta rhythms will begin to give way to the alpha brain waves that we need.

Alpha rhythms of the brain

In ordinary life, everyone experienced in practice the impact of alpha rhythms on themselves. This is the state when you fall asleep. You are not yet asleep, but you are no longer awake. In this state, it is impossible to do things that require maximum return energy and focus on one thing. Consciousness is not fixed, it seems to be around you, it is able to register signals from the outside world, but internal judgments are turned off, access to the inner voice of criticism is not available, and this is good.

When you are in the alpha state, you can really recharge your energy for the whole day. Many practitioners of deep meditation have noticed that the more they relax, the more they feel the restorative, refreshing effect upon coming out of relaxation.

Relaxation exercises

One of the most effective and well-known exercises based on the technique of progressive relaxation is considered to be immersion in complete relaxation by focusing on your body, its individual parts. The implementation of this exercise is based on the fact that you consistently direct your consciousness to different parts of the body, primarily to the muscles. Starting with the muscles of the face and ending with the feet.

In order to achieve the effect of relaxation, you must first feel the muscles, that is, tense them, and then relax. And in this way you mentally pass through the whole body from top to bottom, and by the time you finish such an inspection, relaxation will be achieved. This is a very easy exercise, accessible to everyone.

The main thing is to allocate 15-20 minutes of free time, it is advisable to sit comfortably or even lie down. The place should be quiet and the lights dimmed. Nothing should distract you. The atmosphere is pleasant, music for relaxation sounds softly, you inhale and exhale deeply and slowly several times and you can start doing the exercise.

People like it so much that many then perform relaxation according to this technique every day before going to bed. After all, it relieves stress and prepares all body systems for sleep.

Practicing Yoga Nidra as a Method of Relaxation

Speaking of sleep, how not to recall the wonderful technique "", otherwise known as yoga for sleep. By the way, the first part of this practice just includes the exercise described above. It can be performed in different variations, for example, the process of relaxation and removal of muscle tension does not begin from the head and face, but from the fingers, but this does not change the essence of the matter. You are aware, you feel your body, coolness or warmth, tingling in the palms - this activates energy channels. Now that you are becoming more aware, your consciousness is open to the great flow of information coming through your body. Therefore, you feel much more signals passing through you.

This is the first stage that prepares you for the "nidra" itself, a state bordering between sleep and wakefulness. Properly performed relaxation will also lead to emotional relaxation, which, in turn, will open a channel for access to the world of the subconscious, where you can work with your emotional blocks and even effectively resolve many life situations. The mind is open, you have reached a deeper level of the subconscious, which leads you to deep relaxation.

Deep relaxation in the practice of "Yoga Nidra"

Immersion in deep relaxation is achieved by disconnecting external senses from external stimuli. It would be better to call it disidentification with the reality around you and immersion in inner world.

You are still at home, you are still aware of your "I", but your feelings are free from those images and objects that usually stimulate the work of consciousness. This is one of the goals of the practice - to bring you to yourself, to help you penetrate into the inner world, to connect with the deep layer of the psyche - the subconscious. This can only be done when the mind has been silenced. Real inner silence, where the mind ceases to conduct an internal dialogue, and the consciousness finally becomes accessible to the deposits of information that were not available in the past - any meditation begins with this.

Meditation as a method of deep relaxation

The purpose of most meditation is to stop the mind and still it. Such a goal is feasible if you have gone through the initial stages of relaxation. Maybe you have learned to relax by practicing visualization or progressive relaxation. You could chant mantras or concentrate and control your breath with breathing exercises. Whatever method you use, they all lead to the same thing - stopping the internal dialogue with yourself.

When silence reigns, real meditation begins. Having come to a state of inner silence, you also disconnect from your desires, which were once so significant for you; worries no longer excite - you can not remember this at all, since you parted with them even before the very entrance to deep meditation. Your consciousness is open to the universal mind. It is in this state that you practice Dhyana, the seventh step of Ashtanga yoga, when you merge with the image of your meditation.

This stage is preceded by Dharana - the practice of concentration on an object or image.

By moving your attention from one part of the body to another, being aware of it, as you did, using one of the relaxation techniques, you are simultaneously practicing Dharana.

Trataka, or the practice of gazing

Speaking of trataka, which, along with meditation, is also shatkarma, i.e., a purification technique, it must be emphasized that this is a fairly simple method of relaxation, based on the fact that the practitioner gazes at the chosen object (this may be a mandala, some kind of symbol or image) without looking away or blinking. At the same time, thoughts stop instantly, because the mechanism responsible for the work of thinking is closely related to the movement of the eyes.

The practice of trataka on a lit candle is especially popular because it can improve eyesight. But you need to start practicing carefully - so that the eyes gradually get used to this exercise.

Yoga for relaxation

The practice of yoga complexes is the best suited to bring the emotional state back to normal, balance feelings and relax the body. Yoga practitioners know that holding a pose and being relaxed at the same time is one of the main conditions in the practice of yoga, it also indicates the correct performance of asanas.

In order for the practice to bring the desired effect of relaxation, follow the main rules:

  • Prepare the room
  • Choose a set of asanas for practice,
  • During execution, focus on internal sensations,
  • Try to concentrate on your breath while holding the asana.

Benefits of performing asanas and relaxation of the soul

The complex of yoga asanas in terms of its effect on the body is interesting in that, depending on the time of the day when you practice, its effect on the body may vary. So, if you perform the complex in the morning, you warm up and energize for the whole day. If you perform asanas in the evening, they have a calming effect on the entire body as a whole, not only on the psyche.

Also, the achievement of the relaxation effect depends on the choice of asanas. For example, the Surya Namaskar complex is recommended to be done in the morning, and Chandra Namaskar in the evening. The sun - during the day, the moon - after sunset.

Analyzing the principle of the calming effect of asanas on the body, we come to a conclusion that is initially emphasized in the principles of hatha yoga: the importance of awareness and self-absorption. Concentration on internal sensations, breathing, in themselves create the effect of relaxation. So, performing a set of yoga exercises, you harmonize the work of the organs of not only the physical body, but also stabilize your psycho-emotional state.

The energies in the body are balanced, and the soul rests. Your body does the exercises, but the effect of the exercise is reflected in the soul, because the energy channels open, and in certain postures, the energies passing through the body are redirected. All this cannot but affect your state of mind. You stop worrying peace of mind is being restored. A balance between the physical and the emotional has been achieved.

Instead of an afterword

All of the above methods and ways to achieve a state of relaxation can be used both separately and together, creating your own set of exercises based on the techniques known to you. You can vary their use and choose those that are most effective for you.

Good luck in practicing the art of relaxation and creating a new image of yourself!

Since ancient times, man has learned to relax in all ways available to him. To date, several groups of relaxation methods can be distinguished, each of which has a rich content of various methods.

So, if you feel anxiety, fatigue, stress, we recommend that you use our relaxation techniques, which are available in execution, are simple, and do not require special training.

Relaxation techniques related to the body

The most common group of relaxation methods includes numerous systems of tension and relaxation of various muscles of the body. This is due to the fact that human nervous tension is one of the most energy-intensive processes during the period of activity. And since in the process of evolution, nervous tension was in close contact with muscle tension, one of the ways of neuropsychic relaxation is muscle relaxation, i.e. complete relaxation of the muscles of the body.

For the first time, the American physiologist E. Jacobson began to scientifically develop the method of muscle relaxation. He suggested that there is a direct relationship between skeletal muscle tone and various forms of negative emotional arousal (fear, anger, etc.). Jacobson created the system special exercises, progressive relaxation technique , which is a course of systematic training for arbitrary sequential relaxation of all muscles of the body. Here, the relaxation effect is not only the removal of muscle tone, but also the achievement of a relaxed neuropsychic state.

The Jacobson method is based on the fact that relaxation (relaxation) can best be felt immediately after tension. Therefore, all exercises consist of alternating periods of maximum tension and quickly followed by maximum relaxation of certain muscle groups. During these exercises, a person learns to distinguish, and then evaluate the degree of relaxation as a difference in stress.
In addition, active muscle contraction in itself is an additional impulse to achieve a deeper degree of relaxation than with various methods of self-hypnosis. By engaging in muscle relaxation, we actually achieve neuropsychic relaxation, as we relax and calm a vast area of ​​the cerebral cortex. That is why special attention in the Jacobson method is paid to exercises to relax the muscles of the face, hands and feet.

Exercise "Relaxation of hands" according to the method of E. Jacobson

  1. Sit down, make yourself comfortable and relax as much as you can. Now relaxed, clench your fingers right hand . Squeeze them tighter and tighter, exploring the feeling of tension as you squeeze. Feel the tension in your hand, as well as the tension in your arm and forearm. Now relax. Let the fingers of your right hand relax. Note the difference in sensations. Now allow yourself to relax even more. Once again, tightly clench your hand into a fist. Leave her like this. Feel the tension again. Now release the tension, relax, let your fingers straighten. Notice the difference again. Now do the same with the left hand.
  2. Clench both fists tightly and strongly, feel the tension in the hands. Explore this sensation and relax. Straighten your fingers and feel relaxed. Keep relaxing your arms.
  3. Now bend your elbows and tighten your biceps. Tighten them harder and focus on the feeling of tension. Now straighten your arms. Relax them and feel the difference again. Let the relaxation process continue. Now tighten your biceps again. Keep the tension and study it carefully. Straighten your arms and relax. Relax to the max. Every time you tense up and relax, pay attention to the sensations.
  4. Now straighten your arms, straighten them so that you feel the tension in the triceps properly.. Straighten your arms and feel the tension. Relax again. Let your hands be in a comfortable position. Let the relaxation process flow freely. A feeling of pleasant heaviness should spread over the arms as they relax. Straighten your arms again so that you feel the tension in the triceps. Feel the tension and relax.
  5. Now focus only on relaxing in your arms, withoutany tension. Let your hands get into a comfortable position and relax - more and more. Keep relaxing your arms.

Muscle relaxation technique according to E. Jacobson is a whole science. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, as well as with other exercises of this technique, by clicking on the link:

The second most important relaxation method associated with the physical body, which is used by all people without exception - this is a dream. Sleep is the body's natural way of neutralizing the activity and arousal that is characteristic of the waking period, and thereby protecting the cells of the cerebral cortex from depletion. Timely, full sleep could be called the best means of rest, relaxation and complete recuperation. By the way, exercises according to the Jacobson method can be performed immediately before going to bed, which will provide a deeper relaxation of all body systems.

The excellent methods of relaxation associated with the body also include all kinds of water procedures - bathing, bathing, and different kinds massage.

Relaxation techniques related to breathing

Breath is the most important process in the human body. Thanks to him, our blood is saturated with oxygen, then nourishing every cell. In addition, breathing is related to the work of our nervous system, because almost always “calm down” means to establish deep, even and unhurried breathing.

In a state of stress, anxiety, fear or anger, our breathing becomes shallow, convulsive. We do not have time to breathe properly, as the whole body is blocked by negative experiences. Accordingly, the body does not receive enough oxygen, and various diseases develop, loss of strength, premature aging, etc. occur. Therefore, it is especially important for each person to master the technique of deep or complete breathing, when not only the chest, but also the lower abdomen is involved in the process of inhalation and exhalation. With such a full breath, the body automatically reaches a state of relaxation, thoughts are ordered, and excitement disappears.

There is another important feature of breathing. Since ancient times, oriental sages knew that the duration of breathing is directly related to the duration of human life. The longer the inhalations and exhalations, the more we can live. Therefore, anyone who wants to stay healthy for many years needs to train their breathing using special techniques.

There are various breathing exercises, both those that came from Eastern yogic systems and medicine, and those developed by modern specialists. Their common goal is to harmonize the process of breathing, increase the access of oxygen to the cells of the body and, as a result, contribute to the healing of the whole organism.

Exercise "5 + 5"

Take five completely free breaths, trying to feel how your stomach moves and the abdominal muscles relax. Then take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. During the next four, as deep breaths as possible, tighten the corresponding muscle groups and relax them as you exhale: leg muscles (second inhalation-exhalation), muscles of the arms and upper body (third inhalation-exhalation), jaw and chewing muscles (fourth inhalation-exhalation) , abdominal muscles (fifth breath-exhalation).

You can do this simple exercise any time you feel the need. Others will not even notice what you are doing.

Exercise "Relaxation + breathing"

Take the most comfortable position, straighten your back, close your eyes. Your breathing should be spontaneous. Focus on the abdominal muscles. Imagine that the air first fills the abdominal cavity, and then the chest and lungs. Take a full breath, then several calm exhalations in a row (not jerks). Now calmly, without straining, take a new breath.

Pay attention to which parts of your body are in contact with the chair, floor, bed, or ground. In those parts of the body where the surface on which you sit is supporting you, try to feel this support a little more.

Imagine a chair (floor, bed, ground) being lifted up to support you. Relax the muscles (hips, back, abdomen, buttocks) that support you.

Exercise "Twenty Healing Breaths"

Lying in bed or sitting in an armchair, take a comfortable position - the position of maximum relaxation, dropping the "clips from the muscles."

Then, in the rhythm of fading breathing, mentally say up to 20 times: “I ... calm down.” And while inhaling, you should say “I”, while inhaling - “calm down”.

Relaxation techniques related to mental activity

This large and popular group of relaxation techniques harnesses the power of the human mind. The most famous method is autogenic training or auto-training (self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis).

Autotraining indispensable in our turbulent times and allows you to overcome nervous tension and stress, strengthen physical and psychological health. This method is especially suitable for those people who have rational thinking.

primary goal auto-training - to ensure a decrease in emotional tension underlying many neurotic conditions. With the help of auto-training, a state of deep relaxation (relaxation) and concentration is achieved, in which the mind focuses on what you want to change. In a state of autogenic immersion, a person can control organs and systems that are not subject to the mind in the usual state. Auto-training is carried out both individually and (more often) in groups of up to 10-12 people. The main technique of auto-training is the mental repetition of six verbal formulas (repeat each "formula" up to 7 times) that describe the state of relaxation.

  • The first formula is related to severity: "my arms and legs are quite heavy".
  • The second formula is with heat: "my hands and feet are very warm".
  • Third formula "The heart beats calmly and evenly."
  • The fourth formula is "breathing is calm and even."
  • The fifth formula is "Heat spreads in the solar plexus."
  • Sixth - "I feel a coolness in my forehead."

Usually, the auto-training course includes 8-12 sessions, it is possible to conduct auto-training under the guidance of a psychotherapist, and then independent autogenic training continues. The most important thing in order to achieve success is to practice daily, combining perseverance with faith in your strengths and capabilities.

AT recent times the method of verbal self-hypnosis (affirmations) has gained immense popularity. affirmations - these are verbal formulas compiled according to certain principles (they use only positive expressions, there is no “not” particle, the present tense is used, the formulas are pronounced in the first person, etc.). For example, "Everything is good in my life, I feel harmony and peace." With the help of affirmations that need to be repeated many times, you can achieve the effect of calmness and relaxation of the mind and body.

For those who have a vivid imagination, the method of creating mental images. Images have great power: they can cause completely different states, from sadness to joy, from complete relaxation to the mobilization of all forces. It is important to find "your" image that will lead you to the desired state. Beautiful and bright pictures, presented by our mind, help to fill with positive emotions, relax and relax the soul.

The most effective images for relaxation are when you, for example, bask on a soft feather bed, sway on a fluffy cloud, lie on the seashore or take a warm, pleasant bath. Even a fleeting immersion in such a comfortable situation has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. When applying a mental image, it is important to better consider all the details, to feel all the sensations associated with it. With a successful training, after a while it will be enough for you to just remember your image, and the body at the level of muscle memory will itself reproduce the state of relaxation.

Relaxation through affirmations or mental images goes well with muscle relaxation techniques.

Art-Related Relaxation Techniques

One of the main tasks of art is to give the soul joy and peace. The relaxation effect can be achieved by listening to specially selected music, viewing paintings, photographs of natural landscapes, videos, etc.

In addition, you can achieve relaxation by viewing special images to relax the eye muscles. Such pictures automatically calm the neuropsychic activity, gradually bringing the brain and the whole body to a state of relaxation.

All kinds of methods associated with dance movements also contribute to physical and neuropsychic relaxation. Movement to music at the same time as pleasant communication supports positive emotions. The combination of music and lighting effects enhances the impact on the biocurrents of the brain. These methods can complement each other - for example, using music and pictures or videos at the same time is very effective.

Singing is also an excellent anti-stress method - a singing person can be much more relaxed and harmonious. It is especially good to sing when no one is listening to you - this way you can more fully express the whole gamut of feelings associated with the song and with your own internal state. At the same time, tension goes away and peace comes in its place.

Relaxation methods related to lifestyle and perception of reality

Laughter is a natural and indispensable way to relax and maintain a positive attitude. Laughter therapy as a psychotherapeutic direction is rapidly developing today. Laughter causes a reaction in our body, which contributes to the healing of the whole organism. All muscles first contract, then relax. Breathing and pulse speed up temporarily, due to which the blood is enriched with oxygen. And brain cells reduce their sensitivity to pain. In addition, they produce endorphins - substances that destroy pain and bring pleasure. Laughter therapy is directly related to our perception of ourselves and the surrounding reality: the more funny we find in ourselves or in the current situation, the more resistant we become to stress and adverse influences.

It also has a beneficial effect on a person being in nature - on the coast of the sea or lake, at the foot of the mountains, in a shady forest. If it is not possible to be alone with nature for several days, then you can at least recreate a corner of it at home or in your office - plant flowers and indoor trees, start an aquarium, arrange a mini-waterfall, etc. Sounds, colors and smells of wildlife are one of the most powerful and effective means to achieve complete relaxation.

Relaxation Techniques Related to Spiritual Teachings

Today, many ancient spiritual teachings and healing techniques are being revived and gaining popularity. Proper adherence to one or another system of spiritual improvement contributes to the general calming of the body, soul and spirit - after all, as a rule, work is carried out at three levels: physical, energy and mental. The use of bioenergetic practices, meditations, yoga exercises also leads to the achievement of complex relaxation.

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The article was prepared by: clinical psychologist - E. O. Shakhrai

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Everyone needs to relax from time to time! Relaxation is not just useful, but necessary! Of course, there are many ways that you can resort to relax: massage, special relaxation sessions, tea ceremonies, baths, etc. And here a paradox arises: those people who need relaxation the most - there is no time to attend such events. The busier a person is, the more often he needs relaxation, but the less opportunity he has to seek professional relaxation.

Therefore, it is important to be able to organize relaxation for yourself! This article is about home relaxation techniques. There are many ways, in the article I will cover only a few.

First, let me tell you a little about items that help you relax. They can be used with any method of relaxation.

Candles: regular or scented. Promote relaxation in any way. The soft light emanating from the flames relaxes, helps to remove unnecessary thoughts, unload the mind. No wonder fire is included in the list of things that you can look at endlessly! When using them, you must follow an important rule: no matter how much you relax, observe fire safety!

Aromatics (sticks, oils, etc.) are great helpers for relaxation. They help set the tone and mood. For relaxation by any means, comfort and good mood, namely, aromatic agents contribute to them. They will help you fully relax, no matter how you do it.

Music. Not every one fits. We need a smooth, slow, calm. Better - instrumental, without words. The musical background is suitable for all types of relaxation, in any form. Fortunately, in our age technical progress there are many ways to listen to melodies, even from your phone!

important and situation in which you practice relaxation. It is useful to give only yourself at least 5 minutes! You should not be distracted by anyone, only in this way you can truly relax. It is desirable that no one was at home, or household members should be warned that you should not distract you for some time. It's better to turn off your phone.

Ways to relax at home

Method 1. Warm bath. Water has a calming effect. Relax and sounds flowing water, and sensations, and comfortable temperature. For relaxation in this way, special cosmetics are great: bath foam, salt, aroma oils. If taking a bath is a way of relaxation for you, you should not do anything else during the process: read, dig into your phone or tablet. Relax and enjoy! Water helps physical relaxation. And in order to relax as well as possible with your soul, you can use auxiliary means. For example, essential oils. They can be used in different ways: added to water, heated in special vessels to flavor the room. Oils ideal for this type of relaxation: lavender, orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, frankincense, bergamot, mandarin, mint, rose, marjoram. Their scent is so relaxing! Concentrated oils should be used carefully: they are added to water in small quantities. In no case do not allow contact with eyes!

Method 2. Tea drinking. Many varieties of tea relax the body: soul and body. To have a tea party-relaxation, you need to create the appropriate atmosphere. There are no small things here! It is necessary to literally get high from relaxation! You must like the cups, and the teapot, and the table that you use! And sit, or maybe lie down in a comfortable position. Brew certain types of teas! It is known that some varieties have a tonic effect. Teas can help you relax: milk oolong, Tie Guan Yin, Red Shuyaxian, light oolong, dark oolong. A variation of this method of relaxation is brewing and drinking herbal decoctions. Plants can relax you: chamomile, mint, lemon balm, viburnum, St. John's wort, crushed valerian root. Herbs and fruits can be used individually or in combination. Several ways to prepare drinks that help to relax: 1). Chamomile flowers and mint / lemon balm leaves in a 50/50 ratio. 2). A teaspoon of St. John's wort with the addition of 3-4 viburnum berries per glass of boiling water. Brew 5 - 10 minutes. 3). In equal proportions, mix chamomile, mint (melissa) and valerian root, pour boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Honey can be added to all drinks! After relaxing in this way, you need to give yourself time to rest in order to recover. Don't run away to do great things! Return to the familiar world gently and gradually.

Method 3. Mental relaxation. For this way of relaxation, the environment is especially important! Arrange your space so that everything around you helps you relax! Dim the lights, light candles, put on melodious music (or the sounds of nature as an option), use incense. Position yourself in the most comfortable way, start relaxing smoothly, from top to bottom. Feel the support under you, feel how conveniently the limbs are located. Support is felt under the feet, they are relaxed. Close your eyes. Start relaxing from your shoulder muscles. Feel your shoulders relax, become warm and heavy. Imagine that a pleasant warmth spreads from the shoulders throughout the body, descending into the arms. Feel how your arms relax: from your shoulders to your elbows, then to your wrists. Relax your hands, each finger on your hands. Pay attention to your breath! It is smooth and free, it relaxes you... Feel the warmth spreading in your chest, solar plexus, stomach. From the abdomen it spreads to the legs. Relax your legs: thighs, knees, shins, ankles, feet. Feel your feet become warm and heavy. Feel your heels and toes relax. Pay attention to the back. Feel the shoulder blades, relax them. Feel how the neck, the back of the head, the place between the shoulder blades relax. Relax your facial muscles! Feel your cheeks, cheekbones, chin. Eyelids get heavy, eyelashes stick together, eyes relax... Now that you are completely relaxed - imagine a mental image, imagine what pleases you! See in front of you beautiful picture(meadow, stream, house, sea, clouds)! The image can be realistic, or fantastic, as you like! Stay in this place. Continue relaxing in a mental way for as long as necessary. You can take a nap. Sleep after this method of relaxation refreshes and gives strength!

Method 4. Respiratory relaxation. Of course, creating an atmosphere will help this method. But this is optional. Take a comfortable position: sitting or lying down. This relaxation method takes about 5 minutes. Just breathe. You just need to breathe in a certain way! First, belly. Inhalations and exhalations should be full, long, deep. Lying on your back, this method of relaxation is easier to indulge in. Place one hand on your stomach, above your navel, and the other on your chest. Look at your hands as you breathe. The upper hand rests motionless on the chest. Lower - rises when inhaling and falls when exhaling. While inhaling, count to 5. Exhale slowly, also counting to 5. Continue exhaling until all the air has left the lungs. Feel your body relax! Imagine that with each breath you are filled with strength and energy, and with the exhalation, sorrows, problems, resentments leave you. This method of relaxation is good because it can be done quickly, in almost any environment. It is very useful to carry out such relaxation before going to bed.

Of course, These methods can be combined with each other! For example, after a hot bath, you can arrange yourself with respiratory or mental relaxation, or right during the bath you can drink a drink that helps to relax. You can supplement the mental relaxation with breathing. It is possible to combine methods in any order and any combination.

Whatever relaxation method you prefer, relax regularly! And share your experience and best practices on the forum at the link below!

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